Washington, DC — March 29, 2011 — Voice of America's comprehensive coverage of global, regional and African news is now available on Top Rádio 104.2 FM in Maputo, Mozambique.
VOA Portuguese Service Director Ana Guedes says the partnership, which officially began Monday, "allows VOA and its network of correspondents in Africa and around the world, to offer a global perspective to the Maputo station." We are pleased to be working together with Top Rádio, Guedes said, and hope listeners will enjoy VOA's coverage of international news and current affairs.
Top Radio, with its mix of youth and adult contemporary music, broadcasts in three languages, Portuguese, English and Changane.
Under the rebroadcasting agreement, Top Rádio 104.2 FM will air VOA's Portuguese news and current affairs program from 1930 to 2000 hours (7:30 pm to 8 pm) local time on Monday through Friday. A one hour VOA English lesson will air at 1800 hours (6 pm) Monday through Friday, and the VOA health show "Vida Sem Medo" will air from 1400 to 1600 (2 pm to 4 pm) Saturday afternoons.
The agreement also gives Top Rádio full access to VOA's popular music programs.
Carlos Henriques, Regional Adviser for VOA Audience Development, says, "Mozambique is an important market for VOA Portuguese Service programs and we are delighted to be on Top Rádio 104.2 FM with a full range of VOA content.
Top Rádio station manager David Muianga, says, "We are consolidating the promotion of social values by integrating the VOA programming on Top Rádio, and therefore offering to our listeners and the general public, in particular in the Maputo City and Maputo province area, news and information that is up-to-date and credible."
VOA Portuguese brings comprehensive world and regional news and information to Lusophone Africa including Angola, Mozambique, S.Tomé and Princípe, Guiné Bissau and Cape Verde. For more information visit: www.voanews.com/portuguese. For more information on Top Rádio visit: www.topradio.co.mz.
Thomson Broadcast is supplying a 250 kW TSW 2300D shortwave transmitter, together with the rotatable HP-RCA 2/2/0.5 shortwave antenna system to Bangladesh Betar, the new transmitter and antenna installation will be located at the Kabirpur Shortwave Station, about 40 km north of the capital Dhaka, and is scheduled to be operational by September 2011 while the antenna is planned to be on air by spring 2012.
Read the full report here :
Here's the link: http://www.hfcc.org/data/index.phtml
More at : http://tinyurl.com/4s5cwxb
Schedules can be downloaded here : www.primetimeshortwave.com
More at : http://kimelli.nfshost.com/index.php?id=10969
(Kim Andrew Elliott via Twitter)
Just to let you know the next edition of Media Network Plus for March will have it's first transmission at 0100UTC on the 26th on 9955khz. This months show will include part of David Goren's Shortwave Shindig from the SWL Fest on March 4th Also on the program some news on what is going on in Japan concerning shortwave after the earthquake and tsunami.
This weekend will be Happy Station's 2nd Anniversary as myself as host. Coming up on the program some of the most fun interviews from the past year. We will also present a recreation of an original program from the late 1920s. This recreation also includes some vintage clips from PCJ of that era.
Also I want to take a moment to tell you about something coming to the PCJ Shop very soon. The new Sangean ATS909x. The price seen at retailers in the US is around 450USD. PCJ will be offereing this radio for 199USD including shipping. Details of when we will sell this new SW receiver will be posted at http://www.facebook.com/l/51eb420ztVkWrYrDpO9AJ0Bec5A/www.pcjmedia.com.
Best 73s,
And now, here are the questions:
- Which event occurred in December 1989 in Timisoara?
- Mention at least three ethnic minorities living in the city of Timisoara or Timis county
- How many other cities had public electric lighting before Timisoara and when was this type of lighting introduced in the city?
- Name at least 3 cultural landmarks in Timisoara.
Please, also specify what motivated you when deciding to take part in the contest, and, if you wish, mention the sources you have used in answering, other than our radio station, the RRI website or our Facebook and Twitter profiles. Please, send your answers to: Radio Romania International, 60-64 Gral Berthelot Street, sector 1, Bucharest, PO Box 111, code 010165, fax, e-mail: eng@rri.ro. Please send us your answers by 31 March 2011, post date. The winners will be announced in late April, allowing winners to make preparations for their trip to Timis County. Good luck!
For more information about the Voice of America or any of its 44 language services, visit our website at www.voanews.com. The Voice of America, which first went on the air in 1942, is a multimedia international broadcasting service funded by the U.S. Government through the Broadcasting Board of Governors. VOA broadcasts approximately 1,500 hours of news, information, educational, and cultural programming every week to an estimated worldwide audience of about 123 million people. Programs are produced in 44 languages and are intended exclusively for audiences outside of the United States.
For more information, call VOA Public Relations at (202) 203-4959, or e-mail askvoa@voanews.com.
(VOA Press Release)
Read the full story here :
Full story at :
Date 20th of March 2011
Time 10.00 to 11.00 utc
Channel 6140 khz
10.00 Tom Taylor programme
10.25 Mike Taylor (Mail Box programme)
EMR Internet radio service on Sunday and Monday
Programme repeats are at the following times:
10.00, 13:00, 16:00, 17:00, 22:00 utc
Please visit www.emr.org.uk and click on the "EMR internet radio" button which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left).
Please send all reception reports to: studio@emr.org.uk Good Listening
PS. MV Baltic Radio relay service Schedule for Summertime 2011
1st Sunday – MV Baltic Radio
3rd Sunday – European Music Radio (June)
4th Sunday – Radio Gloria International
(Tom Taylor)
Also, we intend to listen carefully to the needs of the DX community during the operation by monitoring the activity on our Web site, and other social media outlets for band openings, and dialogue with the radio community."
Operators mentioned are: Zorro/JH1AJT/A51A (Team Leader), Jay/JA1TRC/KH2J, Hiroyuki/JP1TRJ, Nao/JA1HGY, Eun-Gwang/DS4EOI, Jon/KL2A, and 3 other operators TBA.
QSL via JH1AJT, direct, by the Bureau or LoTW. For more details, visit their pages at:
At this time the team is seeking contributions from sponsors and the DX community at large to help defray the significant logistics costs of this DXpedition. All team members will be covering their own travel costs. Donations are being requested to cover shipping, licensing, and the other necessary fees. Details of how to donate appear on the S21YX web page at:
PayPal and Secure credit card donations may be made directly via the Web site. Thank you for your consideration in whatever you can offer.
Direct link :
For more information visit the Radio Netherlands Worldwide website at www.rnw.nl or visit the Hear The World webpage at www.pcjmedia.com.
(Keith Perron, PCJ Media/Radio)
Read the full story here :
Radio Japan Bengali Service announced on their transmission on March 15th that due to present unprecedented situation in Japan after the recent earthquake & Tsunami, they will not be able to hold the Listeners Meet in Dhaka,Bangladesh next month. Radio Japan Bengali Service had decided to hold the listeners meet in Dhaka to mark 50th anniversary of its broadcasting and starting of FM transmission in Bangladesh via Bangladesh Betar transmitters.They have noted down the details of listeners who have already registered with them in order to attend the listeners meet.And when the situation improves, they may discuss the possibilty of holding the listeners meet there in future.
(Gautam Kumar Sharma, Abhayapuri, Assam)
Source : www.gkcalling.blogspot.com/
Link of the House of Commons debate on BBC Hindi
Operating Frequencies
160 ----1824 -------- 1845
80 ------3504--3584---3695
40 ------7004--7044---7095
30 -----10104--10144-------
20 -----14024--14084--14195
17 -----18074--18104--18145
15 -----21024--21084--21295
12 -----24894--24914--24945
10 -----28024--28084--28495
6 -----50104-----------50134
-80 & 40m CW frequencies shifted due to JA Emergency nets
-On 80 & 160m listen to the operator - Up or DN splits will be used
-On 40m SSB - we will use 7140 for NA
-The following split frequencies will be followed as far as possible:
CW Split - UP 2 to 10 khz
SSB split - UP 5 to 15 khz
RTTY split - UP 2 to 10 khz
We will listen in the US Novice bands segments where required
Gopal VU2GMN
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
Continent: Europe
The DRM+UK project team are planning a 'DRM+ Experience day' to be held in Edinburgh, Scotland on Tuesday March 29th. Unfortunately attendance will have to be restricted to only those who have been directly involved in this 'closed' technical trial. The event will allow attendees to experience first hand DRM+ and to preview some of the early findings of the DRM+ technical trial that has been jointly organised by BBC and DRM Consortium. We hope that all those who have been closely involved with the trial, including representatives from Arqiva, BBC, DRM Consortium, Fraunhofer iis, Keti, Nautel, Ofcom and RFmondial, will be able to attend and offer their perspective.
(DRM Consortium)
ABC has reinforced Radio Australia's capacity to assist the Australian Government in the carriage of urgent information to Australian citizens in Japan. Broadcasts normally directed to PNG have extended to cover Japan. In addition two broadcasts normally directed to south-east Asia have been re-directed to Japan .
The following frequencies will carry Radio Australia English service from Shepparton, Victoria to Japan until further notice.
Tokyo time is UT+9 hours.
Time (Tokyo) Frequency Metre Band Comments
0800-1600 13690 22m
0830-1600 17750 16m
0900-1400 21725 13m Best daylight frequency
1600-2200 11945 25m Best evening frequency
1600-1800 9710 31m
2000-2300 9560 31m
2300-0300 5995, 6080 49m
Kind regards,
Nigel Holmes
Transmission Manager
(Ian Johnson via ARDXC mailing list)
Full story at :
Jonathan Marks
Mar.15 0605-0700, 1000-1110,
Mar.16 0605-0700, 1005-1055,
Mar.17 0930-1055,
Mar.18 0605-0700, 1045-1130,
Mar.19 0930-1030,
Mar.20 1035-1130,
After Mar.21 is not yet decided.
(Sei-ichi Hasegawa via dxld list)
The Directors have formally recorded their acknowledgment of his contribution to amateur radio and IARU Region 3 over so very many years. As required by clause 41 of its Constitution, the Directors have appointed Katsumi (Ken) Yamamoto JA1CJP as Secretary of IARU Region 3 on the nomination of JARL. In nominating Ken as Secretary, JARL President Shozo Hara JA1AN reaffirmed his society's strong and continuing support of IARU Region 3 and its secretary, at the same time stressing the importance of the regional secretary's independence from any member society.
Ken holds a Bachelor of Science degree in electronics engineering and worked for KDD, now KDDI, in the satellite communications field for many years. During that time he worked in many countries, including five years stationed in the United Kingdom working with the International Maritime Satellite Organization. He retired from KDDI in 2002. Ken is currently head of the JARL International Section on a part time basis. He was first licensed as a radio amateur in 1967 and today continues to have an active interest in DX and contests. He was a member of the Japanese delegation representing the amateur service to the recently concluded ITU Conference Preparatory Meeting for WRC 2012.
I am very confident that Ken will make a significant contribution to IARU Region 3 and I am
delighted that he has accepted this appointment.
Michael Owen VK3KI
IARU Region 3
(Gopal Madhavan via ARSICOM List)
BBC's investment in a second 24/7 dedicated FM in Ghana gives audiences in and around the Western Region the opportunity to hear the full range of BBC programmes. BBC 104.7FM will broadcast news and current affairs programmes, sports and documentaries.
Simon Kendall, Head of Business Development at BBC Global News, said: "We are absolutely committed to our audiences in Africa and delivering our content on FM, whether through relays or with partnerships, will be a big part of that commitment. Our investment in BBC 104.7FM will
help us reach a wider audience in Ghana, growing our connection with listeners in this important country."
Solomon Mugera, Editor, Africa, said: "Audiences are at the heart of everything we do at the BBC; the launch of BBC 104.7 FM brings the BBC much closer to its audience, offering them a range of African and world news and current affairs programmes. Audiences also have the opportunity to tune to live Premiership match commentary every Saturday and Sunday."
To mark the launch of the transmitter World Have Your Say – the BBC's award-winning global interactive news discussion show on radio and TV – will be at Skyy House in Takoradi to broadcast a special launch show at 6pm. Hosted by Nuala McGovern, the programme will be connecting audiences in Ghana with people around the world. On a day that celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women over the last century, the programme will debate the following question: "Why do so many men around the world think it is okay to harass and sexually assault women?"
Hosted on the BBC's international news services – on radio (BBC World Service) and on TV (BBC World News) – the show is a global conversation, with the agenda set by everyone taking part. The show uses different technology to enable as many people as possible in different parts of the world to join the debate via bbc.co.uk/blogs/worldhaveyoursay, Twitter (@bbc_whys), Facebook (World Have Your Say), telephone and on air.
(BBC World Service Publicity)
It has been 24 hours since the worst earthquake for 140 years hit off north-eastern Sendai registering 8.9 on the Richter scale and triggering a tsunami.
The Japan Amateur Radio League (JARL) Secretary Ken Yamamoto JA1CJP reports that the disaster appears to have resulted in more than 1,300 people killed or missing.
JARL Regional HQ station JA7RL is now involved in emergency communication to support rescue and disaster relief coordination.
Ken JA1CJP said they are using 7 MHz SSB, 144 MHz SSB/FM and 430 MHz SSB/FM.
The freqency 7043 controlled by JR3QHQ the Osaka branch manager of JARL.
He is gathering incident information on radio and forwarding this information on the internet.
The channel 7075 is operated by JL3YSP in Wakayama occasionally. While 7030 kHz is the JARL emergency communication frequency in their bandplan is in use by JA7RL (JARL regional HQ station).
Japan has 1.3 million hams and is not in need of emergency communication help externally, although this has been kindly offered.
Ken JA1CJP said basically the efforts being made are purely voluntary. No organised emergency communication has been arranged.
Television coverage includes the heartbreaking stories of the quake hitting and the tsunami that swept away coastal towns and felt throughout the Pacific.
Occurring late afternoon on Friday, disrupting plans for travel, it was the worst in Japan for 140 years.
Caught up in the drama was IARU Regional 3 Chairman Michael Owen VK3KI who had earlier attended an IARU conference. He's safe and well, and hopeful of being on a flight home.
Jim Linton, VK3PC
Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee.
(Rajesh Chandwani via delhihams list)
(Tooru Gouhara)
More at :
Read the full story here :
Japanese defence aircraft on 6727 and 6751 kHz USB at 0830z, very busy and probably related to earthquake.
Additional comms on 5690 USB.
Rick Barton from Arizona informs :
Major earthquake hit Japan with Tsunami reported. Tsunami warning ALL of Pacific region, including Hawaii, wher evacuations underway. (quake measured at 8.9).
Am hearing R. Nikkei normally with piano music. Radio Australia giving extensive coverage on international outlets. while monitoring from 1130-1245 UTC, all 3 NTs are coming in well here in Arizona on 2310, 2325, and 2485, but not with quake coverage heard on 6020, 9560, 9580, and 9590. 6020 and 9560 getting some co-channel QRM. the others are heard very well here atm.
Access to check the status of CBD radio studios of many Christchurch radio broadcasters is gradually taking place 17 days after the devasting earthquake hit this New Zealand city of 350,000.
Radio New Zealand, The Radio Network and Radioworks all have studios within this zone and engineers are still working through some city buildings to determine whether they are safe for temporary or permanent access and use. Considerable damage to some buildings housing the studios is likely.
NewstalkZB has been carrying its news coverage across 1017,1098 and 1503 AM and 106.5 AM [replacing Hauraki Amp'd]. Their main mast at Orohuia has reportedly sunk in the ground from liquifaction. Another Newstalk ZB frequency audible in western parts of the city is 873AM from Ashburton, 50 miles south.
Other Auckland based network programs heard on Christchurch area transmitters include Niu FM [Pacific Island languages], and those of RBG Rhema Broadcasting Group.
RDU 98.5 has returned to the air from temporary studios whilst Tahu 90.5 now refers to Christchurch as Quake City and has been heard carrying Maori language iwi network programs. Pulzar 105.7 FM which lost its studios in the September 2010 earthquake is broadcasting automated music programs.
Local community access Plains FM has studios at the Christchurch Polytech campus in the CBD and this zone will be opened up for access on Monday March 14. It continues using its transmitter to broadcast the BBC World Service from London as an emergency measure.
Radio Ferrymead 1413AM returns again for the period March 11-14 with automated programs and reduced live broadcasts on March 12-13. Volcano Radio 88.5 in Lyttelton continues amazing service to the shattered port area with music and local community and emergency announcements.
Destroyed or damaged local LPFM stations now include One-Eyed FM [Aranui], Beachbreak FM [South New Brighton] and The Wave [Sumner] whilst Burwood Community Radio near badly damaged QEII Park is reportedly silent but may be able to return on air shortly. Power supply is fragile. LPFM stations in Redwood, Bishopdale, Wigram, Kaiapoi, and Akaroa are all operating.
The Radio Heritage Foundation, in association with Classic Gold Radio Winton, is finalizing plans to bring a fully equipped mobile radio studio to broadcast directly from New Brighton in the coming days. Live and local broadcasts to the worst hit suburbs start on March 14. Donations of funds to cover operational costs are urgently needed at www.radioheritage.com.
Power Hits Radio 87.8 in St Albans and Akaroa FM [both Christchurch City] have been carrying earthquake coverage from the emergency nationwide local network anchored by Classic Gold Radio Winton, near Invercargill, in association with The Flea in Auckland and Splash FM on Waiheke Island.
The full network taking this feed is Classic Gold Radio [Winton], Classic Gold Radio [Invercargill], Radio Cromwell, Radio Mosgiel [Dunedin], Radio Twizel, Power Hits Radio [Christchurch], Akaroa FM [Christchurch], Hutt FM 106.1 [Wellington], Rag FM [Raglan], The Flea 88.2 Devonport/107 Takapuna [Auckland] and six hours daily streaming via the Mader Radio Network [USA].
Compass FM 104.9 FM in Rangiora has now started broadcasting on full power with a strong signal into the city carrying North Canterbury earthquake relief information, messages and music. Their signal reaches from Hanmer Springs in the north to Ashburton in the south.
Radio New Zealand Sound Archives are located in the off-limits Radio NZ studio building and operations are currently suspended. The audio and other heritage collections housed there are understood to have survived with relatively minor damage.
A full listing of Christchurch area AM and FM stations is online at www.radioheritage.com and is regularly being updated. It's at the home page under the header 'Christchurch Earthquake 2011'.
Please support fund raising for the Helping Rebuild Christchurch project, part of the Kiwi Radio Campaign, with donations by Paypal welcome at www.radioheritage.com.
Background - Since the earthquake on February 22, the death toll is expected to be over 200, most of the CBD may be demolished because even modern high rise buildings are now on unstable ground, and some 10,000 homes may be demolished and whole suburbs replaced with
parkland, forests and wetland. About 20-25% of the city population has self-evacuated. It is estimated the rebuilding will take 10-15 years.
Radio Heritage Foundation is a non-profit organization connecting popular culture, nostalgia and radio heritage at www.radioheritage.com. It hosts the PAL mediumwave and shortwave Radio Guides, New Zealand Low Power FM Radio Guide and is the country editor for the Pacific region for the World Radio TV Handbook. In association with Classic Gold Radio it is bringing a mobile FM radio station into Christchurch to begin emergency welfare broadcasting on March 14.
(Media Release ,Radio Heritage Foundation , www.radioheritage.com ,March 11 2011)
1600-1700 UTC on 9940 kHz #PHT 250 kW / 283 deg to SoAs, ex 9340 VOA in Bangla
# co-ch FEBA Radio in Amharic and Guragena
(Ivo Ivanov, DX Mix News # 668)
To commemorate the 40th anniversary of Adventist World Radio, our DX program "Wavescan" is conducting a big worldwide DX contest, "Choose a Channel". It was back on October 1, 1971, that AWR made its first broadcast on shortwave in a service originating out of Portugal and beamed towards various countries in Europe.
Here are the details of our 2011 "Choose a Channel" DX Contest:-
A. Choose a Channel
We invite you to choose any shortwave channel, just one channel, anywhere in the world upon which Adventist World Radio is broadcasting, during the month of June 2011.
B. Prepare Reception Reports
You are invited to listen to the shortwave channel that you have chosen at any time, day and/or night, during the month of June 2011, and see how many different stations, including Adventist World Radio, that you can hear on that one specific channel. You are invited to prepare a standard reception report for each station, one sheet of paper for each station.
C. Photocopies
You are invited to search your QSL collection, and where possible, provide a photocopy of a QSL that you already hold in your collection from each of the shortwave stations that you hear on that one channel. These photocopies should be in color if possible, but black & white is also acceptable. If you do not already have a QSL from any of the stations you select, then you should state so in your contest entry.
D. Three Radio Cards
Where possible, you are invited to include three radio cards for the Indianapolis Heritage Collection with your contest entry. These cards may be old or new, and they may be QSL cards, reception report cards, or picture cards of radio stations, etc. (Not valid for this contest are amateur cards nor CB cards.)
E. Assemble Your Contest Entry
Post your entry with all items to Adventist World Radio in Indianapolis, remembering that the total number of stations you hear on the channel, and neatness and preparation, will all feature in the judging procedure. Remember also, that we will then post your reception reports to the other shortwave stations involved, requesting them to issue QSL cards to you in response.
Other Contest Details
Well, there you have it, the details for our Wavescan 2011 "Choose a Channel DX Contest". This contest will run through the month of June 2011, and all contest entries should be postmarked at your local post office anywhere in the world on any date up to the end of the month of June, and they should be received at the AWR post office address in Indianapolis no later than the end of the month of July 2011. Return postage in the form of currency notes in an international currency, or mint postage stamps, or IRC coupons would be welcome. Where possible, a self addressed return envelope, business size or half quarto size, would also be welcome.
The awards for this year's contest will be similar to all previous contests. There will be a special award for the world winner, one of the Jerry Berg radio history books; and World Radio TV Handbook 2012 for each continental winner. In addition, there will be other special awards as well as AWR souvenirs and radio curios for many participants.
You can remember that all AWR reception reports will be verified with a specially endorsed AWR QSL card. Please remember that it will take a period of many months, well into the new year 2112, to process all of the contest entries and reception reports, but each will in due course be processed.
The only address for the AWR "Choose a Channel" 2011 DX Contest is:-
Choose a Channel DX Contest
Box 29235
Indiana 46229 USA
(Dr.Adrian Peterson, Adventist World Radio)
Full story at :
After an unusually long period of inactivity the fiery star has emerged from its solar minimum, a period characterised by a low number of solar storms and sun spots. Scientists believe changes in the plasma deep below the sun's surface were the cause of its recent period of hibernation, which lasted almost 1½ years longer than expected.
More at :
Since the announcement, there has been much public discussion of the potential for retaining some of this service and the BBC has been approached by a number of commercial parties with alternative funding proposals.
In order to explore these proposals further, BBC World Service has decided to retain an evening news and current affairs radio broadcast (1 hour) in Hindi for our Indian audiences for an interim period. This broadcast will be available on all platforms – via SW, online and mobile.
If sustainable commercial funding for this service cannot be found during the 2011/12 financial year, we regret that it will then have to close by March 2012.
(BBC World Service Publicity)
World Service to retain Hindi broadcast while it seeks commerical funding
Related news :
BBC World Service considers U-turn over Hindi cutsEDXC -- European DX Council -- cordially invites you all to the next EDXC Conference in Bulgaria, coming up on August 18 - 23, 2011. First we begin with our conference in Southern Bulgaria, in Melnik. Melnik is situated 176 Kms South from Sofia on the European Highway E 79. The same Highway leads to the Greek border -- 28 Kms. After our conference in Melnik we are going to visit Radio Bulgaria External Services in Sofia.
You will need 3 / three /nights in Melnik : Arrival August 18 -- Departure August 21, 2011. We recommend : Hotel Melnik in Melnik. Phone : + 359 7437 2272.
E--Mail reservation : reservation@hotelmelnik.com. Homepage : http://www.hotelmelnik.com/
Room prices : From EUR 36,-- / Room per night, Including Bulgarian Breakfast.
You will need 2 / two / nights in Sofia : Arrival August 21 -- Departure August 23, 2011.
In Sofia we recommend : HOTEL DEDEMAN Princess Sofia, 131, Maria Luisa Boulevard, 1202
SOFIA, Bulgaria. Phone : + 359 2 933 88 88.
E -- Mail : sofia@dedeman.com
Homepage : http://www.dedeman.com/
Room prices : from EUR 60,-- / Room per night, Including Bulgarian Breakfast.
Please do RESERVE your hotel rooms NOW !
Our programme in Melnik, what we know now :
We will have our Conference at Hotel Melnik. Lectures, meals and also our Banquet Dinner at this hotel. Beyond that : One excursion to Macedonia, just over the day, just to see a little bit of
another country !
Our programme in Sofia :
On Monday, August 22 we are going to visit Radio Bulgaria External Services. They transmit at least in 10 languages on Shortwaves !
Conference Fee : EUR 85,-- to be paid to me when you arrive on August 18 at Hotel Melnik.
EDXC Reception Desk will be open from 12.00 Hours midday ( noon ). The Conference Fee EUR 85,-- includes : Use of the Conference Room with fully equiped Technical Aid : LapTop with Latin Letters and picture projection possibility. Also included : Lunch on Friday, August 19 and Lunch on Saturday, August 20. And our traditional Banquet Dinner on Saturday evening is also included. Furthermore : It will be a bus taking us from Melnik to Sofia on Sunday, August 21. This bus is only reserved for our group. The price for this special bus trip is also included into the
Conference Fee EUR 85
Special participation fee for spouse : EUR 70,-- / spouse.
The EDXC is coming back to you with more detailed programme later on. If you wish to hold lectures with interesting subjects related to our DX Hobby, please do not hesitate to tell me.
Please DO NOT forget to reserve your hotel rooms NOW !!
With best wishes and greetings,
Tibor Szilagyi
The Organizer Committee
E -- Mail : tiszi2035@yahoo.com
In this era of shortwave cuts NHK Radio Japan has announced to add 30 minutues of shortwave in Hindi language for A11 season effective 27th March 2011. NHK Radio Japan will introduce a new 30 minute morning slot in Hindi at 0130-0200 UTC (0700-0730 IST) in addition to their exisiting evening transmission. Evening transmission in Hindi will be retimed to 1430-1515 UTC (2000-2045 IST). Morning txn will be repeat broadcast of previous day's evening programs excluding the 15 minute news bulletin.
More at :
Full story at :
Solar Data: 1200 UTC on 05 March Solar Flux: 127 A-Index: 1 K-Index: 1 SSN: 104
Solar Data: 0900 UTC on 05 March Solar Flux: 127 A-Index: 1 K-Index: 0 SSN:104
Solar Data: 0600 UTC on 05 March Solar Flux: 127 A-Index: 1 K-Index: 3 SSN:104
Solar Data: 0000 UTC on 05 March Solar Flux: 127 A-Index: 1 K-Index: 2 SSN:71
Access to the CBD radio studios of many Christchurch radio broadcasters continues to be denied by the civil defence authorities 10 days after the devasting earthquake hit this New Zealand city of 350,000.
Radio New Zealand, The Radio Network and Radioworks all have studios within the cordoned off zone and engineers are still working through city buildings to determine whether they are safe for temporary or permanent access and use. Considerable damage to buildings housing the studios is likely.
NewstalkZB has been carrying its news coverage across 1017,1098 and 1503 AM and 106.5 AM [replacing Hauraki Amp'd]. Their main mast at Orohuia has reportedly sunk in the ground from liquifaction and they are radiating a much weaker signal from a long wire temporary aerial.
RDU 98.5 has returned to the air from temporary studios whilst Tahu 90.5 now refers to Christchurch as Quake City and has been heard carrying iwi network programs. Pulzar 105.7 FM which lost its studios in the September 2010 earthquake is broadcasting automated music programs only.
Local community access Plains FM has studios at the Christchurch Polytech campus in the CBD and continues using its transmitter to broadcast the BBC World Service from London as an emergency measure.
Radio Ferrymead 1413AM is now back on air today with automated programming for the coming four days. They sustained moderate damage to studios and buildings. Volcano Radio 88.5 in Lyttelton continues amazing service to the shattered port area with music and local community and emergency announcements.
Destroyed or damaged local LPFM stations now include One-Eyed FM [Aranui], Beachbreak FM [South New Brighton] and The Wave [Sumner] whilst Burwood Community Radio near badly damaged QEII Park is reportedly silent.
The Radio Heritage Foundation, in association with Classic Gold Radio, is currently working on plans to bring a fully equipped mobile radio studio to broadcast directly from New Brighton to the nearby eastern suburbs in the coming days. Donations of funds and help on the ground would be greatly appreciated.
Power Hits Radio 87.8 in St Albans and Akaroa FM [both Christchurch City] have been carrying earthquake coverage from the emergency nationwide local network anchored by Classic Gold Radio in Winton, near Invercargill, in association with The Flea in Auckland and Splash FM on Waiheke Island.
The full network taking this feed is Classic Gold Radio [Winton], Classic Gold Radio [Invercargill], Radio Cromwell, Radio Mosgiel [Dunedin], Radio Twizel, Power Hits Radio [Christchurch], Akaroa FM [Christchurch], Hutt FM 106.1 [Wellington], Rag FM [Raglan], The Flea 88.2 Devonport/107 Takapuna [Auckland] and six hours daily streaming via the Mader Radio Network [USA].
The status of new community station Compass FM 104.9 FM in Rangiora is unclear, it had been testing recently and its studios and facilities are available but don't appear to be utilised at present.
Radio New Zealand Sound Archives are located in the off-limits Radio NZ studio building and operations are currently suspended. The status of the audio and other heritage collections housed there is unknown.
A full listing of Christchurch area AM and FM stations is online at www.radioheritage.com and is regularly being updated. It's at the home page under the header 'Christchurch Earthquake 2011'.
Please support fund raising for the Helping Rebuild Christchurch project, part of the Kiwi Radio Campaign, with donations by Paypal welcome at www.radioheritage.com.
Radio Heritage Foundation is a non-profit organization connecting popular culture, nostalgia and radio heritage at www.radioheritage.com. It hosts the PAL mediumwave and shortwave Radio Guides, New Zealand Low Power FM Radio Guide and is the country editor for the Pacific region for the World Radio TV Handbook.
(Media Release, Radio Heritage Foundation , www.radioheritage.com .March 4 2011)
Before that case of Hindi radio will be discussed on 9th March during theForeign Affairs Committe investigation on the World Service cuts
(Thanks to Naleen Kumar for the links)
Due to the rather weird propagation conditions last Sunday, FRS-Holland will repeat he final & 3rd FRS 30th Anniversary broadcast next Sunday March 6th 2011. Next Sunday March 6th we will feature the period 1998- 2010. Mind you: we will once again kick off at already 07.52 UTC=08.52 CET. On an alternative 48 mb frequency, the final hour will be repeated plus an additional hour. Frequency is yet unknown.
We are understandably curious to receive your letters and mails. That's very important for us and that's the only way in which you can show your respect and interest. So far we are happy with last Sunday's response.
All Anniversary mail will be handled in the upcoming period. Be sure: all correct reports will be verified and all letters answered.
Here's the schedule:
07.52- 14.00 UTC 6221 kHz
09.00- 11.00 UTC 48 metres
Webstream: the stream will be on between 14.52- 21.00 UTC. Surf to <nednl.net:8000/frsh.m3u>.
A special thank you to each and everyone spreading the news about our Anniversary broadcasts (people who run blogs etc.).
Finally a question: is there anybody whose report/letter for October 31st and/or November 28th was returned to sender? One of our loyal listeners tried twice to send a letter (with the correct ddress!) and this was for completely unknown reasons returned to sender!
If so, please let us know by mail!!
73s, on behalf of the FRS staff (Peter V., Jan van Dijk, Paul Graham, Dave Scott, Brian & Bobby Speed)
a Balance between Music & Information joint to one Format....
POBox 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands
e-mail: < frs.holland@hccnet.nl>
e-mail: < frs@frsholland.nl>
*The EBU serves 85 national media organizations in 56 countries in and around Europe. It represents its Members and promotes the values and distinctiveness of public service media in Europe and around the world. The Eurovision and Euroradio networks deliver news, sports, events and music to EBU Members and other media organizations. Services to Members range from legal advice, technical standardization and development to coproduction and exchange of quality European content. For more information about the EBU: www.ebu.ch
**Photos are available on the EBU website
(Press Release)
We just got the confirmation from The Swedish Post and Telecom Agency (PTS) that our application for MW 1512 kHz and SW 6060 kHz has been approved. On March 8 at 0848 UTC/GMT (0948 CET) we will start by broadcasting the opening of offshore station Radio Nord just as it was aired on this date in 1961. We will also make some short test transmissions on these frequencies before our regular programme starts. Power will be 1 kW on 1512 kHz and 10 kW on 6060 kHz. The MW tx is located at Kvarnberget, Vallentuna some 35 km from Stockholm city and the SW tx outside the town of Sala.
If you catch our signal please comment in our blog http://www.radionordrevival.blogspot.com and let us know how well you can hear us in your area. QSL cards will be available later.
(Ronny Forslund, ARC/Radio Nord Revival, March 3 via Glen Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST List)
Dates: March 1, 2011 to May 30, 2011
How to Participate:
1. Record your best wishes.
2 .MP3 is preferable although cassette tape or CD recordings are acceptable.
3. Your recording must include "I am (your name) from (your country). Best wishes for the ROC's centenary.
The entry should be less than one minute.
4. Email your MP3 file to english100@rti.org.tw . You can also send a CD or cassette tape to Radio Taiwan International, P. O. Box, 123-199, Taipei 11199, Taiwan.
5. You must provide us with your name and mailing address so that we can process your entry.
Lucky Draw:
Prizes will be awarded to the winners of a lucky draw to be held on June 15, 2011 at RTI's headquarters in Taipei.
More details at :
Jose Jacob from Hyderabad informs several MW stations are also carrying this extended broadcast.
Here at Delhi foll MW stations were noted with special txn :
738 - AIR Hyderabad
837 - AIR Vijaywada
900 - AIR Kadapa
Washington Post Foreign Service
Monday, February 28, 2011; 11:28 AM
IN BENGHAZI, LIBYA When Benghazi fell into the hands of the opposition a week ago, Saleh Zayani grabbed two sound mixers and a microphone and headed to the radio transmission building.
Power Hits Radio 87.8 in St Albans and Akaroa FM have both been carrying earthquake coverage from the emergency nationwide local network anchored by Classic Gold FM in Invercargill in association with Splash FM on Waiheke Island.
The status of new community station Compass FM 104.9 FM in Rangiora is unclear, it had been testing recently and its studios and facilities are available but don't appear to be utilised at present for some reason.
A full listing of Christchurch area AM and FM stations is online at www.radioheritage.com and is regularly being updated. It's at the home page under the header 'Christchurch Earthquake 2011'.
Please support fund raising for the Helping Rebuild Christchurch project, part of the Kiwi Radio Campaign, with donations by Paypal welcome at www.radioheritage.com.
Radio Heritage Foundation is a non-profit organization connecting popular culture, nostalgia and radio heritage at www.radioheritage.com. It hosts the PAL mediumwave and shortwave Radio Guides, New Zealand Low Power FM Radio Guide and is the country editor for the Pacific region for the World Radio TV Handbook.
(Media Release, Radio Heritage Foundation, www.radioheritage.com )
"The right to freedom of information is universal and essential amidst the tumultuous events in the region," said Walter Isaacson, chair of the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), which oversees all U.S. international broadcasting including Alhurra TV, VOA and RFE. "Efforts, including satellite jamming, to prevent people in the Middle East and North Africa from getting much-needed accurate news and information are abhorrent."
Al Jazeera and Deutsche Welle have reported similar, deliberate and harmful interferences with satellite transmissions.
The jamming of the satellite system comes at the height of U.S. international broadcasting's extensive coverage of the uprising and violence in Libya. Alhurra has provided live, continuous coverage since protests began Feb. 16. Surge broadcasting has included first person accounts from Tripoli, Benghazi, Tubruk and Misratah. Alhurra is also soliciting feedback from viewers in Libya and asking them to call in and report what they are witnessing, as well as sending video and still images through Facebook and YouTube. Alhurra's correspondents in Benghazi are interviewing protesters who say they are demonstrating because they want Libya to be a free country and their children to live in a democracy. Alhurra is also providing viewers with the American perspective through talk shows and analysis from American experts on Libya and the Middle East.
The coverage of Libya follows Alhurra's in-depth reporting from Egypt, where surveys showed that 25 percent of Egyptian adults were tuning into Alhurra for the latest news on the demonstrations in Tahrir Square and across Egypt.
Intermittent but sustained interference to Alhurra Television meant viewers first lost images and then their screens went black between Feb. 23 and 27.
Radio channels continued to be jammed on Nilesat as of Feb. 28. Jamming this month has also affected TV and radio broadcasts to Iran for VOA's Persian News Network and Radio Farda.
(BBG Press Release)