Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Ageing problem of the transmitters in Kimjae site (Korea)

Japanese Service of KBS World Radio announced on December 26 2023 on their HP ( ) that they will change the time and frequencies on January 1 2024, due to the aging problem of the transmitters. 7275kHz at 0800-0900UT will be no longer used, 9580kHz at 0100-0200UT will be replaced by 11810kHz, will add new transmission at 0900-1000 on 6155kHz instead.

The whole schedule will be the following. Transmitter site: Kimjae.

0900-0900 6155 100kW (no longer on 7275 250kW ) to East Asia
0900-1000 6155 100kW (newly added) to East Asia
1100-1200 1170 500kW (unchanged) to East Asia
0100-0200 11810 250kW 81deg (replacing 9580 250kW 81deg) to East Asia
0200-0300 11810 250kW 81deg (unchanged) to East Asia and Latin America
According to, in Kimjae transmitter site there are 4 250kW and 4 100kW SW transmitters. 3 250kW and 3 100kW SW transmitters were installed in 1970-80's. Other 1 250kW and 1 100kW transmitters in 1990's.
7275kHz is also used for 0900-1000 1100-1200 Korean to East Asia/South East Asia, 9580kHz for 0200-0300 English (81deg for Latin America). There may be also some affection to these services.
(Takahito Akabayashi, Tokyo, Japan via World of Radio List)

KBS English Service Changes :

Due to a technical issue, KBS WORLD Radio's English Service will make an inevitable adjustment in the shortwave frequency and time as follows as of January 1, 2024. Please send your listener feedback to English Service via email, snail mail, website and social media as always. Thank you.

Frequency (kHz) : 9580  9570
Time (UTC) :  02:00-03:00
Target Area South America

Wef January 1st, 2024 :

Frequency (kHz) : 9570
Time (UTC) :   11:00-12:00
Target Area :  Southeast Asia

(Alokesh Gupta)

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Christmas and post-Christmas "listening treat" from SE-TA 2

As a Christmas and post-Christmas "listening treat" I would like to announce broadcasts from SE-TA 2, Christoph Gerber:

"Musikalischer Frühschoppen"

25.12.2023 from 10-12:00 CET [0900-1100 UTC] via Nauen on 6095 KHz AM

27.12.2023 from 11:00 CET [1000 UTC] on 6195 KHz in DRM

31.12.2023 from 10-12:00 CET [0900-1100 UTC] on 6115 KHz AM

"Let's Go Rock'n Roll"

06.01.2024 from 12:00 CET [1100 UTC] via Nauen 6095 KHz AM
07.01.2024 from 12:00 CET [1100 UTC] on 6115 KHz AM
08.01.2024 from 11:00 CET [1000 UTC] on 6195 KHz in DRM

With kind regards
Detlef Pagel
Chairman German DRM Forum

(BDXC via Glenn Hauser, WOR)

The radio station SE-TA 2 welcomes comments, suggestions, as well as reception reports using: which will be confirmed by an electronic QSL card.

NDR Christmas Special special transmissions via Media Broadcast on 24th Dec'23

NDR Christmas Special special transmissions via Media Broadcast on 24th Dec'23

NDR Christmas Gruss an Bord -  "Greetings on board" via shortwave

Transmission Date : 24th December 2023 (Sunday)
Language : German

1800-2100 UTC on  6030 kHz ISS 250 kW / 251 deg to North East Atlantic
1800-2100 UTC on  6080 kHz TAC 100 kW / 301 deg to Europe
1800-2100 UTC on  9635 kHz NAU 250 kW / 130 deg to Indian Ocean
1800-2100 UTC on 11650 kHz ISS 250 kW / 148 deg to Atlantic/Indian Ocean( S.Af )
1800-2100 UTC on 13725 kHz NAU 250 kW / 205 deg to Southern  Atlantic
1800-2100 UTC on 15770 kHz RMI 100 kW / 044 deg to North West Atlantic

Please send your reception reports to : ,

On Christmas Eve, Norddeutsche Rundfunndr broadcasts messages to sailors all over the world in the radio broadcast "Gruss an Bord" or "Greeting aboard" - greetings to the ship's crew in their home country. The greetings to the sailors were recorded at two "greeting on board" events in the Adventszeit: on 4 December in the  Cultural memory in Wilhelmine gear in neutral and on December 11 in the Hamburg Seemannsmission "Duckdalben". Relatives and friends had the opportunity to wish their loved ones at sea a happy holiday and a good new year. The show "Greeting aboard" was heard for Christmas 1953 for the first time on the radio. It is thus one of the oldest existing radio broadcasts in the world.

More about program "Gruss an Bord" :

(Alokesh Gupta)


Monday, December 11, 2023

Announcement of VORW Radio International

Announcement of VORW Radio International:  

Hello shortwave listeners!
I wanted to share an exciting update about a new high power broadcast I'll be doing for listeners in Africa, Europe and beyond!

Beginning Monday the 11th of December, 2023 and continuing every Monday – this radio program will now be heard across Africa, Europe & Beyond from a high power transmitter in Issoudun, France.

The broadcast is 1 hour in length and I always consider it to be a light entertainment program. The aim of this radio show is to provide good music and occasional news commentary to listeners worldwide. Oftentimes, listener music requests are taken and played and all are invited to participate.

Here is the broadcast schedule for this additional airing:

Mondays 1900 UTC  – 11920 kHz – Issoudun 100 kW – Africa, Europe, Middle East

For this airing I will resume QSL verification of reception reports, there will be a new QSL every month!
Reception reports and feedback are most welcome at
That's all for today, I just wanted to let you all know that there's a new airing out there if you'd like something to listen to!

John (VORW Radio International.)

RNZ Pacific's shortwave service turns 75

Radio New Zealand Pacific's shortwave service turns 75

It has been 75 years since Radio New Zealand started broadcasting on short-wave into the Pacific region.
Using two 7.5 kilowatt transmitters in Titahi Bay, near Wellington, Radio New Zealand began short-wave broadcasts to Australia and the Pacific in 1948.

RNZ Pacific's Moera Tuilaepa-Taylor has this audio report :

English segments in Akashvani External Services B23

15 minute segments in English has been monitored in various External Services of Akashvani  lately as follows;

1240 UTC  Swahili  15400 kHz
1400 UTC Dari         9950 kHz
2200 UTC French     9620 kHz

The program is called "Spotlight" and originally broadcast in Home Service Network at 1545 UTC. Its a current affairs program with discussions etc.

(Jose Jacob, VU2JOS)

Thursday, November 02, 2023


(Effective 29th Oct'23 to 30 Mar'24)

0930 1050 GE'EZ LITURGY         15595  17790  SUN/HOLIDAYS
1530 1600 AMHARIC               13830T 155565 DAILY
1600 1630 KISWAHILI             13830T 15565  SUN/MON
1600 1615 KISWAHILI             13830T 15565  SAT
1615 1630 SOMALI                13830T 15565  SAT
1630 1700 ENGLISH               13830T 15565  DAILY
1700 1730 FRENCH                13830  15565  DAILY
1730 1800 TIGRIGNA              13830  15565  DAILY
1800 1830 PORTUGUESE            15565         DAILY
1940 2000 ROSARY                9705   11870  SUN/HOLIDAYS  
2000 2030 ENGLISH               9705   11870  DAILY
2030 2100 FRENCH                9705   11870  DAILY
2100 2130 PORTUGUESE            11870         DAILY


0100 0130 PORTUGUESE             7305G        DAILY
0130 0145 SPANISH                7305G        DAILY    
0145 0200 SPANISH                7305G        DAILY  
1230 1245 SPANISH                7305G        DAILY  


1130 1200 MASS IN ENGLISH        15595   17790          FRI
1230 1315 MASS IN CHINESE        7485TI  9720TI 11750TI SAT
1230 1250 RUSSIAN                9810TI  11805TI        DAILY  
1430 1530 HINDI/TAMIL/MALAYALAM  11700TI 15490TI        DAILY  
2200 2230 CHINESE                7300TI  9695TI         DAILY  
2315 2350 VIETNAMESE             7420TI  9580TI         DAILY  

0500 0520 RUSSIAN               7360 9710     DAILY

0520 0530 RG_UKRANIAN           7360 9710     NEWS DAILY

0530 0540 UKRANIAN              7360 9710     DAILY

0620 0700 MASS IN LATIN         15595         SUN/HOLIDAYS  
0700 0710 ITALIAN               15595         NEWS WEEKDAYS
0705 0800 UKRAINIAN LITURGY     9710 11815    SUN/HOLIDAYS  

0710 0730 ARABIC                15595         WEEKDAYS
0730 0745 FRENCH                15595         NEWS MON-FRI

0730 0745 ENGLISH               15595         NEWS SAT

0810 0920 RUMANIAN LITURGY      7250  9710    SUN/HOLIDAYS  
0930 1050 ORIENTAL LITURGY      15595 17790   SUN/HOLIDAYS  
1600 1620 ARMENIAN              7360  9710    DAILY  

1620 1640 RUSSIAN               7360  9710    DAILY 

1630 1700 ARABIC                11935 15595   DAILY   
1700 1710 FRENCH                11935         MON-FRI NEWS

1700 1710 FRENCH                11935         SAT

1700-1710 MUSIC                 11935         SUN
1715 1730 ENGLISH               7230          DAILY NEWS
1700 1720 BYELORUSSIAN          9710          DAILY  
1700 1715 MUSIC                 11935         DAILY

1715 1730 ENGLISH               11935         DAILY NEWS

1740 1750 RG_UKRANIAN           7360 9710     DAILY NEWS

1750 1800 UKRANIAN              7360 9710     DAILY

1940 2000 ROSARY                11945         SUN/HOLIDAYS  


Recption reports to :
(Alokesh Gupta)



LANG              FREQ  START STOP TARGET AREA                                CIRAF
ARABIC            5985  1500 1600 Iraq,Syria,Iran,Arab peninsula             38E,39,40W
ARABIC            11955 1000 1100 Iraq,Syria,Jordan,Arab peninsula,N.Africa  38,39N, 40W     
ARABIC            17720 1500 1600 Morocco,Algeria,Tunusia,Libya,W.Egypt      37,38W,46
AZERBAIJANI       11710 0800 0900 Azerbaijan,Iran,Iraq,Turkmenistan          29SE,40NW
BULGARIAN         7245  1200 1230 Bulgaria                                   28S
CHINESE           17790 1200 1300 China                                      42,44
DARI/PASHTO/UZBEK 9595  1600 1730 Afg,Pak,Tajikistan,Uzbekistan,Turkmenistan 30S, 40N
ENGLISH           6125  0400 0500 Europe,USA,E.Canada,Cuba      3-5,7N,9N, 17,18,27,28,8,11
ENGLISH           7285  0400 0500 Iraq,Syria,Jordan,Arab peninsula           38E,39,40W
ENGLISH           7285  2130 2230 South Asia, Australia               39-41, 49, 54, 55,58
ENGLISH           5960  2300 2400 Europe,USA,Canada                 5,8,9,11N,17,18,27,28W
ENGLISH           6050  1930 2030 Europe                                     27,28W
ENGLISH           9660  1730 1830 Afg,Pak,India,Uzbekistan,Turkmenistan      30S,40E,41N,49
ENGLISH           13635 1330 1430 Europe                                     18S,27,28W
FRENCH            9625  2030 2130 Northwest Africa                           37, 38,  46
FRENCH            17715 1100 1200 France, Western Europe                     27,28W
FRENCH            9755  1830 1930 Southeast Africa                           38,47,48
GEORGIAN          9840  0900 0930 Georgia                                    29S
GERMAN            5945  1830 1930 Germany, Europe                            27E,28W
GERMAN            15270 1230 1330 Germany, Europe                            27,28
HAUSSA            15235 0600 0700 Chad,Ghana,Niger,Nigeria,Sudan,Cameroon    38,46E,47
ITALIAN           11970 0930 1000 Italy                                      28S
KAZAKH            9505  1430 1500 Kazakhstan                                 29E,30,31, 42NW
MALAY             17530 0500 0600 Malaysia, Singapore                        54
PERSIAN           9490  1600 1700 Iran, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan              30S, 40
PERSIAN           11795 0930 1100 Iran                                       40
RUSSIAN           9410  1400 1500 Russia                                     19-22,29,30N
SPANISH           7265  0200 0300 Spain,France,Central America      8S, 10SE,11,12, 27S,37N
SPANISH           7280  0200 0300 Spain, Portugal, S.America               12S,13-15,16N, 37
SPANISH           9495  1730 1830 Spain, Europe                              27S,28,37N
SWAHİLİ           17780 0700 0800 Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda                    47SE,48SW
TATAR             15360 1100 1130 Tatarstan, western Russia                  19,20,29,30
TURKISH           6120  1930 2200 Iraq, Syria, Iran,Arab peninsula           38E,39,40W
TURKISH           11660 0500 0700 Iraq,Syria,Jordan,Arab peninsula           39
TURKISH           6000  0100 0300 Xinjiang-Uygur region, China               30,40,42
TURKISH           9700  0400 0700 Europe                                     18S,27,28
TURKISH           5980  1700 2200 Europe                                     27,28
TURKISH           11815 1400 1700 Europe                                     27,28
TURKISH           15350 0700 1400 Europe                                     27,28
TURKMEN           17770 0900 0930 Turkmenistan,Uzbekistan,Afg,Iran           30S,40N
URDU              15390 1300 1400  Pakistan                                  40,41N
UYGHUR            7240  0300 0400 Xinjiang-Uygur region, China               42,43
UZBEK             13655 1130 1200 Uzbekistan,Turkmenistan, Afg,Tajikistan    30

(Alokesh Gupta)

Monday, October 30, 2023

Adventist World Radio Makes Special QSL Offer

Adventist World Radio Makes Special QSL Offer

 As a gesture of courtesy to the international radio world, Adventist World Radio is making a limited-time special-opportunity for shortwave monitors around the world to obtain postcard style QSL cards through the postal system.  Genuine reception reports on any AWR radio transmissions, on shortwave, mediumwave or FM will be most welcome.  These broadcasts may be according to current AWR scheduling, or from earlier times.  These postal reception reports should be addressed only to the AWR office in Indiana, and where possible return postage in an international currency should be included.  IRC Coupons are not valid in the United States.  Sending reception reports electronically is discouraged.  Each reception report will be verified with cards in the leftover stock of AWR QSL cards in a total of more than 200 different designs and they will be forwarded to the listener through the postal system.    

Each postal reception report should be sent to the following address, and they should be posted no later than December 31, 2023:-

Adventist World Radio
International Relations
Dr. Adrian M. Peterson
2768 Morgan Trail
IN 46151 USA

 (Adrian M. Peterson)





Monday, October 16, 2023

DRM Broadcast on 80th Anniversary of Woofferton Transmitting Station UK (WOF), October 17, 2023

Photo courtesy : Google Street View

DRM Broadcast on 80th Anniversary of Woofferton Transmitting Station UK (WOF), October 17, 2023

A shortwave transmitting station near Ludlow will be celebrating its 80th birthday tomorrow.
The station was originally built by the BBC during the Second World War to house additional shortwave (HF) broadcasting transmitters.
When it officially started broadcasting on October 17, 1943 it had six 50 kW RCA transmitters, obtained by lend-lease. The site has been modernised many times over the years and is now DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale) capable providing daily digital radio programmes.

To mark its 80th anniversary Encompass Digital Media (a key DRM member) will be running a special programme on HF analogue and DRM, too at Woofferton Transmitting Station (WOF) in south-west UK. Here are the details:

Tuesday 17th October 2023 (Tuesday) from 1330 - 1430 UTC

15245 kHz (250 kW)  - Sender 95 Marconi (BD272 from 1963) Array 928 294* for North America
17785 kHz (250 kW) -  Sender 96 Riz AMC Array 904A 114* for Europe and beyond.
11725 kHz (110 kW DRM) - Sender 92 Riz Array 909A 114* for Europe and beyond.

There will be an opening interval signal on all three frequencies.
The programme content will be historical facts of WOF in BBC, VoA, Radio Free Europe, R Liberty ,CBC etc and the later privatised times, DW and VoV for example as well as up-to-date information on DRM as well as personal recollections from many former WOF staff. There will be station idents of services over the years.

There will be a special e-QSL card and the chance to enter a competition to win a historic station artifact and a Woofferton 80th mug.

It will be streamed from London as part of the WRN offering and the details are below.
It will be on WRN English globally, this would then go out on Hotbird 13G, Astra 2G (Sky and Virgin Media), Intelsat 20 and Galaxy 19.

Webstream are also available on the Encompass website.

How to Listen - Encompass Marketing

QSLs will be verified and reports can be sent to:

Sources :

British DX Club

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Special transmission by Akashvani for "Mahalaya 2023"

Special transmission by Akashvani for "Mahalaya 2023" 
Date : 14th October, 2023 (Saturday)
Time : 0350 - 0545 IST, 2220 UTC (13th Oct 2023) to 0015 UTC* (14th Oct, 2023)
* some stations have late sign in & may continue past 0100 UTC

Akashvani, Delhi will broadcast the special dawn programme "Mahishasur Mardini" on the ocassion of Mahalaya in following languages  :

- Hindi/Sanskrit version - on its Indraprastha & FM Gold channels. This will be relayed by all FM Gold channels and selected SW & MW stations.
- Bengali/Sanskrit version - at same time on Akashvani Delhi FM Rainbow network and selected SW & MW stations.

Akashvani, Kolkata will also originate the special Mahalaya programme in Bengali/Sanskrit at same time which will be relayed by selected SW & MW stations .
This programme may also be relayed over concerned DRM channels,YouTube channel AIR Live News 24X7 & DTH.

Live-streaming on :  and News On AIR App

"Mahishasuramardini" is a special two hour transmission consisting of Sanskrit & Bengali recitation & music orated by Late Shri.Birendra Krishna Bhadra. Akashvani has been broadcasting this program since early 1930's. The sheer nostalgia is what makes the dawn of Mahalaya special as one of the most looked forward to Radio broadcasts. Countdown of Indian festival of Durga Puja starts from the day of Mahalaya.

Frequencies observed during past years :


531 - Jodhpur
549 - Ranchi *
603 - Ajmer
621 - Patna A *
648 - Indore A
657 - Kolkata A *
675 - Chattarpur
684 - Port Blair
711 - Siliguri *
729 - Guwahati A
747 - Lucknow A
756 - Jagdalpur
774 - Shimla
792 - Pune *
801 - Jabalpur *
810 - Rajkot A *
819 - New Delhi A *
828 - Silchar
846 - Ahmedabad A *
891 - Rampur
909 - Gorakhpur
918 - Suratgarh
954 - Nazibabad
981 - Raipur
990 - Jammu
1008 - Kolkata B *
1026 - Allahabad A
1044 - Mumbai A (Pure DRM)
1125 - Udaipur/Tezpur
1179 - Rewa
1242 - Varanasi *
1260 - Ambikapur
1269 - Agartala
1296 - Darbhanga
1314 - Bhuj
1386 - Gwalior
1395 - Bikaner *
1404 - Gangtok
1458 - Bhagalpur
1530 - Agra
1593 - Bhopal A

* Try also in DRM mode on minus 9 kHz of AM frequency

Please email your observations & receptions reports to :


Director (Spectrum Management & Synergy)
Room No. 204
Akashvani Bhawan,
Parliament Street
New Delhi 110001, India

Related :

Eight Decades Later, the Original Mahalaya Still Unites

Come Mahalaya, Birendra Krishna Bhadra's recitation still default choice for All India Radio

(Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi)

Indian DRM stakeholders virtual meet

Indian DRM stakeholders virtual meet

Please participate (virtually) in what promises to be a unique event with a chance to get more updates than could be delivered by weeks of consultancy.


You are kindly invited to a news-packed, operative virtual meeting (with participation from automotive, public, private broadcasters and other important decision-makers) of the Indian DRM Stakeholders on October 12th at 1600 IST (or 1030 GMT).

The 60-90-minute event will offer a unique opportunity to get the latest DRM news from Asia and beyond, to have an insight into the latest Indian recommendations and to hear testimonies from the DRM stakeholders themselves.

To participate you need to register at:  and get your personalised invitation.

This is a unique opportunity offered by DRM experts in India and elsewhere which you should not miss!

(DRM Consortium)

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Prime Minister Narendra Modi Lays the Foundation Stone for Akashvani Dahod FM Relay Station Project

27 SEP 2023 6:30PM by PIB Delhi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation Stone for Akashvani Dahod FM Relay Station Project in Gujarat. The foundation Stone plaque for the 10 Kilo watt FM Relay Station was unveiled virtually by the Prime Minister along with other projects at an event in Bodeli in the state.

This station will be set up at an estimated cost of Rs. 11.00 Crore and is strategically located to cover approximately a 55 km radius area, encompassing approximately 75% of the tribal district of Dahod. Moreover, this transmitter will also partially cover the neighbouring tribal districts of Madhya Pradesh, including Alirajpur and Jhabua.

With the launch of the Dahod station, over 25 lakh residents of Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh will gain access to high-quality FM broadcasts. This development not only enriches the cultural and informational tapestry of the region but also facilitates better communication and connectivity for the communities it serves.

In addition to this, Prasar Bharati is also working on the installation of FM transmitters in key locations, including Bhuj, Bhavnagar, Dwarka, Radhanpur, and Dessa with varying power capacities at a cost of more than 39 crores. These projects are part of the Broadcast Infrastructure Network Development  Scheme funded by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. The projects when completed and made operational will increase the FM coverage in the state to approximately 65% of the state's area and will enable a reach of about 77% of its population. These projects mark a significant stride toward providing quality radio entertainment and information to a broader audience.

Earlier in the month of April this year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated Ninety One  100 W FM transmitters strengthening Akashvani FM's presence across the country. As of now, Akashvani boasts a total of 613 functional FM transmitters in India, providing FM radio services to approximately 59.2% of the country's area and serving about 73.5% of the population.  In addition, the Akashvani AM network operating on medium wave already covers 88% of area and 95% of the population of the country.

Akashvani FM is committed to delivering high-quality and diverse content to millions of listeners across the nation. With a rich history and a forward-looking approach, Akashvani FM continues to be a trusted source of entertainment, information, and cultural enrichment.

Saurabh Singh
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Information & Broadcasting

Thursday, September 21, 2023

CML Micro release the world’s lowest-cost Digital Radio Mondiale Broadcast Receiver module

CML Micro release the world's lowest-cost Digital Radio Mondiale Broadcast Receiver module

18 September 2023

IBC Amsterdam 2023 – 16th September 2023 – DRM Consortium Showcase Event

CML Microcircuits (CML Micro) has announced at the IBC 2023 DRM Showcase Event, the full release of the world's lowest-cost, lowest power, and smallest sized Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) broadcast receiver module (DRM1000). DRM is the world's leading digital radio broadcast standard able to provide rich, high quality digital content over vast areas using medium-wave (MW) and short-wave (SW). In addition to high-capacity local broadcasting at Very High Frequencies (VHF).

The DRM1000 is a complete 'antenna to speaker' module, containing all hardware, software, IP and patent licenses required for a radio equipment manufacturer to easily realize a dual mode (digital and analogue) DRM capable receiver.
The module offers a 60% cost reduction and 80% power reduction over existing DRM technologies in the market. The device can run effectively from solar or wind-up rechargeable batteries: in addition to small primary cells. Low power operation directly improves accessibility to vital educational and public digital radio services across many emerging nations and opens the great features of DRM to many millions of potential listeners around the world.

In offering the DRM1000, CML Micro wish to enable their customers to design a complete DRM /AM /FM broadcast receiver solution, which is attractive, highly featured and accessible for all. The module allows these innovative receivers to be manufactured locally in emerging nations in addition to traditional technology manufacturing locations.

In addition to announcing the availability of the DRM1000; CML Micro is also proud to announce that the device has been adopted by Gospell Digital Technology Ltd for two new DRM portable radio families to be shown for the first time at the IBC 2023 DRM Showcase Event.

Haochun Liu, Head of Research and Development at Gospell, said: "At Gospell, we've always held a steadfast belief in the pivotal role that the accessibility and ubiquity of DRM radios play in enabling people to access high-quality information. This unwavering commitment has driven us over the years to design and manufacture user friendly DRM receivers, constantly pushing the boundaries to make them more accessible and attainable for all. The introduction of the DRM1000 module, with its impressive low-power consumption, cost-effectiveness, and high performance, has been a game-changer. We are truly honored to collaborate with CML Micro in launching two groundbreaking DRM receivers based on the DRM1000 module, namely the GR-220 and GR-221. We're confident that our combined efforts will not only deliver unparalleled value to people but also pave the way for the next chapter in DRM technology."

One third of the world's population remains without an internet connection. Many millions of people will benefit from widespread DRM adoption. Increasing access to DRM enhances public services in remote areas, or where an internet connection is very expensive. This includes a disaster and early warning service that can be used in the event of interruption to communications caused by natural disasters.

CML Micro's VP of Global Marketing, Matthew Phillips, said: "The benefits of DRM are already being enjoyed by listeners in the Indian market with 70% of the population covered by DRM broadcast services and 6 million new cars already fitted with DRM capable receivers.  We believe the market for DRM capable receivers is set for significant growth over the coming years. The DRM1000 provides an ideal platform to serve this emerging market with low cost, battery-powered portable receivers sold in millions of units."

DRM in the medium-wave or short-wave band delivers FM-like quality to listeners spread over many thousands of square miles, from a single transmitter. This makes DRM the optimum digital radio solution for emerging nations. DRM uses existing long-, medium-, short-wave and very-high frequency (LW, MW, SW and VHF) radio frequency bands, operating seamlessly alongside current analogue services.

About CML Microcircuits (CML Micro)

CML Micro is a world-leader in the design, development and supply of mixed-signal, RF and microwave semiconductors for global communications markets..

CML Micro offer a wide range of products, including mmWave MMICs, RF transceivers, baseband processors, data controllers, and interface devices, which are used in various applications such as Critical Communications, Satellite and Network Infrastructure.

Our expertise lies in delivering high-performance IC solutions that enable efficient and reliable data transfer, signal processing, and system integration. Our portfolio provides components supporting both RF and baseband functionality, encompassing both leading edge digital and legacy analogue systems.

CML Microcircuits is a member of the CML Microsystems Plc. Group of companies.

CML Microcircuits contacts:

Jessica Hickman
Marketing and Communications Officer
Telephone: +44 (0)1621 875500

Matthew Phillips
VP Marketing
Telephone: +44(0)1621 875500

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Special broadcasts by Akashvani (All India Radio) for Independence Day (15 Aug 2023)

India is celebrating its 77th Independence Day on 15 August 2023, details of special programs by Akashvani (All India Radio) for the occasion is as follows:

14th August 2023 (Monday) 1330 UTC (7.00 pm IST) onwards "Address to the Nation" on the eve of Independence Day in Hindi and English by Smt.Draupadi Murmu, Hon'ble President of India.

All stations of  Akashvani (All India Radio) will relay this on MW, SW & FM.

MW Frequencies :
FM Frequencies :

Also on DTH Channels/ airlivenews 24x7

15th August 2023 (Tuesday) 0130-0240 UTC (0700-0810 hrs IST)

Akashvani (All India Radio) will live broadcast the running commentary in English and Hindi on the Flag Hoisting and Prime Minister's address to the nation to be held at Red Fort, New Delhi between 0130-0240 UTC (0700-0810 hrs IST) on 15th August, 2023 on the following SW frequencies.

15050 Bengaluru 500 kW

11560   New Delhi 100 kW
15410 Bangalore 500 kW

The Regional SW Stations will start using their day time frequencies about 1 hour or more earlier than usual on 15th August as follows to relay the commentary. This may provide enhanced reception of stations than on normal days.

Other frequencies operating as usual at that time but carrying the commentary is as follows :

kHz     kW       Station
4760    2.5       Leh          

All stations of  Akashvani (AIR) on MW, FM & 'Akashvani AIR' YouTube Channel will relay the running commentary.

MW Frequencies :

Live streaming of the above programs is available in:

Reception Reports to :

Please submit your reception reports on line at:

or by email to:

or by postal mail to :

Director (Spectrum Management & Synergy)
Alkashvani (All India Radio),
Room No. 204, Akashvani Bhawan,
Parliament Street
New Delhi110001, India

Watch the events live on Doordarshan TV  on all their channels .Try the following links:

DD National:

Akashvani Delhi team that will bring to you all the running commentary of Independence Day 2023 Celebrations from the historic Red Fort.

(Photo courtesy @AkashvaniAIR on twitter)

(Jose Jacob & Alokesh Gupta)

Monday, July 31, 2023

Radio Taiwan International announces shortwave cuts

Announcement from RTI (Radio Taiwan International):

The Central Broadcasting Station, the parent operator of Radio Taiwan International, will reduce the broadcast time and frequency of short waves in six languages from August 1, 2023 to save money.
These six languages will be broadcast in one time zone and one frequency after August 1, 2023.

The broadcast time and frequency that will continue shortwave broadcasting from August 1, 2023 are as follows :

Indonesian - 11915 kHz (10:00-11:00 UTC)
Korean - 970 0kHz (10:30-11:00 UTC)
Vietnamese - 9695 kHz (11:00-12:00 UTC)
Japanese: 9740 kHz (11:00-12:00 UTC)
Thai - 9525 kHz (13:00-14:00 UTC)
English - 9405 kHz (16:00-17:00 UTC)

RTI english transmission to Southeast Asia at 0300-0400 UTC on 15320 kHz has been dropped.

We hope you can continue to listen to Radio Taiwan International after August 1.
Submit reception reports at :

Radio Taiwan International, Japanese section

(Translated from "Japanese" to "English")

Saturday, July 15, 2023

"Sudan Now" – DW Arabic launches new radio program for Sudan

"Sudan Now" – DW Arabic launches new radio program for Sudan

DW is now broadcasting a 30-minute daily Arabic-language radio program entitled "Sudan Now" on shortwave, Hotbird and SES-5 satellites and via the DW Arabic website.

As an unbiased radio program, "Sudan Now" will provide listeners in the target region with unbiased coverage of current issues in the region and will promote political, social and cultural dialogue through interviews, talk shows and reports.

Given the lack of independent information sources in Sudan and the limited ability of established media to broadcast due to internet outages and ongoing fighting, "Sudan Now" was specifically designed to be broadcast on shortwave and via the Hotbird- and SES-5 satellites. The satellite broadcast enables listeners in the target region to receive the program via their TV sets.

DW Managing Director Programming Dr. Nadja Scholz: "The conflict in Sudan is ongoing and has far-reaching effects on the entire region. It is absolutely necessary to provide the people there with a dedicated program that enables them to access independent, current and in-depth information. With shortwave radio, we further increase our ability to reach as many people as possible."

Manuela Kasper-Claridge, DW editor-in-chief, said: "The humanitarian situation in Sudan remains catastrophic. There is a lack of everything – including free, independent information. This Arabic-language radio program is therefore urgently needed."

The program broadcast will begin on Monday, June 26, 2023. It will air daily from Monday to Friday at 2:30 pm (local time, GMT+2) for a duration of thirty minutes. A repeat of the radio program will air daily at 8:30 pm.

"Sudan Now" can be heard in the afternoon on shortwave 15275 kHz/17800 kHz and in the evening on shortwave 15275 kHz/17840 kHz.

Full schedule as per below :

Effective from 19th June 2023
Language : Arabic

1230 ‐ 1300 UTC on 15275 kHz / 19 m  ISSOUDUN Sudan Mon‐Fri
1230 ‐ 1300 UTC on 17800 kHz / 16 m  ISSOUDUN Sudan Mon‐Fri
1830 ‐ 1900 UTC on 15275 kHz / 19 m  ISSOUDUN Sudan Mon‐Fri 
1830 ‐ 1900 UTC on 17840 kHz / 16 m  ISSOUDUN Sudan Mon‐Fri 

In addition, all broadcasts will be available on the DW Arabic website

(DW Press Release)

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

'Kadak FM' from UAE now on MW 1539 kHz

Thanks to tip from VU2FT, logged test txn of Kadak FM ( ) from UAE on 1539 kHz.

Kadak FM ( Ex Radio Mirchi) is a Hindi Radio Station owned by Abu Dhabi Media reaching out to the South Asian community in the UAE with best of Bollywood music.

Kadak FM also transmits on 97.3 FM (Abu Dhabi), 88.8 FM (Dubai) and 95.6 FM (Al Ain).
1539 kHz was earlier used by Asianet Radio & Pravasi Bharati, both are now off the air.

Last night's txn at 2043 UTC   -

Wednesday, July 05, 2023

BBC Singapore to close down on July 16, 2023

As per latest editon of AWR Wavescan BBC Singapore relay station will close down on July 16, 2023.

Here are few articles on BBC Far Eastern  Relay Station at Kranji, Singapore  :

BBC DRM to South Asia from 16th July 2023 :

BBC DRM transmission to South Asia will continue on 15185 kHz via Tashkent at 0800-0900 UTC English replacing 17720 kHz Singapore

(Jose Jacob, VU2JOS)

Radio Taiwan International French service SW tests from Tamsui

The French service of Radio Taiwan International will be broadcasting directly from the Tamsui transmission center in northern Taiwan to Europe and South Africa during the month of August 2023.

In order to prepare for this test in French, a test broadcast will be carried out on Saturday July 1 on short waves, as per following times and frequencies:

1st July 2023 (Saturday)

1700-1710, 1730-1740 UTC on 11995 kHz (325°)
1800-1810 UTC on 9545 kHz (315°)
1820-1830 UTC on 7240 kHz (315°)
1840-1850 UTC on 7250 kHz (315°)

Listening reports for these 10-minute segment tests will help to identify the two optimal frequencies for August's "live from Tamsui" broadcast under the best possible listening conditions.
A special QSL card is produced for all listening reports that you send us by post, email to the French service or via the radio's online form, both for the test broadcast and during the August broadcast.

Please send your reception reports to :

(French Service, RTI)

Sunday, June 25, 2023

RTI German language special transmissions from Tamsui transmitter site, Taiwan 2023

RTI German language special transmissions from Tamsui transmitter site, Taiwan

This year too, RTI is broadcasting its German-language program directly from the Tamsui broadcasting station in northern Taiwan on several days:

RTI will be broadcasting 10-minute test broadcasts on Saturday, June 24th, 2023 at the following times and frequencies.

Broadcast dates and frequencies:
Test broadcasts on June 24, 2023 (Saturday)

1700-1710 UTC on 11995 kHz
1730-1740 UTC on 11995 kHz
1800-1810 UTC on 9545 kHz
1820-1830 UTC on 7240 kHz
1840-1850 UTC on 7250 kHz

At the same times and on the same frequencies, test broadcasts of the French program will be broadcast by the Tamsui transmitter on the following Saturday, July 2nd, 2022.
Two frequencies for the direct transmissions will be selected from the test frequencies.

Among the frequencies mentioned above, two frequencies will be selected for the direct broadcasts.
Please send reception observations to:

The official broadcast dates for the German-language program are:

1700-1800 UTC (frequency to be announced)
1800-1900 UTC (frequency to be announced)

1) 7 July, 2023 Friday
2) 8 July, 2023 Saturday
3) 9 July, 2023 Sunday
4) 14 July, 2023 Friday
5) 15 July, 2023 Saturday
6) 16 July, 2023 Sunday
7) 21 July, 2023 Friday
8) 22 July, 2023 Saturday
9) 23 July, 2023 Sunday
10) 28 July, 2023 Friday
11) 29 July, 2023 Saturday
12) 30 July, 2023 Sunday

Note :The French-language programs will be broadcast directly from the Tamsui transmitter in August.

Reports will be confirmed with a special QSL card.
Submit reports by email to :

Or, by post to : Radio Taiwan International, German Service, PO Box 123-199, Taipei 11199, Taiwan.

Monday, May 29, 2023

BBC Radio 4 begins information campaign to transition listeners from Long Wave

BBC Radio 4 begins information campaign to transition listeners from Long Wave

The BBC has begun an information campaign to help transition listeners of Radio 4 Long Wave (LW) to alternative BBC platforms.

This follows the announcement in May 2022 that the BBC is to stop scheduling separate content for Radio 4 LW in anticipation of the closure of the LW platform, owned and operated by a third party, which is coming to the end of its life as a technology.

Radio 4 LW is starting to run targeted on air trails from today, giving listeners plenty of advance notice of the coming changes.  

All programmes on Radio 4 LW -  Shipping Forecast, Daily Service, Yesterday in Parliament and Test Match Special – will continue to be available on other BBC platforms.

Digital listening has grown significantly over the past decade as the range of alternatives has become easier to switch to, and listeners are increasingly accessing content elsewhere on the BBC. The audiences for Radio 4 LW are small, but we know there are some who still tune in on LW for their favourite programmes.

The BBC is working with key organisations so that specific audiences will be notified how they can switch to other BBC platforms to hear programmes between now and the end of Radio 4 LW separate scheduling in March 2024.

The Shipping Forecast will cease to be broadcast four times a day, and will instead be available via the Radio 4 FM simulcast twice a day (weekdays) and three times a day (weekends) as well as on DAB and BBC Sounds.

It will also continue to be broadcast via HM Coastguard's channels. Whilst modern technology and new methods means the Shipping Forecast is no longer integral to mariners, the BBC has been working closely with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and the Met Office to ensure seafarers have adequate advance notice of the changes taking place next year and can prepare accordingly.

The Daily Service and the longer version of Yesterday in Parliament will also continue on LW until March 2024 and will then be available on BBC Radio 4 Extra and BBC Sounds.

Yesterday in Parliament will still be broadcast on the Today programme on Radio 4 FM/DAB.  

Test Match Special is already available uninterrupted on Radio 5 Sports Extra and BBC Sounds where listeners will continue to be able to access it digitally. All scheduled cricket matches on Radio 4 LW will still be broadcast this summer, for the final time. Radio 4 LW listeners will be reminded where they can hear the cricket across the BBC going forward.

Helpful links:

BBC Weather: Coast and Sea

Maritime safety: weather and navigation

(BBC Press Release)

Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) to close down all FM regional services

Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) will close down all FM regional services with effect from 31st May '23 as they were loss making.

More info at :

SLBC has its FM services categorised as below :

Sinhala National Service 
Commercial Service
City FM Service
Tamil Service
Muslim Service
Thendral Service
English Service
Regional Services

Monday, May 15, 2023

Celebrate 100 years of Czech Radio by telling us where you listen to us !

Celebrate 100 years of Czech Radio by telling us where you listen to us!

To mark Czech Radio's centenary, Radio Prague International is preparing a special show for you on Thursday 18 May. Listen to it and write to let us know where you heard it to receive a special Czech Radio QSL card made especially for the anniversary!

In return, we'll send you a special QSL card issued to mark the centenary, which comes from a 1933 radio exhibition and shows where the first international radio transmissions from Czechoslovakia were received.

Those of you who are interested in receiving a physical QSL card can send us a postal address. Otherwise, we will send you a digital copy by email.

More at : 

Friday, May 12, 2023

Radio Taiwan International 95th Anniversary postcard collection drive

RTI hosts international postcard collection drive

RTI is celebrating its 95th anniversary by hosting a postcard collection drive. Rti is asking listeners to send in postcards which represent an interesting aspect of their local culture, and include a message that promotes world peace. The activity also reflects the theme for this year's World Radio Day, "Radio and Peace."

Postcards received by RTI may be displayed in various locations around Taiwan, at RTI events, or read aloud on RTI broadcasts. The activity provides an opportunity for listeners to share their voice with the world.

The collection drive is accepting postcards from now until June 18. The written messages should be written in one of the 19 languages represented by Rti's radio services. Every qualifying participant will receive Rti's limited edition 95th anniversary postcard and the chance to win other exclusive gifts.

More details about the postcard collection are available at  :

(Source : RTI)

Monday, May 08, 2023

Radio Dechovka to celebrate 100 years of Czech broadcasting with special txn on May 18th '23

On Thursday, May 18th, 2023, it will have been exactly 100 years since the start of regular radio broadcasting from Czechoslovakia. 

Radio Dechovka will celebrate this anniversary with a symbolic 24-hour broadcast from the Prague Zbraslav transmitter on the frequency of 1233kHz, as the only radio station. 

Don't forget to tune in on May 18th 10:00 UTC for the special broadcast on the medium wave frequency of 1233kHz and celebrate the 100th anniversary of the start of regular radio broadcasting in the Czech Republic with Radio Dechovka. 

To commemorate this anniversary, Radio Dechovka will be sending a special QSL card to listeners.

Reception report to :  studio @

(Michal Hons via DRM FB Group)

Friday, May 05, 2023

C. M. Obrecht - Swiss short wave program

Swiss short wave program:

"C. M. Obrecht shortwave radio", a private short wave radio registered in Switzerland, broadcasts for once mostly in Swiss German.

C. M. Obrecht usually broadcasts his own music in AM and also digital DRM around the world, although most of the broadcasts are not received in CH, as well as approximately one monthly program via Channel 292 via the station in Rohrbach, between Munich and Ingolstadt, which are audible at certain times of the day in Switzerland and presents a mixed music program.

This program in analog AM is now mostly moderated in Swiss German and there are also Swiss titles, which are not known as such. This time he has also consciously selected frequencies and times of day that are acceptable in Switzerland:

5th May (Fri) at 23.00 CEST on 3955 kHz
6th May (Sat) night at 0000 CEST on 3955 kHz
6th May (Sat) 14:00 CEST on 6070 and 9670 kHz
7th May (Sun) at 12.00 CEST on 6070 and 9670

The replays are all received in Switzerland, at night 3955 kHz and during the day especially 6070 kHz, depending on the conditions but also 9670 kHz - try which frequency offers the best reception !

(Via Claudius Obrecht )

Europarl Radio on shortwave

Dear radio friends,

Europarl Radio will be on shortwave with its multilingual Europe Day Show from Brussels and Strasbourg, according to the following schedule:

Saturday 6 May 09:00-10:00 UTC
Tuesday 9 May 17:00-18:00 UTC
Saturday 13 May 09:00-10:00 UTC
on 6070 and 9670 kHz, via 10 kW transmitter of Channel 292 in Waal (Rohrbach), Germany.

The multilingual programmes are produced by the staff of the Directorate-General for Translation at the European Parliament.

The station will issue separate eQSLs for each programme. Qualifying reception reports should contain a description of at least 15 minutes of the programme, as well as of signal quality. Web SDRs are accepted. The reports should be sent to

As this is a pilot project, listener feedback will facilitate its repetition in the future. So please tune in and send your reports, comments and suggestions to the above address!

Best regards,
Lecturer and administrator
European Parliament
Directorate-General for Communication
Directorate for Visitors
Visits and Seminars Unit, Office 01 K 036
Rue Wiertz 60, B-1047 Brussels, Belgium

(Via Hard-Core-DX mailing list)

MIB announces change from All India Radio To Akashvani

The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (I&B) has announced that All India Radio (AIR) will now be known as Akashvani, as per a provision of the Prasar Bharati (Broadcasting Corporation of India) Act, 1990.

The next radio bulletin in English on the government-run service will begin with the announcement, "This is Akashvani," instead of the current announcement, "This is All India Radio."

Full story at :

Thursday, May 04, 2023

BBC World Service launches emergency shortwave radio service for Sudan

The programme, which will be broadcast live in London with input from teams in Amman and Cairo, will air on short wave in Sudan and be available on radio, online and across social media

The BBC World Service has launched an emergency pop-up radio service on BBC News Arabic for Sudan to provide vital access to news and information for those in the country.

Broadcast twice daily, and complementing our enhanced digital content, the service will feature eye witness accounts, news on diplomatic efforts and serve to counter disinformation in the country. Listeners will also hear information on how to access essential supplies and services as well as analysis from voices inside and outside Sudan.

The programme, which will be broadcast live in London with input from teams in Amman and Cairo, will air on short wave in Sudan and be available on radio, online and across social media.

Tim Davie, BBC Director-General, says: "The World Service provides an essential lifeline to many around the world where access to accurate news and information is scarce. The enhanced emergency service for Sudan will be crucial at a time of great uncertainty in the country."

Liliane Landor, Director, World Service, says: "The situation in Sudan has escalated quickly with its citizens seeking clear, independent information and advice at a time of critical need. BBC Arabic's Emergency Radio Service for Sudan will bring vital live updates of the situation on the ground and inform listeners of life-saving resources."

The programme will broadcast twice daily for three months at 0700 UTC (8am BST, 9am local time) on 21510 kHz and 1500 UTC (4pm BST, 5pm local time) on 15310 kHz. The first programme will be available on Tuesday 2 May at 1500 UTC.

The BBC World Service has a history of responding to emergency situations globally. Most recently, in February 2022, the BBC News Ukraine service began extended TV bulletins following the invasion of the country.

Source : BBC Media Center

The Overcomer Ministry on new frequency 15400 kHz

As of 1 May 2023, The Overcomer Ministry moved to a new frequency 15400 kHz via Space Line Ltd. Bulgaria, every day, 1500-1800 UTC.

Reception reports at

(Georgi Ivanov on FB)

RNEIxtra #8 – A Japanese Party Music Special today !

Radio Northern Europe International Extra #8 – A Japanese Party Music Special !

4th May 2023 - 1300 UTC on 15770 kHz

Reception reports to : qsl [@] 

Thursday, April 27, 2023

PM Modi to inaugurate 91 FM transmitters on April 28 to boost radio connectivity in India

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate 91 FM transmitters tomorrow to boost radio connectivity in the country. The FM transmitters of 100 Watts will be inaugurated through video conferencing. These transmitters have been installed in 84 districts across 18 States and two Union Territories. A special focus of the expansion has been on enhancing coverage in aspirational districts and in border areas. The States and Union Territories which are covered include Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala,  Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Ladakh. With this expansion of All India Radio's FM service, an additional 2 crore people, who did not have access to the medium, will now be covered. It will result in expansion of coverage in about 35 thousand sq km area.

The government has been committed to enhance FM connectivity in the country. The Prime Minister has been a firm believer in the important role which radio plays in reaching out to the masses. Mr. Modi started Mann ki Baat programme, which is now nearing its landmark 100th episode to harness the unique strength of the medium to reach out to the widest possible audience.

(Source :

Monday, April 24, 2023

Radio Free Asia announces QSL Card #82

Radio Free Asia (RFA) is proud to announce new QSL card honoring the arrival of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. Nothing characterizes this more than the annual arrival of the cherry blossoms in Washington DC. "The tradition of celebrating the blooming of cherry trees in Japan is centuries old. The planting of cherry trees in Washington DC originated in 1912 as a gift of friendship to the People of the United States from the People of Japan. In Japan, the flowering cherry tree, or Sakura, is an important flowering plant. The beauty of the cherry blossom is a symbol with rich meaning in Japanese culture. For more than a hundred years, we have celebrating cherry trees blooming in solidarity." (source: This is RFA's 82nd QSL design and will be used to confirm all valid RFA reception reports from May – August 2023.

Created by Congress in 1994 and incorporated in 1996, RFA broadcasts in Burmese, Cantonese, Khmer, Korean to North Korea, Lao, Mandarin Chinese, Vietnamese, Tibetan (including Uke, Amdo, and Kham dialects), and Uyghur. RFA strives for accuracy, balance, and fairness in our editorial content. As a 'surrogate' broadcaster, RFA provides news and commentary specific to each of our target countries, acting as the free press these countries lack. RFA broadcasts only in local languages and dialects, and most of our broadcasts comprise news of specific local interest. More information about RFA, including our current broadcast frequency schedule, is always available at

RFA encourages listeners to submit reception reports. Reception reports are valuable to RFA as they help us evaluate the signal strength and quality of our transmissions. RFA confirms all accurate reception reports by mailing a QSL card to the listener. RFA welcomes all reception report submissions not only from DX'ers, but also from our general listening audience.

Reception reports are accepted by email at and by mail to:

Reception Reports
Radio Free Asia
2025 M. Street NW, Suite 300
Washington DC 20036
United States of America

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Claudius Obrecht's broadcast to Pacific region in analogue and DRM

Claudius Obrecht's program will be broadcast towards Southeast Asia and Australia :
Date : Saturday 22nd April 2023
Frequency : 21580 kHz
Time : 1300-1400 UTC AM , 1400-1500 UTC DRM

MaxxCasting and ZoneCasting booster systems to be tested in India by All India Radio

Geobroadcast Solutions' MaxxCasting and ZoneCasting booster systems will be tested in India by All India Radio, starting this month at NBH Delhi (FM GOLD 106.4) and either Rainbow 101.3 or VBS 102.9 in Bengaluru.

GeoBroadcast Solutions' MaxxCasting And ZoneCasting To Be Tested In India

What is Maxxcasting

Friday, April 14, 2023

IRRS testing on 11995 kHz Saturday, April 15, 2023, from 0800-0900 UTC

We're thrilled to inform you that we're testing out a new frequency of 11995 kHz on Saturday, April 15, 2023, between 8-9 UTC (10-11 AM Central European Time) to Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. We want you to be a part of it! Our regular program from IPAR (International Public Access Radio) featuring Radio City will be on, so don't miss it. Radio City is on the air every third Saturday from 08-09 UTC (summer) on our station.

Our Sunday morning broadcast will still be on 9510 kHz, and you can find our full schedule at

We'd love to hear your feedback on how the reception goes, so please send us your reports and QSL requests online at or by writing to

Our broadcast exists because of the tremendous support from our broadcasters and listeners like you! If you like our shows and want to help us keep bringing them to you, please consider donating online at

Thanks so much for being part of our community, and we look forward to tuning in together on the new frequency. Keep listening and sending us your thoughts!

Warm regards and very best of 73s,

Ron Norton
On behalf of the IRRS-Shortwave and NEXUS-IBA team

Special Ramadan programs by AIR Srinagar, Kupwara

This year, the holy month of Ramadan started on  March 22, 2023 and will end in the evening of Friday, April 21, 2023.

As in the past All India Radio stations in Jammu & Kashmir is broadcasting special devotional programs on the occasion in the early hours as follows:

Eg 4.00 am to 4.50 am IST (2230 to 2320 UTC)  Timings vary slightly

AIR Srinagar 1116 kHz  300 kW
AIR Kupwara 1350 kHz 20 kW

(Jose Jacob, NIAR, Hyderabad, India)

Thursday, April 06, 2023

Atlantic 2000 on the air - Saturday, April 8

Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this Saturday, 8th of April 2023 from 08:00 to 09:00 UTC (10:00 to 11:00 CEST) only on 9670 kHz via Channel 292.

Streams will be available at the same time here:

Good listening!


Tuesday, April 04, 2023

English program hosts at Radio Taiwan International English Service

English program hosts at Radio Taiwan International English Service (contract-based)

Radio Taiwan International's English service is looking for two English program hosts who can create original content and deliver live broadcasts that are essential to RTI's audience. As a program host, you will produce one radio program for RTI, Taiwan's national broadcaster, and translate brief news reports for the English service's radio, website, and social media platforms.

We are seeking individuals who are passionate about producing excellent radio programs about Taiwan. If you have little experience in broadcasting but are enthusiastic about radio, we encourage you to apply.

Job responsibilities include:

1. Developing and producing topical content for shortwave and internet radio programs
2. Writing and presenting English news stories based on Mandarin sources to keep the public informed of important events
3. Conducting interviews with guests, moderating discussions for video and audio programming
4. Attending live or pre-recorded shows and providing commentaries on a variety of topics
5. Performing other assigned duties
6. Other duties assigned


1. A college degree
2. Excellent command of spoken and written English
3. Ability to comment on program content, such as Taiwan news, living in Taiwan, and/or music
4. Ability to speak and read Mandarin
5. Committed to learning and enacting best journalism practices
6. Creative problem solver with the ability to develop new ideas
7. A team player willing to assist where needed

Preferred skills:

1. Extensive knowledge of Taiwan news, life in Taiwan, and/or Taiwan music
2. Journalism experience, especially in broadcast journalism
3. Knowledge of AP style
4. Experience in radio/audio editing and/or podcasting

To apply, download an application form and consent to RTI's privacy rights agreement. Email forms

Applications must be received by April 11.

Written and mic tests will be administered for this position. Qualified applicants will be notified via email to take the test. For more information, contact Mr. Lin at: (02) 2885-6168 #517.

Application form>>Click here

Source : RTI