4th Mediumwave-Summer-Contest
Wellenforum is holding it's 4th Mediumwave-Summer-Contest.
1. Contest Period:
The contest runs from Wednesday, 15.07.2009 (00.00 UTC) to Friday, 31.07.2009 (23.59 UTC).
2. BC Stations
During the contest period participants can score by listening to MW BC stations.Listening time has to be at least 10 minutes for each station.Valid contest frequencies are between 525 kHz and 1700 kHz.Verification should be done by adequate program details like a news headline or a music title.Please do not use phrases like music or news !
3. Conditions of Participation
The contest is open to all DXers, regardless of their membership in any DX club and/or wellenforum.
Logs can be made through the wellenforum-Online-Log facility, which will be available at
www.contest.wellenforum.de in due course.
Please note, that a registration is necessary to be granted access to the wellenforum-Online-Log-facility. You can also send in your logs via eMail to
Please note, that, if you send your logs via email after the contest, the following format should be used: Frequency day time(UTC) ITU station language SIO details
4. Awards
Every participant will receive a participation certificate promptly after the contest has finished.This time we will not evaluate any individual score and ranking.
5. Diploma
On the occasion of the ITALY MEDITERRANEAN GAMES, every registered wellenforum-member has the chance to be awarded with a special Mediterranean Diploma .
To receive this diploma, participants have to log at least one station from every country adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea.
The following countries are participating in the ITALY MEDITERRANEAN GAMES:
Europe:Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cyprus, Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Monaco, San Marino*, Serbia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Spain, Turkey*no MW BC station.
Afrika:Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia
Asia:Lebanon, Syria
In addition, the following islands are also eligible:Mallorca, Corsica, Sardinia, Crete, Rhodes
Israel does not participate in the games. Serbia and San Marino do not have a direct access to the Mediterranean Sea.
The Diploma will be given out in three levels.
Bronze - up to 10 countries / islands
Silver - up to 18 countries / islands
Gold - more than 18 countries / islands
We wish you good listening!
73, Friedhelm Wittlieb
QTH: Lünen / NRW (near Dortmund)
Grundig Satellit 700 with Martens frame antenna (MW)
member of the addx and medium wave circle uk
"Verifications Editor" - Medium Wave News