It took Jose 37 days to make the contacts. Being a CW enthusiast, he reported that out of 100 entities contacted, as many as 92 of them were in CW and the rest 8 in SSB. In fact till now he has already contacted 111. ARRL has informed that Jose Jacob was first from India to apply for this award.
The interesting ones that Jose contacted are (as per current DXCC names) are the following Dxpeditions / stations:
Pitcairn Island VP6T
Grenada J38EA
Malpelo Island HK0NA (Colombia)
Aruba P48ADI
Dominican Republic HI3DX
Ecuador HC2/KF6ZWD
Guadeloupe FG5FR
Surinam PZ5RA
Rwanda 9X0PY
Angola D2QV
Cameroon TJ3AY
Comoro TO4M
Congo TN2T
Iceland TF3DX
Mexico XE2/K6PT
Mozambique C91IW
Nigeria 5N7M
East Timor 4W0VB
Band wise details of contacts are as follows:
14 MHz: 33
7 MHz : 22
10.1 MHz: 18
28 MHz : 18
21 MHz : 4
18 MHz: 3
24 MHz : 2
The contacts were made from National Institute of Amateur Radio (NIAR).
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