Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Norway to Consider Other Technologies Including DRM for Migration to Digital Radio Broadcasting

In a white paper published by the Norwegian Ministry of Culture at the end of last week, the government department in Oslo announced they are ready to offer economic support to stations investing in other technologies than DAB before 2017 when the national FM stations start shutting down their FRM transmitters and start migrating to digital radio. The proposal is out there for comment and will be put the vote to the Norwegian parliament most likely in the first quarter of 2016.

The white paper states that : "Some bodies commenting on our proposal have pointed out that Any financial aid should be technology neutral and not just go to the development of DAB networks. The Ministry agrees with this. It should therefore be open to offering support to local radio wishing to establish themselves as Internet radio or wishing to benefit from other digital technologies."

Norway is the first West European country to take a wide digital view supporting not only DAB+ but also other technologies like DRM. Many localities and areas of Norway have 1-2 local stations only and they could also benefit from adoption of DRM especially after FM vacates some of the frequencies in band II. The challenge is to support those wishing to adopt other technologies like DRM with multi-standard receivers, a task Norwegian specialists are already addressing."

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Swans, pigs and the CIA : An unlikely radio story

Shortwave radio is boring, right? Maybe not. You never know what intrigue and excitement you might intercept. We recently covered secret number stations, and while no one knows for sure exactly what their purpose is, it is almost surely involving cloaks and daggers. However, there's been some more obvious espionage radio, like Radio Swan.

Read the full story here...

Statement on newly announced Government funding of the World Service

Tony Hall, the Director-General of the BBC, said:

"I warmly welcome today's announcement. It's fantastic news.

"This new funding is the single biggest increase in the World Service budget ever committed by any government.

"The millions announced today will help the BBC deliver on our commitment to uphold global democracy through accurate, impartial and independent news reporting.

"The World Service is one of the UK's most important cultural exports and one of our best sources of global influence. We can now further build on that. The funding will also help speed us on to our target of reaching half a billion people globally."

- Enhanced TV services for Africa
- New radio services for audiences in North Korea; radio and digital services for Ethiopia and Eritrea
- Additional language offers via digital and TV in India and Nigeria
- More regionalised content to better serve audiences to the BBC Arabic Service
- Dedicated TV output for Somalia and a fully digital service for Thailand
- Enhanced digital and TV services for Russian speakers, both in Russia and surrounding communities
- A video-led digital transformation of Languages services
- To expand the impact and future-proof World Service English

(BBC Press Office)

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

U.S. International Media Attracts Record Audience of 226 Million

NOVEMBER 16, 2015                                                                                                    
WASHINGTON - The Broadcasting Board of Governors today released its annual impact numbers, including an unprecedented weekly measured audience of 226 million. The increase includes substantial gains in digital and television audiences in highly competitive media markets that are of strategic importance to the United States.

Digital audiences increased from 25 million to 32 million, driven in part by social media and circumvention tools used by Radio Free Asia and Voice of America to evade the Chinese firewall and engage audiences in China, as well as a new multi-platform campaign launched by the Middle East Broadcasting Networks aimed at engaging Iraqi audiences and providing them an opportunity to voice their opinions.

Thanks in part to a successful customized affiliate strategy, especially in Latin America, Africa and the Russian periphery, television audiences saw a substantial increase, growing 18 million in the last year.

"This audience increase - while it is just one of many impact measurements -- shows the hunger for accurate and reliable information around the world," said BBG CEO and Director John Lansing. "As propaganda and misinformation continue to saturate media markets globally, more and more people are turning to the networks of the BBG for trusted, fact-based reporting.  But even as we reach more people, we will hold ourselves accountable to ensuring that our content has measurable impact in the parts of the world where free speech and expression are inhibited or denied altogether."

In addition to weekly audience size, the BBG measures its impact using quantitative, qualitative, digital and anecdotal data on a wide range of factors including program quality and credibility, engagement with the news process, and audience understanding of current events. Examples of impact include:

Ramped up coverage of Russia and the periphery by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and Voice of America with a daily co-produced television program carried by 25 affiliates throughout the region that is watched by nearly two million people weekly online in Russia.
Continued and expanded reporting by Voice of America during the upheaval in Burundi - the only international source of news and information in Kirundi after the government shutdown private radio and social media
The successful launch of a news program by the Office of Cuba Broadcasting dedicated to informing the people of Cuba on the process of normalization of relations between the U.S. and Cuba.

To learn more about the BBG's performance measures, the 2015 Performance and Accountability Report, along with the BBG's 2015 audience overview and explanation of research methodology are available on the BBG website.
The Broadcasting Board of Governors is an independent federal agency, supervising all U.S. government-supported, civilian international media, whose mission is to inform, engage and connect people around the world in support of freedom and democracy. BBG networks include the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Middle East Broadcasting Networks (Alhurra TV and Radio Sawa), Radio Free Asia, and the Office of Cuba Broadcasting (Radio and TV Marti). BBG programming has a measured audience of 226 million in more than 100 countries and in 61 languages.
(BBG Press Release)

Schedule of next test broadcasts of Marconi Radio International

Greetings from Italy !

Here is the schedule for the next test broadcasts of Marconi Radio International:

21st November 2015, from 1300 to 1430 UTC
22nd November 2015, from 0900 to 1300 UTC
25th November 2015, from 1800 to 1930 UTC

Our frequency is 11390 kHz and power in the region of 30 watts. Test broadcasts consist of non stop music, station identification announcements in Italian, English, Spanish as well as DX shows in English and Italian.

MRI encourages reception reports from listeners. Audio clips (mp3-file) of our broadcasts  are welcome !
until now reception reports, found to be correct, have been received from 13 countries:  Austria,  Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Romania, Spain, Switzerland and Ukraine. We are anxious to receive feedbacks from more countries!

We QSL 100%. Our E-mail address is:
We hope that you will share this information with your members.
Thank you very much for your cooperation

Marconi Radio International (MRI)
Short wave test broadcasts from Italy
on 11390 kHz

Friday, November 13, 2015

TWR Russian Frequency Change

Starting Nov 11, 2015 "Trans World Radio" for their broadcasts in Belarusian and Russian languages are broadcast from 15.00 to 15.29 UTC, began to use the new frequency 7375 kHz instead of the declared schedule 7300 kHz.

Replacement made due to strong interference from on 7300 kHz RTI in Chinese and "jammers" as a program CNR1 in Chinese. Unfortunately, the selection of frequencies in this band is limited in several aspects.

(Vasily Walk,Trans World Radio)

Via open_dx list

BBC Burmese Radio extended by 90 minutes

Burmese broadcast of the BBC which was scheduled at 1430-1515 UTC on weekdays, has been extended to daily transmissions from November 7, 2015

It is an extension of the broadcasting time aimed at the general election in Myanmar.

BBC Burmese, Nivember 7

0000-0030 UTC 5875, 9510, 12025 kHz
0200-0230 UTC 9510, 11995, 12070 kHz
1345-1430 UTC 7485, 9900, 11945 kHz
1430-1515 UTC 7485, 11945 kHz (ex. M.-F.)

Manara Radio on 15440 kHz

Manara Radio in Hausa noted at 0730-0830 UTC on 15440kHz, 1600 UTC broadcast not heard. Manara Radio website under construction. The Manara in Hausa, it will be the same meaning as the Russian Mayak. 

RTI Frequency change

Radio Taiwan International frequency change, November 9  : 

1200-1230 UTC Cantonese 9735 kHz (ex.11915)
1230-1300 UTC Hakka 9735 kHz (ex.11915)
1200-1300 UTC Indonesian 11915 kHz (ex.9735)
2200-2300 UTC Japanese 9735 kHz (ex.11605)
2300-2400 UTC Thai 7445 kHz (ex. 9625)

Special EDXC Broadcast 5-7 December

Rhein-Main-Radio-Club will be broadcasting on shortwave about EDXC - Conference at St.Petersburg. Special QSL-Card for reception reports to RMRC or by post Rhein-Main-Radio-Club e.V. , Postfach 700849, 60558 Frankfurt, Germany.
Via Lithuania:
5 December 0800-0900 on 11690 to Asia (Japan) in English
5 December 0900-1000 on 11690 to Russia in Russian.

5 December at 2200-2300 on 11580 may be audible in Europe
6 December at 0100-0200 on 11580 may be audible in Europe
6 December at 2300-0000 on 5850 to North America
6 December at 0500-0600 on 9955 to Caribbean and Latin America
7 December at 2100-2200 on 7570 to North America. This may also be audible in Europe.
7 December at 2100-2200 on 15770 to Europe and North America. 
(DX-clusive via Lehtinen)
(DX-Window No. 542, Danish  Shortwave  Club  International)

Thursday, November 12, 2015

All India radio, Jammu starts DRM transmission on 1000 kHz

With effect from 5th Nov'15 Radio Kashmir, Jammu has started simulcast transmission of it's primary service programmes with AM on 990 kHz and DRM on 1000 kHz

Radio Kashmir, Jammu also broadcasted a discussion programme "Radio Kashmir, Jammu broadcasts on DRM, what does this means to a Radio Listener? " on Thursday, the 12th of Nov at 7:25 A.M in which DDG(E) Radio Kashmir, Jammu K.K.Singh alongwith Shailesh Raina explained it bit by bit to the listeners in conversation with Nitish Arora.
(Photos courtesy Radio Kashmir, Jammu FB page) 

AIR Mumbai DRM tests in simulcast mode

AIR Mumbai 'A' - 100 kW
- Name of Channel - SAMVADITA
- Analogue Frequency -  1044 kHz
- DRM Frequency  -        1054 kHz
- Transmission Timings :
Morning -  0555 - 1010 IST
General -  1200 - 1430 IST
Evening - 1700 - 2310 IST
AIR Mumbai 'B' - 100 kW
- Name of Channel - ASMITA
- Analogue Frequency - 558 kHz
- DRM Frequency       -  568 kHz
- Transmission Timings :
Morning -  0525 - 1500 IST
General  -  1700 - 2330 IST
Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


KTWR DRM Test on 9975 kHz till end of Nov'15
1215-1245 UTC
SUN - Japanese (Analog)
TUES, WED, THURS - Chinese (Analog)
Reception reports to :
OR, submit online at :


Monday, November 02, 2015

All India Radio Jabalpur (M.P) all set for digital Radio transmission

Newsreport published in local newspaper courtesy Ajaya Gupta, ADGE (WZ Project) on twitter.


TURKEY    Winter B-15 schedule for Voice of Turkey
Shortwave Broadcasting Schedule of VOT, language sorted, between 25 October 2015 - 27 March 2016 dates

11955 1000-1100 37N,38N,39,40  500 210 216 Ara       TUR TRT
 9665 1500-1600 38E,39,40W      250 150 205 Ara      TUR TRT
15200 1500-1600 37,38W,46       500 252 211 Ara      TUR TRT
11835 0800-0900 29SE,40NW      250  72 211 Aze       TUR TRT
 5965 1630-1730 29,39,40,41    500  90 205 Aze       TUR TRT
 7245 1200-1230 28S            250 290 210 Bul       TUR TRT
17755 1230-1330 28             500 310 215 Deu       TUR TRT
 7205 1830-1930 28             250 310 205 Deu       TUR TRT
 7240 0400-0500 38E,39,40W     500 138 215 Eng       TUR TRT
 9655 0400-0500 3-9,17 18 2728 500 335 215 Eng       TUR TRT
12035 1330-1430 18S,27,28W     500 310 205 Eng       TUR TRT
11730 1730-1830 30S,40E,41,49  500 105 215 Eng       TUR TRT
 6050 1930-2030 27,28W         250 290 210 Eng       TUR TRT
 9610 2130-2230 39-41,49545558 500 105 219 Eng       TUR TRT
 5960 2300-2400 5,8,9,11,17,18 500 310 215 Eng       TUR TRT
11795 0930-1100 39N,40NW       500 105 205 Persian   TUR TRT
 9530 1600-1700 30S,40         500 105 205 Persian   TUR TRT
 9620 1830-1930 38,47,48       500 180 216 French    TUR TRT
 5970 2030-2130 27,28W         500 290 210 French    TUR TRT
 6050 2030-2130 37,38,46       500 247 205 French    TUR TRT
 6185 1500-1530 28S            500 290 210 Ita       TUR TRT
 9840 1100-1200 29S            250  72 211 Georgian  TUR TRT
 9785 1430-1500 29E,30,31,42NW 500  62 211 Kaz       TUR TRT
11680 1600-1730 30S,40N        250  92 211 DariPashtoTUR TRT
 9410 1400-1500 19-22,29,30N   250  20 205 Rus       TUR TRT
 9410 0200-0300 12,13-15,16,37 500 252 219 Spa       TUR TRT
 9650 0200-0300 8,10-12,27,37  500 290 219 Spa       TUR TRT
 9495 1730-1830 27S,28,37      250 270 210 Spa       TUR TRT
15360 1100-1130 19,20,29,30    500  32 215 Tatar     TUR TRT
11965 1300-1330 30S,40N        250  72 211 Turkmen   TUR TRT
 6000 0100-0300 30,40,42       500  72 205 Tur       TUR TRT
 9700 0500-0700 18S,27,28      500 310 215 Tur       TUR TRT
 9820 0500-0700 39             250 138 215 Tur       TUR TRT
11925 0700-1000 29SE,39NE,40NW 500  97 205 Tur       TUR TRT
15480 0700-1300 38E,39,40W     500 120 205 Tur       TUR TRT
15350 0700-1400 27,28          500 310 205 Tur       TUR TRT
11815 1400-1700 27,28          250 300 205 Tur       TUR TRT
 5980 1700-2200 27,28          250 310 215 Tur       TUR TRT
 6120 1700-2200 38E,39,40W     500 150 205 Tur       TUR TRT
 9460 0300-0400 42             500  72 211 Uig       TUR TRT
13685 1330-1430 42,43          500  72 205 Uig       TUR TRT
11985 1300-1400 40,41N         500  92 211 Urd       TUR TRT
13655 1130-1200 30             500  72 211 Uzb       TUR TRT
12045 1200-1300 42-44          500  72 217 Chn       TUR TRT

(HFCC database, language short calls updated by wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 28)

India's first Digital Radio DRM receiver AV-DR-1401 is now available on

India's first Digital Radio DRM receiver AV-DR-1401 is now available on
Supprts xHE-AAC code, DRM text messages, Scrolling messages, Service mode , AFS (Alternate Frequency Switching), 10 hour power back on single charge, 3.7V @6000mAh Li-Pol battery (Lead Free), 3.5" TFT LCD capable of rendering more than 1,000,000 colors, DRM Emergency Warning alerts ( even if the radio is OFF) ,Digital Audio output, Journaline data, Program recording , EPG (Electronic Program Guide),MOT Slide show. links :

Granite Color :

If you are ordering our of India please contact :

Official website of Avion Electronics :


3.5" TFT LCD
320 x 480 Resolution
Stereo Speakers and Headphones
FM : 87.5-108 MHz
DRM/AM : SW 2.3-27 MHz
DRM/AM : MW 522-1720 MHz
Adjustable Tuning Speed
Adjustable MW Step 9/10 kHz
MPEG Audio Signal
Digital Audio Output
10 Hours Battery Backup
DC in 5V 1000mA
Built in Li-Pol Rechargable Battery
3.7 @ 6000 Mah Battery
3.5 mm Stereo Headphone Jack
Micro SD Card Slot
DRM Audio Input AAC+
External Antenna Jack 3.5 mm
Speaker 3.5" 4 Ohms 3W
Detachable Remote Control

Key Features

DRM/AM/FM Stereo Reception
MW/SW/FM Bands
DRM Journaline Data
DRM Scrolling Text
DRM Program Recording
Auto Scan and Manual Tuning
DRM Emergency Warning
Unicode Character Support
100 Station Memory
Music/Photos playback from Micro SD Card
Multiple Language Support
Realtime Clock
MOT Slideshow
Service Mode
Battery Indicator

(Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, 9818449395)

Radio Mirchi launches India's first airport radio in Delhi

MUMBAI: Radio broadcaster, Radio Mirchi, has joined hands with the Delhi International Airport (P) Limited ( DIAL) to set up a custom-produced 24x7 airport radio station - the first in India. Mirchi T3 has gone live at Delhi's T3 terminal at IGI Airport.

Read more at:

AIR Mumbai testing in DRM mode on 1044 kHz

All India Radio, Mumbai is testing in DRM mode on 1044 kHz, screen shot from a listener posted on RTL-SDR group

Sunday, November 01, 2015


B-15 period (25 Oct 2015 - 27 March 2016)
B-15 operational MBR schedule, planned of Oct 25, 2015.
Times are in UTC.

 5975 0400-0430 28SE        340101 140 146 1234567 NAU 100 D   AWR
 7220 0600-0630 46S            235 200 216 1234567 ISS 250 F   AWR
 7315 0300-0330 48          310100 140 216 1234567 NAU 250 D   AWR
 9515 2000-2030 37,38W      310100 210 216 1234567 NAU 100 D   AWR
 9535 1900-2000 37,38W      320100 215 216 1234567 NAU 100 D   AWR
 9610 1000-1100 28W         330100 180 216 1...... NAU 100 D   AWR
 9830 1600-1630 28SE        350300 145 216 1234567 NAU 100 D   AWR
 9850 1930-2000 37,38W      310100 210 216 1234567 NAU 100 D   AWR
11680 1900-1930 46W         310100 218 216 1234567 NAU 250 D   AWR
11750 1530-1600 41N         310100  75 218 1234..7 NAU 250 D   AWR
11750 1530-1600 41N         310100  75 218 ....56. NAU 250 D   AWR
11860 1730-1800 37,38W      350300 210 216 1234567 NAU 100 D   AWR
11880 0700-0730 46S            223 176 196 1234567 ISS 250 F   AWR
15145 0800-0830 37,38W      340200 210 218 1234567 NAU 100 D   AWR
15145 0830-0900 37,38W      340200 210 218 1234567 NAU 100 D   AWR
15150 1500-1530 41N         340200  90 218 1234567 NAU 250 D   AWR
15155 1730-1800 48          340200 145 218 1234567 NAU 250 D   AWR
15160 0800-0830 37,38W      330200 210 218 1234567 NAU 250 D   AWR
15230 0700-0800 37,38W      340200 210 218 1234567 NAU 100 D   AWR
15250 1530-1600 41N         340200  90 218 1234567 NAU 250 D   AWR
15480 1300-1330 42,43W      330200  70 218 1.....7 NAU 250 D   AWR
15480 1300-1330 42,43W      330200  70 218 .23456. NAU 250 D   AWR
15480 1330-1500 42,43W      330200  70 218 1234567 NAU 250 D   AWR
15490 1630-1700 48          330200 139 218 1234567 NAU 250 D   AWR
15700 0600-0630 46S         340200 181 218 1234567 NAU 250 D   AWR
17510 1630-1700 48          340200 140 218 1234567 NAU 250 D   AWR
17510 1700-1730 48          340200 141 218 1234567 NAU 250 D   AWR

 5940 2000-2015 39N         330100 120 216 1234567 NAU 250 D   BVB
 5980 0430-0445 39N         340100 120 216 1.....7 NAU 125 D   BVB
 5980 0430-0450 39N         340100 120 216 .23456. NAU 125 D   BVB
 6030 1830-2000 28,29       350100  90 156 1...... NAU 100 D   BVB
 6030 1900-1915 28,29       350100  90 156 ....56. NAU 100 D   BVB
 6030 1900-1930 28,29       350100  90 156 ..3.... NAU 100 D   BVB
 6030 1930-1945 28,29       350100  90 156 ......7 NAU 100 D   BVB
 7220 0800-0830 27,28N      310101 270 146 1...... NAU 100 D   BVB
 7220 0800-0830 27,28N      310101 270 146 ......7 NAU 100 D   BVB
 7325 0300-0315 39S         340100 128 216 1234567 NAU 250 D   BVB
 7365 1800-1830 39,40       320100 105 216 .....6. NAU 100 D   BVB
 7365 1800-1900 39,40       320100 105 216 ....5.. NAU 100 D   BVB
 7365 1815-1900 39,40       320100 105 216 1...... NAU 100 D   BVB
 7365 1830-1900 39,40       320100 105 216 ..3.... NAU 100 D   BVB
 9440 0600-0615 46N,47NW,38W 37S 340101 180 146 1234567 NAU 125 D   BVB
 9450 0500-0515 39,40            340100 120 216 .....6. NAU 250 D   BVB
 9470 1915-1930 39,40            330100 125 216 1...... NAU 250 D   BVB
 9515 2030-2045 46N,47NW,38W,37S 330100 180 216 1234567 NAU 250 D   BVB
 9715 1800-2000 39               340100 133 216 1.....7 NAU 100 D   BVB
 9715 1800-1845 39               340100 133 216 .....6. NAU 100 D   BVB
 9715 1800-1830 39               340100 133 216 ....5.. NAU 100 D   BVB
 9925 1930-2015 39           EHR(S) 4/4 126 616 1...... SOF 100 BUL BVB
11700 1700-1715 38E,39,40W      1100602 141 616 1234567 SOF 150 BUL BVB
11700 1715-1800 38E,39,40W      1100602 141 616 .2.4.6. SOF 100 BUL BVB
11700 1715-1745 38E,39,40W      1100602 141 616 ..3.... SOF 100 BUL BVB
11790 0200-0300 41                  TK1  50 156 1...... MDC 125 MDG BVB
11790 0200-0215 41                  TK1  50 156 ..3.... MDC 125 MDG BVB
11790 0200-0230 41                  TK1  50 156 ....5.7 MDC 125 MDG BVB
11875 1630-1730 47,48            350300 145 216 1234567 NAU 100 D   BVB
11915 1700-1715 39,40            320100 125 218 .....6. NAU 250 D   BVB
11915 1700-1745 39,40            320100 125 218 ......7 NAU 250 D   BVB
13630 1515-1545 40,41            350300  95 216 ......7 NAU 100 D   BVB
13630 1515-1600 40,41            350300  95 216 .....6. NAU 100 D   BVB
15525 1600-1800 38S,39S,47,48    310200 148 218 1...... NAU 100 D   BVB
15525 1600-1830 38S,39S,47,48    310200 148 218 ..3.... NAU 100 D   BVB
15525 1600-1800 38S,39S,47,48    310200 148 218 .2..... NAU 100 D   BVB
15525 1630-1700 38S,39S,47,48    310200 148 218 .....6. NAU 100 D   BVB
15525 1630-1800 38S,39S,47,48    310200 148 218 ...4... NAU 100 D   BVB
15525 1630-1800 38S,39S,47,48    310200 148 218 ....5.. NAU 100 D   BVB
15525 1630-1730 38S,39S,47,48    310200 148 218 ......7 NAU 100 D   BVB
15525 1730-1800 38S,39S,47,48    310200 148 218 ......7 NAU 250 D   BVB
17510 1400-1430 41 1st at month RI01002  83 216 ......7 ISS 250 F   BVB
17510 1430-1500 41              RI01002  83 216 ......7 ISS 250 F   BVB
17540 0830-0915 38,39            330200 145 218 .....6. NAU 125 D   BVB
17540 0900-0915 38,39            340200 145 218 ......7 NAU 125 D   BVB
21480 1200-1300 43S,44S              TM  45 157 ......7 MDC 125 MDG BVB
21480 1215-1230 43S,44S              TM  45 157 1...... MDC 125 MDG BVB
21480 1130-1145 45N                  TM  45 157 1...... MDC 125 MDG BVB

 9800 0300-0400 48SW,52E,53NW  RII01002 140 211 1234567 ISS 500 F   DWL
 9800 0630-0700 46,47W         RII01002 170 211 1234567 ISS 500 F   DWL
12005 1800-1900 46,47W         RII01001 165 211 1234567 ISS 500 F   DWL
13610 1800-1900 46,47W         RII01002 172 216 1234567 ISS 500 F   DWL
15275 0700-0800 37-39,46-57    RII01011 175 157 1234567 ISS 500 F   DWL
15275 1700-1800 37-38,46-53    RII01008 170 217 1234567 ISS 500 F   DWL
15560 1700-1800 37-38,46-53         221 185 196 1234567 ISS 500 F   DWL
17800 1300-1400 46,47W         RII01008 170 217 1234567 ISS 500 F   DWL

 6055 1130-1200 27,28            310101 222 146 1.....7 NAU 125 D   EMG
 7215 0030-0130 40E,41NW         330100 100 216 1234567 NAU 250 D   GFA
 7240 2330-0030 41NE,43S,49N     330100  85 216 1234567 NAU 250 D   GFA
15150 1530-1630 40E,41NW         320200  99 218 1234567 NAU 250 D   GFA
15235 1330-1530 41NE,43S,49N     320200  85 218 1234567 NAU 250 D   GFA
15285 1230-1500 41               340200  89 218 1234567 NAU 250 D   GFA
11900 1530-1630 29S              330100 100 216 ......7 NAU 100 D   HCJ
 7330 1100-1200 27,28  1st at month   6 283 805 1...... MOS 100 AUT JOY
 6095 0900-1600 18SW,27,28W,37N  350100 240 156 1...... NAU 100 D   KBC&)
 7395 2300-0200 2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10 320100 300 216 ......7 NAU 125 D   KBC&)
 9800 1830-1900 46S,47SE     HR 4/4/0.5 180 216 1234567 ISS 500 F   LWF
 6140 0900-1000 27,28E                6 270 805 1......#MOS 100 AUT MVB
 9465 1600-1630 29,30            340101  60 146 ......7 NAU 250 D   MWF
13710 1200-1230 19-26            310200  60 218 ......7 NAU 250 D   MWF
 5985 0400-0430 11,12               LPH 222 805 1234567 YFR 100 USA NHK
 9620 0300-0500 38-40            330100 140 216 1234567 NAU 250 D   NHK
 9765 1700-1900 38-40            330100 140 216 1234567 NAU 250 D   NHK
17630 1600-1630 47E,48       HR 4/4/0.8 130 217 ..3...7 ISS 500 F   OGM
 9685 1930-2000 37,38            330100 155 216 1...... NAU 250 D   PAB
15205 1400-1430 41               310200  95 218 1...... NAU 100 D   PAB
15205 1415-1430 41               310200  95 218 .234567 NAU 100 D   PAB
15205 1430-1445 41               310200  95 218 1...... NAU 250 D   PAB

17605 1700-1800 48SW,58NW    HR 4/2/0.8 144 207 ......7 ISS 100 F   RIY
17630 1700-1800 38E,39S,48       320200 135 218 1..4... NAU 100 D   SBO
 6095 0900-1100 18SW,27,28W,37N  350100 230 156 .2..56. NAU 100 D   TRS
 7215 0930-1000 28               310101 135 146 1234567 NAU 100 D   TWR
 7300 1500-1528 28,29,30         310101  65 146 1234567 NAU 100 D   TWR

17580 1700-1730 48E          HR 4/4/0.5 120 216 .23456. ISS 150 F   VOK
Day 1 = Sunday ... Day 7 = Saturday
List of Broadcasters which are using MEDIA BROADCAST technical equipment:
AWR Adventist World Radio
BVB High Adventure Gospel - Bible Voice Broadcasting
DWL Deutsche Welle Bonn / Berlin, Germany
EMG Evangelische Missionsgemeinden in Deutschland
GFA Gospel for Asia
HCJ Reach Beyond (former HCJ Voice of the Andes),
    Sats only, 1530 UT Russian, 1600 UT Chechen language.
JOY Joystick, 1st Sun
KBC Mighty KBC Radio, Sat/Sun. Sun to North Americas.
LWF Lutheran World Federation
MVB Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Baltic Radio.  # = only via order
MWF Missionswerk Friedensstimme, Gummersbach - Germany
NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai, Radio Japan World, Tokyo, Japan.
OGM NGO [RHU Radio Huriyo Xoriyo Ogaden]
PAB Pan Am Broadcasting
RIY RPRK Radio Inyabutatu, in Kinyarwanda to Ce/EaAfrica.
SBO Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo, Voice of Oromo Liberation.
TRS Transport Radio on Mon/Thu/Fri only.
TWR Trans World Radio
VOK Target Region Khaatumo in central Somaliland.

&) For reception reports please mail to: <KBC531 -at->
or write to:
The Mighty KBC
Argonstraat 6
6718 WT Ede
The Netherlands, Europe
Website: <>

Order Management & Backoffice
Erna-Scheffler-Strasse 1
D-51103 Cologne, Germany

Please send your inquiries and reception reports to:
E-Mail:   <QSL-Shortwave -at->
E-Mail:   <info -at->
Internet: <>

Postfach 1214
D-61282 Bad Homburg

E-Mail:   <mail -at->
Internet: <>
(MBR Cologne Germany, Oct 25, 2015, .PDF format,extracted & reformatted by wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 25, 2015)