Adventist World Radio Offers Special QSL Stamp for Kigali Broadcasts
At the beginning of this current Transmission Period B14 October 6, 2014, Adventist World Radio began a relay service from the Deutsche Welle shortwave relay station near Kigali in Rwanda Africa. The AWR relay via DW Kigali is on the air for a total of 2½ transmitter hours daily in three languages, French, Amharic & Fulfulde. In one particular time block, two transmitters carry the programming in parallel.
However, Deutsche Welle has subsequently announced that they plan to close their African relay station at the end of this current Transmission Period B14 March 28, 2015 and then dismantle the station. The last AWR broadcasts from DW Kigali will therefor also end at the same time.
For those who would like to receive a QSL card for these now short term broadcasts, AWR would welcome all reception reports from listeners in any part of the world. Each reception report will be verified with a QSL card (not an Email QSL), and the envelope will be affixed with genuine postage stamps, not postal labels. In addition, while supplies last, a special QSL stamp showing Kigali will be attached to the QSL card.
It is not necessary to send an off-air recording of your reception. We just need your honest reception report on paper. Where possible, please enclose return postage in the form of currency notes in any international currency, or mint postage stamps. Please note that IRC coupons are too expensive for you to buy, and they are no longer valid in the United States.
Also please enclose your address label.
The only address for the special Kigali QSL stamp is the Indianapolis address at :
Adventist World Radio, Box 29235, Indianapolis, Indiana 46229, USA.
All reception reports, including all that have already been received, will be QSLed in due course. However, please be patient with us as we already hold uncounted hundreds of reception reports still pending, and it may take us many months to process them all.
The current AWR website shows the following scheduling for the daily Kigali transmissions:-
0600 - 0630 UTC 15700 kHz French
0600 - 0630 17800 French
1700 - 1730 9490 Amharic
1930 - 2000 17800 Fulfulde
2000 - 2030 17800 French
Adventist World Radio - Regular QSL Policy
Adventist World Radio welcomes reception reports from listeners in all countries. Please note the following items of information:-
* Each reception report should contain the following items of information
Time, preferably expressed in International Radio Time, equivalent to UTC
Frequency in kHz
Sufficient program details to verify that you actually heard the AWR programming
Reports using SINPO Code preferred
* Reception reports by postal mail are preferred, though email is also acceptable.
* Where possible, please enclose return postage in the form of currency notes in any international currency, or mint postage stamps.
* Please note that IRC coupons are too expensive for you to buy, and they are no longer valid in the United States.
* Where possible, please enclose your address label.
* You will receive a full data QSL card, including location, through the postal system in response to your reception report.
* Several different QSL cards are available.
* The envelope will be affixed with regular postage stamps, not a postage label.
* AWR does not send out email QSLs.
* It is not necessary for you to send and resend the same reception report. All reception reports that we receive are verified with a regular full data QSL card.
* It is not necessary to send an off-air recording of your reception. We just need your honest reception report on paper.
* At times, there may be a delay before you receive your AWR QSL card. This is due to the large inflow of reception reports we receive from listeners in so many different countries.
* The regular postal address for reception reports is:-
Adventist World Radio
Box 29235
Indiana 46229 USA
(Dr.Adrian Peterson, AWR)