Sunday, January 30, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Middle East Broadcasts Playing a Crucial Role
"As Chairman of the BBG, I have been regularly updated on developments across the Middle East by our Arabic-language broadcasters Alhurra TV and Radio Sawa. I am impressed by the results, and the commitment from the reporters, editors and managers at MBN to consistently uphold the highest journalistic standards, to compete with other outlets to get the story first, to get it accurately, and to provide the rich content the public deserves. They are playing a crucial role in reporting the developing story by providing live coverage from Cairo and other key cities, pre-empting regularly scheduled programming to cover breaking news, and incorporating video clips, photos and online comments from protesters as well as commentary from U.S. policymakers and analysts. Alhurra TV and Radio Sawa are important media players in the Middle East during these tumultuous days, contributing to international broadcasting in significant ways, utilizing all means of communications available, and with dedicated commitment to the mission."
The Broadcasting Board of Governors is an independent federal agency, supervising all U.S. government-supported, civilian international broadcasting, whose mission is to promote freedom and democracy and to enhance understanding through multimedia communication of accurate, objective, and balanced news, information, and other programming about America and the world to audiences overseas. BBG broadcasts reach an audience of 165 million in 100 countries. BBG broadcasting organizations include the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Middle East Broadcasting Networks (Alhurra TV and Radio Sawa), Radio Free Asia, and the Office of Cuba Broadcasting (Radio and TV Marti).
(Press Release)
Radio Station HCJB Program Host/Engineer Clayton Howard Dies At 92
The longtime host of a popular shortwave radio listeners' program, Clayton Howard, died on Thursday, Jan. 27, in Tahlequah, Okla. He was 92. He had served from 1941 to 1984 as an engineer with Radio Station HCJB, an international shortwave station in Quito, Ecuador.
For more than two decades he and his wife, Helen, hosted the "DX Partyline" program. ("DX" is a radio term for distance; DXers are listeners to distant radio stations.)
Clayton was born on Nov. 27, 1918, to missionary parents in Canton, China. His father, Charles Howard, an entomologist and college professor, and his mother, Anne, a biologist and teacher, served at a Christian university and conducted research for the Chinese government to develop a finer grade of silk. When Clayton was 9 years old the family returned to the U.S. where his father developed the biology department at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Ill.
At Wheaton Academy, Clayton loved learning about radio and electronics. In 1939 he graduated from Wheaton College with a physics degree followed by a year of graduate studies in physics at the University of Chicago.
"I heard HCJB on Easter Sunday of 1940 while [the station was] inaugurating a new 10-kilowatt transmitter," Clayton once said in an interview. "I had known there was a missionary shortwave station in South America previously, but knew very little about it until 1940."
Clayton contacted HCJB Global co-founder Reuben Larson who then recruited him to join the technical team at La Voz de Los Andes (the Voice of the Andes) in Quito. College Church in Wheaton later commissioned him as a missionary, and he arrived in Ecuador to begin serving at Radio Station HCJB in 1941.
Clayton's marriage to Helen Marie Prestidge on Sept. 12, 1942, was broadcast live from Quito via shortwave "so the folks back home could hear it," according to his son, Chuck Howard. The couple had met in Wheaton, and Helen went to Ecuador after she graduated. It was her father, a Baptist minister, and Rev. Evan Welsh, pastor of College Church, who together prepared the phonograph record with the marriage ceremony, leaving gaps for "I do" from the couple.
Many station employees remembered Clayton as a technician whose special knack was keeping the tape recorders, record turntables and mixing consoles going, according to Chuck, an HCJB Global missionary teacher in Quito. Clayton served primarily in audio work, but he was also involved in everything technical such as transmitters, antennas, studios, power and remote programs. He was also actively involved in the search for a new international transmitting site for the station, eventually selecting Pifo.
A career highlight for Clayton was helping a fellow engineer at the station, Clarence Moore, design and build the world's first cubical quad antenna. Also, in an era in which Ecuador's communication resources were marginal, Clayton actively handled remote broadcasts for the Ecuadorian government. He contributed to the growth of HCJB from a small radio facility to a major international broadcaster, reaching out with the gospel message in many major languages.
Blessed with an excellent bass voice, Clayton loved his involvement with regular live music programs in English and Spanish. He took part in concerts each year to honor the station's host city, Quito. In the mid-1960s Clayton took over as host of "DX Partyline," a semiweekly program for shortwave enthusiasts.
Clayton and Helen also began Andes DX International (ANDEX), a club for shortwave radio listeners, and the ANDEX magazine. The Howards corresponded with people around the world. In addition to shortwave listening tips, they shared "Tips for Real Living," focusing on a meaningful relationship with the Creator. It was their joy to lead many to the Lord Jesus through the programs and follow-up correspondence.
After their final "DX Partyline" program aired in June 1984, Clayton received what Chuck referred to as an unusual tribute from an unlikely source, Radio Moscow, which stated, "The living legend of the Andes has retired!"
Upon retirement, the Howards spent 10 years in Florida, then moved to Go Ye Village, a Christian retirement center in Tahlequah. "When Clayton and Helen came to live at Go Ye Village," said retired HCJB Global missionary Don Schroder, "Clayton set up closed-circuit TV to televise the Sunday chapel services, Bible studies and memorial services. These televised services went into all the homes and apartments of residents in the village."
Clayton was preceded in death by his wife of 67 years on Jan. 3, 2010. Survivors include three children, Chuck Howard of Quito, Leland Howard of Missouri and Ruth Anne Leaf of Illinois (recently retired from missionary service in Japan), as well as 11 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren.
He loved to share his enthusiasm for radio, and he enjoyed meeting with radio clubs in the U.S. "On one occasion," Chuck remembered his father telling, "he was met at the door to the club by a lively group of young men, all sporting T-shirts with his picture on the front!"
One such teenaged fan of Clayton and Helen's radio show was Rich McVicar who quipped, "It was one of the very few programs I would actually listen to. The rest of the time, I was constantly tuning the dial for new catches!"
Years later, when McVicar arrived as an HCJB Global missionary in Ecuador, the Howards were there, having been coaxed back to Ecuador for a short visit. "In fact, Clayton and I co-hosted my first four 'DX Partyline' programs," McVicar said. "Becoming the producer of 'DX Partyline' was a dream come true for me, and being introduced to the famous host of my teenage listening days was a uniquely wonderful experience."
Another young listener was John Beck. Upon Clayton's retirement, Beck was the program's new host. "I was scared. I had listened to Clayton and Helen since high school. But he told me not to worry and that he would help me in the transition," Beck said. "I watched him conduct a couple of tapings, introducing me on the second to the audience and then he turned to me and said, 'OK, now it's your program.' I stammered. 'But I thought we would have a transition of at least a couple of months!'" Beck said Clayton's reply was, "Oh no . we leave next week."
"Clayton not only taught me over the air much of what I learned about shortwave radio as a hobby," added Ken MacHarg, who later hosted the same radio program. "He was also the door through which I began doing programming on HCJB."
"Before my wife and I ever went there, he asked me to adapt portions of my book, Tune in the World, for broadcast as a series," MacHarg explained. "I recorded profiles of various international broadcasters who were featured in the book and sent them for use on the program."
Chuck described his father as one who loved Ecuador and its people. Although he was a practical joker at times, his passion for Christ was evident. "He was a humble, rather private man who felt rather awkward in large groups, but in his quiet way, he was a very effective servant of the Lord," Chuck said. "He didn't preach, but he made it possible for others to preach the Word to millions of needy souls around the world."
His life verses were, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths" (Proverbs 3:5-6, KJV).
A memorial service is set for Go Ye Village Chapel at 1 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 29.
Source: HCJB Global
Ron Trotto commented on your post.
Ron wrote: "very sad news indeed i started listening to clayton howard back in 1973 on the dx party line. he is at peace and with his wife now"
Listeners on three continents lament BBC World Service cutbacks
Friday, January 28, 2011
European SW-pirates testing to Japan
Details at :
DRM webinar: Your Burning Questions Answered
Check out the video here :
Thursday, January 27, 2011
RVA Listener's Meet 2011 at Siliguri
Venue: CNI Bhavan, Nibedita Road, Pradhan Nagar, Siliguri, West Bengal, India.
Date: 27th February, 2011 (Sunday)
Timing: 10:30 AM to 04:00 PM IST
Listeners are requested to immediately contact Chitrabani for registration.
76, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Road Kolkata 700 016
Phone: (91-33) 2265-3108
SMS : +91 9051229618
There will be limited lodging facility for listeners travelling from distance locations. But for this interested listeners are requested to register their names with Chitrabani at the earliest. Listeners are also requested to carry their Voter ID Card or any other identity proof for administrative requirements.
(Prithwiraj Purkayastha, Jorhat, Assam via bangladx list)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
BBC World Service 'will be eclipsed by Voice of America'
BBC World Service cuts language services and radio broadcasts to meet tough Spending Review settlement
BBC World Service is to carry out a fundamental restructure in order to meet the 16 per cent savings target required by the Government's Spending Review of 20 October last year.
To ensure the 16 per cent target is achieved and other unavoidable cost increases are met BBC World Service is announcing cash savings of 20 per cent over the next three years. This amounts to an annual saving of £46m by April 2014, when Grant-in-Aid funding comes to an end as BBC World Service transfers to television licence fee funding, agreed as part of the domestic BBC's licence fee settlement announced on the same day.
In the first year, starting in April 2011, the international broadcaster will be making savings of £19m on this year's operating expenditure of £236.7m (2010/11).
The changes include:
- five full language service closures;
- the end of radio programmes in seven languages, focusing those services on online and new media content and distribution; and
- a phased reduction from most short wave and medium wave distribution of remaining radio services.
BBC Global News Director Peter Horrocks said: "This is a painful day for BBC World Service and the 180 million people around the world who rely on the BBC's global news services every week. We are making cuts in services that we would rather not be making. But the scale of the cut in BBC World Service's Grant-in-Aid funding is such that we couldn't cope with this by efficiencies alone.
"What won't change is the BBC's aim to continue to be the world's best known and most trusted provider of high quality impartial and editorially independent international news. We will continue to bring the BBC's expertise, perspectives and content to the largest worldwide audience, which will reflect well on Britain and its people."
BBC World Service also plans spending reductions and efficiencies across the board, targeted in particular in support areas where there will be average cuts of 33 per cent.
BBC World Service also expects to generate additional savings from the new ways of working after the move to the BBC's London headquarters at Broadcasting House in 2012, and also by the transfer of BBC World Service to television licence fee funding in April 2014.
Under these proposals 480 posts are expected to close over the next year.
By the time the BBC World Service moves in to the licence fee in 2014/15 we anticipate the number of proposed closures to reach 650. Some of these closures may be offset by new posts being created during this period.
It is expected that audiences will fall by more than 30 million from the current weekly audience of 180 million as a result of the changes this year.
The changes have been approved by the BBC Trust, the BBC Executive and, in relation to closure of services, The Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, William Hague, as he is required to do under the terms of the BBC's agreement with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
The changes in detail are:
Full language service closures
There will be the complete closure of five language services – Albanian, Macedonian, Portuguese for Africa and Serbian languages; as well as the English for the Caribbean regional service.
End of radio programming
BBC World Service will cease all radio programming – focusing instead, as appropriate, on online, mobile and television content and distribution – in the following languages: Azeri, Mandarin Chinese (note that Cantonese radio programming continues), Russian (save for some programmes which will be distributed online only), Spanish for Cuba, Turkish, Vietnamese, and Ukrainian.
Reductions in short wave and medium wave radio distribution
There will be a phased reduction in medium wave and short wave throughout the period.
English language short wave and medium wave broadcasts to Russia and the Former Soviet Union are planned to end in March 2011. The 648 medium wave service covering Western Europe and south-east England will end in March 2011. Listeners in the UK can continue to listen on DAB, digital television and online. Those in Europe can continue to listen online or direct to home free-to-air satellite via Hotbird and UK Astra. By March 2014, short wave broadcasts of the English service could be reduced to two hours per day in Africa and Asia.
These radio services will continue to be available for audiences by other means of distribution such as FM radio (direct broadcasts and via partners); online; mobiles and other new media devices.
Short wave broadcasts in remaining languages other than English are expected to end by March 2014 with the exception of a small number of "lifeline" services such as Burmese and Somali.
English language programmes
There will be a new schedule for World Service English language programming – a focus on four daily news titles (BBC Newshour, BBC World Today, BBC World Briefing, and BBC World Have Your Say); and a new morning programme for Africa. There will be a new daily edition of From Our Own Correspondent; and an expansion of the interactive World Have Your Say programme.
There will be a reduction from seven to five daily pre-recorded "non-news" programmes on the English service. This includes the loss of one of the four weekly documentary strands. Some programmes will be shortened. Titles such as Politics UK, Europe Today, World Of Music, Something Understood, Letter From…, and Crossing Continents will all close. There will also be the loss of some correspondent posts.
Audience reduction
Audiences will fall by more than 30 million as a result of the changes announced on 26 January 2011. Investments in new services are planned in order to offset further net audience losses resulting from additional savings in the 2012-14 period.
Professional Services
There will be a substantial reduction in an already tight overhead budget. Teams in Finance, HR, Business Development, Strategy, Marketing and other administrative operations will face cuts averaging 33 per cent.
Job losses
Under these proposals 480 posts would be declared redundant; of these 26 posts are currently unfilled vacancies. BBC World Service is proposing to open 21 new posts. Therefore the net impact of these proposed changes could result in up to 433 posts being closed this financial year against a total staff number of 2400.
By the time the BBC World Service moves in to the licence fee in 2014/15 we anticipate the number of proposed closures to reach up to 650. Some of these closures may be offset by new posts being created during this period.
(BBC World Service Press Release)
BBC World Service to cut five language services
BBC to end short wave Hindi radio service
Spaceline DRM test on 5825 kHz
1800-2100 UTC on 25th & 26th Jan 2011
Probably Radio CJSC, Armenia tests via Kostinbrod, Bulgaria
Check this :
And this :
From DRM newsletter 04/09 .......
Bulgarian National Radio is adding English, German, Russian and French to its regular transmissions on its short wave DRM platform operated by Spaceline Ltd. Besides its regular DRM test transmissions of the Horizontal programme in Bulgarian, BNR is expanding the variety of content transmitted on a regular basis from the Kostinbrod DRM transmitter in order to take advantage of DRM’s benefits and reach new listeners.
(Alokesh Gupta)
BBC cuts 360 jobs, budget for online division
Raed the AP report here :
Statement on BBC World Service
This is part of its response to a cut to its Grant-in-Aid funding from the UK's Foreign & Commonwealth Office. The cut is part of a BBC World Service restructure in order to meet a 16% savings target announced in the Government's Spending Review of 20 October last year.
BBC Global News Director Peter Horrocks said: "These closures are not a reflection on the performance of individual services or programmes. They are all extremely important to their audiences and to the BBC.
"It is simply that there is a need to make savings due to the scale of the cuts to the World Service's Grant-in-Aid funding from the UK's Foreign & Commonwealth Office and we need to focus our efforts in the languages where there is the greatest need and where we have the strongest impact."
BBC World Service will not be confirming further details tonight ahead of briefing staff tomorrow. However, further information will be confirmed tomorrow at a press conference.
(BBC World Service Press Release, 25 Jan 2011)
Silicon Labs Provides Cost-Saving AM/FM/SW Receiver Solution for Tecsun Multi-Band Radio
AUSTIN, Texas & DONGGUAN, China--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Silicon Laboratories Inc. (NASDAQ: SLAB), a leader in high-performance, analog-intensive mixed-signal ICs, today announced that it is providing its latest digital multi-band receiver technology to Tecsun, a leading Chinese manufacturer of portable radios. Tecsun has chosen Silicon Labs’ Si483x AM/FM receiver ICs for its new R-2010 multi-band portable radio. Designed for the worldwide market, the 12-band R-2010 radio is a wheel-tuned DSP radio, which offers FM stereo, medium-wave (MW) and shortwave (SW) reception.
Read the press release here :
VOA eliminates Indonesian and Vietnamese shortwave, reduces Mandarin and French.
More at :
BBC to Shut Down 5 Language Services
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Transmission Renaissance for Rwanda
KIGALI, Rwanda — In a land of a thousand hills, Mount Karisimbi is the tallest. Home to endangered mountain gorillas, the mountain is also a key link in the Rwanda Vision 2020 plan, which, among other goals, seeks to build a world-class telecommunications infrastructure for the country.
Read the full story here :
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Radio hams' help 'invaluable'
The NanoSail-D satellite ejected from FASTSAT last week and deployed its sail late Thursday. The unfurling marks the first time a NASA craft has ever opened a solar sail in low-Earth orbit, according to agency officials.
Dean Alhorn, NanoSail-D principal investigator said:
"To get to this point is an incredible accomplishment for our small team and I can't thank the amateur ham operator community enough for their help in tracking NanoSail-D,"
"Their assistance was invaluable. In particular, the Marshall Amateur Radio Club was the very first to hear the radio beacon. It was exciting!"
More at :
Ride the airwaves without a radio
Read more:
Related story :
FM Bandscan 23 Jan

88.7 Spurious Zee TV
90.2 Unid Nepal Weak
90.4 Hint FM G'bad 55555 Dev songs
90.8 Jaagran FM, Nepal 55555
91.9 Radio Mantra, Bareilley 55555
93.2 Phoolbari FM, Tikapur, Nepal 35443
93.8 Dinesh FM, Dhangadi, Nepal Weak
94.0 Krishnasar FM, Nepal 45444
94.6 Bageshwari FM, Nepal 35343
96.2 Radio Mahakali,Mahendranagar, Nepal 45444
96.4 Spurious
98.6 Radio Bheri, Surkhet Nepal 55555
99.4 Shuklaphanta FM, Nepal 55555
100.2 AIR Patiala 35443
100.4 AIR Bareilley 55555
100.7 AIR Lucknow 55555
100.8 Unid Nepal 45444
100.9 AIR Shimla 35443
101.3 AIR Aligarh 55555
101.4 AIR Kurukshetra 45444
101.5 AIR Sawai Madhopur 45444
101.8 Kantipur FM, 45444
102.1 AIR Mussourie 55555
103.0 Radio Nepal, Buditola 55555
103.1 AIR Alwar + Chandigarh 55555
103.4 Bulbule FM, Nepal 45444
103.5 AIR Rohtak 35443
103.7 AIR Nagaur/Kanpur Hindi film song FM Rainbow progs
105.6 Weak
107.2 AIR Kasauli 55555
(Sony XDR-F1HD + Triax FM5 Vert)
Saturday, January 22, 2011
TDPradio new website
Website also has links to buy DRM receiver :
Friday, January 21, 2011
Article on visit to KMIT Tarang CRS
Read my article on the vist here :
Or, download pdf version using this link :
Jose Jacob, VU2JOS
National Institute of Amateur Radio
Raj Bhavan Road, Hyderabad 500082, India
Telefax: 91-40-2331 0287 Cell: 94416 96043
FM Bandscan 21st Jan
21 Jan 2011, 0100 -0330 UTC
88.7 Spurious Zee TV
90.2 Unid Nepal Weak
90.4 Hint FM Ghaziabad 55555
90.8 Jaagran FM, Nepal 55555
91.9 Radio Mantra, Bareilley 55555
92.4 Indreni FM, Dang Nepal 45444
93.2 Phoolbari FM, Tikapur, Nepal 55555
93.8 Dinesh FM, Dhangadi, Nepal 45444
94.0 Krishnasar FM, Nepal 45444
94.6 Bageshwari FM, Nepal 35343
96.2 Radio Mahakali,Mahendranagar, Nepal 45444
96.9 JIMS CR, North Delhi 45444
97.4 Unid Nepal 45444
98.6 Radio Bheri, Surkhet Nepal 55555
99.4 Shuklaphanta FM, Nepal 55555
100.2 AIR Patiala 55555
100.4 AIR Bareilley 55555
100.6 AIR Varanasi 55555
100.7 AIR Lucknow 55555
101.0 Unid Nepal 45444
101.3 AIR Aligarh 55555
101.4 AIR Kurukshetra 45444
101.5 Unid weak playing hindi movie songs
101.8 Kantipur FM, 45444
102.1 AIR Mussourie 55555
103.0 Radio Nepal, Buditola 55555
103.1 AIR Chandigarh 55555
103.4 Unid from Nepal 35443
103.5 AIR Rohtak 35443
103.7 AIR Kanpur 55555
105.0 Unid Nepal
105.6 Unid weak (before gyanvani delhi signed on)
107.0 Unid Nepal 45444 (local Kailali ad's)
107.2 AIR Kasauli 55555
Sony XDR-F1HD + Triax FM5 Vert
(Alokesh Gupta, VU3BSE)
Thursday, January 20, 2011
GoM on FM radio finalises e-auction for phase III
More at :
Tighter focus, cuts, ordered at German broadcaster Deutsche Welle
Read the full story here :
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Tremors in Delhi as quake hits Pakistan
Preliminary Earthquake Report Magnitude 7.4 Mw
Date-Time 18 Jan 2011 20:23:17 UTC
19 Jan 2011 01:23:17 near epicenter
19 Jan 2011 01:23:17 standard time in your timezone
Location 28.782N 64.048E
Depth 10 km
Distances 47 km (29 miles) WSW (249 degrees) of Dalbandin, Pakistan
253 km (157 miles) W (265 degrees) of Kalat, Pakistan
317 km (197 miles) ESE (105 degrees) of Zahedan, Iran
788 km (490 miles) NE (42 degrees) of MUSCAT, Oman
Location UncertaintyHorizontal: 13.3 km; Vertical
Parameters Nph = 164; Dmin = 999.9 km; Rmss = 2.00 seconds; Gp = 28°
M-type = Mw; Version = 1
Event IDUS 2011ggbx
For updates, maps, and technical information, see:
Event Page
USGS Earthquake Hazards Program
National Earthquake Information Center
U.S. Geological Survey
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Gambia: Authorities Close Down Another Radio Station
Monday, January 17, 2011
BBC Monitoring to cut more than 50 jobs
Read the Guardian story here :
Sunday, January 16, 2011
French radio service to be launched in Qatar
To cater to the French speaking community across the country, the Qatar Media Corporation (QMC) today launches a new French radio service - Oryx FM. The 24-hour station to broadcast seven days a week on frequency 94FM stereo is a partnership between QMC and Radio France Internationale (RFI).
Friday, January 14, 2011
RFE Marks Successful First Year of Broadcasts to Pakistan
This week, RFE's Radio Mashaal marks the first anniversary of the launch of its Pashto-language broadcasts in Pakistan's Pashtun heartland.
"Our listeners are desperate for reliable news," says Radio Mashaal Director Amanullah Ghilzai. "Last month, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) called Pakistan 'the world's deadliest place for journalists.' And Reporters Without Borders calls the Swat Valley, 'the valley of fear.'"
On a recent broadcast of one of the stations' most popular call-in shows, "War Stories," a widow from the Swat Valley recounted the story of a 14-hour Taliban attack on her house that killed her husband and son. Another popular Radio Mashaal program is airing a weekly series profiling Pashtun tribal elders who have been killed by the Taliban. The targeting of elders, who form the backbone of Pashtun society in places with little or no government presence, is an underreported tactic the Taliban has been employing for nearly a decade.
Away from the fighting, Radio Mashaal's show, "Your Future," is a program for youths offering advice on schools and careers. Ghilzai calls it "a how-to for young people interested in getting job training, applying for Pakistani schools, or studying abroad."
"Most of our listeners in these parts of Pakistan simply do not have access to such basic information," he says. "That's why we also produce programs dedicated to women's issues and health care."
When the worst flooding in decades devastated large portions of the country last year, Radio Mashaal reported from some of the most inaccessible parts of Pakistan. In the aftermath of the floods, a program called "Hopes" aired 100 special reports on the disaster which provided, among other things, information on where people who lost their homes could turn for help and information about water-born illnesses.
During its first broadcast on January 15, 2010, Radio Mashaal surprised listeners when renowned Pashtun pop star Haroon Bacha emerged from hiding as the host of a new cultural affairs program. Bacha -- a Pashtun entertainment icon -- was forced to flee the region three years ago when Islamic extremists threatened him and his family.
"Radio Mashaal is galvanizing a population starved for artistic outlets," says Bacha, who says his songs of peace are part of "a liberal Pashtun tradition of tolerance."
Radio Mashaal and VOA's Radio Deewa each broadcast nine hours a day on a shared AM frequency. They produce programs on news, politics, culture, women's issues, and music.
(BBG Press Release)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
WRTH 2011 now available in India
Supratik Sanatani
(via bangladx list)
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
India Set to Raise Bar on Foreign Investment in FM Radio
Read the full story here :
Thursday, January 06, 2011
MW opening with Laos
Laos , Vientaine, 567 kHz
AIR Nagpur 585 kHz
AIR Raipur 981 kHz
AIR Najibabad 954 Khz
Nepal Surkhet 576 kHz
Nepal Pokhra 684 kHz
Myanmar 594 kHz
Myanmar 576 kHz
Myanmar 729 kHz
Myanmar (Alt) 711 kHz
Curiously the higher reaches of MW band are less active, signals heard through my 60 m East West long wire and also through roof top reference wire antenna.
(Supratik Sanatani, Kolkata)
Radio Free Asia issues year of the rabbit QSL card
Radio Free Asia (RFA) announces the release of 35th QSL card. This latest card continues in the series of Chinese Lunar New Year commemorative QSLs. 2011 is the Year of the Rabbit and begins on February 3, 2011 and runs through January 22, 2012 Those born in a rabbit year are said to be kind, sensitive, soft-spoken, gracious, good natured, reserved, cautious, artistic, thorough, self-assured, shy, astute, and lucky. This QSL card will be used to confirm all valid reception reports from January 1 – March 31, 2011.
RFA’s 35th QSL commemorating 2011 as The Year of the Rabbit 2
RFA is a private, nonprofit corporation that broadcasts news and information to listeners in Asian countries where full, accurate, and timely news reports are unavailable. Created by Congress in 1994 and incorporated in 1996, RFA currently broadcasts in Burmese, Cantonese, Khmer, Korean to North Korea, Lao, Mandarin, the Wu dialect, Vietnamese, Tibetan (Uke, Amdo, and Kham), and Uyghur. RFA strives for accuracy, balance, and fairness in its editorial content. As a ‘surrogate’ broadcaster, RFA provides news and commentary specific to each of its target countries, acting as the free press these countries lack. RFA broadcasts only in local languages and dialects, and most of its broadcasts comprise news of specific local interest. More information about Radio Free Asia, including our current broadcast frequency schedule, is available at
RFA encourages listeners to submit reception reports. Reception reports are valuable to RFA as they help us evaluate the signal strength and quality of our transmissions. RFA confirms all accurate reception reports by mailing a QSL card to the listener.
RFA welcomes all reception report submissions at (follow the QSL REPORTS link) not only from DX’ers, but also from its general listening audience. Reception reports are also accepted by email at, and for anyone without Internet access, reception reports can be mailed to:
Reception Reports
Radio Free Asia
2025 M. Street NW, Suite 300
Washington DC 20036
United States of America.
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
DRM+ Trial in the UK
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
DW Trincomalee DRM Txer photo's
Monday, January 03, 2011
I&B Addl Secy Rajiv Takru vested with powers of Prasar CEO
International Short Wave League celebrations
Look for the callsign GB65ISWL to be active from several locations throughout the year.
The QSL Manager is Herbie, G6XOU.
QSL cards will be returned on a QSLR basis. QSL details are on All logs will automatically be uploaded to (LoTW is NOT use).
Also, look for Fred, PA0FAW, to be active as PA65ISWL between now and January 28th. Both callsigns can be claimed for the ISWL Monitor award.
For more details, see the ISWL Web page at:
Sunday, January 02, 2011
PROP ALERT - Sudden increase in SSN
@ 0000z SF 91 A 4 K 2 SSN 23
@ 0300z SF 91 A 4 K 1 SSN 65
@ 0600z SF 91 A 4 K 1 SSN 65
Saturday, January 01, 2011
'Gujjar Radio' keeps illiterate agitators informed