Last Saturday we had a glitch on the audio link, and we missed one broadcast in the usual Saturday IPAR slot (International Public Access Radio, Radio City (the radio of the cars) will then reschedule on Sept. 25, 2010, at the same time, i.e. 10-11 CET (08-09 UTC) on 9515 kHz for the entire one hour broadcast. World of Radio with Glenn Hauser will be aired only at 20:00 CET, followed at 20:30 CET by 39 Dover Street (poetry and music from the UK with Stephen John Jones), and DX Party Line at 20:45 CET on 7290 kHz.
As usual, we welcome your email and letters by email to: reports (at) nexus (dot) org - Even if we do not have the financial and human resources to answer to all letters, we do reply to all emails sent to this email address. Your letters and support really can keep our station alive in times when most other stations decide to shut down. Your letters and comments are of the greatest help to those who are able to finance our broadcasts, and keep us on the air.
Please get in touch with us or directly with those who hear on the air, and not only with reception reports (please!), but especially with comments and suggestions that are extremely useful to our program producers. Thank you!
Ron Norton
NEXUS-Int'l Broadcasting Association
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