Thursday, December 30, 2010

Radio Heritage - 150 Donors Needed

Just imagine the loss if someone didn't take care of the stuff connected to radio broadcasting..the stories, tape recordings, photos, memorabilia and all the bits and pieces that continue to daily help shape our popular culture....and if you couldn't share and enjoy these things for free.

Here at the Radio Heritage Foundation we've done this out of our own pockets for over 5 years, but our bank manager says no more, operational costs have to come from elsewhere in 2011. We want to keep the site free and add much more from the boxes of tapes, directories, old radio programs, photos and other stuff that keeps stacking up on a daily basis.

Please visit now and use the donation button in the feature '150 Sponsors Underwrite Operating Costs in 2011'. When 150 people donate US$100 each, we can cover 85% of our overheads for the year, even US$40 will sponsor one day so you can see that you can personally make a big difference right now.

Former DJ Keith Richardson has entrusted us with a lifetime collection of recordings, read his story at Your donation will help us catalog and digitize his many hours of tapes, so we can share a rare insight into 1960's pop culture.

Your donation helps cover the costs of storing and researching nearly 100,000 tapes, cassettes, QSL cards, and other radio memorabilia items; office expenses like printer cartridges, postage, paper, travelling to protect and save materials from destruction, and all the other expenses that add up over a year so that we can continue sharing material through our website.

Governments are slashing budgets and radio stations themselves are focussed on financial survival and see no reason to meet these costs. That leaves it up to people like you and I and we know it's been a tough year for many people.

When we know our 2011 operational costs are covered, we can also go ahead with plans to relaunch the website so that our volunteer editors can start adding a massive backlog of features, stories, research papers, photos and audio as well as a digitized catalog of thousands of QSL cards and other memorabilia.

Please go to and donate now, with 150 donations of US$100 we will meet 85% of the annual running costs, and even US$40 will cover one day. That's just 27 cents a day.

Radio moves our hearts and minds, informs and entertains us and is part of the fabric of our daily lives. Hundreds of people like you have helped us with donations, buying books and CDs and contributing to our library and collections. Help us honor this trust again in 2011.

This holiday season we hear of earthquakes, wild storms, floods, snow blizzards and civil unrest across the world, and keeping a radio by your side has never been more vital to our safety. Our radio guides can help save lives and with your help we'll expand them in 2011.

A donation of US$100 from 150 people supporters like you will meet most of our operating costs in 2011, US$40 will sponsor a complete day. and you can do this today by going to and using our donation button there.

Thank you for joining us in 2011 and making it possible for us to continue to keep this website free to use for everyone, and to keep bringing together our radio heritage, popular culture and nostalgia for all to enjoy. Please ask your friends and colleagues to visit as well.

David Ricquish, Chairman, Radio Heritage Foundation PO Box 20024, Newtown, Wellington 6242, New Zealand.

PS.....Our annual report and accounts are available through the Charities Commission link at the bottom of every page at Unsubscribe by emailing with 'Unsubscribe' in the subject header. We're registered as a non-profit organization [charity] and New Zealand residents can get a one-third tax refund for donations. For example, a NZ$150 donation qualifies for a NZ$50 refund.

Please make an online donation here today -

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Article on visit to Ravenshaw Radio 90.4 Cuttack

Article on visit to Ravenshaw Radio 90.4 Cuttack :

or, download using this link :


Jose Jacob, VU2JOS
National Institute of Amateur Radio
Raj Bhavan Road, Hyderabad 500082, India
Telefax: 91-40-2331 0287 Cell: 94416 96043

Friday, December 24, 2010

Gunaz Radio

Starting December 29, 2010, a new radio station will start broadcasting on shortwave. It concerns Gunaz Radio, a new service from Gunaz TV.

Gunaz Radio will broadcast daily from 1430-1930 UTC on 7510 kHz in the 41 meter band.

For more information, visit

(Ludo Maes via TDP list)

Talks begin on new frequency allocation plan

Published: Friday, Dec 24, 2010, 2:59 IST
By Nivedita Mookerji Place: New Delhi Agency: DNA

At a time when spectrum has assumed a different meaning altogether in the backdrop of the alleged 2G scam, industry stakeholders in the telecom and broadcasting sectors deliberated on who should be allotted what frequency band here on Thursday.

Among those crossing each others' path are Amateur Radio Society of India and state-owned All India Radio (AIR).

More at :

Unusually good VHF Propogation in South India

Dear Friends,

Do try out the VHF Band and we here at Bangalore are getting the VU2TCD - Trichangud repeater 59+ and not just hear but work with simple quarter wave whip of my car which I have never been able to trigger and bearly hear from 3rd floor rooftop !!!

Bangalore Boys are happy lot to even try UHF with successful reports. Stations from Madurai can work Bangalore !!!

Right time to do Hilltopping DXpedition.

Best of 73's
de Lion Ajoy VU2JHM

(Via vuhams list)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sri Lanka to go digital by 2017

Sri Lanka's terrestrial broadcasting system will be fully converted to digital by 2017, Mass Media and Information Minister Keheliya Rambukwella has said, the Daily News reports.

More at :

A radio service for the blind, by the blind

In a unique initiative, Dehradun would start a first-of-its-kind FM radio service for the visually impaired. A group of 15-20 partially and completely visually impaired members would run the radio station.
Read the full story here :

Ravenshaw Radio 90.4 Cuttack testing

I am in Odisha now deputed by NIAR to particpate in Mock Drill at Cyclone Shelter.

While travelling through Cuttack the other day, on my cellphone radio, I heard some 90.4 MHz but could not identify it. The next day while travelling through Cuttack again, checked the frequncy and got id as "Revinsa Radio". Upon calling on the announced telephone number got information that they had restarted testing from previous day ie 16 Dec 2010 ! It is the Community Radio station of Ravenshaw University, Cuttack. The correct name is "Ravenshaw Radio", also visited the station later .

More info at :

(Jose Jacob from Bhubaneswar via dx_india list)

Taipei Celebrates Radio History

The National Taiwan Museum in Taipei is mounting an exhibit of the past century of Chinese audio.

More at :

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Updated list of Indonesian SW stations

Daily Monitoring Report of Indonesian Radio Station by A.Ishida, Japan :

(Thanks to Sei-ichi Hasegawa)

AIR Employees call off 3 day strike

Employees of Akashvani and Doordarshan on Saturday said they have called off their proposed 72-hour strike that was to take place from December 13 to 15. According to sources, the National Federation of Akashvani and Doordarshan Employees (NFADE) has agreed to defer its 72-hour boycott of duties, which was to be effective from December 13, 2010.

Full story at :

FRS on air Dec. 12th 2010

Hello FRS Friends,

This is a reminder informing you that FRS-Holland will be on air Sun Dec. 12th 2010 on 6401 kHz/ 48 metres between 07.52-14.00 UTC. It regards a complete repeat of our second Anniversary broadcast which took place two weeks ago on Sun November 28th. Correct reception reports will be verified with our November QSL, as part of the FRS 30th Anniversary Series. Our trilogy will be completed on Sunday January 16th 2011.

Tune in for much radio fun on a Sunday....

All the best, FRS Team

a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....

POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

e-mail: frs.holland @
e-mail: frs @

Friday, December 10, 2010

Greenland closes SW and MW on Feb 11 2011

On February 11 2011 at 8 AM local time all medium wave stations carrying KNR (Radio Greenland) - Upernavik (810 kHz), Uummannaq (900 kHz), Qeqertarsuaq (650 kHz), Nuuk (570 kHz) og Simiutaq (720 kHz) - will be switched off for good, and the transmitters will be dismantled. On the same day the relays of KNR newscasts twice daily via Tasiilaq 3815 kHz will also cease.

The decision has been taken by the Ministry of Housing, Infrastructure and Transport in the Government of Greenland.

After February 11 2011 KNR will only be available via Low Power FM-radio in inhabited areas of Greenland. Thus no coverage of the waste country outside the towns and villages - and KNR will no longer be available for the fishermen at sea nor the Inuit population in Canada.

The decision was made because the transmitters were getting old and too costly to maintain. Besides - very few people are using the MW transmissions.

Weather forecasts will be available for fishermen and others via VHF coastal radio.

At a point it was considered replacing the aging MW transmitters with one or two new SW AM-transmitters near Nuuk, but it was estimated that it would cost 4 million DKK (535.000 euro) to establish such a new SW operation. It was also felt that few listeners would invest in a SW receiver and the quality would be 'doubtful' - suffering from 'atmospheric phenomena'. So these plans were given up.

Full report (in Danish) here:

Best 73s
Stig Hartvig Nielsen
(via mwdx yg)

Thursday, December 09, 2010

DRM Newsletter 12/2010

Read the newsletter here :

Main stories :

- Great interest in DRM+ trial and workshop in Sri Lanka
- Canada's Digital Radio Future
- German DRM Platform Meet in Hamburg
- Australia considering DRM option
- DRM close to adoption in Russia
- European Radio Spectrum Policy Group reports on the Future of Radio

Successful DRM+ Trial in the Asia-Pacific Region

The DRM Consortium completed a very successful DRM+ trial and workshop in Sri Lanka last week.

Winter SWL Fest - Online registration & hotel booking now available!

You can now register for the 2001 Fest via PayPal and also reserve your hotel room at the special Winter SWL Fest rate online as well.

For details, check out the Winter SWL Fest 2011 update page at :

See you in 85 days (give or take...)

Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA USA

(Via ODXA List)

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Voice of Russia plans to expand in India

The Russian government’s international radio service, Voice of Russia, plans to expand its FM broadcasts in India, The Hindu reports.
Read the full story here :

Police seize radios in Binga

By Alex Bell
07 December 2010

Police have seized shortwave radios in Binga, in what appears to be a countrywide campaign to stifle the voice of the exiled independent media ahead of elections.
Full story at :

The Story of Radio

The Story of Radio by VOA Special English

Tuesday, December 07, 2010


With the onset of winter foggy days are back in Delhi with enhanced conditions on FM bands.
This morning logged foll AIR stations alongwith some pvt ones & from Nepal.

100.4 - Bareiley
101.3 - Aligarh
101.5 - Sawai Madhopur
102.1 - Mussourie
102.3 - Hissar
103.1 - Alwar
107.2 - Kasauli

AIR Alwar ID at 0335 UTC :

Related news :

Monday, December 06, 2010

TDP DRM Transmissions starting today 6th December 2010 from Montsinery

FYI, please find down after an official info I got from TDF regarding TDP transmissions from MSY starting today 20101206:

Frequency = 17755 kHz
Antenna Configuration = Rotatable Toucan 4/4
Antenna Azimuth = 311°
Time = 20.00-21.57 UTC
TX RMS Power = 100 kW DRM
DRM mode = B
Bandwidth = 10 kHz
MSC = 64 QAM
CR = 0,6
Audio Encoding : AAC + SBR + PS


- from 20.00 to 21.00 UTC = "The Disco Palace"
- from 21.00 to 21.57 UTC = "TDPradio"

Regards / 73

(Via drmna list)

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Voice of Russia coming to Chennai

In an effort to expand its footprint in India, Russia's veteran radio station Voice of Russia is planning to launch FM broadcasts in Chennai, the company's head said.

"We have plans to increase our presence in India and are currently looking for a partner in Chennai to broadcast in the FM band," Voice of Russia president Andrei Bystritsky told The Hindu.

Voice of Russia began broadcasting in the FM space in India earlier this year, partnering with Fever 104 FM.

One or two-hour programmes about Russia in Hindi, interlaced with Russian and Indian songs, are at present broadcast in Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata.

In the South, Voice of Russia is already present in Bangalore on 104 FM. The radio network also broadcasts to South Asia in Hindi and Urdu on short and medium waves from its Moscow studios, and in Bengali on the internet.

Full story at :

(Jose Jacob, VU2JOS via dx_india list)

Friday, December 03, 2010

Special event stations to commemorate birth anniversary of Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose

To commemorate 152nd birth anniversary of Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose (1858-1931), "Father of Radio Communication", Indian Hams are going to operate using special call-signs.

For 2010 operations please QSL as per operator instructions as there will be more than one operator using the same call sign from different locations :

Stations using different special call signs for 2010 :

4) VU3DJQ - AU8JCB QTH: NEW DELHI LOC:ML88nu (Till 13th Dec)
5) VU2OB - AU8JCB QTH: NEW DELHI LOC ML88nu (Till 13th Dec)

Digital broadcasting revolution, where does radio stand?

By: Issa Sikiti da Silva

As the whole analogue world is gripped by the arrival of digital broadcasting, much of the debate and discussions have focused on digital television and how it will affect people and businesses.

The first DRM+ trial in the Asia-Pacific Region takes off

The two-day DRM+ technical trial conducted in Colombo on 29-30 November. The DRM Consortium has joined forces with the ABU, SLBC, Deutsche Welle, and Leibniz University-Hannover to run the trial and showcase it to the broadcasters and the radio industry. One of the SLBC FM transmitters in Colombo was used for the trial.

Brief report & photo's at :

Thursday, December 02, 2010

BBC-DW DRM log on 5845 last night

(click on the screen shot to enlarge)

BBC-DW DRM LOG ON 5845 kHz on 1st Dec 2010

Radio Bulgaria 9700 was no show

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

World Radio TV Handbook 2011

Title page image from WRTH 2011
World Radio TV Handbook 2011
Published 3 December 2010 - Order your copy today!

We are delighted to announce the publication of the 2011 edition of WRTH. Visit our website at to find out more and to order a copy.

I hope you enjoy using this new edition.

Nicholas Hardyman


Our mailing address is:
WRTH Publications Ltd 8 King Edward Street Oxford, OXON OX1 4HL

Our telephone:
+44 (0)1865 514405

Copyright (C) 2010 WRTH Publications Ltd All rights reserved.

Newsroom of AIR Jammu fully modernized after 39 years

The fully revamped and modernized newsroom of All India Radio, Jammu was inaugurated at a simple but impressive function held at the premises of All India Radio Jammu today.

Full story at :

Monday, November 29, 2010

AIR B10 SW schedules

Updated B-2010 schedules of All India Raduo is now available as follows:

SW Frequency wise:

External Service (Time wise):

External Service (language wise):


Jose Jacob, VU2JOS
National Institute of Amateur Radio
Raj Bhavan Road, Hyderabad 500082, India
Telefax: 91-40-2331 0287 Cell: 94416 96043

(Via dx_india list)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

SLBC backs digital radio forum in Colombo

Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) is supporting pioneering efforts to introduce cutting edge technology that would take radio broadcasting in Asia to the digital era. The Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) Consortium has announced a DRM+ trial and workshop in Colombo to boost these initiatives.
The consortium is joining forces with the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (TRC), SLBC and Germany’s international broadcaster Deutsche Welle and the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) to run a trial of DRM+ and showcase its benefits.

Full story at :

Monday, November 22, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Noel Curran is new Director-General of RTÉ

The Chairperson of the RTÉ Board, Tom Savage, has announced that the RTÉ Board has, with the consent of the government and the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, appointed Noel Curran as the next Director-General of RTÉ.

In announcing the appointment the Chairperson, Tom Savage, said: "This appointment follows an exceptionally intensive and exhaustive international recruitment process. Noel Curran honed his award-winning skills as a journalist first in print and then in broadcasting. He has produced both Current Affairs and Entertainment with distinction. He was Managing Director of Television through seven years of creative change."

"Noel has the editorial acumen, the cultural assurance, and the business flair to lead RTÉ into a new era of public service. In these especially challenging times, I am very pleased to announce his appointment and I wish Noel well as Director-General."

Noel Curran said: "I am absolutely delighted to be appointed Director-General. RTÉ has a unique role and a unique responsibility in Irish life. It also has a unique relationship with its audience. Whatever challenges lie ahead, I hope to see that bond strengthened."
(Source : RTE)

BBG Broadcasts Attract Large Audiences in Key Countries

U.S. international broadcasters continue to draw large global audiences on radio, television, and the Internet in key countries, according to the newest Broadcasting Board of Governors' (BBG) Performance and Accountability Report released today.

Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Indonesia, and Burma are among countries where the five entities under the BBG reached substantial audiences in 2010. The BBG broadcasters are increasingly popular in conflict-prone regions and those that lack reliable sources of news and information.
Expanded transmissions, new television offerings and additional affiliate distribution platforms helped to increase audiences.

In Afghanistan, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty's (RFE/RL) Radio Azadi and Voice of America's (VOA) Afghan service reach 65% of adults, including in remote tribal areas. In Burma, the BBG's first-ever national survey found that more than eight million people tune in to
Radio Free Asia (RFA) and VOA. The U.S. is the leading international broadcaster in Iran, with the VOA's popular Persian News Network and RFE'/RL's Radio Farda. In Iraq, Alhurra TV reaches 66% of adults each week, and Radio Sawa is the second most popular radio station in the country. In Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim-majority nation, VOA reaches more than 25 million people weekly.

The BBG is delivering news to growing audiences on the Internet, via text messaging and new media platforms, continuing its active outreach to young audiences, independent bloggers and nascent social networks around the world. The largest BBG Internet audiences are in Iraq, Mogadishu, Somalia, Kuwait, and Oman.

Overall, the report finds that more than 165 million people turn to U.S. international broadcasts across media platforms every week and that most consistently find programming consistently highly reliable and informative.

The figure is a decrease from the BBG's 2009 audience estimate of 171 million people. The report notes that U.S. international broadcasting faces ongoing distribution challenges including increased local competition, crowded FM markets and fragmented TV markets. Persistent jamming in Iran contributed to the audience decline as did the discontinuation of VOA broadcasts in Hindi. Increased media fragmentation in Pakistan and the loss of key affiliates in Ukraine were additional contributors to audience declines.

Harassment and threats to BBG journalists in Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, Iraq, Serbia, Yemen, and Uzbekistan along with censorship and jamming in many countries including China, Iran and Cuba are ongoing challenges.

The BBG's global audience estimate is included in the Fiscal Year 2010 Performance and Accountability Report (PAR), which catalogs the Agency's achievements against a series of defined performance measures and results.


Further information can be found here
on research methodology and measures including explanation of difficulties in countries where information is tightly controlled and tuning in to foreign broadcasts is sometimes illegal.

The Broadcasting Board of Governors is an independent federal agency, supervising all U.S. government-supported, civilian international broadcasting, whose mission is to promote freedom and democracy and to enhance understanding through multimedia communication of accurate, objective, and balanced news, information, and other programming about America and the world to audiences overseas. BBG broadcasting organizations include the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Middle East Broadcasting Networks (Alhurra TV and Radio Sawa), Radio Free Asia, and the Office of Cuba Broadcasting (Radio and TV Martí).

(BBG Press release)

Radio Free Sarawak goes on air

Radio Free Sarawak, aimed as an alternative voice for Sarawakians, went on air on 15th Nov 2010.

The transmission details of Radio Free Sarawak are as follows:

1st transmission: 0630-0730 local time (2230-2330 GMT) on 7590 kHz (short wave)
2nd transmission: 1800-1900 local time (1000-1100 GMT) on 15680 kHz (short wave)

Here's the Radio Free Sarawak website

Radio Free Sarawak as received from *2232UT on Nov.15 by many Japanese DXer on 7590kHz.
( by Japnese dxer Hiro in Akita )

It was confirmed in Nov.14 at *2230 by Japanese dxer Hiroshi.
in Japanese.

Thanks to Japanese dxers Hiroshi & Sei-ichi Hasegwa for tracking down this station.

Related News :

Monday, November 15, 2010

Damage to Shortwave Transmitter Destined for Swaziland a Blessing in Disguise

The project to upgrade a 50,000-watt shortwave transmitter for use by partner Trans World Radio (TWR) in Swaziland came to a smoking and noisy halt within days of when the transmitter was to be shipped last spring.

Read the full story here :

Friday, November 12, 2010

Reliance debuts Big Net Radio; 1st web talk radio

Reliance Broadcast Network (RBNL) has launched India's first internet talk radio, which will be named BIG Net Radio. This internet radio will be available both in 3G enabled mobiles and computers .....

More at :

IRRS evening frequency change effective Nov. 13, 2010

Hello There from Milan, Italy!

Please notice that effective Nov. 13, 2010, IRRS-Shortwave (the Italian Radio Relay Service) will leave the current frequency of 7290 kHz for our daily evening broadcast from 1900-2000 UTC.

Our new daily frequency from 20:00-21:00 CET (19:00-20:00 UTC, winter) will be 6090 kHz to Europe, North Africa and Middle East. We are making this change to improve reception and avoid interference by other stations in our target area.

There is no other expected changes to our current schedule.

Please check our complete frequency and program schedules at :

IRRS-Shortwave, IPAR (International Public Radio) and EGR (European Gospel Radio) are services provided by NEXUS-International Broadcasting Association, a non profit media and broadcasting organization based in Milan, Italy. For more information please visit our web sites at:

Your letters and comments on our programs are always welcome by email at:

reports (at) nexus (dot) org

or by snail.mail to:

PO BOX 10980,
I-20131 Milano, ITALY




Ron Norton NEXUS-Int'l Broadcasting Association

AIR celebrates National Broadcasting Day today

Nov 12, 5:30 PM
National Public Service Broadcasting Day is being celebrated today. This day is celebrated on 12th of November every year in the counrty to commemorate Mahatma Gandhi's first and only visit to All India Radio studio.

It was on this day in 1947 Gandhiji spoke on Radio to the refugees from Pakistan stationed at refugee camps in Kurukshetra.

A function was organised in the premises of Broadcasting House today and Gandhiji's address was played to mark the occassion.

(Source :

BBC Urdu launches single number for news on all Pakistan mobile phone networks

Mobile phone users across Pakistan can now listen to news and sports bulletins from BBC Urdu on their phones via the dedicated short code 447474. By calling the number, subscribers to any mobile phone network in Pakistan can now choose between the BBC's one-minute news or sports bulletins on demand.

The BBC bulletins are updated throughout the day and the number of updates will increase if there is a breaking news story. Calls cost 3 Rupees per minute.

Head of BBC Urdu, Aamer Ahmed Khan, says: "Pakistan is among the world's most dynamic news markets, evidenced by the success of our news bulletins through our partner FM stations.

"We are confident that our mobile news offer will be similarly welcomed in the country's highly competitive market because of the credibility and quality associated with the BBC Urdu brand."

BBC World Service Business Development Manager for South Asia, Helen Kathuria, adds: "The BBC is always looking for ways to reach our audiences – with people's changing lifestyles it's especially important for us to reach people in ways that suit them.

"For the first time, we are able to offer on-demand news to everyone in Pakistan with a mobile phone, regardless of the network they are using."

There are about 100 million mobile phone subscribers in Pakistan.

BBC Urdu broadcasts two times a day for an hour and a half. Its flagship programme Sairbeen (20.00 Pakistan time) provides 60 minutes of news and current affairs.The largest Urdu-language news website in the world and its mobile version offers up-to-the minute news, features and analysis on South Asia and the rest of the world, in text, audio and video.

Its thriving interactive offer includes major debates, forums, blogs, votes etc. BBC Urdu's official channel on YouTube offers video news and features from the BBC's unparalleled global network of correspondents, including BBC Urdu reports covering events and issues of special interest to regional and diaspora audiences.

BBC Urdu is part of BBC World Service, an international multimedia broadcaster delivering 32 language and regional services. It uses multiple platforms to reach its weekly audience of 180 million globally, including shortwave, AM, FM, digital satellite and cable channels. Its news sites, which received 7.1 million weekly visitors in September 2010, include audio and video content and offer opportunities to join the global debate.

It has around 2,000 partner radio stations which take BBC content, and numerous partnerships supplying content to mobile phones and other wireless handheld devices. For more information, visit the BBC World Service website. For a weekly alert about BBC World Service programmes, sign up for the BBC World Agenda e-guide via the BBC World Service website.

The BBC attracts a global audience of 241 million people to its international news services including BBC World Service and the BBC World News television channel.

(BBC World Service International Publicity)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

DRM Newsletter 11/2010

DRM Newsletter 11/2010

- Renewed DRM Receiver Interest
- All India Radio drives digital change in India
- DRM member honoured at ABU General Assembly
- DRM+ progress at ITU (International Telecommunications Union) meeting

Innovative new VOA english learning program catching on fast

Washington, D.C., November 10, 2010 – Fans of Voice of America's new English language learning program, The Classroom, are praising the interactive, online lessons.

The free program offers customized, interactive lessons built around news articles from VOA's widely-respected Special English webpage and broadcasts. Individual lessons are designed to increase vocabulary and improve listening and comprehension skills. In the Interactive Learning Lab users can find wordbooks and a dictionary.

In its first week online more than 150,000 people visited The Classroom, which offers English language lessons for beginning, intermediate and advanced learners.

One new user in Indonesia says, "What I wanted and waited for a long time, is finally come true, and the answer is The Classroom."

Click on The Classroom at, and find out what English language learners from around the world are so excited about.

For Farsi, Mandarin and Russian speakers interested in learning English with a program tailored to their own language, check out, another free, and innovative online learning program from Voice of America.

For more information about VOA or to become friends with us on Facebook or other social media sites, visit

(VOA Press Release)

AIH3 DXpedition to Aihkiniemi

The first ever purpose-built DXpedition base in Finland was constructed earlier this year, tested by us in October, and found to be excellent. A spartan cabin in the middle of nowhere is equipped with nine beverage antennas, each almost a kilometer in length. A bunch of New Zealand AM stations and a 10-watt highway advisory station from Alaska were among the highlights heard in Aihkiniemi.


Mika Makelainen

(Via mwdx list)

Sudan jams UN radio's website

Sudanese authorities were late on Wednesday blocking access to the UN-backed Miraya FM radio's website

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Digital Radio: Let's Just Get On With It!

Licenses of FM radio stations cancelled in Nepal

Licenses of 77 radio and TV channels cancelled in Nepal

EBU Conference Gives Adrenaline Boost to Digital Radio

India's first Hospital Radio

Community Radio Benziger, India's first hospital radio & the very first FM radio station of Kollam City was inaugurated on Nov 7, 2010 4 pm at Bishop Benziger Hospital, Bishop Jerome Nagar, Kollam, Kerala.

Frequency : 107.8 Mhz
Hours of txn : 0630 to 2130 hours IST
Power : 50 watts

Website of Bishop Benziger Hospital Community Radio

(Jose Jacob, National Institute of Amateur Radio, Hyderabad )

Voice of Russia Listeners Conference in New Delhi

Voice of Russia Hindi Service is organising a conference for radio listeners at Russian Science & Cultural Centre, New Delhi. The 5th Voice of Russia listeners conference will be held as following :

Date : Dec 08, 2010 (Wed) - 11am IST
Venue :
Russian Science & Cultural CentreEmbassy of Russia, Cultural Department24,Feroz Shah RoadNew Delhi 110001.E - mail:

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Amateur weathermen saw cyclone Jal fizzling out

Amateur weather observers and ham radio enthusiasts had put out bulletins early on Sunday fternoon saying that a fizzled-out cyclone had crossed the coast -- nearly 10 hours before the ime estimated by the Met department. But nobody paid them any heed. Isn't it time we also listened to independent weather experts?

Read more at :

Monday, November 08, 2010

RFA posts schedules and QSL cards on Facebook

A few months ago, Radio Free Asia (RFA) started a new social network service on Facebook where DXers, and others, can access our latest broadcast schedules, frequency data, and information about our current, and past, QSL cards. RFA encourages everyone with a Facebook account to join online at RFA QSL.

RFA encourages listeners to submit reception reports. Reception reports are valuable as they help us evaluate the signal strength and quality of our transmissions. RFA confirms all accurate reception reports by mailing a QSL card to the listener. RFA welcomes all reception report submissions at (follow the QSL REPORTS link) not only from DX’ers, but also from its general listening audience.

Reception reports are also accepted by email at, and for anyone without Internet access, reception reports can be mailed to:

Reception Reports
Radio Free Asia
2025 M. Street NW, Suite 300
Washington DC 20036
United States of America.

Oct DXing from Assam, India

Hi, I am Prithwiraj Purkayastha from Jorhat (Coordinates: 26.75°N 94.22°E), Assam, India. I am a new Dxer and learning this fabulous electronic hobby for last seven years. I am using a Plhilips Analogue Four band Radio with a telescopic antinna for SW listening.

October is always a special month for me. Its on this beautiful month I came to this earth twenty nine years back. On this October itself I also revealed the great word of Shortwave Radio in 2003. So for making this year's October I have planned a OctoDXing and I was little bit successful too through some very interesting SW logs, QSL received and three interesting interviews with BBC (Bengali), VOA (Bengali) and IRIB R. Tehran (Hindi) services. I also ordered an ANJAN DTS 10 receiver from China for more interesting logs in future and to explore this wonderful world of SW Dxing.

Some of my Logs of October, 2010.

03/10/10 – DW English, UTC 1600-1700, 9485 Khz,, SIO 544
03/10/10 – Radio Taiwan Int., UTC 1630-1700, 11550 Khz, SIO 344
03/10/10 – AWR (Wavescan), UTC 1600-1630, 11720 khz, SIO 333
03/10/10 – NHK R. Japan (Bengali), UTC 1300-1345, 11965 khz, SIO 433
04/10/10 – Radio Thailand (English), UTC 0030-0100, 15275 khz, SIO 454
05/10/10 – Radio Philipinas (Eng), UTC 0300-0330, 15510 khz, SIO 444
05/10/10 – IRIB Hindi Radio, UTC 0230 – 0300, 13750 Khz, SIO 343
07/10/10 – AIR Guwahati (Mahalaya), UTC 2300-0000, 4940 khz, SIO 232
07/10/10 – HCJB, Australia (Eng), UTC 1230-1300, 15400 khz, SIO 544
07/10/10 – B'Desh Betar (Home Service), UTC 1245-1330, 4750 Khz, SIO 243
07/10/10 – Voice of Turky (Eng), UTC 1245-1330, 15520 Khz, SIO 433
08/10/10 – Radio Pakistan (Urdu), UTC 0100-0130, 15490 khz, SIO 433
08/10/10 – IRIB (Bengali), UTC 1430-1530, 13800 Khz, SIO 333
08/10/10 – Voice of Russia (World Service), UTC 0900-0930, 15170 Khz, SIO 444
09/10/10 – AWR (Bengali), UTC 1300-1330 UTC, 11860 khz, SIO 444
10/10/10 - Radio Canada International, UTC 1500-1530, 11675 khz, SIO 544
10/10/10 – HCJB (Eng), UTC 1230-1300, 15400 Khz, SIO 433
14/10/10 – NHK R. Japan (English), UTC 1000-1030, 9605 khz, SIO 343
14/10/10 – Radio Philipinas (Eng), UTC 0300-0330, 15510 khz, SIO 444
14/10/10 – Voice of America (Eng), UTC 0100-0130, 9780 Khz, SIO 444
17/10/10 – Voice of Tibet, UTC 1330 – 1400, 15430 Khz, SIO 433
19/10/10 – Voice of Korea (Eng), UTC 0230-0300, 15100 Khz, SIO 444
24/10/10 – RCI, UTC 1500-1600, 11675 khz, SIO 544
24/10/10 – Voice of Malaysia (Eng), UTC 0700-0800, 15295 khz, SIO 322
26/10/10 – Radio Natherlands Worldwide, UTC 1400-1530, 11835 khz, SIO 544
27/10/10 – Voice of Vietnam (Eng), UTC 1600-1630, 9550 khz, SIO 544
27/10/10 – Radio New Zealand Int. , UTC 1600-1630, 9615 khz, SIO 333
28/10/10 - KBS World R. Korea (Eng), UTC 1600-1645, 9640 Khz, SIO 333

and last but not the least, the DW Bengali and Hindi historic final broadcast on Shortwave.
30/10/10 – DW Hindi, UTC 1500-1530, 9655 khz, SIO 433
30/10/10 – DW Bengali, UTC 1530-1600, 9655 Khz, SIO 444

QSL Received in October:

A very interesting and surprising QSL card received from Bangladesh Betar on 28th October, 2010 for my MW log to their Home Service on 693 khz, UTC 1500 hr dated 17th September, 2010. It is a beautifully pictured QSL card and actually I was uncertain to get such beautiful response from B'desh Betar.

Some other QSL cards received for my October logs are:

03/10/10 – Japan SW Club (Painting of Kim Yeong II) – Stn logged- AWR.
09/10/10 – Radio Free Asia ( 14th Anniversary QSL) – Language Vietnamese, UTC 0000 on 15560 Khz.
08/10/10 – The Voice of Russia ( 80th Aniversary QSL) – UTC 0900 -0930 on 15170 khz.
10/10/10 – HCJB, Australia ( QSL Pic: Sunset) – UTC 1230- 1300 on 15400 khz
10/10/10 – RCI ( QSL Pic: Maple Leaf Mailbag)- UTC 1500-1530 on 11675 Khz
09/10/10 – NHK R. Japan ( QSL Pic: Daybreak) – UTC 1345-1430 on 11825 Khz.

I shall be happy to receive your comments and feedbacks on this report and shall be grateful for any type of advises for future Dxing.

Prithwiraj Purkayastha
Pub Bongalpukhuri
Ward No. 17
Jorhat 785001-23
Assam, India

(Via bangladx list)

SatRadio Impetus

Focus... SatRadio Impetus
Author: Ernst Eberlein, Communications Department Head, Fraunhofer IIS

Radio Ceylon, King of the Airwaves in South Asia

Radio Ceylon is the oldest radio station in Asia. Broadcasting was started on an experimental basis in Ceylon by the Telegraph Department in 1923, just three years after the inauguration of broadcasting in Europe.

Young Nepalese Attracted to Radio Broadcasting

With the expanding growth of electronic media in Nepal, the attraction of youth towards the radio anchoring profession has been increasing.

DRM+ Workshop

1st Dec 2010 to 3rd Dec 2010
Location: Colombo, Sri Lanka

The DRM Consortium has announced a DRM+ trial and workshop in Sri Lanka. The Consortium has joined forces with the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (TRC), the Sri Lankan Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC), Germany’s international broadcaster, Deutsche Welle and the Asian-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) to run a trial of DRM+ and showcase its benefits.

Details at :

Shifting of FM Gold channel to new frequency on hold: AIR

Side-stepping the controversy over shifting its much sought after FM Gold channel to a new frequency, All India Radio said the decision has been put on hold and it is still available in the same frequency.
Read the full story here :

Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation keeping up the legacy of Radio Ceylon

History of SLBC

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

WWV Test on 4th Nov 1700-1800 UTC

Beginning on 04 Nov 2010 at 1700 UTC until 1800 UTC, WWV will be broadcasting a special test announcement. The announcement will supercede the normal 500Hz and 600Hz tones. The content of the announcement will be a test of an anticipated warning system. All other regular scheduled announcements will not be interrupted.


Voice of Russia conquers time and space

Voice of Russia radio station is celebrating its 81st Anniversary, here's an article from their website :

Sudan shut the Khartoum office of Radio Dabanga

Read the Reuters Canda story here ...

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Winter frequency schedule effective 31st Oct 2010 to 27th March 2011

Radio Prague B10

Winter Frequency Schedule effective 31st Oct 2010 to 27th March 2010

AIR Hyderabad seeks material for website archive

Special Correspondent
HYDERABAD: All India Radio, Hyderabad, in connection with its diamond jubilee celebrations, is collecting archival material of various kinds related to its history -- since inception as Deccan Radio in 1939 and later following merger with AIR in 1950 --for creating a website.
The site will feature the landmark contributions made by AIR to the cultural and social life of the region, K.P. Srinivasan, Station Director, said in a release on Wednesday.
AIR is also inviting persons who have been associated with the organisation in any manner and their descendents, public and other institutions to share any material---textual, photographic, audio or even memories and anecdotes—available with them.
The material will be acknowledged/returned with thanks after suitably digitising them. Interested may contact (23232074, ext. 320) or e-mail at
They can also write to Station History Project, c/o The Station Director, AIR, Saifabad, Hyderabad 500 004.
(Source : The Hindu)

AIR Mysore calling

The Platinum Jubilee celebrations of All India Radio, Mysore, was held in the city in September and was an occasion to cherish. For, it was in Mysore that broadcasting history was made in the country ....

Read the full story here :

Friday, October 29, 2010


All India Radio B10

Winter frequency schedule effective from 31st October, 2010 to 27th March, 2011 is now available at :

Thursday, October 28, 2010

SWL Fest 2011

Richard Cuff and John Figliozzi, co-chairs of the Winter SWL Festival, are pleased to announce the dates and venue for the 24th (!) Annual Fest.

The Fest will be held March 4-5, 2011 at the Doubletree Guest Suites in Plymouth Meeting, PA. Plymouth Meeting is a Philadelphia suburb convenient to key regional highways, such as the Pennsylvania Turnpike (I-276/I-476/I-76), I-476, and the Schuylkill Expressway (I-76), as well as the Philadelphia region's public transportation network.

The change in venue will enable the Fest to continue many of the traditions that have contributed to its long-standing popularity, including a full complement of forum sessions, the Hospitality Room, the Silent Auction, and the Saturday Night Banquet and Raffle. For those who choose to stay at the Doubletree, your room rate now includes a full breakfast for each day's stay.

The registration form for the Fest itself will be available in the NASWA Journal beginning with the November edition. A printable copy of the Fest reservation form will also be posted at the SWL Fest website, , by early November.

Hotel reservations should be made directly with the Doubletree at 610-834-8300; a special $89 room rate is available but you must mention the "Winter SWL Fest" rate to get this special price. The Doubletree Guest Suites also has a special website set up for online hotel reservations at the special SWL Fest hotel rate; a link to this website will be posted by early November at the Fest website.

Updates and additional information will be posted at the Fest website, and will also be available in the NASWA Journal and the Fest e-mail reflector as the Fest approaches.

Please check the SWL Fest website for updates and additional information.

Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA USA

International broadcasting / shortwave blog:

(Via ODXA List)

Radio Rossii on 171 LW

Surprise catch last evening was R.Rossii on 171 at around 1630 UTC, nice copy....listened for almost couple of hours, playing some nice Russian songs, several id's. Also a weak stn on 198, last year Algeria was regular on this channel.

China Radio Int'l to reach out to Nepali listeners through FMs

KATHMANDU, Oct 28: As a part of its growing engagements in Nepal lately, China is preparing to take programs of China Radio International (CRI) among Nepali listeners across the country through local FM radios.

Read the full story here :

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

KBS to Host the General Assembly of ABU in 2012

The 47th General Assembly of ABU (Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union) held in Tokyo 19th and 20th of October approved that KBS will be the host of the General Assembly of ABU in 2012. It will be fifteen years after KBS hosted the same event in Seoul in 1997 that KBS plays such a significant role of providing a forum of discussing issues close to Asian broadcasters and of celebrating diversities of the region.

Head of KBS delegation to the 47th General Assembly, Mr. Cho Dae-hyun, Executive Vice President of KBS, said that the 49th Assembly would be an opportunity for member broadcasters to experience and discuss effects of the rapidly changing broadcasting environment.

The 47th ABU General Assembly also re-elected KBS as a member of the Administrative Council for fourth consecutive term. The Administrative Council is a decision making body of ABU, which has more than 200 member broadcasters in about 60 countries. The Tokyo Assembly was hosted by NHK.
(Source : KBS)

Deutsche Welle expands cooperation with Cairo University

Deutsche Welle is expanding its cooperation with Cairo University, enabling all students to take part in joint events with DW for the first time. On September 19, 2010, the Director General of Germany’s international broadcaster, Erik Bettermann, signed an agreement to this effect in the Egyptian capital. At the end of 2007, DW and the faculty of “Mass and Media Communication” agreed on a memorandum of understanding. On this basis, DW has since carried out numerous academy seminars and discussion sessions with renowned media partners from the region. Due to the high demand, the programs are now open to students of all faculties.

With 155,000 students, Cairo University is the largest university on the African continent and the “Mass and Media Communication” faculty is the largest and most important of its kind in the Arab-speaking world. Eighty-five percent of students enrolled in the faculty are female. DW hopes to contribute to the training of qualified media specialists by means of this expanded cooperation.

Within the scope of the cooperation with Cairo University, Deutsche Welle has already been able to acquire key local partners. The partnership with the private cultural institution Sawy, for example, enables DW to host intercultural events at Cairo’s most famous cultural center every six to eight weeks. These events are held in collaboration with German institutions such as the Goethe Institute, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
Meetings with regional media partners
Alongside Cairo University, the private German University in Cairo (GUC) has also been one of Deutsche Welle’s most important partners in Egypt for several years now.
During his stay in Cairo, DW Director General Bettermann will continue the theme of cooperation in discussions with the head of the university, Professor Ashraf Mansour. Bettmann will discuss the “role of social media on development” with GUC students.
In 2007, Bettermann inaugurated the joint project “Campus Radio” at the GUC. The trendsetting digital Campus Radio and TV relies on the cooperation between GUC, Fraunhofer IIS Erlangen and DW. It enables students to transmit and receive broadcasts via Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM), Digital Video Broadcast-H as well as the Internet.
Together with other high-ranking media representatives, Bettermann is also taking part in a media policy discussion hosted by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation. The discussion “Rebel rousers or mediator? The role of the media in inter-cultural dialogue” follows on from past discussion sessions with German political foundations in Egypt, which have addressed the impact of the media on the inter-cultural exchange of information and thus initiated long-standing debates directly on location.
In addition, Bettermann will meet with Anas El Fiki, Minister of Information, Hani Helal, Minister of Higher Education and Research and Osama al Sheikh, Director of the Egyptian Radio and TV Union (ERTU). Deutsche Welle and ERTU have enjoyed a close partnership for many years now. In June 2008, they launched a jointly produced show entitled “Youth Across Borders”. The monthly talk show, which is produced alternately in Berlin and Cairo, grapples with subjects affecting young people across cultural borders. Both institutions also collaborate in radio broadcasts and further education.
(Press Release)

Japan on track for full digital broadcasting

Japan will be the 15th country in the world – and the first in Asia – to switch to fully digital broadcasting when it completes the transition in July 2011.

Read the full report here :

DW B10

Deutsche Welle B10 Winter Frequency Schedule
(Effective 31 Oct 2010 to 27 March 2010)

Download here :,,6300952,00.pdf


Radio Exterior de España B10 Winter Frequency Schedule
(Effective 30 Oct 2010 to 27 March 2011)

(José Bueno, Córdoba, España via DX Listening Digest List)

Dxers Unlimited's mid week edition for 26-27 October 2010

Radio Havana Cuba
Dxers Unlimited
Dxers Unlimited's mid week edition for 26-27 October 2010
By Arnie Coro
radio amateur CO2KK

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New Digital Radio Mondiale Channel for South Asia

BBC World Service and Deutsche Welle (DW) are launching a new Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) digital radio channel for South Asia. The channel will carry a four hour daily broadcast that includes the best international programmes in English and Hindi from BBC World Service and Deutsche Welle. It will also bring to the audience all the advantages of DRM digital radio including near-FM quality audio, text messages, Journaline and an Electronic Programme Guide (EPG).
This joint initiative between BBC World Service and Deutsche Welle has been launched using two transmitters in the region and will cover much of South Asia. The signal covers the majority of the Indian sub-continent and may reach as far as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and other neighbouring countries. The new transmission starts on 31 October 2010 and will be broadcast from 1400 – 1800 GMT each day. Listeners will find the new programme stream on 13590 and 5845 kHz (SW) and additionally on 1548 kHz (MW) between 1700 – 1800 GMT. Ruxandra Obreja, DRM Chairman, says: "Digital radio is as much about technology as it is about content. Through DRM we hope to increase the digital radio offer to South Asia giving people access to audio and multimedia content, which should in turn convince manufacturers that digital radio brings something new worth investing in."
(Source : DRM Consortium)

RN New radio season: focusing on features

Radio Netherlands Worldwide is focusing on feature programmes in its satellite, webstream and shortwave broadcasts. In the new 2010-11 season, which starts 31 October 2010, they are streamlining their programming, giving more opportunities to hear extended versions of their top notch programmes such as The State We're In and Earth Beat.
More at :


Radio Veritas Asia B10 Winter Frequency Schedule
(Effective 31st Oct 2010 to 27th March 2011)


HCJB AUSTRALIA B10 Winter Frequency Schedule
(Effective from 31st oct 2010 to 27th March 2011)

Download here :

Radio Australia - Interruption to service

On Wednesday 27 October from 0800 AEST our Shepparton transmitter will be shut down for maintenance, affecting the following services:

This service will not be available on 15415 kHz. You may still receive us on 5935, 11550, 15225 and 15335 kHz during this period.

English to the Pacific
This service will not be available on 13690, 15230, 15240, 17750, 17795 or 21725 kHz but you may be able to receive English in PNG on 9660 kHz and in the south-west Pacific on 12080 kHz.

Please note that you local FM stations, web streams and satellite services will be available as usual during this period.


FEBA B10 Winter Frequency Schedule
(Effective 31st Oct 2010 to 27th March 2011)

Download the schd here :

RNZI Transmitter Shut-Down

On Tuesday 26 October due to antenna maintenance, Radio Newzealand short-wave services will be off-air from 1145-1800 approx NZT. (2230-0500 Mon UTC)

FRS-Holland celebrates 30th Anniversary

Dear FRS Friend,

Following lengthy preparations the time has come to celebrate 30 years of FRS-Holland on SW. Next Sunday October 31st we kick off with the first out of a total of 3 different broadcasts. The FRS Anthology !
Factual, accurate, ups and downs....countless extracts, former presenters, listeners' contributions, a competition, fact files, the FRS Story ánd great 80s music. Next Sunday in part 1
we will feature 1980- 1987. The first eventful 7 years.
Here's the schedule:
08.52- 15.00 UTC 7600//5800 kHz
09.00-11.00 UTC and 12.00- 16.00 UTC 6005 kHz

That means that between 11.00-12.00 UTC there won't be any signal on 6005 kHz. As from 12.00 UTC onwards 6005 is back and will be one hour behind of 7600//5800 kHz.
The October 31st broadcast will be streamed between 14:52- 21:00 UTC/ 15:52- 22:00 CET via <

The period 1988- 2010 will be featured in part 2 (late November) and part 3 (December).

We have received quite a number of contributions. If you feel you want to be part of the celebrations with your personal FRS memories: you can still do so as we can include that in one of the two broadcasts which follow after the October 31st one.
Of course we have special QSLs for the three based on the 80s, one on the 90s and one on the 00s.
Hope to have your company next will be an unforgettable Sunday. October 31st 2010: 30 Years of FRS-Holland on SW!


on behalf of the FRS staff (Peter V., Jan van Dijk, Paul Graham, Dave Scott, Brian & Bobby Speed)

a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....

POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

e-mail: <
e-mail: <

Thursday, October 21, 2010

DSWCI 1st International DX Contest "The Grand Tour Across All Continents"

The Danish Shortwave Club International
1st International DX Contest "The Grand Tour Across All Continents"

Download details here :

BBC World Service - requiem or renaissance?

By Paul Reynolds World affairs correspondent, BBC News website

The transfer of funding for the BBC World Service from the British government to the BBC itself is a surprising move at a time when many other governments are trying to increase their broadcasting and online influence.

BBC Bangla still announces the wrong GMT !

Almost a month after Swopan Chakraborty alerted the BBC authorities about wrong time announcement BBC Bangla continues to announce the wrong GMT. At 0030 UTC on 20/10/2010 this faulty announcement gave out the the time as "6.30 am in Bangladesh, 5 am in India and 11.30 pm GMT". In an attempt to cover up, the live broadcast which followed gave out the correct Indian local time as " 6.30 am in Bangladesh and 6 am in India". GMT was not corrected. So here was a funny situation where BBC Bangla gave out two different Indian local time announcement within a gap of few seconds and each differeing by 1 hour !

This mix up happened because Bangladesh Government scrapped the Daylight Savings time in March this year. The faulty BBC Bangla time announcement is based on the the earstwhile Banglaesh daylight savings time and lingering in a relay transmitter recording.Earlier BBC Bangla website is on record to have carried backdated and incorrect frequency information for well over 18 months inspite of reminders.

So much for information mess in the digital world of podcasting, mobile feed and DTH where the BBC continues to announce the wrong GMT days after days.

(Dr.Supratik Sanatani, Kolkata via Bangladx list)

VOA makes english learning easier for Chinese & Farsi speakers

Washington, D.C., October 20, 2010 –Voice of America's dynamic and cost-free English language teaching program for Chinese and Farsi speakers,, is now even easier to use with the introduction of new mobile phone apps.

The apps provide on-the-go access to VOA's interactive, online learning program, a fun and effective way to learn contemporary English.

VOA Director Danforth W. Austin says, "For years people around the world have been improving their English by listening to the Special English programs of the Voice of America. These new mobile phone apps expand on that, teaching English in a convenient, user-friendly way for anyone with a mobile phone."

The goEnglish apps are available for both iPhone and Droid devices.

By accessing the self-study program, a user can learn how Americans talk about everyday aspects of their lives, ranging from relationships to shopping to filling out a job application.

The interactive Chinese and Farsi language editions, which are also available online at, cater to English learners of all abilities. The beginner, intermediate and advanced lessons offer access to the latest learning techniques, including voice recognition software, virtual characters and video clips. There are also games and dialogues that guide users through day-to-day situations, and help them practice newly-learned skills.

To find out about other English learning programs at Voice of America, visit our Learning English website at:

(VOA Press Release)

SLBC frequency used by rogue station: TRC

A special investigation was launched following information that the transmitter found at a rogue radio station in Kalpitiya belonged to the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC).
More at :

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Planned DRM+ trial in Sri Lanka

The DRM Consortium is very pleased to have joined forces with the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (TRC), the Sri Lankan Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC), Germany's international broadcaster, Deutsche Welle and the Asian-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) to run a trial of DRM+ and showcase its benefits. This event will be the first DRM+ trial in the Asia-Pacific region. SLBC has offered the DRM Consortium its full support and the use of one of its low power stations in Colombo.
The two day DRM+ technical trial planned for Nov 29th and 30th will be followed by a workshop organised with ABU, where the attendees will be invited to observe the results of the trial and be able to learn more about the DRM standard.

(DRM Consortium)

P K Garg to represent Asia on ITU Radio board

By: RnM Team 18 Oct 10 11:33 IST
NEW DELHI: The former Wireless Adviser to the Government, P K Garg, has been elected to represent Asia on the Radio Regulations Board of the International Telecommunication Union.

Read the full story here :

Radio Maria testing DRM+ on 55.8 MHz

Good Morning Shivpuri: This is Radio Dharkan 107.8FM

By Anil Gulati

These are words of Champa Bai Adivasi, a Sahariya tribal woman who was speaking at the broadcast launch of Radio Dharkhan, community radio station. This is the first in Shivpuri district, of Madhya Pradesh in the central region of India. 50 villages of Shivpuri, many of which are Sahariya dominated (primitive tribal group), spread around a radius of 15 km from the district headquarters were connected with a community radio station on Friday afternoon, the 8th of October, 2010.

Read the full story here :

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Popular VOA Radio program to Afghanistan gets new sound

Washington, D.C., October 15, 2010 – Voice of America's popular Ashna Radio hits the airwaves in Afghanistan Monday with a refreshing new sound that will include more news, sports, music, call-in shows and features. VOA Executive Editor Steve Redisch says, "After years of coverage focused mainly on the day-to-day progress of the Afghan war, our listeners want to hear more about life for ordinary people, and to hear what they are saying about issues like health care, education, sports, the economy and entertainment."
Exciting new stories in production look at the shortage of playgrounds for children, a new ski resort in Bamiyan and life in a drug clinic, stories that describe Afghanistan's struggles and the way people are coping after decades of war and strife. An in-depth education series is planned that will look at the challenges and success stories that often go untold. Monday's program will feature an interview with former First Lady Laura Bush.
The new format for Ashna Radio, which is on the air two hours each morning and six hours each night, will also have more live coverage of breaking news and call-in programs. On Friday, satire will be introduced with a segment that will feature a well-known Afghan comedian.
VOA Afghanistan Service Chief Beth Mendelson says, "This is a new chapter for Ashna Radio, which plays an important role in Afghanistan because listeners and viewers place high trust in our broadcasts. Radio is an important vehicle to strengthen the relationship and understanding between the United States and the Afghan people."
Voice of America has a three-decade history in Afghanistan, and Ashna Radio, which broadcasts in both Dari and Pashto, reaches more than 50% of the country's people. Ashna is heard on 100.5 FM in Kabul, Herat, Kandahar, Mazar-e-Sharif, Jalalabad, Khost, Gardez and Kunar. They are also broadcast on 1 mediumwave and 3 shortwave. In addition to Afghanistan, Radio Ashna can be heard in Pakistan, Iran, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Visit VOA online at:

(VOA Press Release)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Resurgence Of Radio

Radio has touched sentiments of vast section of Indian society. Many who are in their middle age can remember the days in the early 80’s when in many homes the day started with familiar voice of Ameen Sayani in his program Binaka Geetmala on Radio Ceylon. It was much before the advent of television, that the Radio had become an integral part of an average Indian Middle Class family. The dependence on radio had gone to such an extent that families used to rely on timings of radio programs to do their activities.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Bulgarian National Radio with growing number of listeners

BNR Director General Valeri Todorov (center) released a publication dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the isntitution.. read the full story here :

Deutsche Welle continues to make history in Bangladesh

The international broadcaster’s Bengali Service just celebrated its 35th anniversary and has no plans of slowing down in the near future. A partnership with Bangladesh Betar has created new opportunities in the region and a chance to win over new fans. On April 15, 1975 Deutsche Welle started broadcasting its Bengali service. Almost 35 years later to the day, Germany’s international broadcaster started a new partnership that will take it into the future in Bangladesh – working with Bangladesh Betar on FM frequencies.
Read the full story here :

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Special RMRC Txn Via Lithuania

Saint Helena Day Txn on 9th Oct asn announced earlier has been cxld & replaced by RMRC programs via Lithuania

SAINT HELENA [non]. The Rhein-Main Radio Club (RMRC) of Frankfurt, Germany, will broadcast two programs concerning Radio St. Helena Day 2009 on Saturday, 09. October, 2010, using the 100 kW transmitting facilities at Sitkunai in Lithuania.

Target Area Time (UT) Frequency Language
Europe 1530-1630 UTC 9770 German
North America 2230-2330 UTC 6130 English

Each program will be hosted by the RMRC. There will be several audio clips taken from a studio recording of RSD 2009. Robert Kipp will comment on these audio clips and present other information about RSH and RSD.

QSL-Cards for these programs will be issued ONLY by the RMRC. Do NOT send any email or other reports directly to RSH.

Reception Reports :
QSL via Regular Mail ("Snail Mail") :
Postfach 700849
60558 Frankfurt am Main
E-QSL via e-mail : mail(at)RMRC.DE
Good listening and best 73 de

(Robert Kipp, Rhein-Main Radio Club www(dot)RMRC(dot)DE, Oct 1, via Glen Hauser DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Tune in to the ‘All India Radio’, advises Leo Burnett’s Pops

Guest Article by K.V.Sridhar, National Creative Director, Leo Burnett India

Qatar Media Corporation Chooses Thomson Broadcast Anti-Fading Antenna

The state broadcaster of Qatar, Qatar Media Corporation, has gone live with a Thomson Broadcast (formerly the transmission division of Grass Valley) customised and anti-fading antenna for its national AM radio service.
More at ;

Deutshe Welle launches FM service in Bangladesh

Deutshe Welle launches FM service in Bangladesh

Related News :

DW-Radio Launches FM Slots In Bangladesh

To promote DW-Radio/Bengali on its new FM frequencies in Bangladesh, Deutsche Welle will also be running a contest for its users and listeners. The grand prize will be a motorized scooter. Runners-up will receive an iPod Nano. Participants can respond via text message (SMS) to shortcode 2777, e-mail or online at The contest begins on Monday, October 11 and will end on Friday, December 10, 2010. For more information go to

Monday, October 04, 2010

BBC and unions reach agreement

Airwaves come to the aid of students

The Indira Gandhi National Open University (Ignou) regional centre in Bhubaneswar will soon launch a Gyan Vani FM radio station to enhance the learning process of the students enrolled under the various programmes of the university.

Read the full story here :

Friday, October 01, 2010

Anis Ahmed of VOA Bengali gets VOA gold medal

Anis Ahmed of Voice of America Bengali Service has been awarded gold medal in recognition of his outstanding service to the promotion of Bengali language and culture.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Live coverage of Taiwan national day celebrations on October 10th on RTI

The Republic of China (ROC) will be celebrating its national day on October 10th. Listeners in Southeast Asia are welcome to tune in to our live coverage of the national day celebrations from 0200 to 0300 UTC on 15320 KHz. Our regular broadcast to the East Coast and Mid-West of the United States will be cancelled from 0200 to 0300 on 9680 and 5950 KHz to make way for the live coverage in Chinese. We apologize for the inconvenience.
(Radio Taiwan International website)

African Safari 21/9

21 Sept 2010 1810 UTC

Djibouti blasting on 4780
Rwanda on 6055, fair alongwith spaltter from 6050
Africa no.1, Gabon weak on 9580
Libya on 11995 & 15215 both 45444
Morocco on 15345 34433 (splatter from 15350)
Nigeria 15120 45444
TWR Swaziland 45444 Dev Talk by OM in eng
Chad on 6165
CVC Zambia 4965 45444

Special Event Station VU0WFF - Daroji Bear Sanctuary Oct 1-10, 2010

A small group of Amateur Radio volunteers led by VU2UR and VU2LX have started from Bangalore Amateur Radio Club VU2ARC with equipment from Lions Club International ARC VU2ARC - a unique activity of Lions Club of Bangalore North (Club # 026596 District 324-D6) and hope to make many QSOs on SSB and CW.

Those who are making QSO are eligible for Special QSL Card provided you send your QSL card, Address Label (no SASE), sufficient postage stamp (Rs. 5/- if you are from India else 2 IRCs).

Our previous operation was AT8WFF done for First Time in our country at Bannerghatta National Park in 2008 where we could get the Permanent Pictorial Postal Cancellation of Butterfly Park with logo of WFF details and picture are on

More details of World Flora Fauna is on

Very soon the India Post would be releasing the Permenant Pictorial Postal Cancellation at Kannada University Campus - Kamalapura 583276 for which our LISC India Chapter is following up.

Government of India, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Department of Telecommunications, WPC Wing, Amaeur Cell, New Delhi vide Special Permission L-14011/639/2010-Amt Dated 29th Sep 2010 with Special callsign VU0WFF from 1st to 10th Oct 2010 to operate from Daroji Bear Sanctuary, Kamalapura, Bellary District of Karnataka State.

The Principal Chief Conservator of Forests and Chief Wildlife Warden vide Letter No.D/WL/CR-70/2008-9 dated 13th Sep 2010 has permitted Amateur (Ham) Radio Special Event Station at Daroji Bear Sanctuary on occasion of "Wildlife Week" - October 4th, 2010 happens to be "Global Day for Protection of Animals" where as 10-10-10 10:10:10 that is Oct 10th, 2010 happens to be Palindromic Date and Time.

The Jungle Lodges and Resorts Limited has recently opened a 20 Twin bedded cottages naming after as Sloth Bear Resort -Kamalapur - Hampi which is the UNESCO World Heritage site of Karnataka State with packages and discounted tariff to Amateur (Ham) Radio Volunteers and their family. We are expecting colourful picture QSL card from them soon. Their website is

National Institute of Amateur Radio
Raj Bhavan Road, Somajiguda
Hyderabad 500082, INDIA

Telefax: 91-40-2331 0287 Tel: 91-40-6516 7388
E mail:,
Web site:
Club station: VU2NRO 14160 kHz

(Via niarindia list)

DW drops Bengali & Hindi shortwave txns for winter transmssion schedule

As expected Deutsche Welle has dropped all Bengali & Hindi shortwave transmissions for South Asia for the B10 season effective 31st Oct 2010.
Half an hour Bengali txn can be heard on MW 1548 kHz at 1530-1600 UTC (2100-2130 IST).
Urdu still continues on shortwave at 1430-1500 UTC on 1548, 12065, 15620,17860 kHz for B10 season.
Related story :

DW cuts Transmission hours for HIndi & Urdu languages, drops morning broadcasts

KTWR DRM Project

Pics of KTWR DRM Project ....

BBG Chairman Isaacson Outlines Vision for International Broadcasting

Washington, DC, 09/29/2010
Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) Chairman Walter Isaacson laid out his vision for the future of U.S. international broadcasting in a keynote address as part of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty?s 60th Anniversary event on Sept. 28.
"Our traditional role of delivering the news top down needs to be complemented by a new approach that catalyzes social networks," said Isaacson. "By creating peer-to-peer global communities, we help guarantee the universal human right of access to the free flow of information."
Acknowledging the newly-appointed Board's launch of a year-long comprehensive review, Isaacson described the creation of "a great virtual global news service" that would provide reliable reporting for every medium, including social media created by members of BBG broadcasters' global audience.
As he outlined his imperatives for engaging citizens with limited access to news and information, Isaacson repeatedly stressed the importance of credibility in news broadcasting, noting that "trustworthy journalism" would pay dividends for U.S. foreign policy objectives.

(BBG Press Release)

New broadcasting development authority in Sri Lanka

A new Sri Lanka Broadcasting Development Authority will be introduced soon to streamline telecasting and broadcasting activities...

More at :

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

QSL's Received

RTE via Meyerton,South Africa for All Ireland Final special txn..

RN via Madagascar for world cup football commentary in Dutch

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

RSI Revised A10 Frequency Schedule

Raio Slovakia Intl - Revised A10 Frequency Schedule effective 1st October - 31st October 2010 :


27th Sept 2010

0230 onwards - Nice conditions, Nepal stn's quite strong yday

91.9 - Radio Mantra Bareilley + Agra
98.6 - Rado Bheri, Surkhet, Nepal
99.4 - Shuklaphanta FM, Mahendranagar, Nepal
101.3 - AIR Aligarh
101.5 - AIR Sawai Madhopur
102.1 - AIR Mussourie
103.0 - Radio Nepal, Buditola
103.1 - AIR Chandigarh
107.2 - AIR Kasauli

28th Sept

91.9 - Radio Mantra Karnal
99.4 - Shuklaphanta FM,Mahendranagar, Nepal
101.3 - AIR Aligarh
101.5 - AIR Sawai Madhopur
102.1 - AIR Mussourie
103.0 - Radio Nepal, Buditola
103.1 - AIR Chandigarh
103.7 - AIR Kanpur
107.2 - AIR Kasauli

28 Sept 10

Tropo - Radio Bheri 98.6, Surkhet,Nepal steady from 1500 UTC check in, carried BBC Nepali between 1500-1530 UTC, gone at 1715 UTC.

Good tropo conditions expected today also around north India -

RP2100 + QUAD

Upcoming broadcast expo's/conferences in India

Broadcast India Show 2010
21 - 23 Oct 2010
Venue : Bombay Exhibition Centre, Goregaon (E), Mumbai, India

RadioAsia 2011
21-23 Feb 2011
Venue : New Delhi, India

BES Expo 2011
24-26 Feb 2011
Venue : Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India

New news programme launched by TWR-UK

TWR-UK is launching a new look TWR Today programme, broadcasting news and views live from its Manchester studios.

Listeners can tune into the new look current affairs programme to hear a clear Christian voice speaking into an increasingly secularised world. TWR Today broadcasts live at noon on weekdays with all the latest regional, national and international events. Cutting-edge news is presented with comment from Christian leaders, giving a Christian viewpoint on the issues which are shaping the world in which we live.

Russell Farnworth, CEO of Trans World Radio says: "TWR continues to explore every possible way of communicating the Christian message and TWR Today will bring a distinctly Christian approach to the news and events going on around us.

"There's a very telling verse in 1 Chronicles 12:32 where the 'men of Issachar' are singled out as those who understood the times they lived in and knew what the people of God needed to do. As our society moves more and more towards secularism, the need for the Church to understand what's going on and to do something about it will get more and more urgent. I'm excited about what TWR Today can do to help raise up 'men of Issachar' today!"

TWR Today broadcasts live at noon on weekdays on satellite channel 0138, Freesat 790, online at and on DAB digital radio throughout the North West of England.