KTWR Spring/Summer Schedule Effective March 26 2017
Language UTC Days Freq/MB Program
Cantonese 1400-1430 Mon-Fri 9975/31 Thru the Bible
Mandarin 1015-1100 Mon-Fri 13710/22 Popcorn, Thru the Bible
Mandarin 1015-1100 Saturday 13710/22 Popcorn, Hope for Today,Macedonian Call
Mandarin 1030-1100 Mon-Fri 12120/25 Thru the Bible
Mandarin 1145-1200 Saturday 11695/25 The Word Today
Mandarin 1130-1200 Sunday 9910/31 The Lord's Challenge,Macedonian Call
Mandarin 1100-1230 Mon-Fri 9910/31 Self Confrontation, DTA
Mongolian 1100-1115 Mon-Sun 12120/25 Son-Lift
Cantonese 1115-1130 Mon-Sun 12120/25 Son-Lift
Hakka 1130-1145 Mon-Sun 12120/25 Son-Lift
Mandarin 1145-1200 Mon-Fri 12120/25 Son-Lift
Mandarin 1145-1200 Mon-Fri 11695/25 Son-Lift
Mandarin 1130-1145 Mon-Fri 11695/25 God Remembers Them
Mandarin 1315-1430 Sunday 9975/31 Women of Hope, A Walk with Angels
Mandarin 1330-1430 Saturday 9975/31 Shepard the Lamb, A Walk with Angels
Mandarin 1345-1430 Mon-Fri 9975/31 Our Time
Cantonese 1315-1345 Mon-Fri 9975/31 Thru the Bible
Mandarin 1415-1430 Mon-Fri 9975/31 A Walk with Angels, A Word with You
Nosu Yi 1200-1215 Mon-Sun 11580/25 Good News for the Yi
English 1345-1415 Sunday 9975/31 Unlimited Grace
Korean 1345-1500 Mon-Fri 7510/41 Your Quest for God,Bible reading,TWR Seminary(LTS-Thu,WOH-Friday)
Korean 1345-1515 Saturday 7510/41 Teachers Institute, Bible School Basics,Truth in a Test Tube & Pray school
Korean 1345-1515 Sunday 7510/41 Sunday Service, The Gospel Train, Bible School Basics
English 1315-1345 Saturday 7510/41 Unlimited Grace
Japanese 1215-1245 Sunday 9900/41B Japan - Friendship Radio
South East Asia
English 1100-1105 Monday 11965/25 Reachng Your World
English 1115-1125 Tues-Fri 11965/25 Reachng Your World
English 1215-1240 Mon-Fri 9900/31 Running to Win
English 1100-1115 Tues-Fri 11965/25 Grace Notes-Tue,SFT-Wed,BFL-Thur,HFT-Fri, RYW,Running to Win
English 1030-1100 Sunday 11965/25 Heart of Harvest
English 1100-1130 Sunday 11965/25 Unlimited Grace
South Pacific
English 1000-1015 Saturday 11995/25 Bread of Life
English 1000-1025 Mon-Fri 11995/25 Running to Win, Reaching Your World
English 1015-1045 Saturday 11995/25 Unlimited Grace
Madurese 1000-1030 Mon-Fri 11965/25 Thru the Bible
Sundanese 1030-1100 Mon-Fri 11965/25 Thru the Bible
English 1000-1030 Sunday 11965/25 Unlimited Grace
Indonesian 1030-1100 Sunday 11965/25 Women of Hope
Burmese 1200-1230 Mon-Fri 12040/25 Thru the Bible
Burmese 1200-1230 Saturday 12040/25 Macedonian Call, The Word Today
Burmese 1200-1245 Sunday 12040/25 Woman of Hope, Lifeword
S'gaw Karen 1230-1300 Mon-Fri 12040/25 Thru the Bible
S'gaw Karen 1245-1300 Sunday 12040/25 The Word Today
S'gaw Karen 1230-1300 Saturday 12040/25 Women of Hope
Vietnamese 1245-1315 Mon-Fri 11580/25 Thru the Bible
Vietnamese 1245-1315 Saturday 11580/25 Women of Hope
Vietnamese 1245-1315 Sunday 11580/25 The Word Today, Truth in a Test Tube
South Asia
Kok Borok 1230-1300 Mon-Fri 11695/25 Thru the Bible
Kok Borok 1245-1300 Sunday 11695/25 Discipleship Hour
Dzongkha 1230-1245 Sat-Sun 11580/25 Words of Hope
Santhali 1215-1230 Sat-Sun 11580/25 Voice of Salvation, SED
Hindi 1400-1415 Saturday 11695/25 Women of Hope
Hindi 1315-1330 Sunday 11585/25 Hindi Worship Music
Hindi 1315-1345 Mon-Fri 11585/25 Turning Point
Assamese 1200-1230 Mon-Fri 11695/25 Thru the Bible
Manapuri 1315-1330 Saturday 11585/25 The Word Today
Telugu 1315-1330 Sunday 11695/25 Gospel Tide
Hindi 1330-1345 Sunday 11585/25 SGM
Nepali 1330-1345 Saturday 11585/25 Jiwan Ko Roti
Kashmiri 1345-1400 Sat-Sun 11585/25 Words of Hope
Dogri 1345-1400 Mon-Fri 11585/25 Words of Hope
Garhwali 1400-1415 Mon-Fri 11585/25 Words of Hope
Hindi 1400-1430 Sat-Sun 11585/25 Words of Hope
Hindi 1414-1435 Mon-Fri 11585/25 Words of Hope, A Walk With You
English 1430-1500 Mon-Sat 9975/31 Your Story,RYW- Mon-Fri,TLC-Mon,SFT-Tue,BFL-Wed,Grace Notes-Thur,SFT-Fri,WWL,Inside Out-Sat
English 1230-1300 Saturday 11695/25 Heart of Harvest
DTA = Discipleship Training on the Air
TLC = The Lords Challenge
RYW = Reaching Your World
SFT = Search for Truth
BFL = Bread of Life
HFT = Hope for Tomorrow
WWL = Wonderful Words of Life
LTS = Lets talk about something
WOH = Women of Hope
Reception reports to :rphilyaw@twr.org