Wednesday, July 30, 2008


An error occured while filling up the qsl card, correct frequency shud be 15855.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Radio Free Asia A08 Revised Schedule

Radio Free Asia A08
Daily Broadcast Frequencies
As of July 28, 2008

Time(UTC) Frequencies (kHz)
----------------- --------------------------------
Burmese (6 hours daily)
0030-0130 13820, 13865, 17835
0300-0400 11605, 17830
1230-1330 7390, 9320, 13637
1330-1400 7390, 9320, 11540
1400-1430 7320, 9320
1630-1730 7505, 9305
1730-1830 7505, 9300

Cantonese (2 hours daily)
1400-1500 7280, 11595
2200-2300 9355, 11715, 11785

Khmer (2 hours daily)
1130-1230 9455, 12140
1230-1330 12140, 15525
2230-2330 7580, 13740

Korean (5 hours daily)
1500-1700 1350, 5870, 7210, 7490
1700-1800 1350, 5870, 7465, 9370
1800-1900 1350, 5870, 7210, 7465
2100-2200 1350, 7460, 9385, 9770, 12075

Lao (2 hours daily)
0000-0100 15545, 15690
1100-1200 9355, 15560

Mandarin (12 hours daily)
0300-0600 13760, 15130, 15635, 15680, 17615, 17880, 21550, 21690
0600-0700 13760, 15165, 15635, 15680, 17615, 17880, 21550
1500-1600 9455, 9905, 11540, 12005, 12025, 13675, 15495
1600-1700 9455, 9905, 11540, 11795, 12025, 13675, 15530
1700-1800 7260, 7280, 9355, 9455, 9540, 9905, 11540, 11795, 13625
1800-1900 7280, 7355, 9355, 9455, 9540, 9865, 11540, 11700, 13625
1900-2000 1098, 7260, 7355, 9355, 9455, 9850, 9865, 9905, 11700, 11785, 13625, 15510
2000-2100 1098, 7260, 7355, 9355, 9455, 9850, 9905, 11700, 11740, 11785, 13625
2100-2200 1098, 7105, 7355, 9850, 9905, 11740, 11935, 13625
2300-0000 7540, 11760, 11785, 15430, 15485, 15585

Tibetan (10 hours daily)
0100-0300 9365, 11695, 11975, 15225, 17730
0600-0700 17510, 17780, 21500, 21690
1000-1100 15460, 17750, 21510
1100-1200 7470, 13830, 15375, 17750
1200-1400 7470, 11590, 11605, 13830, 15375
1500-1600 9370, 11550, 11585, 11795
2200-2300 5865, 7500, 9880
2300-0000 7470, 7500, 9805, 9875
Uyghur (2 hours daily)
0100-0200 9350, 9490, 11895, 11945, 17640
1600-1700 9350, 9370, 9555, 11750
Vietnamese (2 hours daily)
1400-1430 1503, 9455, 9715, 11605, 11680, 12140
1430-1500 9455, 9715, 11605, 11680, 12140
2330-0030 7520, 11580, 11605, 13740, 15535, 15560
(AJ Janitschek, Radio Free Asia)

An innovative 94.3 Club FM ad in the latest issue of "India Today"

Jeremy Harding tries to listen to the World Service

An article was published in highly reputed magazine-London Review of Books latest issue of 31st July. I think Short Cuts is the name of a column in this magazine, and the article is introduced as - 'Jeremy Harding tries to listen to the World Service'. Anyway, it's a nicely written article.

Jeremy Harding
You can listen to Radio Three on a laptop anywhere these days, or run Five Live through a Sky digibox in, say, the Dordogne. In the days before this was possible, it was the World Service that kept hundreds of thousands of people from acute information-deficit disorder if they happened to stray beyond the range of the home service. In sub-Saharan Africa, a stone's throw nowadays from a modern, multicultural city like London, the BBC was happy at first to sing the praises of the old country – and the colonies – in a schoolmasterly, district-commissioner sort of way. The first African radio station in the Empire Service, as it was known, was set up in the Gold Coast, now Ghana, in 1935. The wind of change was in those days only an invigorating breeze on the exposed parts between sock-tops and shorts, but when independence became the order of the day, the World Service talked it up with generosity and commitment. Then, as one setback followed another in Africa, Bush House, like a serene young chorister, tried in vain to hit the top A of political correctness. But its voice had already broken and the flow of intelligent, disabused journalism from the field was unstoppable. To their credit, programme makers and executives took their reporters on trust.

Read the full article here :

(Thanks to Naleen Kumar for passing on this link )

NIAR Special callsigns AT25MY, AT25RG

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of National Institute of Amateur Radio (NIAR), the premier Amateur Radio organsiation in India, the following 2 special callsigns will be active.

I.AT25MY QTH: NIAR Hyderabad

1.VU2MY S.Suri
2.VU2MYH S.Ram Mohan
3.VU2BL Ms.M.Bhanumathy
4.VU2JOS Jose Jacob
5.VU2YAM Ms.S.Yamini
6.VU2LFA Sushil Kumar Dhingra
7.VU2JMA Ms.B.Jayamma
8.VU2UWZ S.Madhu Mohan
9.VU3LMS Ms.Lissy Jose

II. AT25RG, Operator: VU2RBI YL Bharathi, QTH New Delhi.

Jose Jacob, VU2JOS
National Institute of Amateur Radio
Raj Bhavan Road, Hyderabad 500082, India
Telefax: 91-40-23310287 Tel: 91-40-65167388
Cell: 94416 96043

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Satara based MVSS is first NGO to get CR licence

By Anita Iyer
(25 July 2008 5:40 pm)
MUMBAI: A Maharashtra based NGO Mann Vikas Samajik Sanstha-MVSS has acquired the licence to run a community radio last week, becoming the first in the NGO sector in the country to join the CR (community radio) network.
Read the full story at :


Dear DX -- Friends all over the World !
Hungary is on the way to digitalize radio and television broadcasts. The Hungarian News-Distribution Authority officially informed on Friday, July 25, 2008 that in about 6 months time from now, digital radio and television broadcasts will be introduced. The tender was won by so called Antenna Hungaria Ltd company. ( By the way, we visited Antenna Hungaria Ltd. in connection with our EDXC Conference 2001, on Monday, August 27 , 2001 ) . The digital distribution will take place alongside the earth surface and reception for radio and television will be obtained by simple roof--antennas. Hungary is planning a smooth transfer into the digital age for the entire country. The last analogue distribution system will be switched off first in the year 2011.
(From the newspaper " Nepszabadsag " on Saturday, July 26, 2008. Translated by Tibor Szilagyi.)

Friday, July 25, 2008

RSI - Special farewell programmes

Radio Singapore International - Farewell programmes

Commentators bid Farewell to RSI
RSI ceases transmission on 1 August 2008. Jason Tan speak to the many commentators who have generously donated their time to the station's programmes. Tune in to hear their thoughts on the station's end, their fond recollections of past interviews and their well-wishes to RSI's staff and listeners.
Sat 26 July 1135 hrs UTC

A view from RSI's listeners
Yvonne Gomez reads excerpts from listeners' letters and speaks to RSI's listeners to hear their views on the station's programmes over the years.
Thu 24 Jul 1220 hrs UTC
Sat 26 Jul 1205 hrs UTC
Sun 27 Jul 1105 hrs UTC
Wed 30 Jul 1235 hrs UTC

Good Night & Good Luck, RSI
RSI's presenters reminisce about the good ol' days! Stay tuned to learn more about how radio has changed their lives and what it means to have garnered loyal listeners in the course of their work!
Wed 30 Jul 1235 hrs UTC

RSI overseas
RSI producers act as ambassadors building bridges with friends in the region. As RSI ceases transmission, we speak to some of the producers from various language services of RSI on their experiences representing RSI Overseas.
Sun 27 Jul 1335 hrs UTC
Thu 31 Jul 1240 hrs UTC

RSI broadcasts between 1100-1400 hrs UTC (1900-2200 Singapore time) over 6080 kHz in the 49mb and 6150 kHz also in the 49mb.

(Via RSI English E-newsletter)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

QSL from VL8K, ABC Katherine


ON SUNDAY, 17TH AUGUST 2008   TIME :  9.30 A.M.
2nd Floor, Gate No.2, Sree Kanteerava Outdoor Stadium,
Near City Corporation /  Cubbon Park,
Kasturba Road,  BANGALORE-560 001.
Phone:  +91 94483 02677 
P.O BOX 1927. BANGALORE 560 019.
Chief Co-ordinator         : SATHYAPAL, VU2FI  + 91 94483 02677
Additional Co-ordinators:
Publicity and Hospitality: VARADAN, VU3ITI   + 91 94489 25461
Technical                     : RAM PRABHU -  VU2DEV
Ham Fair                     : JEGANNATHAN, VU3JIM
Reception / PRO          : SHEEL PATIL, VU2DGP   & 
                                     SUBBU, VU2ZUB 
Exhibitors have to registered their names on or before 10th August 2008.  Exhibitors either clubs, individuals willing to trade their products have to pay Rs. 200/- and for non-trading exhibitors it is free.   Persons are allowed to trade only in the notified area (Hall), not in any other premises of Sree Kanteerava Stadium, Bangalore.
(Via VU3ITI, G.Varadarajan)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

All India Radio completes 81 years

(23 July 2008 6:30 pm)
New Delhi: AIR (All India Radio) completed 81 years of operations on Wednesday. Once an only player in the country; the pubcaster has had to, with time, face competition with the arrival of private radio channels in the country.
Full story at :

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

TWR Debuts New Redesigned Web Site

TWR Debuts New Web Site
TWR invites you to visit its newly redesigned Web site! For several months, TWR collaborated with Virginia-based design and development firm Journey Group to create a dynamic, interactive online experience for the Mission's Web visitors. Come on in and take a click around. New or improved features include:
- a rotating, Flash-driven theme section with an in-depth look into one specific area of TWR's global ministry.
- more audio and video content, including various language programs on demand;
- a user-friendly program schedule search;
- an integrated site search;
- an opportunity to share your story with TWR;
- daily prayer updates;
- secure, streamlined giving options.
TWR is pleased to unveil this new Web site to longtime friends and supporters as well as new visitors interested in exploring TWR's global outreach and their potential role with the ministry.

Check out the new web site at

(TWR E-snapshots July 2008)

Monday, July 21, 2008

New website of HCJB Australia

HCJB Australia has a new website at :

Latest (May 2008) issue of HCJB Australia newsletter "HCJB News" is available for download at :

Radio Sweden turns 70

Radio Sweden turns 70 – and we want to celebrate our anniversary with you!
Make a video of yourself and tell us why Radio Sweden is an important part of your life. Post it on a video sharing website like and send us the link. We'll publish the best contributions on Radio Sweden's homepage. And the best video will be awarded a prize!
Send the link of your video to
Good luck from all of us here at Radio Sweden!

Indian Ambassador Meets Radio Sweden

Speaking with RS's Alexander Hirschfelder at her office in Stockholm, Indian Ambassador Deepa Gopalan Wadhwa's describes the strong democratic ties between India and Sweden – and how India is portrayed in the Swedish media.

Listen here!


Gerry Jackson: The radio heroine defying Mugabe's heavies

As Zimbabwe clamps down on free speech, Gerry Jackson's British radio station is reaching out to its most helpless citizens, writes Kim Thomas
Monday, 21 July 2008
Full story at :

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Being Ameen Sayani: Indian radio's golden voice

CNN-IBN's Anuradha SenGupta interviews the legend of Indian radio

Sri Lanka state radio to shed excess workers

By Ishara M Gamage
20 Jul, 2008 10:11:09
July 20, 2008 (LBO) - Sri Lanka's state radio will shed up to 400 excess employees by giving them a million rupee severance package senior officials said, while the broadcaster was reeling under mounting losses. Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) chairman Hudson Samarasinghe said employees who had worked for more than 10 years and are below the age of 52 could apply for the voluntary retirement scheme.
Full story at :

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Relays this weekend via 9290 kHz

July 19th
Latvia Today 10.00 -11.00UTC
Radio Casablanca 11.00 -12.00UTC

July 20th
Latvia Today 15.00 - 16.00 UTC

Good Listening
73s Tom Taylor

Radio Romania plans to celebrate 80 years of Romanian broadcasting with contest on Radio Listening

We are inviting you to write an essay on the topic "Why are you listening to the radio? Why are you listening to RRI? and send it by snail mail, fax, e-mail or you can fill in the form attached to the contest announcement on our website. Depending on how interesting, complex and though-provoking your essays are, you can win an interesting prize. There will be many substantial prizes and smaller prizes consisting in arts objects related to Romania and the Romanian culture and also to the public radio. This contest is taking place the very year when, on November 1st, Radio Romania celebrates 80 years of Romanian broadcasting. Furthermore, the most interesting essays will be quoted in RRI's Sunday's programs aired on November 2nd, more precisely on Listeners' Day. The contest is sponsored by SC Rombat SA from Bistrita, in northern Romania, and is being supported by the Agency for Government Strategies. Media partners are SC Publicatiile "Flacara" SA and the Romanian International station -TVRI. Please also state the reason why you decided to participate in this new contest. Our address is:
Radio Romania International,
General Berthelot street, 60-64,
sector 1, Bucharest, PO Box 111,
zip code 010165,
fax 00 40 21 319 05 62,
We'll be waiting for your answers by October 15th 2008, post date. The winners will be announced in late October 2008. Good luck!
(From RRI Website)

BBS launches website in national language Dzongkha

July 16: Bhutan Broadcasting Service (BBS) launched its Dzongkha website. You can now log on to for news in the national language. You do not have to install Dzongkha font in your computers to browse the website. Apart from news, both local and international, the website contains zakar, calendar, and a public article column. The website was inaugurated by the Secretary of Legal, Political and Cultural Affairs of the Cabinet Secretariat, Dasho Tashi Phuntshog. He is also the Chairman of the BBS Board of Directors. Kinga Penjor, a Dzongkha producer with the organization, said other features will be added to the website in future. This includes putting Zakar on yearly basis which will enable people to check Zakar for the whole year. The public will also be able to email dedications for request shows on BBS Radio. The website is dedicated to the centenary celebrations and the coronation of His Majesty the King. It is expected to be of immense help to grassroots leaders, religious personalities and Bhutanese who are Dzongkha literate. It also aims to contribute towards Dzongkha promotion in schools and institutions. Kinga Penjor said the website will also prove useful for the Bhutanese studying or working abroad.
(Source : BBS)

Friday, July 18, 2008

Delhiites have highest passion for radio listening, Mumbai is third

Radio Audience Measurement (RAM), a joint venture between Nielsen Media Research and IMRB International along with TAM Media Research, has released a comprehensive study on the radio penetration and viewership pattern of the four metros, including Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and especially Kolkata as it is the newest addition on the RAM radar.
Full story at :

Radio poised for a comeback

Maswood Alam Khan
The most punishing episode in one's life is 'to wait' uncertainly for something pleasant to happen: to wait for the postman to deliver the letter from your sweet heart or for the traffic surgeon to give the green signal for your car to move ahead, for instance. Such punishments I have been enduring almost everyday at different crossings along my driving routes during my both morning and evening commutes. To distract my frustrations of such agonizing waits I, while driving, regularly tune in to FM 100 meter band over my car radio to listen to BBC English Service. Thus I got used to my 40 minutes bumper-to-bumper drive as a fatalistic matter of fact and have been using my commuting time to keep myself updated with the latest happenings around the world and scholarly views and analyses from erudite correspondents and guest speakers of BBC London.

Full story at :

All India Radio, Kolkata - Unofficial website

Came across this unofficial website of All India Radio, Kolkata.
Kudos to Ranjan Mitra for painstakingly compiling all these info's, specially the photo of AIR buliding at Garstin Place which I beleive no longer exists. Great effort !
The components of the first txer used for Calcutta stationare now kept at 'National Science Centre,NewDelhi'.
Photo's can be seen here :

Bangladesh: Permission for 116 Community Radio Stations Advised

In principle permission to install about 116 Community Radio stations has been recommended by the National Regulatory Commission on Broadcasting. Yesterday 15 July, 2008 the National Regulatory committee of Community Radio decided after reviewing the recommendations of the technical sub-committee of Community Radio. These recommendations will be sending shortly to the Chief Advisor and Information Advisor of Non-party caretaker Government, People's Republic of Bangladesh for final approval. About 180 applications had been submitted. 56 Applications had been withheld by the regulatory committee after the report of technical sub committee. Emphasis had been given to establish 5 for coastal districts   and 3 for each district  according to the importance. In the related National regulatory committee of Community Radio meeting the chairperson of the committee and information secretary Mr. Jamil Osman presided. The  other member of the committee Mr. Md. Mahbubul Alam, Director General of Bangladesh Betar, Md. Abu Taher, Joint Secretary of information ministry, Mr. Humayun Kabir Khan, Joint Secretary of ministry of state, Mr. Anwarul Haque, Joint Secretary of ministry of Law, Professor Deen Mohammad of BUET, Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission(BTRC) director Let Col Md. Shahidul Alam and related officials were present. Information secretary Mr. Jamil Osman told in the meeting that these Community Radio Stations will focus on the grass root level population's well being, socio-economy and culture. He also said, Government has been taken the right steps to start the Community Radio movement successfully in the light of the laws & regulations. The related process will be finalized soon.
AHM. Bazlur Rahman-S21BR
Chief Executive Officer
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication(BNNRC)
& Member, Strategy Council
UN-Global Alliance for ICT and Development (UN GAID)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

BBC World ties up with Chandigarh-based FM radio

New Delhi (PTI): BBC World Service, international news and current affairs television channel, on Wednesday announced its tie up with a Chandigarh-based community FM radio station. After it BBC World Service program would be available on Vivek 90.4 FM, first community radio station of the city, said the international media group in a statement.Vivek 90.4 FM, a community radio station initiated by a local school, Vivek High School would air BBC programs from learning English, world opinion on technological advancements to environment, music, art and culture.
Full story at :

English radio lessons a hit in India

By Amarnath Tewary
Patna, Bihar
There is pin drop silence in a crammed classroom at a primary government school in the northern Indian state of Bihar. The students are looking inquisitively at a radio set perched on a plastic chair in the middle of the classroom in the capital, Patna. They are all waiting for a new English lesson to begin - on the radio. The lesson is called 'English is Fun' and teaches the basics of the language to primary school students.

Full story & pics at :

CVC Eng new address for Indian listeners

CVC has a new office in Bangalore, Indian listeners can send their snailmail for English langauage broadcasts at foll address :
PO BOX 3453
560034, INDIA.

Mails for CVC Hindi shud be sent to the usual old addresses :

CVC English :
CVC Hindi :

EMR Relay + internet service

EMR Relay + internet service
Date 20th of July 2008
Time 12.00 to 12.30 UTC - Paul Graham (oldies programme)
Channel 6140 khz
Our programme will also be available
at the following:
Good Listening
73s Tom Taylor

NIAR Silver Jubilee HF Contest

1. *Object*: To contact as many amateurs around the world as part of NIAR Silver Jubilee Celebrations.
2. *Eligibility*: All licensed amateurs & SWLs around the world.
3. *Contest Start*: Saturday 1200 UTC (5.30 pm IST), August 16, 2008.
4. *Contest End*: Sunday 1200 UTC (5.30 pm IST), August 17, 2008.
5. *Entry Categories*:
a.Single Operator (VU Stations): Using Home Brew rig
b.Single Operator (VU Stations): Using Commercial equipment
c.Foreign Class : High Power (Above 100 watts)
d. Foreign Class : Low Power (Below 100 watts)
e. SWL

6. *Bands*: 7 & 14 MHz. The same station may be contacted on both bands.
7. *Modes*: CW & Phone. The same station may be contacted on both modes.
8. *Contest exchange*: Signal Report and Serial Number of Contest Contact.
9. *QSO Points*:

* For VU Hams: *
QSOs with:
VU stations: 2 points
Asian stations: 3 points
Other DX stations: 5 points
VU Special station: 10 points
*For DX Hams:*
Asia – VU: 3 points
DX – VU: 5 points
Foreigners – VU special station: 10 points
Foreigners – Foreigners: 1 point.
Note: VU Special station is NIAR HQ Club station with the callsign VU2NRO or special callsign to be issued for NIAR Silver Jubilee.

For SWL category: 3 points for each contest QSO monitored.
SWLs must log the complete QSO consisting of the call including the Serial Number and the second call. Incomplete QSOs do not count. Every station counts once per band and mode for the SWLs.
10. *Final result*: Summery of QSO-points
11.* Reporting*:
Entries may be sent by post to:
Silver Jubilee Contest
National Institute of Amateur Radio
Raj Bhavan Road, Somajiguda
Hyderabad 500082, India

Computerized logs must be sent in adif; cabrillo format by email to:
The last date for receipt of entries is: September 17, 2008.
11. *Awards*:
1. A certificate will be awarded to 3 high scoring entries in each category.
2. The top scorer in Single Operator (VU Stations) using Home Brew rig. will receive a trophy sponsored by Mr. Franz Berndt, DL9GFB, Germany.
3. General membership to NIAR will be given to 5 high scoring entries in each category.
4. Participation certificates will be awarded to all those who send entries.
5. The Awards will be given at the NIAR Silver Jubilee Celebrations to be held at Hyderabad on October 18-20, 2008.
6. Staff members of NIAR are not eligible for Awards.
The entries shall be judged by a contest committee.
The decision of the Contest Committee shall be final.

National Institute of Amateur Radio
Raj Bhavan Road, Somajiguda
Hyderabad 500082, INDIA
Telefax: 91-40-2331 0287
Tel: 91-40-6516 7388
E mail:
Web site:
Club station: VU2NRO 14160 kHz
Echolink - VU2NRO-R, VU2RG-R

Monday, July 14, 2008

WRTH Summer schedules supplement now available

World Radio TV Handbook is pleased to announce that a supplement file for the summer schedules is now available for download from the WRTH website at
Direct link for download is :
The file is in Adobe pdf format and you will need the free acrobat reader to be able to read this file. The file runs to 6 pages and includes updates from international and target/clandestine broadcasters. We hope that you find this file a useful accompaniment to both the printed WRTH and also the additional Summer schedules supplement.

Regards from
WRTH Editorial team

FM wave hits Kerala as private operators woo listners

Read the Economics Times story :

Saturday, July 12, 2008

"A defining year for BBC World Service", says 2007/08 Annual Review

Date: 08.07.2008 
The BBC World Service Annual Review for 2007/08, published today, provides information about its performance during a year of major news events.. In his foreword, BBC World Service Director Nigel Chapman said: "It was a broadcasting year that saw the launch of the first BBC television news channel for a decade, improvements to our future media services, and the retention of our global radio listenership after the large increase of the previous 12 months. "In these ways, 2007/08 can be seen as a defining year; we demonstrated our ability to innovate while retaining the affection of audiences, who have been loyal to us for a large part of our history."

The review highlights: 
BBC World Service's further developing its multimedia strategy, including the launch of BBC Arabic television.  Independent research which indicates that BBC World Service's reputation for providing unbiased and objective news and information is stronger than that of any other international radio competitor in virtually all markets surveyed. BBC World Service's weekly radio audience estimate is 182 million listeners a week across its 33 language services – down one million on last year's record 183 million total. Its English language service attracted 40 million weekly listeners – up two million on last year. BBC World Service weekly audiences in Indian and Nigerian radio markets each grew by around a million or more during the year. BBC World Service is now available on FM in 154 capital cities, up from 152 last year. 
BBC World Service's online sites attracted a record 259.6 million page impressions in March 2008, compared to 189.8 million in March 2007   an increase of 37 per cent. The quality of its output being recognised with a record nine awards in the 2008 Sony Radio Academy Awards and the top award in the radio category of the Webbys   the Oscars of the internet. BBC Global News services – which include BBC World Service, BBC World News television and (the BBC's international-facing online news site)– maintaining its record global weekly audience of over 233 million during 2007/08. BBC World Service's Grant-in-aid funding for 2007/08 was £255 million. 
The Annual Review can be accessed at
(BBC World Service Press Office)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Radio Ceylon Hindi service- those were the days

Read this interesting article on Atul's blog :

Voice of America to Cut Language Services including HINDI

by Paul Kiel - July 9, 2008 1:23 pm EDT
The Voice of America plans to eliminate seven radio language services this year, reflecting the Bush administration's emphasis on outreach to the Muslim world. Among the cuts are the radio and TV broadcasts of the Russian service, along with radio broadcasts in Ukrainian, Serbian, Hindi, Macedonian, Bosnian and Georgian.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

AIR Shillong celebrates 60 years of broadcasting

SHILLONG, July 7 – In commemoration of 60 years of broadcasting in the North East Region, All India Radio, Shillong began its Diamond Jubilee celebration with a musical evening "Reliving Nostalgic Melodies" recently at U Soso Tham auditorium with live broadcast by the Station which was also relayed by AIR, Tura and Jowai, a PIB press release said. The function was attended by eminent artists of the Station who recalled the past glorious days of broadcasting. The function was graced by V. Sekhose, Dy. Director General, Doordarshan (NER) and C Lalrosanga, Dy. Director General, All India Radio (NER). In her speech, Sekhose appreciated the efforts made by AIR Shillong in organizing the concert. She also said that AIR is to play a crucial role in promoting and preserving the cultural heritage of the people of this region. Lalrosanga mentioned the contributions made by AIR Shillong in the field of music and culture within the North East Region. He said that at present there are 34 AIR stations throughout the North East including Sikkim. 100 watt FM transmitters are to be set up in the North East in the coming days which will increase the present AIR coverage to 96 per cent of the population in this region.

NIAR Silver Jubilee celebrations

National Institute of Amateur Radio Silver Jubilee celebrations will be held at NIAR Headquarter Hyderabad during October 18-20, 2008 followed by amateur radio activity from many Indian locations (including VU4 & VU7) after the event until November 3, 2008
Details at :

Apna Radio

Sabeer Bhatia set to lure the masses, this time by
9 Jul, 2008, 1819 hrs IST,
NEW DELHI: Hotmail co-founder Sabeer Bhatia is in a new avatar, this time with, a social and networking site. It is a refreshing, judicious mix of both - social and career networking needs of the people, who are already flummoxed, confused with the everyday-cropping up sites in this sector. With, now, there is no need to wander for network socially and professionally in divergent direction, it facilitates parallel networking in one place, in one time.
To begin with, in order to entice the mobile-crazy younger generation, ApnaCircle has brought in the exclusive feature of Unlimited Free SMS to any mobile in India. Not enough, it has also launched a brand new concept of Paid SMS, where the users would be paid for receiving SMS. With these two options open, you can tell your friends that whenever they SMS you, they should avail the opportunity provided in It is easy and efficient!  On Orkut also you can enjoy this feature by just adding up an application. Another brilliant feature added in the site is - "Apna Radio", it is a fresh  feature, quite likeable though, where you can listen to your choice of songs from a wide list available. Besides it, the site is amalgamated with regular features like Scrapbook, Messages, Communities, Unlimited Photos and Videos upload; Flight booking etc., and many more exciting features are in the pipeline. Best thing about the site is that while doing all these, user can earn points which they can redeem with exciting gifts on ApnaCircle by featured sponsors. Addressing the needs of the professionals, is rich; it offers attractive features like a "Professional profile" that serves as a professional introduction, with recommendations and references to boost it. The Job Search option provides a plethora of jobs for almost every individual. However, ApnaCircle is also in the social philanthropy field. It showcases the NGO Causes and Events section, where registered NGO's can emphasize the causes they work for, thus steering support and donations from the masses. In short, holds in store a bouquet of surprises for each and everyone to explore.


BBC World Service weekly audiences in India grow by one million Team
(9 July 2008 6:00 pm)
MUMBAI: BBC World Service's weekly radio audience estimate is 182 million listeners a week across its 33 language services – down one million on last year's record 183 million total. However the English language service attracted 40 million weekly listeners – up two million on last year. BBC World Service weekly audiences in Indian and Nigerian radio markets each grew by around a million or more during the year. BBC World Service is now available on FM in 154 capital cities, up from 152 last year.

Full story at :

UK MPs oppose off-shoring plans for BBC Hindi, Urdu Service

London (PTI): British MPs have moved a motion in the House of Commons opposing plans by the BBC to off-shore jobs in Hindi, Urdu and other World Service units to their countries of origin. Journalists from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and other units have been protesting against the moves by organising protests at the BBC office here. The National Union of Journalists has also taken up the case.

Ful story at :

75th anniversary for Public Broadcaster NRK

Today, July 1st it is 75 years since Norwegian Public Broadcaster NRK was officially established. However, the first test broadcasts were made already in 1923.Two years later, in 1925, the first broadcasting company was founded, and the first year of regular radio broadcasts became reality. 1925 was also the first year that the licence fee was collected. A permit was also required to own a radio.The first legislation covering NRK was passed in 1933, and the company was re established under its current name. All private broadcasting was shut down. NRK opened its first local offices in Tromsø, Bodø, Trondheim, Ålesund, Bergen, Stavanger, and Kristiansand that year. These cities had hosted private broadcasters before then, but became part of NRK under the new legislation. In 1935 the first mobile unit for producing radio programmes was developed, and radio increased its popularity. The Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation is among the most successful broadcasters in Europe. Compared with the major media houses of Europe, NRK is a small broadcaster. However, NRK has always managed to hold a leading position in technology and methods for providing the audience with the best content. NRK consists of three main TV channels, three main radio channels, several  niche channels on the radio, the Internet, podcast and mobile phone. NRK's headquarters are located in Norway's capital, Oslo. NRK also has 12 regional offices where journalists produce radio and TV programmes for regional broadcasts and for the national network, as well as the Internet, podcasts and mobile phones. There are NRK offices in 47 different locations in Norway, with 10 correspondents and stringers abroad. NRK is a limited company. The Norwegian government owns 100 % of the shares.  The Minister of Cultural Affairs convenes NRK's General Meeting.
Rolleiv Solholm
(Paul via "Hard-Core-DX" e-group )


Vividh Bharati-an outstanding Radio channel

Read this nostalgic article on Vividh Bharati by Atul, brings backs your childhood memories :

Sunday, July 06, 2008

BBC Bengali extends FM broadcasts to 6 cities

BBC Bengali will broadcast a series of special programmes, starting Sunday 6 July, to mark the recent launch of six new BBC FM frequencies across Bangladesh including BBC 105.4 FM in Chittagong. The special season will launch with a debate entitled Chittagong: Apnar Shohor, Apnar Proshno (Chittagong: Your City, Your Question) on BBC Bengali radio on Sunday 6 July. It will also broadcast on Channel i television on Monday 7 July and will be followed by three days of radio programming exploring all aspects of life in Bangladesh's second largest city. Audiences will be able to listen online at . Sabir Mustafa, Editor of BBC Bengali Service, will host Chittagong: Your City, Your Question in the presence of an invited audience. He said: "The expansion of the BBC's FM broadcasts in Bangladesh is a major step in serving our audiences better. The special season of programming from Chittagong will not only remind audiences to tune into BBC 105.4 FM in the city but will also help us to build closer ties with the residents of this historic and vibrant port." BBC Benagli Service broadcasts news and current affairs, sports, science, and cultural features to the Bengali-speaking community worldwide and is regarded as a reference point for accuracy and impartiality. It has 16.8 million listeners in Bangladesh and over 2.4 million listeners in India with bureaus in Dhaka, Kolkata and New Delhi. Millions of Bengali -speakers across the world can also access BBC Bengali programmes in audio at
The six new FM frequencies in Bangladesh are: 101.2 FM in Comilla; 102 FM in Khulna; 105.4 FM in Chittagong; 105 FM in Rajashahi; 105.4 FM in Rangpur and 105 FM in Sylhet. They complement the existing BBC 100 FM currently broadcasting in Dhaka.

(BBC Press Release)

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Tune In For Better Times

Saturday, 5 July 2008
From Tehelka Magazine, Vol 5, Issue 27, Dated July 12, 2008
An English-teaching radio programme in Bihar is breaking down many barriers to the language, reports ANAND ST DAS
Full story at :


Relays this weekend via 9290 kHz

July 5th
Latvia Today 08.00 - 09.00UTC   - 9290 kHz
Radi Joystick 09.00 - 10.00UTC  - 9290 kHz
July 6th
Radio Victoria 11.00 -12.00UTC  - 9290 kHz
Latvia Today 12.00 -13.00UTC    - 9290 kHz

MV Baltic Radio is on this Sunday
On the 6th of July 2008
At 1159 UTC on 6140 KHz
MV Baltic Radio is on the air from the transmitting station in Wertachtal.
We will be using a non-directional antenna system (Quadrant antenna).
Good Listening  
Tom Taylor

Friday, July 04, 2008

19 stations of AIR FM Rainbow will begin broadcasting news

Prasar Bharati does not strive for profits

ASIANAGE 03 July, 2008 04:08:36
July 3: Public broadcaster Prasar Bharati's financial condition may not be very robust, however, as its chief executive office (CEO) B.S. Lalli puts it, "We are not a commercial organisation. We don't strive to make profits." For, as he explains, Prasar Bharati performs a public broadcasting service under the Prasar Bharati Act and it has to perform its functions as per the act. Of course, he does add that the earning of revenue is not something that is in conflict with public service broadcasting. Even so, he maintains that in 2007-08, Prasar Bharati made more revenue even though the focus is not on making profits. Mr Lalli was speaking to reporters here on Thursday while announcing the news "expansion" where All-India Radio's (AIR) FM channels are concerned. He said that all the 19 station of FM Rainbow will now begin broadcasting news which isn't the case at present. He said they will have hourly news bulletins though he clarified that not all have 24-hour broadcasting at present. With all 19 stations broadcasting news, it will mean an additional 49 news bulletins in regional languages. At present the total number of news bulletins by AIR is 511 in 87 languages and dialects, he said. As for the other AIR FM channel, FM Gold, Mr Lalli said that by July-end, it will also be providing more news content and news-based programmes. Among the other aspects of the present move towards news expansion is to provide news on FM channels in Jammu and Kashmir, an additional Urdu news bulletin from Radio Kashmir, Srinagar and an increase in the Hindi news bulletin duration from AIR Port Blair.

Results for AWR Wavescan Contest

Wavescan Alphabet DX Contest

Adventist World Radio takes pleasure in announcing the results of our recent listener contest in our DX program, "Wavescan". Even though these days "Wavescan" is beamed mostly to listeners in Asia, yet there was a concentration of entries from listeners in Europe, the Americas, the South Pacific, and of course, from many countries in Asia itself.
The "Wavescan" DX contest this year invited listeners to make up a list of the QSLs in their collection that illustrate the 26 letters of the English alphabet, one QSL for each letter. Participants were also invited to provide copies of what they considered to be the best five in their list, and also to submit three reception reports on AWR radio transmissions, as well as three radio oriented cards. The world winner will receive a copy of Jerry Berg's first book, "On the Short Waves", and continental winners will receive a copy of either "Passport to World Band Radio" or "World Radio TV Handbook". In addition, curios and souvenirs will also be sent out to many of the entrants in appreciation for their participation.
And here is the information you are waiting for! The world winner for our big "Alphabet DX Contest, 2008" is: Gunter Jacob of Passau in Germany; and thank you, Gunter for your excellent entry. Those of you who have been following our contest results over the years will note that this is now the 3rd occasion in which Gunter has achieved the top honor as world winner in our international DX contest.

The continental winners for the 2008 contest are:
Europe Uwe Volk Lehrte Germany
Asia Takuji Sahara Tokyo Japan
Pacific Hans Kiesinger Maroochydore Queensland Australia
USA Edward Insinger Summit New Jersey
Americas Ashok Kumar Bose Mississauga Ontario Canada

In addition, we have chosen the following four entries for recognition in the new c ategory "Honorable Mention", and they are:-
Christian Ghibaudo Nice France
Jose Jacob Hyderabad India
Patrick Jeffers Cheshire England
Tony Ashar Depok Indonesia

To all you others who entered the contest, we say a big "thank you", and you will receive your awards in due course through the mail system. Allow us to express appreciation to every one of you, representing many widespread countries around our world, for entering the contest this year. Due to the widespread international interest in this year's contest, Adventist World Radio is giving careful consideration to the possibility of conducting another DX contest next year in our program, "Wavescan".

Dr. Adrian Peterson
DX Editor
Adventist World Radio

Jim Allen Named HCJB Global’s Acting President

As Christian ministry worldwide goes through various transitions, HCJB Global is going through a change of its own. On Monday, June 16, James "Jim" Allen was named acting president of HCJB Global, replacing Dave Johnson who had been president since 2001. As acting president, Allen will serve until a full-time president is elected.

Full story at :

RFE/RL to end its broadcasts to Romania and Macedonia

RFE/RL changes its tune
New head to guide the former Cold War radio as it pushes into Asia

By Kimberly Ashton
Staff Writer, The Prague Post
February 21st, 2007 issue
New President Jeffrey Gedmin will find himself overseeing a retooled Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) next month, with an increased focus on Iran and a diminished presence in Europe. This month the Prague-based, U.S. Congress–funded station announced it is doubling the time slot of its evening newscast to Iran to one hour. The broadcast is operated by Radio Farda, a Farsi-language offshoot of RFE/RL that began in 1998. Meanwhile, RFE/RL has implemented cutbacks in its European coverage and is scheduled to end its broadcasts to Romania and Macedonia and reduce them to Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and parts of former Yugoslavia. In 2004, RFE/RL cut six European-language services: Slovak, Bulgarian, Croatian, Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian. RFE/RL now broadcasts to 20 countries in 28 languages, 18 of which address mostly Muslim audiences, according to the station. It broadcasts about 1,000 hours of programming a week from Prague and reaches about 35 million listeners. About 500 people, a third of them Czechs, work in the Prague office.

Full story at :

Thursday, July 03, 2008

SWR's 8 years

Dear listeners ,

Time of Scandinavian Weekend Radio's 8th Birthday transmission on Saturday 5th of July. We are starting 21 hours UTC Friday evening for 24 hours on 1602, 6170/5980 and 11720/11690 kHz. Check our program, time and frequency tables from
Lot of more information there as well. +358 400 995559 call and send your SMS's
info(at) send your e-mails here. Letters and reports for QSL's (add 2 euros/2 IRC's) write to:

SWR reports
P.O.Box 99

Best greetings,
Alpo Heinonen
Scandinavian Weekend Radio

Sushma Singh is new I&B secretary

Sushma Singh, a 1972 batch Jharkhand (then Bihar) cadre IAS officer, has been appointed Secretary, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting. She had served as Secretary in the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region since 2006, and was the Secretary, Ministry of Panchayati Raj prior to her latest appointment. Singh succeeds 1973 batch IAS officer Asha Swarup, who has left to take charge of her new assignment in her home cadre as the chief secretary of Himachal Pradesh. Singh retires from service in May 2009.

Good Morning, Chennai

By Hema Vijay

When Meenakshi, 28, tuned in to the radio, it was only to lighten her daily drudgery of washing dishes and clothes. However, just by accident, the young housewife heard the strains of 107.8 MHz. "It was the dialect that caught my attention. The voice on air sounded different. The woman on the radio was speaking 'slum' Tamil, unlike the anglicised Tamil common on the FM channel," she recounts. Meenakshi lives with her husband and three children in a one-room shanty in Chennai's Teynampet slum.
The female voice on the radio reminded listeners about the polio vaccination drive being conducted in the city that day and of the deformities that a polio attack can lead to. "I wound up the washing and dragged my children to locate a polio camp," admits Meenakshi, now a loyal listener of 'Penne Nee Arivaai' (Lady, You Should Know). 'Penne Nee Arivaai' is a community radio programme broadcast thrice a day by M.O.P. Vaishnav College for Women, Chennai.

Full story at :

Silicon City Ham Meet 2008 - Postponed

Dear Friends,


The Silicon city Ham Meet 2008 @ Bangalore @ Indian Institute of Hams
premises is postponed. Fresh dates will be announced.


The garden city contested will be conducted on hf 40 meters for
Vuhams as per plan. ( phone contest)

Date: Starts at 06.00 Hrs IST on 26 July 2008 ends at 18:00 Hrs 27 July 2008.

This contest is for VU Hams and 4S7 Hams. Every contact counts one
point. No dx contacts. Those completes contacting 100 VU stations in
the contest will get a
seperate certificate. The log shold reach by 15 of august 2008. Send
the log to P.O.BOX 1927, Bangalore 560 019. ( I.I.H Post Box). All are
requested to participate in the contest and forward this info to all


Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Roberts launches world's first solar powered DAB radio

ROBERTS Solar DAB is the world's first solar powered DAB radio. This stylish and compact portable radio has a solar panel integrated into the top of the unit which absorbs direct sunlight in order to power the radio. There is a level indicator on the diplay screen that shows the strength of the solar level being absorbed, if the level is over half, the unit is being powered directly by the sun. The built in rechargeable battery pack is being continuously charged whilst the radio is in direct sunlight. Once charged, the batteries will last up to 27 hours, the radio can then be used in complete darkness for this period until it will need re-charging either by sunlight or the mains adaptor.
Features :
DAB radio
Solar, battery or mains powered
Built-in rechargeable battery pack
Function icons for solar level, battery and signal strength
Soft touch rubberised controls
Specification :
Band III and L band coverage
Multi language support
White backlit LCD display
Line in socket for iPod/MP3 playback
Headphone socket
AC adaptor / charger included
Available in white, black, pink, red or green Size (mm) 190(w) x 110(h) x 80(d) Weight 672g

Product User Guide

“Community radio stations vital”

Staff Reporter
PUDUCHERRY: Chief Minister N. Rangasamy on Tuesday said steps should be taken to set up more Community Radio (CR) stations, especially in villages, in the Union Territory. Inaugurating the third regional consultation on community radio awareness, organised by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in association with the Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia, he said CR stations facilitated easy access to local news and information. "At present, there are three CR stations in Puducherry. The number should increase to help villagers," he said. "The Centre offers an assistance of Rs. 14 lakh to start a CR station. Through the stations, we can provide information to women self-help groups, farmers and cooperative sugar mills," Mr. Rangasamy said. The Pondicherry University would soon set up a radio station, he said, urging NGOs to set up CR stations. Vice- Chancellor of Pondicherry University J.A.K. Tareen said outreach was missing from the thrust areas of higher education in the 11th Five Year Plan. "The thrust areas are access, equity and excellence. The gap will be filled by community radios," he said. Joint Secretary of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Zohra Chatterji said a total of 246 FM licences had been issued to private players in the country. "Following this, we expect a similar quantum jump with CR to empower the marginalised people," he said. The Ministry had issued 102 letters of intent for CR stations, of which 32 were for NGOs and 42 for educational institutions. "We had received 246 applications, including those from educational institutions. The southern States are ahead of other regions in setting up CR stations," she said. Vice-Chancellor of Madurai Kamaraj University Karpaga Kumaravel, former Vice-Chancellor of Karnataka State Open University N.S. Ramegowda, Managing Director of Sri Manakula Vinayagar Educational Trust M. Dhanasekaran and director of Commonwealth Media Centre for Asia R. Sreedher spoke.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

DX Quiz - 2008 from Ardic DX Club (ADXC), India

In 2008 the Ardic DX Club celebrates its 10th anniversary. For ten years it has been the primary source of information for dxing enthusiasts all over the Tamil Nadu, India. In order to celebrate this event, a quiz is being organised. The quiz is open to anyone, regardless of location or club membership. The quiz does not solely deal with Tamil Dxing, but covers very different radio aspects. Answering following 18 questions you can show your radio knowledge. No quiz without prizes of course. You wish to contribute a prize? Please contact me! And to make the contest interesting to everybody, a few prizes will be given randomly to entrants. So if the questions look hard, participate anyway.

Quiz starts from 1 July 2008
Last date for the entry 30 August 2008

Quiz Questions are in

T. Jaisakthivel
Ardic DX Club
59, Annai Sathya Nagar
Chennai - 600 106
Tamil Nadu

If you have any questions on the contest, please write to us at:
ardicdxclub (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) in. Please carefully read the rules and conditions before sending any questions.

Special QSL
Along with quiz answers you have to submit at least 3 reception reports on any AIR (All India Radio) transmissions from any location in any mode. The correct reception reports will get the special limited edition of World Smallest QSL card, Special 75th week Radio World Sticker and the AIR pennant. Participants must send one New IRC to the club address for that QSL. Indian listener must send Rs.10/- mint stamps for return QSL. Those who are do not want the QSL, they are also participate without any condition.