Sunday, August 31, 2008
Radio St. Helena Day 2008
Times UTC Target areas
20:00 - 21:00 Japan
21:00 - 22:30 Europe
22:30 - 23:30 North America
Because of the very long "Revival" and "Double- Anniversary" transmissions in 2006 and 2007 and the especially heavy workload at Radio St. Helena during the entire second half of 2008, it was decided that RSD 2008 would be reduced to the above schedule. It is hoped that the times have been chosen so that reception in all areas will be acceptable. The QSL procedure is the same as in 2006 and 2007, and the QSL address is :
Radio St. Helena , P.O. Box 93 ,
Jamestown , St. Helena ,
STHL 1ZZ , South Atlantic Ocean
Wishing everyone excellent listening conditions,
Laura Lawrence ,
Station Manager
Radio St. Helena
Robert Kipp
(via Mark Nicholls)
(Via ARDXC- Australian DX News - September 2008 Newsletter)
Egypt is back to normal GMT+2
Starting last friday 29/8/08 00.00 Hrs. local time, Egypt is back to the normal GMT/UTC+2. we normaly do that in the last week of september..but this year the holy month of Ramadan will start tomorrow ( monday 1/9/08 ) so we had to get things back to normal to manage the number of hours that we fast.
all the best my friends
Tarek Zeidan,Cairo,Egypt
(Via DX Listening Digest)
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Relays this weekend via 9290KHz
Radio Victoria 11.00 - 12.00 UTC
Radio Joystick 12.00 - 13.00 UTC
Latvia Today 13.00 - 14.00 UTC
Good listening
73s Tom
Pakistan will change their local time in November 2008
Aug 29, 2008
The government of Pakistan has decided to postpone the change of local timings untill the first week of November - so VOA Urdu service will continue to use the present timings and frequencies till the end of A08 schedule period.
The current schedule is :
MW 972 1539 kHz is available at 1300-0100 hrs.
SW service 0000-0100 on 7135 11755 kHz.
SW service 1300-1400 on 9340 15795 kHz.
(Alok Dasgupta via
Friday, August 29, 2008
Snakes come crawling out of AIR station campus
CHENNAI: All through Wednesday and Thursday, officials of the Velachery Forest Range camped on the All India Radio station campus in Thirumullaivoyal near Avadi on a snakecatching mission. At the end of the day, the officials, accompanied by three snakecatchers , had in their basket as many as nine adult snakes, 35 young ones and a few fertilised eggs. The exercise was undertaken following repeated calls of snakes being spotted on the AIR station campus that also houses the employees' quarters. "AIR station officials had written to us regarding the snake problem. They told us that the reptiles were found all over the campus. Many had crept into bedrooms and toilets. So we had sent a team to the place," Sathyamurthy, forest range officer, Velachery, told The Times Of India. "We found it very difficult to walk outside, especially at night. Our children could not play outside. Snakes were found in bushes as well as in open places. Many of us were shocked, on many occasions, to see poisonous snakes in the corners of our bedrooms and toilets. The number of snakes seems to have gone up in recent times. Almost all of us have spotted one or two at some point of time," Ratna, a resident said. The team from the forest range, in all, captured four adult cobras, 35 young cobras and 16 cobra eggs from the campus. The officials also captured a rat snake, a wolf snake and a green snake - all nonpoisonous ones. The residents sighed in relief when they saw the catch. "If we had not attended to their call now, the number of snakes in the campus would have tripled. There were 35 young cobras and more eggs to hatch. The reptiles do not have any other place nearby to go," said one of the snakecatchers . There is a lot of greenery on the AIR station campus, making it an ideal breeding ground for snakes. The captured snakes were taken to the Velachery Animal Rescue Centre and would be released into the wild later. "We have also brought the snake eggs to the rescue centre . They will be hatched here after which we will release them into the wild. We have well-designed hatching pits for this," Sathyamurthy said. The forest department officials now have to travel hundreds of kilometres to release these snakes. The fast-paced urbanisation has resulted in the loss of habitat for several reptile species. The captured snakes have to be taken to remote forest areas in the state and released.
BBC launches special news programme for Afghanistan
BBC World Service launches today a special news and current affairs programme for audiences in the Southern and Eastern regions of Afghanistan. Stasu Narray, from the BBC Pashto service, will bring 30 minutes of news and in-depth analysis to Pashto-speakers, including those on the Pakistan border, every day at 2100 in Afghanistan (2130 in Pakistan). Stasu Narray will discuss a wide range of topics, from politics and economy to health and sports. There will also be opportunities for listeners to share their views on key issues affecting their lives in special phone-ins. Andres Ilves, Head of the BBC Persian and Pashto service, says: "The BBC has been broadcasting to Afghanistan for many decades. "Nearly two out of three adults listen to our programmes at least once a week, and research shows that the BBC is the international broadcaster most Afghans trust and tune in to. "We are delighted to be able to draw on our rich experience and expertise of the region to offer a new bespoke daily programme for southern Afghanistan. "I am certain our listeners will benefit from the BBC's tradition of impartial journalism and comprehensive on-the-ground coverage."
BBC in Afghanistan
BBC World Service broadcasts programmes in Pashto, Dari and Uzbek languages to Afghanistan. The news and current affairs programme Stasu Narray is available on 11 BBC FM frequencies in key towns across Afghanistan including Kabul 89.0, Kandahar 90.0, Lashkar-Gah 89.2, Jalalabad 89.0, Gardez 87.9, Ghazni 88.3, Khost 90.1, Kunar 87.5, Herat 89.2, Bamian 89.0 and Jabal os Saraj 92.2. Audiences can also tune in on shortwave on 6100, 7295 and 9913. In addition to news and current affairs programmes keeping listeners informed of the latest developments in Afghanistan, the region and the rest of the world, the BBC also offers thought-provoking discussions and audience interactivity on regional and Afghan domestic topics. The highly popular call-in programmes regularly feature newsmakers invited to the BBC's Kabul studios. Millions of people listen to the BBC's daily radio programmes for Afghanistan and access its online output on and The BBC also offers its audiences in Afghanistan educational programmes produced by the BBC's international charity the BBC World Service Trust. They include the many programmes of the Afghan Education Projects, such as the renowned radio soap opera New Home, New Life as well as Afghan Woman's Hour.
(BBC World Service Publicity)
Radio Sweden Special 70th Birthday Broadcast
Ever since 1938 Radio Sweden has served as an important link between Sweden and the rest of the world. On Wednesday, September 3 we'll be celebrating our 70th birthday with special broadcasts, a panel discusion, and live music. Our first English broadcast of the day, at 12:30 hrs UTC, will be a live program from Studio 5 at Broadcasting House in Stockholm. We'll be taking a look back at some of the major stories we've covered over the years, and talking with many guests, including some wellknown Radio Sweden voices from the past. That will be followed by a special panel debate in Swedish with a number of cultural and media personalities. The 14:00 hrs UTC Swedish broaadcast will also be live from Studio 5. The entire special program, from 12:30 to 16:30 hours UTC, will be carried live in a special web broadcast.
So don't fail to join us to celebrate our 70th, Live from Studio Five.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Abie Nathan, Voice of Peace founder, dies
Press reports:
International Herald Tribune
Jerusalem Post
(Mike Barraclough via DXLD egroup)
New air mail rates in India wef 1 Sept 2008
(Thanks to Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, NIAR)
More channels for farmers
RFA Announces 12th Anniversary QSL Card Series
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Latest DRM capable receivers and DRM+ developments on display at IFA 2008
Mumbai: Community radio for slum residents
Punjab children learning through radio
FM radio making rapid strides, revenue expected to touch Rs 800 cr this year
The entry of private players has boosted the fortunes of FM radio in a big way in the country. This has been consistently reflecting in the revenue earned by the industry, which grew to Rs 550 crore last year from Rs 350 crore a year ago. The industry is expected to close with over Rs 800 crore in revenue this year.
VOA launches election website
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Radio rewind
Posted online: Friday , August 22, 2008 at 1351 hrsFrom a bulky box at the centre of family life to a gizmo for the iFirst generation, the radio has shrunk in size. The memories haven’t. Tune in, you’ll hear the history of a nation They were the listening generation. They crowded around a box every evening, fumbled through the airwaves and adjusted their watches to the evening news. Every neighbourhood had somebody with a Murphy, Bush or Philips and every family wanted one, just as much as they wanted a new Ambassador.
Read the full story here :
HAM-TECH 2008, Expo & Conference – Hyderabad
Invitation Letter
Registration Form
Radio regains lost regime in Mizoram
VOA Hindi radio service to be shut down
2. Representative Donna Edwards, U.S. House of Representatives, 2470 RayburnHouse Office Building, Washington D.C. 20215 Fax: 202-225-8714
3. Representative Steny Hoyer, U.S. House of Representatives, 1705 LongworthHouse Office Building, Washington D.C. 20215. Fax: 202-225-4300
4. Representative Roscoe Bartlett, U.S. House of Representatives, 2412Rayburn House Office Building, Washington D.C. 20215. Fax: 202-225-2193
5. Representative Frank R. Wolf, U.S. House of Representatives, 241 CannonHouse Office Building, Washington D.C. 20215. Fax: 202-225-0437
6. Representatives Thomas M. Davis III, U.S. House of Representatives, 2348Rayburn House Office Building, Washington D.C. 20215. Fax: 202-225-3071
7. Representative Robert J. Wittman, U.S. House of Representatives, 1123Longworth House, Washington D.C,. 20215. Fax: 202-225-4382
8. Representative James P. Moran, U.S. House of Representatives, 2239Rayburn House Office Building, Washington D.C. 20215. Fax: 202-225-0017
9. Hon. Howard Berman, Chairman, House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Fax202-225-3196.
10. Hon. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Ranking Member, House Committee on ForeignAffairs Fax: 202-225-5620
11. Hon. Nita Lowey, Chairman, House Committee on Appropriations, Fax:202-225-0437
12. Patrick Leahy (Appropriations Subcommittee - State, Foreign Relationsand related Programs. Fax: 202-224-3479
13. Senator Jim Webb (Appropriations Subcommittee) Fax: 202-224-4024 MEMBERS OF
Friday, August 22, 2008
3rd DW Listeners and Viewers Gathering 2008
22nd August 2008
9.30 am-10 am Registration
10 am-10.05 am Opening Remarks by Federation Chairman Mosud Mannan
10.05 am-10.10 am Remarks by Goethe Institut Director
10.10 am-10.15 am Remarks by CDA of German Embassy
10.15 am-10.30 am Address by Mr. Graham Lucas of Deutsche Welle
10.30 am-11 am Presentation on Deutsche Welle Bangla website, podcast and newsletter by
Mrs. Nurunnahar Sattar
11 am-11.30 am Tea Break
11.30 am-12 pm Self-introduction of participants
12 pm-1 pm Discussion with Listeners on Deutsche Welle Program
1 pm-2.30 pm Prayer Break followed by Lunch
2.30 pm-3.15 pm Individual Cultural Performance by participants
3.15 pm-4 pm Deutsche Welle Film
4 pm-4.30 pm Seminar on Leadership
4.30 pm-5 pm Tea Break
5 pm-6 pm Quiz Contest
6 pm-6.30 pm Workshop on DXing
6.30 pm Dinner
23rd August 2008
9.30 am-10am Registration
10 am-11.30am Discussion on new Deutsche Welle website (with participation from the floor) 11.30 am-11.45 am Tea Break
11.45 am-12.30 pm Discussion on Club Matters with Mrs. Nurunnahar Sattar
12.30 pm- 1 pm New federation committee formation followed by photo session
1 pm-2 pm Prayer Break followed by Lunch
2 pm-2.30 pm Individual Cultural Performances by participants
2.30 pm-3.30 pm Distribution of prizes for quiz competition and best Club
3.30 pm-4 pm Concluding session with remarks from Mr. Lucas, Mr. Torsten Oertel and
Federation Chairman
4 pm Tea Break
*Interested participants from outside Dhaka may avail a guided tour to Lal Bagh Fort
* Any info, Please Call: +88 01914 700022 Engr. Md. Monzurul Alam Ripon
Engr. Md. Monzurul Alam Ripon
Federation of Deutsche Welle Listeners and Viewers Clubs of Bangladesh
P.O. Box 6122 Gulshan Dhaka-1212 Bangladesh
Mobile: 01914700022
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
BBG Boosts Broadcasts to Georgia
The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) has implemented surge broadcasting in Georgian in response to the continuing crisis in the breakaway province of South Ossetia. News and information from the Voice of America (VOA) and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) reaches audiences in Georgia via shortwave radio, in-country FM broadcasts, television, and the Internet.
Read the full story here :
Deutsche Welle to air educational programme in three Indian languages
Tuesday 19th August, 2008 (IANS)
Deutsche Welle (DW) Radio, Germany's international broadcaster, will soon broadcast programmes in three Indian languages, an official said Tuesday. The broadcaster and the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) have signed an agreement to this effect, varsity pro-vice chancellor Latha Pillai said Tuesday. Gyan Vani FM, the radio channel of IGNOU, will facilitate broadcasting of DW-RADIO programming in Hindi, Urdu, Bengali and English over campus radio at 29 universities across the country. 'This will facilitate students of our 29 associated universities getting a broader perspective of subjects happening across the world,' IGNOU spokesman Ravi Mohan told IANS. In addition, 'Tomorrow Today', the science magazine from DW-TV, will be integrated into the schedule of Gyan Darshan, an educational TV channel of IGNOU that operates nationwide via satellite and cable. In return, DW radio has agreed to support IGNOU with training courses for community radio operators and journalists. Germany's international broadcaster will oversee several intensive courses per year at the School of New Media Studies at IGNOU.
'We are happy to have the opportunity to reach out to students throughout India,' said Petra Schneider, head of sales and service at DW radio.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Bihar farmers to get first community radio station
Vishal Singh
For poor Kalina students, lessons are Must
Monday, August 18, 2008 03:09 IST
The underprivileged school students in and around Kalina looking for help with their lessons, can now tune into radio for assistance. Mumbai University students have recorded lessons from textbooks, which are being broadcast through the varsity's FM channel - Must Radio.
During the conflict the Voice of Russia World Service broadcast to global audiences in 37 foreign languages. Georgia's aggression against South Ossetia triggered a wide-ranging reaction with people sending letters, making phone calls and texting to express concern and regret over the loss of life and to voice hope for a peaceful settlement. Many listeners express their gratitude to the Voice of Russia for providing an unbiased coverage of the latest developments in South Ossetia. For many the Voice of Russia was the only source of compete and comprehensive information on what was happening in the region. State Duma deputy Gennady Gudkov said as he spoke on the Voice of Russia that the broadcaster was doing the great service of filling foreign countries up on the viewpoints they rarely hear at home.
(Lada Korotun,Voice of Russia.)
New radio station planned by Belgian troops in DR Congo
(Source: Belga via via Arnaldo in cumbredx )
Sunday, August 17, 2008
MWLIST worldwide mediumwave & longwave database
Additionaly, bandscans or logs can instantly be created or edited using the PHP online MyAM tool included in MWLIST. This makes creating bandscans much easier and handled more practicaly, export in csv spreapsheet format is possible, this can be converted to excel or other formats. The regular html format can easliy be copied and added elsewhere. Bandscans can be linked directly to other websites and logs easily copied into forums or mailing lists. Our team wants to follow a new concept and our goal is to create a much more diverse and much more usable software and data resource than ever before for broadcast radio. This database software can be used also as a framework for exporting or presenting radio station data on other websites, if you are interested in becoming a partner website of MWLIST, please see contact details below.
For AM and MW DXers worldwide, Interested in AM radio - MW DXing - LW DXing?
Why not join the MWLIST project!
MWLIST is a (non-commercial, hobby-made) worldwide database of MW & LW radio stations
We feature world-wide data and seek:
- Data sources for MW radio from all around the world
- Collaborators as country editors and news reporters from all over the world
- More location or transmitter details, more technical details
- MW DXers to make use of the data for logs, bandscans and further reception analysis
MWLIST includes map, logs and bandscan features, data is available on-line, you can download it as PDF file or convert logs to a spreadsheet format. Direct linking of any bandscan is possible. Please let us know what you think about this project, or notify us about any missing stations and more corrections. Please have a look at or get in touch with us at:
Any reports or suggestions, comments are most welcome. Reports can easily be done using the interface of the database software, anyone wanting to edit or update data can join our team.
Björn Tryba and Günter Lorenz (FMLIST and MWLIST database team) -
Radio stations turn watch towers
CHENNAI: For most people, a hobby is a leisure activity. If you walked into the lighthouse at Mahabalipuram on Saturday, you would have thought that the ten-member team of Ham Radio, who had assembled there, were just pursuing their hobby.
Read the TOI story at :
Friday, August 15, 2008
BBG Should Enhance SW, Not Replace It
The author is a former vice president of engineering at Radio Free
Europe/Radio Liberty and director of engineering of the International
Broadcasting Bureau. He is now retired.
Read the article at :
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Secretary RSSL,
P. O. Box 907,
Colombo. Sri Lanka.
Cards will be sent via the Buro. For direct cards some form of return postage SASE will be appreciated.
G, Victor A. Goonetilleke 4S7VK
Frequency coordinator South Asia:Voice of America
British Broadcasting Corporation, Vatican Radio, R.Veritas.
National Secretary Radio Society of Sri Lanka,
Disaster Communications Coordinator RSSL
Sri Lanka Rep. International
Amateur Radio Union.
"Shangri-La" ,298 Madapatha Road,
Piliyandala. Sri Lanka.
Skype: victorgoonetilleke
Tel +9411 2614098. Mob: +94 774013775
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Mahabalipuram Lighthouse AT8LH special callsign
For receiving special QSL card do send your address label with Rs.10/- postage stamp - NOTE no envelop required as we would be sending you QSL thru Special Envelop duly stamped and Pictorial Cancellation which is a collectors item.
Details are on
" 88's from LH " that is our callsign AT8LH
de Lion Ajoy -VU2JHM
ARLHS # 1571
PS: Email from Arasu - VU2UR
Dear friends,
This week end of 16th/17th August, will be very interesting for
those of you who hunt lighthouses. AT8LH from Mahabalipuram
Lighthouse Old(IND-011) and New (IND-016) would be activated by a
group of amateurs from BARC/LCI Please try to have a QSO and do not
engage into a rag-chew, so that AT8LH can have many QSOs, within the
short time at their disposal.
Thank you.
de arasu vu2ur
Awards Manager,Contest manager,
Monitoring Systems Coordinator of
Amateur Radio Society of India (ARSI)
Technical snag at AIR Kokrajhar,Assam
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Digital Broadcasting Information Service "Journaline" first time demonstrated on DRM
(DRM Press Release)
Pakistan is changing back to normal time UTC + 5.00 Hrs affecting VOA Urdu
Due to the local time change in Pakistan the following changes are effective from 1st September for VOA URDU SERVICE :
- MW 972 1539 kHz is available at 1400-0200 hrs instead of 1300-0100 hrs.
- SW service 0100-0200 (ex 0000-0100) on 7135 11805 kHz.
- SW service 1400-1500 (ex 1300-1400) on 9510 11690 kHz.
Metallica To Launch Their Own Radio Station
by Jason Gregory
09 August 2008
Metallica are to launch their own radio station to coincide with the release
of their new album 'Death Magnetic'.
Trans World Radio Listeners Meet
Grow & Glow National Listeners Meet 2008
7 - 9, October 2008
Radio Vatican Listeners meet in Kozhikode, Kochi
14 Oct. 2008 10.00 am : Nava Jyothis Renewal Centre, By Pass Road, Kozhikode
15 Oct.2008 3.00 pm :POC Centre, Palarivattam, Kochi
Interested listeners can contact Vatican Radio Regional Office at Koch on Tel.No. 0484-28006227
Source: "Vatican Tharangam", Aug. 2008
Monthly magazine in Malayalam of Vatican Radio
Jose Jacob, VU2JOS
National Institute of Amateur Radio
Raj Bhavan Road, Hyderabad 500082, India
Tel: 91-40-6516 7388 Telefax: 91-40-2331 0287
Cell: 94416 96043
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Broadcast India 2008
About Saicom Trade Fairs & Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd.- Being part of the film and television industry the two main Directors, Kavita Meer and Ramesh Meer created a company "Saicom Trade Fairs & Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd" to organize exhibitions and conferences exclusively catering to the needs of the entertainment industry. Its first show titled "Broadcast India Exhibition & Symposium" was organized in 1991 and since then the company has been holding these shows every year in the month of October/November in Mumbai.
Websites of All India Radio regional stations
Bihar schoolkids are singing radio ga, ga
Published on Sat, Aug 09, 2008 at 18:03, Updated at Sat, Aug 09, 2008 in Nation section
Saturday, August 09, 2008
HFCC B'08 conference
Cary, NC, August 8, 2008—International Christian broadcaster Trans World Radio announces the release of a book containing never-before-published devotions by Corrie ten Boom, noted Dutch speaker and best-selling author of renowned classic "The Hiding Place." The new book, "I Stand at the Door and Knock," debuted on July 31 and has been distributed to booksellers across the U.S. Published by Zondervan Publishing House in Grand Rapids, MI, it comprises the third and likely final installment of Corrie's extensive writings culled from unused audio segments containing her spiritual meditations. Through the rubble of post-World War II Europe, Corrie accomplished what brute force never could: conquering hearts across the world with the healing words of God's hope and love. Gleaned from her life experiences, including incarceration at a Nazi concentration camp, "I Stand at the Door and Knock" contains the simple yet powerful recollections of a life lived with integrity before God. TWR is pleased to present this book that includes 40 "lost" radio devotions uncovered by a TWR missionary in the Netherlands office audio archive. All the veteran saint's devotions were originally broadcast over TWR from 1966 to the early 1970s in her native Dutch tongue. TWR and Zondervan have previously published two other books of Corrie's unpublished radio scripts: "Reflections of God's Glory" and "Messages of God's Abundance." "While much history has been written in the last 40 years, Corrie's spiritual insights and vivid illustrations remain timelessly refreshing and relevant," says TWR's Tom Watkins, U.S. director of Strategic Initiatives & Partnerships. "It has been a great blessing and privilege to see this project come to fruition and to share these inspiring writings from a stalwart of the Christian faith."
(TWR News Release)
Washington, D.C., August 8, 2008 – The Voice of America (VOA) is doubling its Georgian language broadcasts in the wake of fighting between Georgia and Russia in the breakaway province of South Ossetia. VOA's Geogian Service will produce a 60-minute program daily, up from 30 minutes, with news, information, interviews, analysis and reaction to the crisis in the former Soviet Republic. News is also available on the Internet at "We want to make sure Georgians are fully informed about what's happening in their country," said Steve Redisch, VOA's Executive Editor. The Georgian broadcasts are carried nationwide on a FM network as well as on shortwave frequencies 11945 and 15460 from 1530 to 1600 UTC, and on 11965 and 15460 from 1600 to 1630 UTC. Reporters and stringers on the ground are providing VOA with reports from inside the country, which is slightly smaller than the state of South Carolina and has about 4.6 million people. The crisis began when Georgian troops launched a military strike on the province of South Ossetia early Friday, seeking to end the region's bid for autonomy. In response, Russian troops entered the border province.
(VOA Press Release)
Friday, August 08, 2008
GK With One World One Dream!!!!
BBC World Service is going to air special Olympic SportsWorld with Russell Fuller from 1300UTC right from the opening ceremony on August 8 friday on every weekday during the Beijing Olympic Games.This is in addition to their regular coverages. Previously, I heard extensive coverage of Radio Australia during Barcelona Olympics plus Sydney Olympics etc etc perhaps. I'm not sure whether they will air special live coverage of this Beijing Olympic Games. At present, they are airing a special feature in their Sports Bulletin called Olympic Minute where they air special news about Olympic like medal prospect of pacific country i.e.Tonga etc. I'm a regular listener of Radio Australia Sports News Bulletin around 1105UTC on 9475/11945kHz on weekdays.
Olympic Games from their HQ. City in Beijing.
73 & 55
Gautam Kr.Sharma
Thursday, August 07, 2008
BBC Arabic presence in the Middle East expands with new mobile phone partnerships
The availability of the BBC's multimedia service for the Arab world has further expanded across the Middle East thanks to the launch of mobile-phone partnerships in the Palestinian territories, Oman and Jordan. In addition to the availability of BBC Arabic on television, radio and online, international news seekers in these territories can now access the BBC Arabic content via their mobile phones. Subscribers to Al Jawwal – the operator in the West Bank and Gaza – can now receive SMS messages with top news stories from BBC Arabic. A first for the BBC in this territory, the service will keep Al Jawwal subscribers up-to-date with breaking news direct from the BBC via short and easy-to-read messages. This complements the availability of the BBC Arabic content in the Palestinian territories via BBC relays in Gaza (107.4 FM), Ramallah (98.8 FM) and Hebron (108 FM) as well as on the partner FM station, Radio Bethlehem 2000. In Oman, users of the mobile-phone operator, Nawras, can now receive the BBC's breaking news alerts on their phones – in Arabic as well as in English, from the English-language news site, The BBC's SMS service via Nawras adds to the existing arrangement with the country's other mobile phone operator, Omantel, which means all mobile phone users in Oman can now receive the BBC's breaking-news alerts. The latest news from BBC Arabic is available not just on mobile phones but also on PDAs and other wireless handheld devices in the region. In a recent business development, the BBC has secured WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) links with two of Jordan's mobile-phone operators, Zain and Xpress. In addition to the existing offer of SMS messages with top news stories from BBC Arabic, these two operators now offer their subscribers the BBC's WAP sites – mobile versions of news websites – designed specifically for wireless devices. Easy to use, they include full text of the story and images, allowing users to keep abreast of the world developments at all times. Availability via Zain and Xpress mobile phone systems complement the BBC Arabic presence in Jordan on radio via BBC FM relay stations – BBC 103.1 FM in Amman and BBC 89.1 FM in Ajloun. BBC Arabic television is freely available to everyone with a satellite or cable connection in the region, be it the Middle East, Gulf or North Africa. Head of BBC Arabic, Hosam El Sokkari, says: "We are very happy that we can respond to our audience needs of getting news as it happens. "Our audiences have embraced the new technologies, and they are expecting BBC Arabic to continue to serve them on all new platforms. "The launch of BBC Arabic television and our expansion into the mobile market demonstrate the BBC's commitment to the region." Simon Kendall, Head of Business Development, Africa and Middle East Region, BBC World Service, says that these new partnership agreements are great news for the BBC. He says: "They mean international news seekers can access the BBC's multimedia content wherever they are and whenever they like in these territories. "Our ambition is that the BBC Arabic news content is available to mobile-phone users across the Arab world. "The partnership agreements in the Palestinian territories, Jordan and Oman bring us closer to this goal."
BBC Arabic is the BBC's integrated news and information service for the Arab world. It is available on air and on demand 24-hours a day, seven days a week. It is designed to reach audiences on radio, television, the internet – on – mobile phones and handheld computers in whatever way best suits the audience. BBC Arabic is both the largest and the oldest of the BBC's non-English language services. Launched on 3 January 1938, it has evolved into the Arab world's leading international broadcaster, covering the political, social and cultural issues that matter to its diverse audiences in the Arab world and across the globe. With its new TV presence, BBC Arabic is bringing the world to Arab audiences – reporting the news wherever it leads. BBC Arabic breaking news alerts are offered via mobile operators as a subscription service in Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Yemen and the Palestinian territories. As the BBC's first publicly-funded international television service, BBC Arabic television is freely available to everyone with a satellite or cable connection in the region, whether they are in North Africa, the Middle East or the Gulf. It is distributed free-to-air by Arabsat, Eutelsat and Nilesat satellite systems. BBC Arabic is also available on Channel 41 of the E Vision cable platform in the UAE.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
ABU 45th General Assembly at Bali, Indonesia
For details of the social programmes and updated information on the meetings schedule, please visit:
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Charan Singh University to set up community radio stations Correspondent | Hisar
Despite advancement in communication technology, radio continues to be the most potent source of dissemination of information for farmers in the rural areas. Keeping this in mind, the Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agriculture University (CCSHAU), Hisar, has decided to set up community radio stations at all Krishi Vigyan Centres run by it.
Full story at :
Mandarmani - the dream DX location

Veteran dxer Dr.Supratik Sanatani from Kolkata recently visited 'Mandarmani' during holidays. " I was there to take break.I had not planned serious DX because in this period of low sunspot and peak Indian summer no one expects any DX. But I was awe struck by the quality of radio signals from this DX location. I am seriously planning a DX camp there in the end of December. I am sure it will repeat the success of the Chandipore DX camps of the late eighties. " says Dr.Sanatani
Read about the place and the logs at :
About Mandarmani :
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Radio Singapore Intl. - Audio files of final broadcast

RSI Final Broadcast 31st July,2008 - Part 1 (6 mb)
RSI Final Broadcast 31st July,2008 - Part 2 (4 mb)
RSI Final Broadcast 31st July,2008 - Part 3 (8 mb)
RSI Final Broadcast 31st July,2008 - Part 4 (6 mb)
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Misty to air Radio Netherlands content
(2 Aug 2008 11:15 am)
MUMBAI: Netherlands' public broadcaster Radio Netherlands Worldwide (RNW), has entered into partnership with Radio Misty 94.3FM, the North Bengal and Sikkim FM station that will air a variety of RNW music programmes ranging from European pop charts to classical, jazz and world music as also RNW radio books.
Full story at :
RTI Delhi Listeners Club celebrates 80th Anniversary of Radio Taiwan Intl.
Message from Radio Taiwan International Chairman Mr. Cheng Yu was read out on the occassion. He conveyed his heart felt thanks to Indian listeners for celebrating this auspicious occasion. "This event today was a success and was attended by more than 100 important personages in Taiwan including around 40 diplomats stationed in Taiwan. In 1998, Taiwan's legislature passed the statute governing the establishment of the non-profit, government-sponsored Central Broadcasting System (which is now known as RTI). The passage has given RTI a legal basis and a clear, new mission. RTI is now responsible for broadcasting news and other information to China and the rest of the world. This new role is a great departure from the past political functions and has turned RTI into a modern and international radio station with an emphasis on public service and professionalism. We have tried to establish listeners' clubs in different parts of the world including in India, to be more precise, in New Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai. That shows how much we value our listeners in India and we hope that our listeners in India will continue to support us in the future." said Mr.Cheng in his message.
On this occasion Mr.C.K.Raman, a veteran RTI listener urged RTI to continue broadcasting on shortwave as most of the Indian listeners do not have high speed internet access to listen online. Another avid RTI listener Mr.Jaynata Chakraborty narrated his experience on how he started listening to RTI & on Taiwan's contribution to the world. "RTI is an ambassador of peace", he said. Opinion was divided among members of the listeners club about their preference on listening on shortwave & internet, they also discussed their likes & dislikes about RTI programs & reception conditions at length. It was observed that llisteners normally tune in to english transmission on 11600 kHz during 1600-1700 UTC and reception quality was "FAIR" using a simple portable receiver & whip antenna. It's not "GOOD" as it was a year back. However some of the listeners suggested that signal quality can be improved by attaching a simple wire antenna at the back of the receiver. The poor signal quality was also attributed to the low sun spot conditions prevailing now a days. Listeners also discussed about ways to listen RTI english programs online on the RTI website. It was observed that "Groove Zone" was a favourite program among many listeners & the new programs "Spotlight" & "Health Beats" were also very much liked. Mr.Andrew later on answered the queries of listeners in an question answer session & asked RTI Listeners Club to pass on the suggestions made to RTI. All the participants were presented with books & DVD's on Taiwan. An announcement was made regarding the new RTI contest wherein one can win 16000 Usd, details at :

RTI Chairman Mr.Cheng Yu's message for Indian listeners on the ocassion of 80th anni of RTI
I hereby would like to wish you all the best of luck and success. Thank you for celebrating RTI's birthday with us!
Cheng Yu
Radio Taiwan International
Friday, August 01, 2008
Radio Singapore Int'l ends transmission
SINGAPORE, July 31 (Xinhua) -- Singapore's regional radio station, Radio Singapore International (RSI), ceased broadcasts on Thursday, ending its 15-year run. At a closing ceremony on Thursday, RSI's parent company MediaCorp CEO Lucas Chow presented momentos to transmitting station staff and together they bid farewell to an era of shortwave broadcasting in Singapore, according to local TV Channel NewsAsia. The regional shortwave radio service was set up in 1994 and broadcasted in English, Mandarin, Malay and Bahasa Indonesia. It had a listenership base of half a million listeners around Southeast Asia, including East and West Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. MediaCorp announced the decision nearly two months ago, saying it was because the effectiveness of a shortwave radio service had diminished over time, with changing technology and media consumption habits. It then said while FM radio broadcast remains strong, audiences are turning to other channels such as the web and television International feed for their news.