Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Frequency Change for BBC Hindi service
Due to co-channel interference BBC Hindi Service is now using 9535 kHz via Thailand (ex-9800) at 1400-1500 hrs UTC in parallel to 7205 7430 9505 12065 kHz.
(Alok Dasgupta via
Let's Go To school: BBC Hindi series wins ABU award
BBC Hindi's series, Lets Go To School, has won the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union's (ABU) 2008 award in the External Broadcasts (Radio) category. This is the third consecutive year that BBC Hindi has won this international accolade. The BBC's Rupa Jha, who conceived and produced the six-part series, says: "We always strive to give the 'voice to the voiceless' in our output, and Let's Go To School is one such programme. "Free education for all has been the political slogan in India for a long time, and so we asked our listeners from the region to be our reporters on the state of government primary schools in the most backward states of India. That's what made the series special." Six selected listeners in the most remote parts of the country were asked to visit government primary schools in their neighbourhoods and assess those schools in their reports for BBC Hindi. The ABU award-winning episode from the state of Uttar Pradesh was based on the report by the local student, Diwaker. The BBC reporter for this episode was Ram Dutt Tripathi.
BBC Hindi programmes are produced from London and Delhi, set in a rolling format, with news, current affairs and features. The interactive morning and evening programmes, Aaj Ke Din and Aaj Kal, bring news, analysis and interviews on a range of issues, from current affairs and careers to showbiz and sports. BBC Hindi is available on shortwave, medium wave, FM and via cable television. Hindi-speakers across the world can access BBC Hindi programmes in text and in audio at the 24/7 news site
The BBC's special output for India's FM market includes infotainment updates BBC Ek Minute, weekly features BBC Take One, BBC Fun & Games, and the Sunday chat show, BBC Ek Mulaqat.
This programming is available via partner stations: Radio One in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Ahmedabad and Pune, Radio Choklate in Bhubaneshwar, Cuttack and Rourkela, Radio Tadka in Jaipur and Udaipur, Radio Tomato in Kolhapur, Radio Misty in Siliguri, Radio Chaska in Gwalior, Radio Rangila in Raipur, and Radio Spice in Dubai. The Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) is a non-profit, non-government, professional association of broadcasting organisations, formed in 1964 to facilitate the development of broadcasting in the Asia-Pacific region and to organise co-operative activities amongst its members. It currently has over 194 members in 57 countries, reaching a potential audience of about 3 billion people.
The ABU Prizes, established in 1964 by the first ABU General Assembly, is an international contest for radio and television programmes. The purpose of the contest is to promote the production of radio and television programmes of a high standard, to raise educational and cultural levels, and to strengthen international understanding among ABU members.
(BBC World Service Publicity)
BBC Bangla Special Broadcast for Bangladesh elections
1630-1830 UTC (extended transmission) on 7205 kHz
2130-2230 UTC (special transmission) on 7150 and 5955 kHz
No special transmission between 0830-0900 UTC could be heard. BBC Bangla website did not reply to a email request for information on these transmissions.The website does not show the B08 frequencies but continues to display the old A08 ones.
(Supratik Sanatani via Bangladx YG)
B'desh Betar MW outlets on extended schedule
UTC sign off.
558 - Khulna
693 - Dhaka A
846 - Rajshahi (Bogra)
999 - Thakurgaon
1170 - Dhaka C
Monday, December 29, 2008
RNZI Christmas/New Year Broadcasts
RNZI's cyclone watch service will be maintained throughout the period and special weather bulletins regarding tropical cyclones will be broadcast if required.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Jamia Community Radio to air commercials
Read the full story here :
Friday, December 26, 2008
Groove Zone's Last Meal Competition
* Tell us (in 50 words or less) what you would eat, where you would eat this meal, and with whom you would eat it!
* Entries must be received by January 12th. Winners will be announced on January 17th.
* Send entries to: PO BOX 123-199 / Taipei Taiwan, ROC
* Or email your entry to:
Thanks for listening to Groove Zone!
Maldives - National Broadcasting Corporation established
(Source :Dhivehi Observer)
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Community Radio Station to start in Gulbarga, Karnataka
(Press Information Bureau, Govt of India)
Monday, December 22, 2008
Radio Prague 2009 QSL Cards
(Thanks to Gautam Kumar Sharma, Abhayapuri, Assam, India)
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Relays this weekend via 9290 kHz
Latvia Today 10.00- 11.00 UTC
December 21st
Latvia Today 13.00 -14.00UTC
EMR 14.00 -15.00UTC
Good Listening
73s Tom
Britain will migrate from analogue to digital radio by 2017
19 December 2008
Britain could be ready to migrate from analogue to digital radio as early as 2017 according to the Digital Radio Working Group (DRWG), which published its final report today. The group has renewed its commitment to Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) and set out a clear path for migration to digital, identifying the criteria that would need to be met for it to happen and when it might occur.
Read the full story here :
DRWG's final report can be accessed at :
RFA Automated Reception Report System
Reception Reports
Radio Free Asia
2025 M. Street NW
Washington DC 20036
United States of America
Thank you for your patience and understanding. Best wishes to one and all for the holidays.
73s. AJ
AJ Janitschek
Radio Free Asia
RVA Bengali Service Listeners Meet 2009
(Ratan Kumar Paul via bangladx yg)
EMR Christmas Programming on 6140 & 9290 khz
6140 khz - 1300 to 1330 utc Paul Graham (Christmas oldie programme)
1330 to 1355 utc Colin King with the Jackie History (part 4)
1355 to 1400 utc Tom Taylor - EMR up date
9290 khz - 1400 to 1500 utc Mike Taylor with the Christmas Mail Box
EMR schedule for January - February and March 2009 is:
January - 13.00 to 13.30 utc Tom Taylor + Jackie History (part 5)
February - 13.00 to 13.30 utc Tom Taylor + Jackie History (part 6)
March - 13.00 to 14.00 utc Tom Taylor + Jackie History (part 7)
Happy Christmas to all our Listeners from European Music Radio !
(Mike and Tom Taylor - Paul Graham - Colin King and all the staff of EMR)
Good Listening and all the best for 2009
73s Tom
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Kyrgyz restores BBC programming
Read the AP report here :
FM Radio a hit in Indian cities
"But they are back again
Like a long lost friend
All the songs that I loved so well……
…Its yesterday once more,
Do we remember"
These nostalgic lines from a famous Carpenters' song reflect the way FM has revived radio in India. After television had entrenched itself firmly in almost every nook and corner of the country, transistor sets disappeared from the shelves in Indian living rooms, reducing radio to nothing more than a mere symbol of nostalgia. The radio was no longer turned on in the house and the All India radio (AIR) bulletins and popular Vividh Bharati programmes became a thing of the past, only to be replaced by round the clock TV news and music entertainment shows on satellite television.
Read the full story here :
Radio's Battle To Be Heard In India
Read the full report here :
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Radiostation Grimeton SAQ
SAQ is planned to be on air on Wednesday 24th December 2008 at 08.00 UTC and 08.30 UTC. The frequency is 17.2 kHz CW ( 200 kW). Running up an tuning of the transmitter begins about 07.30 UTC. The Alexanderson Day 2009 with transmission is planned to Sunday 28th June.
QSL reports can be given via:
- E-mail to:
- or fax to: +46-340-674195
- or via SM bureau
- or direct by mail to: Alexander - Grimeton Veteranradios Vaenner,
Radiostationen, Grimeton 72, S-430 16 ROLFSTORP, SWEDEN
Note: SAQ is now a member of the Swedish Amateur Association (SSA) and "QSL
via bureau" is OK.
Radio One launches Kolkata Station
Trans World Radio-India Celebrates 30 Years!
Monday, December 15, 2008
DSWCI Grand Christmas Tour with Cancer and Capricorn Contest
Anker Petersen informs that Danish Shortwave Club International has announced " DSWCI Grand Christmas Tour with Cancer and Capricorn Contest".
Details & contest form can be downloaded from :
Further details from :
Danish Shortwave Club International
Tavleager 31, DK-2670 Greve, Denmark
HAMFEST 2009 & BARC Golden Jubilee Celebrations
(opposite to the famous BULL TEMPLE).
Dates : 7th & 8th Nov 2009 ( Sat & Sunday)
DELEGATE FEES: Rs 450 /- per head ( Ham or SWL)
Spouse & children above 10 years age accompanying Rs 350 /-per head
( no delegate kit will be provided)
The delegate fee includes B/F & Lunch on both the days,
GALA DINNER on the 7th,
Tea & snacks on 7th & 8th.
The event conclude on the 8th afternoon after lunch.
Further details will be announced later.
Delegate fee is payable by cash,cheque, Demand Draft pyable in bangalore.
Address for communication:
Hamfest India 2009
C/o Linux Learning Centre
No. 635, 6th Main Road.
(Adjacent to Bank of India)
Hanumanthnagar, Bangalore - 560 019
Phone : 98450 57731
Hunting Lions in the Air Contest 2009 - Announcement
The 38th Annual Hunting Lions in the Air contest will take place on the weekend of January 10 and 11th, 2009.
"To create and foster a spirit of International understanding and cooperation" among Radio amateurs (Hams) and Lions through worldwide radio communication and internet.. The contest is to commemorate the birthday of the founder of Lionism, Melvin Jones, born at Ft. Thomas, Arizona USA on January 13, 1879.
The contest period will be 48 hours and will run from midnight UTC Friday/Saturday to midnight UTC Sunday/Monday. UTC = Universal Time Co-Ordinate (Zulu Time)
The contest is open to all appropriately licensed Amateur (Ham) Radio Licencees, Short Wave Listeners (SWLs) and Internet Users as follows:
Class 1 Contestants are Amateur (Ham) Radio Licencees who are also current members of Lions Club (Leo and Lioness Club included) -
Class 2 contestants are (Ham) radio amateurs operating on behalf of a Lions, Lioness or Leo Club and who are not members of Lions, Leo or Lioness Clubs
Class 3 contestants are not Amateur (Ham) Radio or SWL Licencees but are current members of Lions / Leo / Lioness Club who are taking part on internet using different chat utilities as described separately
The following categories will be permitted in each class:
A Single Operator, All Bands, Single Transmitter,
B Multi Operator, All Bands, Single Transmitter,
C Licenced Short Wave Listener (SWL)
D Internet user
BANDS: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters as permitted by respective country of the contestant.
Please note that this is a single competition and that there will not be separate places for the other modes.
CONTACTS: No duplicate contacts with same station and Lions Club is allowed, irrespective of bands, modes, class or category of station.
The SSB call should be "CQ Hunting Lions on the Air" or "CQ Hunting Lions" and the CW/Digital/Internet call be "CQ LIONS".
Transmit RS(T) plus a serial number. Amateur (Ham) Radio licencees operating on behalf of a Lions, Leo or Lioness Club must transmit the operator's name, Lions Club Name, Number and Lions District Number and Web/Email Address if any, Where as the Internet user except for
RST all other details as above should be logged
One (1) point - each QSO with Lions Club Member or Lions Club in
Category 1
Five (5) extra points - each new country where contact is made (excluding the country of the contestant)
Twenty-five (25) extra points - for contacts made with VU2LCI (Not for Indian Stations to remove the ease of QSO Points)
SWL's will score one point for each Lions Club Station heard exchanging reports and additional 5 points for an exchange between two stations of different unique countries. (Example If SWL is from India and he logs South Africa and India, South Africa and Sri Lanka, South Africa with New Zealand Additional 5 points is for only 3 countries and not 4)
9. Additional Bonus Points for Many Lion Hams of same club If Amateur (Ham) Radio Club Station owned by Lions Club with its own callsign additional 10 points for every Lion Ham valid member of the same Lions Club.
To obtain the final score, multiply the "QSO points" by "the number of different Clubs worked".
11. LOGS
The following details are to be logged:
Date, Time (UTC), RST Sent and Received, the Amateur Station worked and Band. Additionally, if contact is made with a Lion, Leo or Lioness Club (Class 1) , the Operator's name, Club name, Number, and Lions District number, Email/Web address (if any) of the station contacted must be included on the station log sheet. SWL logs should, in addition to the above, include the call signs of both stations heard and the sent and received exchanges of each station. This information should be recorded once only for each QSO heard Including the Lions Club details as above Date, Time (UTC), RST Sent and Received, the Amateur Station worked and Band. Additionally, if contact is made with a Lion, Leo or Lioness Club (Class ), the Operator's name, Club name, Number, and Lions District number, Email/Web address (if any) of the Lions Club on the other side of the contact.
Contest Logs can be sent by email to or by Floppy 3.5, Compact Disk to the Contest Manager. Files may be in Excel, or in ASCII format with one QSO on every new line. Fields separated by commas or delimiters, The information shall be set out and tabulated in the same format as the official Log (see appendices). Each QSO must be terminated by a carriage return. Only MS-DOS compatible disks will be accepted. However Three (3) International Reply Coupon IRCs have to be sent for the logs to be compiled before results are announced and for receiving participation certificates NB! A written summary sheet must accompany the disk showing all required scoring information as well as your name, postal address, FAX number and/or email where you can be reached. As email is rapidly becoming the most convenient mode of communication, this mode is preferred, however do not forget to send 3 IRCs before last date.
Logs that do not comply with the foregoing requirements will not be considered and will be rejected. Radio amateurs are expected to operate within the rules of their respective licenses and unsportsmanlike activity is to be discouraged. Actions and decisions of the Contest Committee are official and final.
All logs must be mailed to reach the co-coordinator and envelopes must be date stamped no later than 28 February along with 3 New Format International Reply Coupon (IRC)
The HLITA Contest Committee
Lions Club of Bangalore North (Dist 324-D6 Club # 026596)
C/O Lion Ajoy - VU2JHM,
# 9/1, Kshitija, Opp Geetanjali, 5-Cross,
Malleswaram, BANGALORE-560003,
INDIA. Telephone +91-80-23442600
The Contest Committee will communicate the results to the co-coordinating Lions club and a final report will be submitted to the District Governor 324D6 and 324D1 offices before June 30 same year. Winners will be advised by mail and a listing will be posted on the Internet with copies to various contest managers/sites
The first Ten places in category A, B, C and D will receive Award Certificates and mementos for first Three (depending on sponsorer). Participation Certificate to all participants who have submitted contest log with minimum 20 QSO and who have sent 3 New format International Reply Coupons IRCs with the contest log sheet.
The Lions International Amateur (Ham) Radio Club - VU2LCI which is permanent project of Lions Club of Bangalore North will make best effort to promote and publicize the contest internationally via the Lion Net, the web pages, through amateur radio Club Station, magazines and amateur radio nets. Request for volunteer assistance in publisizing this event amongst Hams and Lions is solicitated. Questions regarding the interpretation of these rules will be judged and resolved by the Contest Committee.
Operators interested in additional information regarding this contest should write to the Contest Committee at the above address giving their full postal address with One IRC for airmail reply or no IRC required for reply via email to:
Lions all over the world meet at LOL - Lions on Line Chat which is on every Sundays between 13:30 to 14:30 hrs UTC. The same channel can be used for exchange of reports on Weekend of January 12th and 13th plus there are open channels on IRC, Yahoo, Orkut, Skype, MSN messenger which can be used. The Location of the Chat Room can be accessed using XiRCON connect to: Channel: #lionsonline. The Amateur (Ham) Radio operators can use the Echolink both voice and text for qso. Version Dec 2008
Important message to Lion Clubs - DGs, DC, ZC, RC & PSTs
Amateur (Ham) Radio operators all over the world have communication, electronics, propagation as their personal hobby and the have been serving people especially during the Disasters by providing Emergency Communication linking the much needed communication when normal telecommunication fails. Just imagine what will you do when the fixed landline, mobile (cell) phones fail - these Hams would be able to communicate from such locations to any part of the world - FREE OF COST !!! so now think of making them your friends, if not your members so that making mutual friends with your local Amateur (Ham) Radio licensees and build/utilize their resources - a modest example is very unique project - Lions Amateur Radio Club Station done by Lions Club of Bangalore North (Club # 026596 District 324-D6) which has not only procured equipment but have few Hams as Lions Club members, where the HF sets are sent with First Responders to Disaster Site and the same equipment is retrieved back after the calamity otherwise the sets are used in Special Event Stations operating much more unique events such as Operating from Lighthouse, Conference, Wildlife Park, Historical/Religious place etc making our own callsign VU2LCI denoting Lions Clubs International Amateur Radio Club Station internationally active do check (instead of AT6MM add AT8LH, AT8ESP, AT7CD, AT7LEO). The following information of Hunting Lions in the Air Contest - HLITA which is a yearly event and a reason for you to contact local individual or club station who are licenced in Amateur (Ham) Radio. Do visit and/or search for Ham Radio operators (individuals) or their club stations monthly meeting and request them to represent your local Lions Club.
Let us join and make Melvin Jones Birthday celebrations this unique way.
This Ham Radio subject/activity comes under International Understanding & Co-operation, Disaster Management, Youth as well as Lions ALERT Program and it can be included under Leo's and Lioness Programs.
(Via Ajoy, VU2JHM)
Wellenforum Christmas Contest 2008
Here are the rules :
1. Contest period:
From 21. Dec 2008 to 4. Jan 2009.
2. Stations
During the contest you have to receive BC stations on long- and medium wave.
3. Participation Conditions
Participation is free and independent from a listener club membership. Newcomers can also participate as well as medium wave specialists. Like the last wellenforum contest, participation is via an online form. You can find the form on . Please follow the registration hints. Every station has to be heard at least for 10 minutes.. Notes on the programme heard have to be logged as detailed as possible to really identify the station (no empty phrases like "music", "news" etc.).
4. Points
Every bc station log on long wave and medium wave is counting. Logs without a clear identification will count one third of the points that you can get for this station. Points for a log are depending on the CIRAF zone of the station. This is based on the publication "EDXC RADIO Countries" that we will provide.
Scoring scheme:
Station logged from the CIRAF zone of the place of reception 10 points
Station logged from a CIRAF zone bordering the zone were your place is 20 points
Station from the rest 30 points
Your place is in Germany. Your CIRAF zone is 28. All stations from this zone are 10 points worth. Stations from CIRAF zones bordering zone 28 are 20 points worth (bordering zones are 18, 27, 29, 37, 38 and 39). The rest is 30 points worth.
5. Award:
Every participant will receive a participation certificate showing individual score and ranking prompt after the contest has finished.
73, Friedhelm Wittlieb
Contest Manager
QTH: Lünen / NRW (near Dortmund)
Grundig Satellit 700 with regenerative loop antenna
member of the addx and medium wave circle uk
Radio and TV Martí Launch Redesigned Web Site
"For anyone who wants to know what's going in Cuba today, this is the place to come," said Pedro Roig, director of the Office of Cuba Broadcasting, which oversees Radio and TV Martí. "We want to enhance our Internet and digital media capacity and make it a priority. Our goal is to reach as many as possible, which is very difficult in Cuba." Other features of the site include a 24-hour news ticker, offering the latest headlines, as well as special feature news stories. According to Roig, Radio and TV Martí hope to further augment its Internet presence, possibly with a presence on social media sites YouTube and Facebook.
The Broadcasting Board of Governors is an independent federal agency, supervising all U.S. government-supported, non-military international broadcasting, whose mission is to promote freedom and democracy and to enhance understanding through multi-media communication of accurate, objective, and balanced news, information, and other programming about America and the world to audiences overseas.
Invitation to EDXC Conference 2009, Dublin, Ireland
The EDXC ( European DX Council, the umbrella organisation of shortwave clubs, DX-clubs in Europe ) cordially invites you all to the next EDXC Conference, August 28--30, 2009, in Dublin / Ireland. We kindly ask you to make your hotel reservations already NOW !
Please observe: This is a 3 / three / star hotel.
Then you write your family name, your christian name, your arrival date at the hotel, your departure date from the hotel. The hotel needs your credit card number at the time of reservation to be able to confirm your room.
The Irish DX Club, Edward Dunne and the EDXC, Tibor Szilagyi are working on the programme of the Conference. What we know now : There will be interesting lectures about our hobby, sightseeing tour in Dublin by bus with English speaking guide and a visit at the Ye Olde Hurdy--Gurdy Museum of Vintage Radio in Howth, Dublin North. The traditional Banquet Dinner will take place at our Conference Hotel on Saturday evening, August 29. Please do allow me to come back to you with more detailed information about the programme, as soon as we know more about it.
The Conference Fee: EUR 115,-- per person includes: Use of the Conference Room, relevant papers like Conference Covers, Name-Tags, Lunch on Saturday, Sightseeing Tour in Dublin, visit at the Museum of Vintage Radio. Furthermore the Conference Fee includes the Banquet Dinner. What you consume as drinks during the Banquet Dinner, you will pay extra to the hotel staff. For further information you may contact: Tibor Szilagyi, Sweden. Phone: +46 8 500 264 83.
E -- Mail: and Edward Dunne, Ireland: E--Mail : ,
(Tibor Szilagyi, EDXC)
Saturday, December 13, 2008
AIR introduces Chhattisgarhi News Bulletin
Dec 12 - The News Services Division of AIR has introduced a daily Chhattisgarhi bulletin from AIR Raipur since Thursday, Dec11. The 5 minutes bulletin is broadcast at 1800 hrs IST (1230 UTC) and is relayed by all the All India Radio stations in Chhattisgarh. There was a long standing demand of the people for a news bulletin in Chhattisgarhi, which incidentally was accorded the status of an official language by the government of the state early this year.
(Source: AIR)
Friday, December 12, 2008
15th National & International meeting of dxers & shortwave listeners
July 31 - 2 Aug, 2009
This is the annual get-together for all radio enthusiasts: DXers, radio experimenters, shortwave listeners, associations, groups, clubs and radio listeners in general; from Mexico and any part of the world, as well as representatives of international and local radio stations.
Details at :
75th Anniversary of FM radio
7.270 & 14.270 SSB and 29.600 & 52.525 FM.
SASE for QSL to Major EH Armstrong FM Association, PO Box 1584, Loxahatchee, FL 33470.
More from the website:
Radio's premier inventor, Edwin H. Armstrong (1890 - 1954) was responsible for the Regenerative Circuit (1912), the Superheterodyne Circuit (1918), the Superregenerative Circuit (1922) and the complete FM System (1933). His inventions and developments form the backbone of Radio Communications as we know it. (View a biography of Edwin H. Armstrong) . The purpose of this site is basic and straightforward - to present, for anyone's enjoyment and study, a collection of interesting Armstrong documents and artifacts. Items that, for the most part, have not seen the light of day in decades.This site does not intend to retell the story of Armstrong's life, that has been done by his contemporaries, such as Lawrence Lessing in his 1956 book "Man of High Fidelity: Edwin H. Armstrong", and more recently, Tom Lewis in his 1991 book "Empire of the Air". Rather, this site is like a visit to a museum's back room, where you might browse through a rarely opened filing cabinet, or spot an interesting artifact. Were it not for the efforts of Harry W. Houck, Armstrong's one time assistant, friend and associate to the end, most of the material displayed here would have been lost. (View a biography of Harry W. Houck) It was Harry's intent to establish a museum dedicated to Armstrong, but this was not to be. (View the story of the "Houck Collection", where it originated, where it's been, and how it came to be preserved)
(More at )
Atlantic 2000 on the air - Sunday 14th of December
Atlantic 2000
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
BBC & DW in Europe on DRM Digital Radio
Erik Bettermann, Director General at Deutsche Welle, said: "This project creates a great opportunity for two of the world's most-established broadcasters to work together. Along with the BBC, Deutsche Welle will be able to offer first-class content on an innovative platform and reintroduce listeners to DRM technology. This new channel will show European audiences the benefits of good cooperation."
Nigel Chapman, Director BBC World Service, said: "I welcome the opportunity to reach the new audiences that the coverage from this new DRM service will bring, free of the interference and in an audio quality only available on FM and other digital services. It is also an opportunity for other broadcasters to embrace the benefits that this new technology can bring."
Ruxandra Obreja, Chair of the DRM Consortium and Controller Business Development, BBC World Service, added: "This exciting new DRM digital radio channel for Europe will give audiences a chance to listen to the best of BBC and DW in clear digital quality. We are looking forward to the response in the region, crucial for this economical and versatile system's future. We hope that the channel content will stimulate the production and marketing of commercial DRM receivers leading to the graduation of long-distance radio broadcasting into the new digital era."
English Radio Station Delights Listeners
BBC's international news in English and Arabic available on Nokia phones globally
World Service's 24-hour rolling news in English, and BBC Arabic – will be available on the latest Nokia mobile phone models as part of their preloaded Internet Radio application. All three channels will be available for live streaming 24 hours a day, offering high-quality, impartial and editorially independent news and information. Ruxandra Obreja, Controller, BBC World Service Business Development, said: "I believe this is an innovative agreement, getting BBC exposure on one of the latest digital platforms, giving listeners from across the globe access to our distinctive and compelling content in English and Arabic." Karl Kathuria, Head of Digital Delivery, BBC World Service, added: "For delivery over the Internet Radio platform, we are providing an MP3-format stream that can be picked up via Wi-Fi or through a mobile data connection, mirroring our online offer in these languages. "This is the first time we've made our live 24-hour audio streams available specifically for a mobile platform, as part of our commitment to a multi-format strategy." Nokia's Head of Radio Business, Teemu Tarnanen, added: "We are excited to have BBC World Service included in the Nokia Internet Radio service. Now millions of people on the move can stay up-to-date with their favourite BBC World Service channels through their Nokia device." The Nokia Internet Radio application can be downloaded to various Nokia device models for free from and is also preloaded in selected Nokia S60 3rd edition devices.
Zimbabwe gets vital news & info from VOA during crisis
Monday, December 08, 2008
KBC Christmas Programs
KBC is on the air between 10.00 and 15.30 UTC on Christmas Day and on Boxing Day.
The frequency is 9770 kHz shortwave.
KBC Christmas Day Schedule:
10.00 - 12.00 The Mighty KBC Christmas Day with Santa
12.00 - 13.00 KBC & Britain Radio 48 - Roger Davis
13.00 - 14.00 KBC & Free Radio Service Holland - Peter Verbruggen
14.00 - 15.00 The Mighty KBC - Herbie the Fish!
15.00 - 15.30 The Mighty KBC - Eric van Willegen
21.30 - 22.30 Wolfman Jack Show (6055 kHz)
KBC Boxing Day Schedule:
10.00 - 12.00 The Mighty KBC - Gary King celebrating the best of the 80's
12.00 - 13.00 KBC & Britain Radio 48 - Roger Davis
13.00 - 14.00 KBC & Free Radio Service Holland - Peter Verbruggen
14.00 - 15.00 The Mighty KBC - Herbie the Fish!
15.00 - 15.30 The Mighty KBC - Eric van Willegen
21.30 - 22.30 Wolfman Jack Show (6055 kHz)
Britain Radio International
Special Transmission on Dec 25 & 26, 2008
From 1200 -1300 UTC on 9770 kHz SW
(Via the The mighty KBC)
Email your reports at
(Alokesh Gupta, New Dehi)
Rhein MAin Radio Club : New QSL Calendar 2009 published
best 73
Harald Gabler
Rhein-Main-Radio-Club, Frankfurt, Germany
POST FACH 70 08 49
60558 Frankfurt Am Main
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Update on community radio stations in India
These lists will be posted on the the ministry's website shortly:
Sri Venketswara Oriental College, Tirupathi, Andhra Pradesh
Sri Vishnu Engineering College for Women,Bhimavaram, Andhra Pradesh
Deccan Development Society, Hydrabad, Andhra Pradesh
Indian Institute of Business Management, Patna, Bihar
Vivek High School, Chandigarh
AJK Mass Communication Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi
Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi
Jagan Institute of Management Studies, Rohini, New Delhi
Jagannath International Management School, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi
University of Delhi, Delhi
Sardar Patel University,Vallab Vidyanagar, Gujarat
Mudra Instt. of Communication, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka
Sri Bhagwan Mahaveer Jain College, Bangalore, Karnataka
DC School of Management & Technology, Kottayam, Kerala
The Society for Development Alternatives, New Delhi at Orchha, Madhya
Vidya Pratisthan's Institute of Information Technology, Baramati, Pune,
Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra
Film & TV Institute of India, Pune, Maharashtra
Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Pondicherry
Guru Nanak Girls College, Ludhiana, Punjab
Banasthali Vidyapeeth, Banasthali.Rajasthan
India International Institute of Management, Jaipur, Rajasthan
Eminent T.T. Girls College, Diggi, Malpura, Distt.- Tonk, Rajasthan
Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Kongu Engineering College, Erode , Tamil Nadu
MOP Vaishnav College for Women, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Erode Sengunthar Engg. College, Erode, Tamil Nadu
Holy Cross College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu
Loyola College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Peace Industrial School, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu
PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Aditanar College of Arts & Science, Virapandianpatnam, Tiruchendur,
Sunbeam English School, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
City Montessori School, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
CMS Degree College, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
P.G.College, Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh
Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal
Radio Free Asia releases holiday QSL Card
Radio Free Asia (RFA) announces its new QSL card which promotes world peace. The design is from one of the many holiday cards RFA has used in the past. Besides the dove as the card's center piece, there are eight different renditions of the word 'peace' on the right margin. The eight versions represent each of our broadcast languages: Burmese, Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), Khmer, Korean, Lao, Tibetan, Uyghur and Vietnamese. The card will be used to confirm all valid reception reports for December 1, 2008 - January 31, 2009. RFA's holiday QSL card promoting world peace. Radio Free Asia is a private, nonprofit corporation that broadcasts news and information to listeners in Asian countries where full, accurate, and timely news reports are unavailable. Created by Congress in 1994 and incorporated in 1996, RFA currently broadcasts in Burmese, Cantonese, Khmer, Korean to North Korea, Lao, Mandarin, the Wu dialect, Vietnamese, Tibetan (Uke, Amdo, and Kham), and Uyghur. RFA strives for accuracy, balance, and fairness in its editorial content. As a 'surrogate' broadcaster, RFA provides news and commentary specific to each of its target countries, acting as the free press these countries lack. RFA broadcasts only in local languages and dialects, and most of its broadcasts comprise news of specific local interest. More information about Radio Free Asia, including current broadcast frequency schedule, is available at
RFA encourages listeners to submit reception reports. Reception reports are valuable to RFA as they help us evaluate the signal strength and quality of our transmissions. RFA confirms all accurate reception reports by mailing a QSL card to the listener. RFA welcomes all reception report submissions at (follow the QSL REPORTS link) not only from DX'ers, but also from its general listening audience. Reception reports are also accepted by emails to, and for anyone without Internet access, reception reports can be mailed to:
Reception Reports
Radio Free Asia
2025 M. Street NW, Suite 300
Washington DC 20036
United States of America
Upon request, RFA will also send a copy of the current broadcast schedule and a station sticker.
Friday, December 05, 2008
RTI interviews Taiwan's President
Here's the link for the interview & photo's of President's visit to RTI :
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Annamalai Amateur Radio Club's 3rd Pollachi VHF Fox Hunt 2008
members and participants.
1. The Fox Hole will be located anywhere within a radius of 30 km from the starting point.
2. The Fox howl will be a tone on 144.100 Mhz from an omni directional antenna.The duration of the howl will be for 30 seconds on 5 watts followed by 30 seconds on 1 watt.
3. The first Howl will be will be heard at 9.30am and every five minutes thereafter. NO. QSO's on Fox frequency.
4. At 11.00am the Fox will give first clue on 145.500 Mhz.The second clue will be at 11.30a.m.
5. The Fox will declare its location and the venue for the lunch at 12 noon on 144.100 Mhz & 145.500Mhz.
6. The winner should hand over the ID Slip personally to the FOX immedaitely on reaching the Foxhole.
7. Briefing about the event will be on 20th Saturday December 2008 at 5Pm at VU2DX QTH and Registration can be done and kits can be collected.(119,subbayan Nagar,Behind LNS School,Palladam Road) 9842285939
8.Registration Fee will be Rs 150/-per team of three members and Rs 100/-each additional members,
10. Any clarifications: Contact on HF: VU2DX,VU3ITI,VU2PAL
on VU2TCD Reapeater;- VU2PCP,VU2ZUB,VU3PCP.
On VU2IU Repeater in Bangalore :-VU3ITI
For Information Please Call
K.IBRAHIM VU3IRH ( 98420 63686)
NOTE:- Payment by cash/Cheque/Demand Draft to
130,The Nest Apartments,
Subbayan Nagar,Nalani Seakar Street
(Behind LMS School).
Group: Family/Friends/YL
Name of additional members
Payment Details Rs 150/- per team of three members and Rs 100/- each for
additional member.
Payment to K.Syed Mohamed Ibrahim, VU3IRH before 9a.m. on 21st December 2008
REGISTER early to avoid delay in Flag off the Hunters.
For office use only
Group; FL/FR/YL/IND.......... SERIAL
Launching of "Hamfest India 2009 & Golden Jubilee of BARC"
Date: 14 December 2008
Venue: The Bharat Scouts & Guides Headquarters Hall
Opposite to KIMS Hospital, Adj to Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore.
Time : 1715 Hrs IST
No radio without Bose
A century-long debate over who invented the radio may have come to an end. Marconi has given Jagadish Chandra Bose due credit for his pioneering contribution in the field of wireless communication. However, this Marconi is not Guglielmo Marconi - the man credited with the invention of the radio - but his grandson Francesco Paresce Marconi, a well-known astrophysicist who has been closely associated with NASA. On a five-day visit to Kolkata, Francesco Marconi kicked off year-long celebrations to commemorate the 150th birth anniversary of the eminent Bengali scientist. Indian scientists are of the view that it was actually Bose who invented the radio, while Marconi lifted Bose's concept and was awarded the Nobel Prize. Bose missed out because he never patented his work. Francesco said, "There's no conflict about the fact that Bose made some remarkable discoveries and without his work, Marconi would not have been able to work. We must keep in mind that Bose was a scientist while Marconi
was a technocrat who worked on scientific research to develop a technology."
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Brunei, Singapore sign broadcasting agreement
in the field of broadcasting, the Weekend Borneo Bulletin reports.
Read the full report here :
VOA launches 'America Live' for Indian viewers
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Zee News ties up with Voice of America
Read the full story at :
Monday, December 01, 2008
VOA marks World AIDS Day with special programs
For more information, call VOA Public Relations at (202) 203-4959, or e-mail
(VOA Press Release)