Monday, February 28, 2011
Beheading Britain, shafting Southasia
Mourning recent cuts to the BBC World Service
Read the detailed story here :
(Thanks to Naleen Kumar for the link)
Clearer, Stronger Medium Wave from Swaziland
Full story at :
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Sound of Hope Bucks the Trend and Expands Broadcasts to China
Full story at :
Radio Taiwan International - Frequency change for listeners in South Asia
Radio Heritage Foundation: Pacific Radio Guide 2011 Updates
Latest versions of the PAL Radio Guides covering all AM [mediumwave] and SW [shortwave] radio stations across the Asia and Pacific region are now available from the Radio Heritage Foundation website
This includes our updates for 2011 with a lot of new information in the PAL mediumwave version.
The Pacific Asian Log [PAL] Radio guides list all known AM and SW radio stations operating in the region with detailed information about operating times, languages, location, and much more...across many thousands of individual stations.
Information in the new Pacific Asian Log Radio Guides is also useful for travellers, travel agents, corporates and others who need to keep clients and staff informed.
Radio saves lives in emergencies and these guides list the stations you need to know about across the region.
The PAL Radio Guides are compiled in Seattle [USA] by our editor-in-chief Bruce Portzer from monitoring reports, official sources and feedback from listeners across the region.
Search the two guides online now by options such as location and frequency or download copies for your own personal use from
You can also search our other frequently updated online guides to Australian narrowcast AM radio [Australia 1611-1701 AM] and the New Zealand Low Power FM Radio Dial [NZLPFM Radio]
Feedback, corrections and updates from users are always welcome and will be incorporated in future versions. Simply email us with your comments to
Radio Heritage Foundation is a registered non-profit connecting popular culture, nostalgia and radio heritage across the region. Free community access to the PAL Radio Guides and other services is available at our global website
Only 9 more sponsors still needed for February. Will you help cover our operational costs for the month? Full details and Paypal options now at
Read about the 'Helping Rebuild Christchurch' project as part of the Kiwi Radio Campaign after the devastating earthquake on February 22 and how you can help today.
(Media Release, Radio Heritage Foundation ,
Christchurch Earthquake Radio Status
A major 6.3 earthquake struck Christchurch on the South Island of New Zealand on February 22 2011 with nearly 400 killed or missing and most of the CBD of this city of 350,000 ruined.
A complete list of AM and FM radio services in Christchurch with updates on their current status is now available.
Many studios are located in the CBD, are damaged and no longer accessible and several locally based stations [such as Plains FM] are no longer broadcasting.
Main transmitter sites are operational, but several local low power FM stations in the eastern suburbs of Aranui, South New Brighton and Sumner have all sustained damage and are silent.
Other local LPFM stations such as Power Hits 87.7 FM have been broadcasting emergency accommodation messages for the St Albans/Mairehau community and offers to help stations have come from other local stations as far away as Wellington and Queenstown.
Volcano Radio 88.5 FM in Lyttelton returned to the air shortly after the quake and has been broadcasting community messages and information since.
The detailed list is available for download from and is located at the homepage under the header 'Christchurch Earthquake 2011'.
Donations towards the 'Helping Rebuild Christchurch' project which was launched only the day before the earthquake as part of the Kiwi Radio Campaign are also welcomed through Paypal at the website or can be mailed to the Radio Heritage Foundation, PO Box 20024, Newtown, Wellington 6242. Donations are tax deductible.
The Radio Heritage Foundation is a registered non-profit organization connecting popular culture, nostalgia and radio heritage.
We host the PAL Mediumwave and Shortwave Radio Guides, the New Zealand Low Power FM Radio Guide and maintain Pacific country directory listings for the World Radio TV Handbook.
Our latest radio heritage radio documentary about the FM radio dial in Bacolod City, Philippines can be downloaded from the Mailbox audio page for February 21 at Radio New Zealand International
The second in this series is scheduled for broadcast March 7.
Our global website is Thank you for supporting our ongoing operational costs through Paypal donations.
(Media Release,Radio Heritage Foundation,
BBC Serbian language service waves goodbye
More at :
FRS right now on air
Here's the schedule:
0752- 1400 UTC 7600//5800 kHz
0752- 1400 UTC 6085 kHz
Our internet stream is running at the same times as the SW broadcast: 0752- 1400 UTC.
Surf to <>.
on behalf of the FRS staff
(Peter V., Jan van Dijk, Paul Graham, Dave Scott, Brian & Bobby Speed)
a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....
POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands
e-mail: < frs.holland @>
e-mail: < frs @>
DX and Shortwave meetings of 2011
Location: Reading International Solidarity Centre (RISC), 35-39 London
Street, Reading RG1 4PS, England
Organization: Reading International Radio Group
Expected attendance: 20
More info:
Note: these Reading DX meetings are held with 1-2 months interval.
Dates: March 4-5
Location: Plymouth Meeting (near Philadelphia), PA, USA
Description: Winter SWL Fest
More info:
Expected attendance: 150
Dates: March 16-20
Location : Holzerbachtal in Solingen-Wald, Germany
Description: DX-Camp
Organization: Kurzwellenfreunde Rhein/Ruhr
More info:
Dates: May 13-16
Location: Miami, FL, USA (cruise to Bahamas and back)
Description: Annual NASB Conference
Oganisation: National Association of Shortwave Broadcasters+DRM Consortium, USA
More info:
Dates: May 14, 2011
Location: Ottenau im Murgtal, Germany (Gasthaus Strauss, Marxstrasse
12, D-76571 Ottenau)
Description: 30th ueberegionales DX-Treffen mit RTI Hoererklubtreffen.
Oganisation: Kurzwellenhoererklub Murgtal & RTI Hoererklub Ottenau.
More info:
Dates: May 20-22
Location: Dayton, Ohio, USA
Organization: Dayton Hamvention
Expected attendance: 20,000
More info:
Dates: May 20-22
Location: Vejers Beach, Jutland, Denmark
Description: The annual general meeting of DSWCI and listening camp
Organization: Danish Short Wave Club International
Expected attendance: 30
More info:,
Dates: June 23-26
Location: Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Description: 2011 IRCA Convention
More info:
Dates: June 24-26
Location: Friedrichshafen, Germany
Description: Ham Radio, biggest annual hamfest in Europe
Expected attendance: 20000
Dates: July 1-3
Location: Motala, Sweden
Description: DX-Parlamentet 2011, the annual meeting of the SDXF
Organization: The Swedish DX-Federation (SDXF)
More info:
Dates: July 9-24
Location: Döbriach, Austria
Description: DX-Camp
More info:
Dates: August 5-7
Location: Korpilahti (Jyvaskyla), Central Finland
Description: The Annual Summer Meeting
Organization: The Finnish DX Association
Expected attendance: 70
More info:
NOTE: tentative, hopefully to be cofirmed soon!
Dates: August 18-22
Location: Melnik and Sofia, Bulgaria
Description: European DX Conference, the annual meeting of EDXC
Organization: European DX Council
Expected attendance: 50
More info:,
Dates: August 27-28
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Description: Big ham fair with a SW sector (Japan SW Club stand & lectures)
Organization: Tokyo Ham Fair
Expected attendance: 30000
More info:
Dates: September 2-7
Location: Berlin, Germany
Name: IFA Internationale Funkausstellung
Description: Consumer Electronics Fair - Including Radios
Dates: September 14-18
Location: Germany
Description: DX-Camp of the Oldenburger Kurzwellenfreunde
More info:
Dates: September 21-25
Location: Holzerbachtal in Solingen-Wald, Germany
Description: DX-Camp
Organzation: Kurzwellenfreunde Rhein/Ruhr
More info:
November 5
Location: Hannover, Germany
Description: Interradio in the hall 20 of the Hannover Messe (with ADDX stand)
Risto Vähäkainu
Helsingin yliopisto
(Via HCDX List)
Objectivity could go as British Forces Broadcasting Service contracted out

Military radio and TV network founded in 1943 is going to tender shortly, prompting fears for its unbiased reporting
Read the Guardian story here :
SLBC to launch new radio channel for fishing community
Saturday, February 26, 2011
800 more FM stations to be auctioned: Ambika Soni
Related News :
Punjab to have 15 FM stations
The last broadcasts to a wider world
Radio Verdad anniversary special
(Glen Hauser via DXLD list)
Friday, February 25, 2011
Relative of former British PM behind Radio Free Sarawak
World Radio TV Handbook B10 CD
If you have not yet ordered the WRTH Bargraph Frequency Guide for B10 we thought that you might like to know that Anker Petersen said in DX-Window:
"I just received my CD and it is beautiful and excellent! It includes all international broadcasters on LW, MW and SW plus domestic broadcasters on SW. It is highly recommendable."
and Gerry Dexter concludes his review for Popular Communications with the words:
"I can't say enough about the new WRTH Bargraph Frequency Guide. On a scale of one to ten, I give it a twelve!"
The CD is only for sale on the WRTH site. Visit our website at to find out more and to order a copy.
I hope you enjoy using this new guide.
Nicholas Hardyman
Our mailing address is:
WRTH Publications Ltd 8 King Edward Street Oxford, OXON OX1 4HL
Our telephone:
+44 (0)1865 514405
FRS on next Sunday February 27th
At last Sunday February 27th 2011 the final & 3rd FRS 30th Anniversary broadcast will take place. We will complete the FRS Anthology !
Next Sunday 27th February we will feature the period 1998- 2010. Mind you: we will kick off at already 07.52 UTC=08.52 CET.
In contrast with our previous mail, a change has taken place. 6085 will be on for the complete 6 hours 08-14 UTC. No alternative 48 mb freq will be used. March 6th could see a repeat of part of the shows lasting 2 or 3 hours. We are understandably curious to receive your letters and mails. That's very important for us and that's the only way in which you can show your respect and interest.
Here's the schedule:
07.52- 14.00 UTC 7600//5800 kHz
07.52- 14.00 UTC 6085 kHz
Of course we have special QSLs for this broadcast. With the ones issued for the previous two broadcasts, it will form the FRS 30th Anniversary QSL Series.
Hope to have your company on the will be great fun: 30 Years of FRS-Holland on SW!
73s, on behalf of the FRS staff
(Peter V., Jan van Dijk, Paul Graham, Dave Scott, Brian & Bobby Speed)
IRRS cancellation of 5775 tests, new tests on 9510 and 9435
Following my email yesterday, I apologize but due to technical problems we had to cancel all tests on 5775 kHz at the very last moment.
In the meantime we are announcing these additional tests:
Feb 25, 2011 from 0930-1230 UTC on 9510 kHz to Europe
Feb 28, 2011 from 0930-1230 UTC on 9510 kHz to Europe
Feb 25, 2011 from 1800-2000 UTC on 9435 kHz to Europe
Feb 26, 2011 from 1800-2000 UTC on 9435 kHz to Europe
Feb 27, 2011 from 1800-2000 UTC on 9435 kHz to Europe
We will appreciate your reception reports for all of our tests by email at reports at
Our regular broadcasts continue also on AM/Medium Wave daily on 1368 kHz in North/Eastern Italy (covering Padua, Venice, Vicenza, Verona and Bologna) and on 1566 in Rome, daily from 20:00-01:00 Central European Time. (in Vicenza we have a large US military base, and we know that we have many listeners there). These times may be extended later on.
We received several reports from 1368 kHz from Italy and outside of Italy. Our sincere thanks to all who tuned in, and wrote us. All will be getting a personal reply soon, please bear with us while we are very busy in setting up and verifying coverage for all tests.
Some of you asked about TX location, however: it is our policy that while we always make public the target area(s), the exact transmitter location(s) may change over time, and always remains strictly confidential.
Thank you again, and stay tuned.
At Radio Free Libya, change is on the air
Read the full story here :
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Digitalization: The Need of the hour- Raghu Menon Secretary, I&B Inaugurates BES EXPO- 2011
Elaborating on the initiatives, Secretary, I&B mentioned, promoting digitalization was one of the main thrust areas of the Ministry. Digitalization with addressability was the answer as it would enable delivery of a number of channels as well as facilitate triple play i.e. provisioning of TV, Telephony and Internet services through cable. While discussions had been held with TRAI on related issues, regarding the finalization of the sunset date, a final decision had not yet been firmed up. The endeavor of the ministry was to outline a roadmap which took into account the enormity of the task keeping in mind the concern of key stakeholders. The finalization of a sunset date for digitalization would also evince interest for better participation in the Headend- in-the Sky Policy.
Regarding the issue of Mobile TV, Shri Menon said the ministry was presently engaged in laying down a suitable regulatory framework enabling private players to provide Mobile TV services. In this context, the recommendations of TRAI had been examined and certain issues related to spectrum identification within the recommended band, the determination of service area licenses and the number of providers is under discussion.
Regarding the initiatives taken by Doordarshan to provide a low cost alternative for the poor, Shri Menon said, the Ministry had approved a plan scheme for upgrading the free-to-air DTH platform of Doordarshan to be able to carry 97 channels instead of 57 channels as of now. This capacity increase is likely by December 2011. It is planned to further increase the carrying capacity to 200 channels in the 12th Plan period. This would enable those persons who could not afford to incur recurring expenses on a monthly basis to be able to watch TV channels at a onetime cost for purchase of STB without any further expenses.
Regarding the FM Radio initiatives, Secretary stated that opening up of the FM Radio Sector for private participation had resulted in huge growth in FM Radio Industry. It offered new areas for creating employment and had the potential to generate revenue for the Government by efficiently utilizing the frequency radio spectrum earmarked for FM Radio services. In the FM Phase- III, 806 new FM Channels in 283 cities would be positioned. Shri Menon added that the Ministry would seek the approval of the Cabinet shortly.
On the issue of content Secretary mentioned that the ministry supported the mechanism of self regulation. Organisations such as NBA and ASCI had put systems in place, which were working effectively. A process of self regulation with the IBF was being worked out through mutual discussions.
Speaking on the occasion, Chairperson, Prasar Bharti, Smt. Mrinal Pande said a balance had to be maintained between programming and technology. Content had to be carefully designed in such a way that it did not create a disconnect within society. It was the responsibility of Prasar Bharti to rise up to the challenges of disseminating quality information as a public broadcaster.
The three day expo is expected to discuss a range of issues, which include Digital Broadcasting- Growth and Implementation in India, Technology for HD, VFX & 3D Stereoscopic Content Production, Content Creation- Trends and Challenges, Tapeless Content Workflow- XDCAM HD
422, DVB Second Generation- Success Story, 3G and Beyond, IP Enabled Solutions and Broadcast Regulation.
(Press Information Bureau, Govt of India)
Hacking and Signal Interference of U.S. International Broadcasting
"Our broadcasters are at the forefront of reporting the most tumultuous events we have seen unfold since 1989," said Walter Isaacson, Chair of the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) which oversees all U.S. international broadcasting including the Voice of America (VOA) and Radio Free Europe (RFE). "It is a testament to their vital role that they are subject to the work of hackers and signal interference."
On Monday, February 21, an unknown party hacked the Voice of America's primary domain name (, along with numerous related domains registered with Network Solutions. Web users were directed to a website claiming to be run by a group called the "Iranian Cyber Army."
"There's a saying that a hit dog hollers - that can be applied to whoever tried to cut off access to VOA News by attacking the domain provider on Monday. The fact that the sites were redirected to the Iranian Cyber Army certainly raises an eyebrow or two," said Dana Perino member of the BBG. "Technology is chipping away at the stranglehold on free and fair information inside Iran. VOA News is strongly committed to providing the news at it happens in a variety of ways so that every Iranian that can get access to the free media can benefit from our journalists' reporting."
This was a Domain Name System (DNS) attack redirecting the website. This was not a breach of internal systems or servers. No data was lost or compromised as a result of this event. An investigation is underway to determine who is responsible.
Since February 13, there has been intermittent but frequent interference of VOA's Persian News Network (PNN) and RFE's Radio Farda satellite signals with programming in Persian for audiences in Iran.
As of the morning of February 21, there has been a continuous service interruption on one satellite channel carrying VOA's PNN. PNN is carried on three other satellite paths as well as online including a popular TV satire, "Parazit". Millions of the show's fans use proxy servers to access the program through social media sites like Facebook and YouTube. In the last month, Facebook recorded more than 20 million impressions on Parazit's page.
The Broadcasting Board of Governors is an independent federal agency, supervising all U.S. government-supported, civilian international broadcasting, whose mission is to promote freedom and democracy and to enhance understanding through multimedia communication of accurate, objective, and balanced news, information, and other programming about America and the world to audiences overseas. BBG broadcasts reach an audience of 165 million in 100 countries. BBG broadcasting organizations include the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Middle East Broadcasting Networks (Alhurra TV and Radio Sawa), Radio Free Asia, and the Office of Cuba Broadcasting (Radio and TV Marti).
(BBG Press Release)
IRRS-Shortwave tests on 5775 kHz
From Thursday Feb. 24 until Saturday Feb. 26, 2011, IRRS-Shortwave will be testing on the frequency of 5775 kHz from 1800-2000 UTC with 300 kW to Central & Eastern Europe, North Africa and the Mediterranean.
We will appreciate receiving your reception reports for these tests by email at
I would like also to mention that we are also on the air in English with the call-sign IRRS-ediumwave on 1368 kHz in North/Eastern Italy (covering Padua, Venice, Vicenza, Verona and Bologna) and on 1566 in Rome, daily from 20:00-01:00 Central European Time. As 1368 kHz is quite clear in Europe, our broadcasts may be heard outside of our main coverage area in all neighbouring countries, including Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, and up north in the Sweden, Norway and Finland with DX conditions.
Our program and frequency schedules are online at
Due to severe budget cuts, we will be unable to reply to all reports by QSL, but we will acknowledge all reports and reply to any question by email.
Thank you for your understanding and help, and stay tuned!
Take care & best 73s.
Ron & all the NEXUS-IBA staff in Milano
Ron Norton NEXUS-Int'l Broadcasting Association
BES Expo 2011
More info on BES Expo 2011 :
For those interested in DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale) demo please visit Prasar Bharati stand ( Stand # 1 to 4) at Hall 11A, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.
Related News :
French Pavillion at BES Expo 2011
Thomson Broadcast to display products at BES Expo 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
New shortwave service to be launched from PCJ
PCJ sees an opportunity to fill a void being left by large publicly funded broadcasters. In the last few months a number of well-respected international broadcasters have dropped their shortwave transmissions to these regions in favor of internet and podcasts. Most notably are the significant cuts to the BBC World Service and the Voice Of America transmissions.
To fill this void, PCJ’s new service would broadcast in five languages, with programming targeted to the audiences of those specific languages. New distribution platforms such as the internet will also be used.
The five language groups which PCJ Radio would target are:
Farsi – Middle East
Mandarin – China
Spanish – Latin America
Ukrainian/Russian – Eastern Europe
English - to regions mentioned above
Launch date TBA.
For more information please contact Keith Perron of PCJ Media.
Tel: +886 938 408 592
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
Digital Radio Week at the EBU
Read this interesting blog entry here :
On 80th birthday, Vatican Radio rides wave of digital technology
Catholic News Service
Read the story here :
Reliance's BIG FM to be first Indian radio channel in Bhutan
Full story at :
Thursday, February 17, 2011
BBC veteran Tully slams end of Hindi radio service
Read the AFP story here :
VOA, BBC cease radio shows into China
Full story at :
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Deutsche Welle satellite transmissions jammed
Engineers at Deutsche Welle detected interference of transmissions coming from the Hotbird 8 satellite beginning Monday at 13:07 UTC.
It is believed the DW transmissions are being "jammed" by foreign signals, though the source of the signals can not be confirmed.
Deutsche Welle last experienced jamming in February 2010, which was believed to have emanated in Iran.
The disturbances are affecting DW-TV Europe, DW-TV Arabia, as well as very high frequency (VHF) and shortwave signals in regions including Europe, the Middle East and parts of Asia.
TV live streaming on Deutsche Welle's multi-language news website is also affected by the disturbances.
To ensure the transfer of Deutsche Welle content, alternate transmission services have been arranged for Internet and satellite broadcasting. Partner stations that rebroadcast DW have been informed.
Author: Birgit Görtz / dfm
Editor: Martin Kuebler
Solar Flare Suspends Parts of Radio Communications in Korea
Related News :
Solar flare affects shortwave radio communications in southern China
Click on the screenshots to enlarge....

Monday, February 14, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
FRS-Holland Final Anniversary broadcast Febr. 27th
At long last Sunday February 27th 2011 the final & 3rd FRS 30th Anniversary broadcast will take place. We will then complete the FRS Anthology !
In two weeks time on the 27th February we will feature the period 1998- 2010. Mind you: we will kick off at already 07.52 UTC=08.52 CET.
Here's the schedule:
07.52- 14.00 UTC 7600//5800 kHz
07.52- 11.00 UTC 48 mb frequency (unknown)
11.00- 14.00 UTC 6085 kHz
Of course we have special QSLs for this broadcast. With the ones issued for the previous two broadcasts, it will form the FRS 30th Anniversary QSL Series.
Hope to have your company on the will be great fun: 30 Years of FRS-Holland on SW!
73s, on behalf of the FRS staff
(Peter V., Jan van Dijk, Paul Graham, Dave Scott, Brian & Bobby Speed)
a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....
POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands
e-mail: frs.holland at
e-mail: frs at
PU's Radio "Jyotigarmye" 91.2 FM to be inaugurated today
The details are as follows:
Venue : School of Communication Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh
Date: 13th February,2011
Time: 4.00 PM
The station is already functioning on a trial basis and a schedule would be fixed after the ceremony.
Related News :
PU Radio: This is "Jyotigarmye" 91.2 FM
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
Radio Taiwan International test to South Asia
Time : 1600 to 1700 UTC
Dates : February 13 to 16, 2011
Language : English
Reception reports to : paula at
Vatican Radio marks 80 years, looks to new media
The Associated Press
Thursday, February 10, 2011; 4:08 PM
VATICAN CITY -- Vatican Radio, which broadcasts the pope's message in 45 languages worldwide, is looking to a future in new media, said a top official on Thursday, as the station launched an exhibition commemorating 80 years of broadcasting.
UN radio ordered off the air in Ivory Coast
Read the full story here :
Fantastic condition on FM band this morning !
10 Feb 2011 (Fri) @ 0030- 0200 UTC
88.0 Unid weak
89.8 Unid from Nepal
90.8 Jaagran FM , Nepal 55555
91.4 Unid from Nepal
91.9 Mantra
92.4 Indreni FM
93.2 Phoolbari Fm Nepal 55555
93.8 Dinesh FM, Nepal
94.0 Krisnasar FM
94.6 Bageshwari FM 55555
95.6 Radio Bheri Awaz , Nepal
96.2 Radio Mahakali, Mahendranagar,Nepal
97.3 Unid Nepali
98.6 Radio Bheri, Nepal 55555
99.4 Shuklaphanta FM, Nepal 55555
100.1 AIR Gorakhpur
100.2 AIR Patiala 55555
100.3 AIR Unid
100.4 AIR Bareilley 55555
100.6 AIR Varanasi
100.7 AIR Lucnow
100.9 AIR Shimla
101.0 Unid from Nepal
101.3 AIR Aligarh 55555
101.4 AIR Kurukshetra 55555
101.5 AIR Sawai Madhopur
101.8 AIR Hamirpur
102.1 AIR Mussourie 55555
103.0 Radio Nepal Buditola 55555
103.1 AIR Chandigarh 55555
103.4 AIR Dharamshala
103.5 AIR Rohtak
103.7 AIR Unid 55555
104.5 Unid Weak
107.2 AIR Kasauli
107.3 Unid Nepal weak
Hep forecast :
IMD Fog forecast :
Sony XDR-F1HD + Trax 5 ele Yagi beaming at 60 deg
(Alokesh Gupta, VU3BSE)
Monday, February 07, 2011
The Wave Silenced
Namrata Joshi
Read the Outlook story here :
Why ham radio endures in a world of tweets
Sunday, February 06, 2011
Invitation for inauguration of RMS station at Trivandrum
We cordially invite all Hams & SWLS for the inauguration of the Radio Mail Server (RMS) station set up by National Institute of Amateur Radio (NIAR)at Amateur Radio Club, VU2CLU, Kerala State Science & Technology Museum, Trivandrum under "Amateur Radio Advanced Digital Communications System" project of Department of Information Technology, Govt. of India.
Date: Monday, 7 February 2011
Time: 6.00 pm
Venue: Kerala State Science & Technology Museum & Priyadarshini Planetarium, PMG Junction, Vikas Bhavan PO, Trivandrum 695033
Shri. M.A.Baby, Hon'ble Minister for Education & Culture, Govt. of Kerala will inaugurate the same in a function presided over by Shri. V. Surenderan Pillai, Hon'ble Minister for Ports & Youth Affairs, Govt. of Kerala.
(Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, National Institute of Amateur Radio, Hyderabad )
Radio silence in Khandwa
Friday, February 04, 2011
Making the cut
Thursday, February 03, 2011
BBC defends scaling back World Service in Egypt
DRM+ Trial in the UK
include being able to assess the impact of DRM+ on FM and vice-versa; demonstrate the performance of DRM+ in a range of environments, for example, urban, suburban, rural, etc., and therefore provide an analysis of performance against the challenges of these environments. The pattern of the antenna will also be measured, in order to correlate performance in different directions with the expected performance. This trial should also provide suitable measurement data to international regulatory bodies, such as CEPT and ITU.
Digital Radio MondialeTM (DRM) is the universal, openly standardised digital broadcasting system for all broadcasting frequencies up to 174MHz, including LW, MW, SW, band I and II (FM band). DRM provides digital sound quality and the ease-of-use that comes from digital radio, combined with a wealth of enhanced features: Surround Sound, Journaline text information, Slideshow, EPG, and data services. DRM on short, medium and long wave for broadcasting bands up to 30 MHz (called 'DRM30') provides large coverage areas and low power consumption. The enhancement of the DRM standard for broadcast frequencies above 30 MHz ('DRM+') uses the same audio coding, data services, multiplexing and signaling schemes as DRM30 but introduces an additional transmission mode optimized for those bands.
Blow to digital radio switchover as DAB listenership stalls
More at :
Shortwave proved to be lifeline in Australia during cyclone Yasi
ABC Local Radio Queensland started non stop coverage of cyclone on shortwave (9710 kHz during local daytime & 6080 kHz during night) but later was carried by all the Radio Australia's shortwave channels.
Here's an audio excerpt recorded last night on 9475 kHz, ABC Local Radio QLD's Kelly Higgins with non-stop call-in reports, repeated announcements of emergency phone numbers, weather updates and all.
Listen to the audio file :
An interesting quote form David Sharp in the dxld list .....
Quote ....
Have been listening to coverage on ABC-Queensland. They have been repeatedly mentioning, that people should tune to 9710 or 6080 kHz, "if (their) local ABC transmitter goes off." Then the announcer added: "Shortwave is 'crackly' but at least IT WORKS!"
First World broadcasters, who think shortwave is redundant...TAKE NOTE.
One final thought-- it's good to see the Australian government acknowledge the benefits of HF broadcasting, especially when in the past, Radio Australia's future was uncertain. If the axe had fallen on RA, how would people impacted by Yasi get their news (if the local stations are off the air)?
David Sharp, NSW Australia
For reliable broadcasts during disaster, turn to short wave
The ABC show us the way again with Cyclone Yasi
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Why is the BBC cutting Hindi radio from the World Service?
Read the Guardian report here :
It’s a New Day for the Radio Dial
More at :