BBC World Service will receive £70 million of extra funding from the UK Government for the three year period from 2008/2009 to 2010/2011.
The announcement was made by Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling during his Comprehensive Spending Review announcement in Parliament on Tuesday, October 9.
The announcement formally confirmed £15m per annum funding for a BBC news and information television channel in the Farsi (Persian) language for Iran which will be launched next year.
BBC World Service also received funding to enhance its forthcoming Arabic language television news and information channel.
The services in Arabic and Farsi will be the first television news services to be launched by the BBC in a decade and they will be the first television services to be publicly funded by Grant-in-aid from the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office.
The overall settlement also includes £1m per annum from 2009/10 to enhance BBC World Service’s multi-media operations in languages relevant to ethnic communities resident in the UK.
BBC World Service Director Nigel Chapman said: “As we mark the 75th birthday of the BBC’s service to the world this December, this settlement strengthens BBC World Service’s future as a multi-media provider of high quality independent and impartial news and information around the world."
(Source: CBA)
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
BBC World Service celebrates 75 years of broadcasting

This year the BBC World Service celebrates 75 years of
broadcasting. In this audio archive, each of those years
will be looked at in a special one-minute-long programme,
based on our vast radio archive.
Presented by Helen Boaden, the BBC's Director of News,
the series will look at how mass communications have
changed the world, and how the world has changed the
The series begins in 1932, with the rather downbeat
words of the BBC's founder, Lord Reith: "as to programmes
- don't expect too much in the early days... The programmes
will neither be very interesting nor very good."
It covers innovations in broadcasting and charts changing
styles in reporting.
But the highlights are those unforgettable moments from
radio and television that bring 20th century history to
life: the abdication speech of Edward VIII; the Hindenburg
airship going up in flames; the War of the Worlds panic
in the US; Charles de Gaulle speaking to the Free French
from the BBC in 1940; Churchill's famous speeches;
Hungarian Free Radio's last desperate call for help as
Russian tanks rolled into Budapest; the first man on the
And in amongst those well-known moments is some astonishing
radio, from propaganda jazz songs from World War II, to the
sound of Radio Mille Collines, the station whose hate-filled
broadcasts played such a key role in the horrific Rwandan
genocide in 1994.
This 75th anniversary has given the BBC World Service a
chance to look back at what has been achieved by
broadcasting over the years, to dig through its archives,
and to find some truly amazing gems.
Taken altogether, they provide an insight into not just
the history of broadcasting - but the history of the world.
More anniversary stuff can be found at :
News channel to go on All India Radio
Tuesday October 9 2007 12:09 IST
Samiran Sarangi
BHUBANESWAR: The battle for airwaves is beginning to get hotter.
For all the cut-throat competition between the TV news channels, the All India Radio is gearing up to set on air a dedicated news channel. The enthusiasm for the project is drawn from the report of the Audience Research Bureau under Prasar Bharati, which has termed the venture viable after carrying out an extensive survey across the country.
“Radio is still the most preferred medium for millions as far as news is concerned. We want to cash in on people’s trust and also propel the growing interest in radio,” Director-General (News) P K Bandopadhayaya said.
The channel is expected to go on air during the 11th Plan Period. He was speaking to this paper on sidelines of a ‘Reorientation programme for part-time correspondents’ here on Monday.
Figures state that there are about 35 crore radio listeners in the country at present. Bandopadhayaya said, localising news content would be the other focus area of the public broadcaster during the 11th Plan period.
“We have realised that people are more interested in local news and relate to them easily than what’s happening in distant lands. Hence the news programmes are being structured accordingly,” he said.
AIR might also increase the duration of news-based programmes after conducting a feasibility study. On improving reception quality, DRM technology would be introduced in all the centres to improve the quality of sound and avoid overlapping of sound waves.
The ‘news-on-phone’ service of AIR would also be extended to all the 44 regional news units, including Cuttack. The service has apparently gained immense popularity since it was launched four years back. In places like Kerala, the service receives 30,000 to 40,000 requests every day. Any one can dial 1258 (Hindi) or 1259 (English) to get the latest news over phone.
About allowing private FM stations to broadcast news content, he said quoting Information and Broadcasting Minister Priya Ranjan Dasmunsi that a monitoring mechanism needs to be set up first before considering such a move.
Samiran Sarangi
BHUBANESWAR: The battle for airwaves is beginning to get hotter.
For all the cut-throat competition between the TV news channels, the All India Radio is gearing up to set on air a dedicated news channel. The enthusiasm for the project is drawn from the report of the Audience Research Bureau under Prasar Bharati, which has termed the venture viable after carrying out an extensive survey across the country.
“Radio is still the most preferred medium for millions as far as news is concerned. We want to cash in on people’s trust and also propel the growing interest in radio,” Director-General (News) P K Bandopadhayaya said.
The channel is expected to go on air during the 11th Plan Period. He was speaking to this paper on sidelines of a ‘Reorientation programme for part-time correspondents’ here on Monday.
Figures state that there are about 35 crore radio listeners in the country at present. Bandopadhayaya said, localising news content would be the other focus area of the public broadcaster during the 11th Plan period.
“We have realised that people are more interested in local news and relate to them easily than what’s happening in distant lands. Hence the news programmes are being structured accordingly,” he said.
AIR might also increase the duration of news-based programmes after conducting a feasibility study. On improving reception quality, DRM technology would be introduced in all the centres to improve the quality of sound and avoid overlapping of sound waves.
The ‘news-on-phone’ service of AIR would also be extended to all the 44 regional news units, including Cuttack. The service has apparently gained immense popularity since it was launched four years back. In places like Kerala, the service receives 30,000 to 40,000 requests every day. Any one can dial 1258 (Hindi) or 1259 (English) to get the latest news over phone.
About allowing private FM stations to broadcast news content, he said quoting Information and Broadcasting Minister Priya Ranjan Dasmunsi that a monitoring mechanism needs to be set up first before considering such a move.
28 OCT 20007 - 30 MAR 2007
Albanian 9765 31 0700-0730 CAK 250
Albanian 11910 25 1230-1300 CAK 250
Bosnian 9525 31 1430-1500 CAK 500
Bosnian 6055 49 1900-1930 CAK 250
Bulgarian 7105 41 1200-1230 CAK 250
Croatian-Serbian 7155 41 1700-1730 EMR 500
English 6020 49 0400-0500 EMR 500
English 12035 25 1330-1430 EMR 500
English 6055 49 1930-2030 EMR 500
English 5960 49 2300-2400 EMR 500
French 7155 41 2030-2130 EMR 500
German 17700 16 1230-1330 EMR 500
German 7205 41 1830-1930 EMR 500
Greek 9840 31 1130-1200 CAK 250
Greek 6185 49 1530-1600 CAK 250
Hungarian1 3770 22 1100-1130 EMR 500
Italian 6185 49 1730-1800 EMR 500
Macedonian 11895 25 0900-0930 CAK 250
Rumanian 9560 31 1000-1030 CAK 250
Russian 7215 41 1400-1500 EMR 500
Russian 6135 49 1800-1900 EMR 500
Spanish 9865 31 0200-0300 EMR 500
Spanish 7160 41 1730-1830 EMR 500
Turkish 5980 49 1400-1630 EMR 500
Turkish 5980 49 1630-2200 EMR 500
Turkish 9700 31 0500-0800 EMR 500
Turkish 15350 19 0800-1400 CAK 500
English 6020 49 0400-0500 EMR 500
English 5960 49 2300-2400 EMR 500
Spanish 9865 31 0200-0300 EMR 500
Turkish 5980 49 1630-2200 EMR 500
English 11735 25 1330-1430 EMR 500
English 7180 41 2130-2230 EMR 500
Turkish 15475 19 1000-1400 EMR 500
Turkish 7190 41 1630-2000 EMR 500
Arabic 11910 25 1000-1200 EMR 500
Arabic 13690 22 1000-1200 EMR 500
Arabic 6175 49 1500-1700 EMR 500
Azerbaijani 11835 25 0800-0900 CAK 250
Azerbaijani 15160 19 0800-0900 EMR 500
Azerbaijani 5965 49 1500-1600 EMR 500
Chinese 12050 25 1200-1300 EMR 500
English 7240 41 0400-0500 EMR 500
English 11735 25 1330-1430 EMR 500
English 7180 41 2130-2230 EMR 500
Georgian 9840 31 0800-0900 EMR 500
Greek 7295 41 1130-1200 CAK 250
Kazakh 9785 31 1430-1500 EMR 500
Kyrgyz 9655 31 1430-1500 CAK 500
Persian 11795 25 0930-1100 EMR 500
Persian 17690 16 0930-1100 EMR 500
Persian 9585 31 1330-1430 EMR 500
Russian 7215 41 1400-1500 EMR 500
Russian 6135 49 1800-1900 EMR 500
Tatar 6140 49 1600-1630 CAK 500
Turkish 9820 31 0500-0800 EMR 500
Turkish 11925 25 0800-1000 EMR 500
Turkish 11955 25 0800-1400 CAK 500
Turkish 7180 41 0200-0400 EMR 500
Turkish 15475 19 1000-1400 EMR 500
Turkish 7190 41 1630-2000 EMR 500
Turkish 6165 49 1630-2200 EMR 500
Turkish 6120 49 1630-2200 CAK 500
Turkmen 6065 49 1500-1530 EMR 500
Urdu 11985 25 1300-1400 EMR 500
Uzbek 11830 25 1300-1330 EMR 500
Arabic 11910 25 1000-1200 EMR 500
Arabic 11945 25 1500-1700 EMR 500
Arabic 6175 49 1500-1700 EMR 500
English 7240 41 0400-0500 EMR 500
French 6050 49 2030-2130 EMR 500
Turkish 11955 25 0800-1400 CAK 500
Turkish 6120 49 1630-2200 CAK 500
28 OCT 20007 - 30 MAR 2007
Albanian 9765 31 0700-0730 CAK 250
Albanian 11910 25 1230-1300 CAK 250
Bosnian 9525 31 1430-1500 CAK 500
Bosnian 6055 49 1900-1930 CAK 250
Bulgarian 7105 41 1200-1230 CAK 250
Croatian-Serbian 7155 41 1700-1730 EMR 500
English 6020 49 0400-0500 EMR 500
English 12035 25 1330-1430 EMR 500
English 6055 49 1930-2030 EMR 500
English 5960 49 2300-2400 EMR 500
French 7155 41 2030-2130 EMR 500
German 17700 16 1230-1330 EMR 500
German 7205 41 1830-1930 EMR 500
Greek 9840 31 1130-1200 CAK 250
Greek 6185 49 1530-1600 CAK 250
Hungarian1 3770 22 1100-1130 EMR 500
Italian 6185 49 1730-1800 EMR 500
Macedonian 11895 25 0900-0930 CAK 250
Rumanian 9560 31 1000-1030 CAK 250
Russian 7215 41 1400-1500 EMR 500
Russian 6135 49 1800-1900 EMR 500
Spanish 9865 31 0200-0300 EMR 500
Spanish 7160 41 1730-1830 EMR 500
Turkish 5980 49 1400-1630 EMR 500
Turkish 5980 49 1630-2200 EMR 500
Turkish 9700 31 0500-0800 EMR 500
Turkish 15350 19 0800-1400 CAK 500
English 6020 49 0400-0500 EMR 500
English 5960 49 2300-2400 EMR 500
Spanish 9865 31 0200-0300 EMR 500
Turkish 5980 49 1630-2200 EMR 500
English 11735 25 1330-1430 EMR 500
English 7180 41 2130-2230 EMR 500
Turkish 15475 19 1000-1400 EMR 500
Turkish 7190 41 1630-2000 EMR 500
Arabic 11910 25 1000-1200 EMR 500
Arabic 13690 22 1000-1200 EMR 500
Arabic 6175 49 1500-1700 EMR 500
Azerbaijani 11835 25 0800-0900 CAK 250
Azerbaijani 15160 19 0800-0900 EMR 500
Azerbaijani 5965 49 1500-1600 EMR 500
Chinese 12050 25 1200-1300 EMR 500
English 7240 41 0400-0500 EMR 500
English 11735 25 1330-1430 EMR 500
English 7180 41 2130-2230 EMR 500
Georgian 9840 31 0800-0900 EMR 500
Greek 7295 41 1130-1200 CAK 250
Kazakh 9785 31 1430-1500 EMR 500
Kyrgyz 9655 31 1430-1500 CAK 500
Persian 11795 25 0930-1100 EMR 500
Persian 17690 16 0930-1100 EMR 500
Persian 9585 31 1330-1430 EMR 500
Russian 7215 41 1400-1500 EMR 500
Russian 6135 49 1800-1900 EMR 500
Tatar 6140 49 1600-1630 CAK 500
Turkish 9820 31 0500-0800 EMR 500
Turkish 11925 25 0800-1000 EMR 500
Turkish 11955 25 0800-1400 CAK 500
Turkish 7180 41 0200-0400 EMR 500
Turkish 15475 19 1000-1400 EMR 500
Turkish 7190 41 1630-2000 EMR 500
Turkish 6165 49 1630-2200 EMR 500
Turkish 6120 49 1630-2200 CAK 500
Turkmen 6065 49 1500-1530 EMR 500
Urdu 11985 25 1300-1400 EMR 500
Uzbek 11830 25 1300-1330 EMR 500
Arabic 11910 25 1000-1200 EMR 500
Arabic 11945 25 1500-1700 EMR 500
Arabic 6175 49 1500-1700 EMR 500
English 7240 41 0400-0500 EMR 500
French 6050 49 2030-2130 EMR 500
Turkish 11955 25 0800-1400 CAK 500
Turkish 6120 49 1630-2200 CAK 500
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Adventist World Radio B07

AWR Broadcast Schedule B07
(2007-10-28 to 2008-03-30)
Version 01/2007-09-28/pub
Site Start Stop Language Target Area kHz m kW Days
SDA 0000 0200 Mandarin C/N-China 17880 16 100 1234567
SDA 0000 0030 Burmese Myanmar 17635 16 100 1234567
SDA 0000 0200 Mandarin NE-China 12035 25 100 1234567
SDA 0030 0100 Karen M'mar,Thai,China 17635 16 100 1234567
TAI 0100 0200 Vietnamese Vietnam 15445 19 100 7
SDA 0100 0200 Mandarin S-China 17635 16 100 1234567
MOS 0200 0230 Urdu Pakistan 5965 49 300 1234567
MDC 0230 0330 Malagasy Madagascar 3215 90 50 1234567
MOS 0230 0300 Pushto Pakistan 5965 49 300 12345
MOS 0230 0300 Panjabi Pakistan 5965 49 300 67
WER 0300 0330 Oromo S-Ethiopia 7185 41 250 1234567
SDA 0300 0330 Russian E-Russia 17645 16 100 1234567
WER 0300 0330 Tigrinya Eritrea 7315 41 250 1234567
MOS 0330 0400 Farsi Iran 6040 49 300 1234567
WER 0330 0400 Amharic Ethiopia 7315 41 250 1234567
MOS 0400 0430 Arabic Iraq,Arab 7210 41 300 1234567
MOS 0430 0500 French Morocco,Algeria 6045 49 300 1234567
WER 0500 0600 Bulgarian Bulgaria 6045 49 100 1234567
JUL 0700 0800 Arabic Morocco,Algeria 9595 31 100 1234567
JUL 0800 0830 Tachelhit Morocco,Algeria 11975 25 100 1234567
JUL 0800 0830 French Morocco,Algeria 12010 25 100 1234567
JUL 0830 0900 Tachelhit Morocco,Algeria 12010 25 100 1234567
SDA 1000 1100 Mandarin S-China 15260 19 100 1234567
SDA 1000 1100 Mandarin C/N-China 11995 25 100 1234567
JUL 1000 1100 Italian Italy 9610 31 100 1
SDA 1030 1100 Ilocano Philippines 11870 25 100 1
SDA 1030 1100 Ilonggo Philippines 11870 25 100 45
SDA 1030 1100 Tagalog Philippines 11870 25 100 23
SDA 1030 1100 Cebuano Philippines 11870 25 100 67
SDA 1030 1100 Mongolian N-China,Mongolia11730 25 100 1234567
SDA 1100 1200 Mandarin C/N-China 11825 25 100 1234567
SDA 1100 1130 Indonesian W-Indonesia 11840 25 100 1234567
SDA 1100 1200 Mandarin NE-China 11730 25 100 1234567
SDA 1100 1200 Mandarin S-China 12120 25 100 1234567
SDA 1130 1200 English Indonesia,Malaysia 15260 19 100 1234567
SDA 1200 1300 Korean Korea 9800 31 100 1234567
SDA 1200 1300 Mandarin S-China 12120 25 100 1234567
SDA 1200 1300 Mandarin C/N-China 11825 25 100 1234567
WER 1200 1230 English NE-India,B'desh 15495 19 250 1234567
SDA 1200 1300 Mandarin NE-China 9875 31 100 1234567
WER 1230 1300 Bangla NE-India,B'desh 15495 19 250 1234567
SDA 1300 1330 Japanese W-Japan 11755 25 100 1234567
MDC 1300 1400 Vietnamese Vietnam 17670 16 250 1234567
SDA 1300 1330 Bangla Bangladesh 15660 19 100 1234567
SDA 1300 1330 Japanese Japan 11980 25 100 1234567
SDA 1300 1400 Mandarin C/N-China 9615 31 100 1234567
WER 1300 1330 Mandarin W-China 11720 25 250 23456
WER 1300 1330 Uighur W-China 11720 25 250 17
SDA 1330 1400 English Bangladesh 15660 19 100 23567
WER 1330 1500 Mandarin W-China 11725 25 250 1234567
SDA 1330 1400 Khmer Cambod,Viet,Thai,Laos 11695 25 100 14
SDA 1330 1400 Assamese NE-India 15660 19 100 14
SDA 1330 1400 Russian E-Russia 9510 31 100 1234567
MOS 1400 1430 Urdu Pakistan 15440 19 300 1234567
SDA 1400 1500 Mandarin S-China 9635 31 100 1234567
SDA 1400 1430 Sinhalese Sri Lanka 15255 19 100 1234567
SDA 1400 1430 Chin Myanmar 11940 25 100 1234567
SDA 1400 1500 Mandarin C/N-China 9810 31 100 1234567
MOS 1430 1500 Afar Djibouti,NE-Ethiopia,Somalia 17610 16 300 1234567
SDA 1430 1500 Burmese Myanmar 11770 25 100 1234567
SDA 1430 1500 Karen M'mar,Thai,China 11940 25 100 1234567
SDA 1500 1530 Mizo NE-India 11610 25 100 1234567
SDA 1500 1530 Telugu S-India 9355 31 100 1234567
WER 1500 1530 Nepali Nepal 11675 25 250 1234567
SDA 1500 1530 English S-India 12105 25 100 1234567
SDA 1500 1530 Tamil S-India 11985 25 100 1234567
MOS 1500 1530 Turkish Turkey 15160 19 300 1234567
WER 1500 1530 Panjabi N-India 9855 31 250 1234567
SDA 1530 1600 Malayalam S-India 11985 25 100 1234567
SDA 1530 1600 Marathi C-India 11935 25 100 1234567
WER 1530 1600 Hindi N-India 9855 31 250 1234567
MDC 1530 1628 Malagasy Madagascar 3215 90 50 1234567
SDA 1530 1600 Kannada S-India 11690 25 100 1234567
WER 1530 1600 English Nepal, Tibet 11675 25 250 1234567
SDA 1530 1600 Hindi C-India 12105 25 100 1234567
MOS 1600 1630 Urdu Pakistan 11910 25 300 1234567
SDA 1600 1630 English S-India 11690 25 100 1234567
SDA 1600 1630 English C-India 9585 31 100 1234567
SDA 1600 1630 Urdu N-India 11980 25 100 1234567
WER 1630 1700 Somali Somalia 11905 25 250 1234567
MOS 1630 1700 Farsi Iran 9540 31 300 1234567
SDA 1630 1700 English N-India 11980 25 100 1234567
SDA 1700 1730 Hindi ME 11795 25 100 1234567
SDA 1700 1730 Ilocano ME 9980 31 100 1
SDA 1700 1730 Ilonggo ME 9980 31 100 45
SDA 1700 1730 Cebuano ME 9980 31 100 67
MEY 1700 1730 Kiswahili Tanzania,Kenya,Uganda 11915 25 250 1234567
MOS 1700 1730 Arabic Iraq,Arab Peninsula 9445 31 300 1234567
SDA 1700 1730 Tagalog ME 9980 31 100 23
SDA 1730 1800 English ME 9980 31 100 1234567
MEY 1730 1800 Masai Tanzania, Kenya 11915 25 250 1234567
WER 1730 1800 Oromo S-Ethiopia 11795 25 250 1234567
JUL 1730 1800 Kabyle Morocco,Algeria 9640 31 100 1234567
SDA 1730 1800 Tamil ME 11695 25 100 1234567
MOS 1800 1830 Col English S-Sudan 9825 31 300 4
MOS 1800 1830 Moru S-Sudan 9825 31 300 1
MOS 1800 1830 Dinka S-Sudan 9825 31 300 5
MOS 1800 1830 Bari S-Sudan 9825 31 300 2
MEY 1800 1830 English E-Africa 11830 25 250 1234567
MOS 1800 1830 Juba Arabic S-Sudan 9825 31 300 3
MOS 1800 1830 Acholi S-Sudan 9825 31 300 7
MOS 1800 1830 Zande S-Sudan 9825 31 300 6
MEY 1800 1830 English Botswana,S.Africa,Zim 3345 90 100 1234567
MEY 1800 1830 English SW-Africa 3215 90 100 1234567
MOS 1830 1900 Arabic Libya 9605 31 300 1234567
JUL 1900 2000 Arabic Morocco,Algeria 11955 25 100 1234567
MOS 1900 1930 Ibo E-Nigeria 9535 31 300 1234567
JUL 1900 1930 Arabic Morocco,Algeria 9880 31 100 1234567
MEY 1900 1930 Fulfulde Cameroon,Ghana,Senegal 15240 19 250 1234567
JUL 1930 2000 Tachelhit Morocco,Algeria 9880 31 100 1234567
MOS 1930 2000 French C-Africa 9535 31 100 1234567
MEY 1930 2000 Hausa Nigeria 11750 25 250 1234567
MEY 2000 2030 French Cameroon,Niger 11845 25 250 1234567
MOS 2000 2030 Dyula Burk.Faso,Ivory Coast,Mali 9770 31 300 1234567
JUL 2000 2030 French Morocco,Algeria 9805 31 100 1234567
WER 2000 2030 Farsi Iran 7110 41 250 1234567
MEY 2000 2030 English C-Africa 9655 31 250 1234567
MEY 2030 2100 Yoruba Nigeria 11845 25 250 1234567
MOS 2030 2100 French W-Africa 9805 31 300 1234567
JUL 2030 2100 Mandarin Morocco, Algeria 9505 31 100 1234567
SDA 2100 2130 Japanese W-Japan 11960 25 100 1234567
MOS 2100 2130 English W-Africa 9830 31 300 1234567
SDA 2100 2200 Mandarin C/N-China 5985 49 100 1234567
SDA 2100 2200 Korean Korea 6000 49 100 1234567
SDA 2100 2130 Japanese Japan 11980 25 100 1234567
SDA 2130 2200 English W-Japan,S-China 9720 31 100 1234567
SDA 2200 2300 Mandarin C/N-China 11895 25 100 1234567
SDA 2200 2230 Indonesian W-Indonesia 11965 25 100 1234567
SDA 2200 2300 Mandarin NE-China 11685 25 100 1234567
SDA 2200 2230 Indonesian W-Indonesia 11850 25 100 1234567
SDA 2230 2300 English W-Indonesia 15320 19 100 1234567
SDA 2300 2400 Mandarin NE-China 11700 25 100 1234567
SDA 2300 2400 Mandarin C/N-China 15370 19 100 1234567
SDA 2300 2400 Vietnamese S-Vietnam 15320 19 100 1234567
JUL = Jülich
MDC = Madagascar
MEY = Meyerton
MOS = Moosbrunn
SDA = Agat
TAI = Taipei
WER = Wertachtal
1 = Sunday
2 = Monday
3 = Tuesday
4 = Wednesday
5 = Thursday
6 = Friday
7 = Saturday
AWR Frequency Management Office
Sandwiesenstr. 35, 64665 Alsbach,
Phone: +49 6257 9440969
Fax: +49 6257 9440985
Radio TV Malaysia B07

(28 Oct,2007 - 30 March,2008)
3385 2200 1500 54NE MIR 10 DAILY LOCAL
4845 0000 2400 54NW KAJ 100 DAILY TAMIL
4895 2200 0100 54NE STA 10 DAILY LOCAL
4895 0800 1500 54NE STA 10 DAILY LOCAL
4970 2100 1800 54NE TUA 10 DAILY LOCAL
5005 2200 1500 54NE SIB 10 DAILY LOCAL
5030 2200 2400 54NE STA 10 DAILY LOCAL
5965 0000 2400 54NW KAJ 100 DAILY MALAY
5980 2200 1500 54NE TUA 10 DAILY LOCAL
6050 0200 1700 54NW KAJ 50 DAILY LOCAL/MALAY
6050 0200 1500 54NE SIB 10 DAILY LOCAL
6060 0400 1500 54NE MIR 10 DAILY LOCAL
6100 1300 1530 49N,49SW KAJ 100 DAILY THAI/BUR
6175 0300 0830 54W KAJ 100 DAILY ENGLISH
6175 1000 1900 54W KAJ 100 DAILY INDOMALAY
7130 0400 0600 54NE STA 10 DAILY LOCAL
7270 0800 1500 54NE STA 100 DAILY LOCAL
7295 0000 2400 54NW KAJ 100 DAILY ENGLISH
9750 0300 0830 54SE KAJ 100 DAILY ENGLISH
9750 1000 1900 54SE KAJ 100 DAILY INDOMALAY
11885 1030 1230 44N,45NW KAJ 100 DAILY CHINESE
15295 0300 1230 55,58-60 KAJ 250 DAILY ENG/CHINES
15295 1530 1900 39 KAJ 250 DAILY ARAB/MALAY
Updated: 24 Sept,2007
Corrections/updates at :
Radio Taiwan Intl B07 Schdule
Radio Taiwan International B07
(Oct 28,2007 - March 30,2008)
UTC Days Tgt Freq Site Pwr
0000-0500 daily CHN 11885 TWN 100
0000-0500 daily CHN 11640 TWN 100
0000-0400 daily CHN 15245 TWN 100
0000-0300 daily CHN 9660 TWN 100
0200-0500 daily CHN 15290 TWN 250
0400-0500 daily CHN 1008 TWN 600
0400-0500 daily SeA 15320 TWN 100
0400-0500 daily NwAm 5950 WYFR 100
0400-0500 daily CAm 9680 WYFR 100
0400-0600 daily CHN 15270 TWN 100
0900-1000 daily SeA 11635,15525,11520 TWN 100
0900-1100 daily CHN 9415 TWN 100
0900-1400 daily CHN 6150 TWN 100
0900-1500 daily CHN 6085 TWN 300
0900-1100 daily CHN 1422 TWN 50
0900-1600 daily CHN 11665 TWN 300
0900-1600 daily CHN 603 TWN 1000
0900-1800 daily CHN 7185 TWN 100
0900-1800 daily CHN 1008 TWN 600
1000-1200 daily CHN 1503 TWN 600
1000-1400 daily CHN 9780 TWN 100
1100-1800 daily CHN 9680 TWN 100
1100-1300 daily CHN 11710 TWN 100
1200-1300 daily SeA 15465 TWN 100
1300-1330 daily CHN 1503 TWN 600
1300-1400 daily SeA 15265 TWN 250
1300-1500 daily SeA 7445 TWN 100
1300-1800 daily CHN 1098 TWN 300
1400-1800 daily CHN 6145/7130 TWN 100
1600-1700 daily CHN 1503 TWN 600
1600-1800 daily CHN 7365 TWN 300
2200-2400 daily CHN 11710 TWN 300
2200-2400 daily CHN 11885 TWN 100
2200-2400 daily CHN 6105 TWN 100
2200-2400 daily SeA 11635 TWN 100
2200-2400 daily NeAm 5950 WYFR 100
2200-2400 daily NwAm 15440 WYFR 100
2200-2400 daily CHN 6150 TWN 100
2200-2300 daily EU 3965 Issoudun 250
2300-2400 daily CHN 15245 TWN 100
0000-0100 daily SeA 11875 TWN 250
0500-0600 daily CHN 1008,1422 TWN 600/50
1100-1200 daily CHN 1206 TWN 100
1200-1300 daily NeA 11715 TWN 100
1300-1400 daily SeA 15465 TWN 100
1300-1400 daily SeA 11635 TWN 100
2100-2200 daily NeAm 5950 WYFR 100
0100-0200 daily SeA 15290 TWN 250
0100-0200 daily NeAm 5950 WYFR 100
0100-0200 daily NwAm 15440 WYFR 100
0200-0300 dialySeA 15610 TWN 100
0500-0600 daily SeA 15320 TWN 100
0500-0600 daily cNAm 9680 WYFR 100
0500-0600 daily NwAm 5950 WYFR 100
1000-1100 daily SeA 15525 TWN 100
1000-1100 daily SeA 11635 TWN 100
1000-1100 daily SeA 15270 TWN 100
1200-1300 daily CHN 1206 TWN 100
1200-1300 daily SeA 11915 TWN 250
1200-1300 daily CHN 6105 TWN 100
0000-0100 daily NeAm 5950 WYFR 100
0200-0300 daily NwAm 15440 WYFR 100
0300-0400 daily SeA 15610 TWN 100
1100-1200 daily CHN 6105 TWN 100
1100-1200 daily SeA 11635 TWN 100
1100-1200 daily SeA 15465 TWN 100
1300-1400 daily SeA 15175 TWN 100
1300-1400 daily SeA 11915 TWN 250
1500-1600 daily SeA 11550 TWN 250
0100-0200 daily SeA 11875 TWN 250
0200-0300 daily cNAm 9680 WYFR 100
0200-0300 daily NeAm 5950 WYFR 100
0300-0400 daily SeA 15320 TWN 100
0300-0400 daily SAm 15215 WYFR 100
0300-0400 daily NwAm 5950 WYFR 100
0700-0800 daily NwAm 5950 WYFR 100
1100-1200 daily SeA 7445 TWN 100
1100-1200 Thurs CHN 747 TWN 250
1100-1200 Thurs CHN 1422 TWN 50
1200-1300 Fri WEU 9750 Rampisham 35 (DRM)
1600-1700 daily SeA ??? Issoudun 500 (details awtd)
1600-1700 daily CHN,SAs 11550 TWN 100
1700-1800 daily Af 15690 Issoudun 500
1800-1900 daily WEU 3965 Issoudun 250
2200-2300 daily EU 9355 WYFR 100
0700-0800 daily Eu 5745 WYFR 100
1900-2000 daily wEu 3985 Skelton 250
2000-2100 daily Eu 11665 WYFR 100
2000-2100 daily NeAm 13695 WYFR 100
1900-2000 daily Af 3965 Issoudun 500
0200-0300 daily SAm 15215,11825 WYFR 100
0400-0500 daily CAm 11740 WYFR 100
0600-0700 daily CAm 5950 WYFR 100
2000-2100 daily Eu 3965 Issoudum 500
2300-2400 daily SAm 9690,11720 WYFR 100
0600-0700 daily Eu 7780 WYFR 100
1900-2000 daily Eu 3955 Skelton 250
2000-2100 daily Eu 11565 WYFR 100
2100-2200 daily WEU 3965 Issoudun 250
1100-1200 daily WRUS 11985 TWN 100
1400-1500 daily CRUS 15225 Issoudan 500
1700-1800 daily WRUS 11705 Issoudan 500
0800-0930 daily NeA 11605 TWN 250
1100-1400 daily NeA 9735 TWN 250
1100-1200 daily NeA 7130 TWN 50
0900-1000 daily SeA 15270 TWN 100
1300-1400 daily CHN 1206/1422 TWN 100
1400-1500 daily SeA 11550 TWN 250
2300-2400 daily SeA 15465 TWN 100
1400-1500 daily CHN 747 TWN 250
1400-1500 daily SeA 11635 TWN 100
1500-1600 daily SeA 7445 TWN 100
1500-1600 daily SeA 1503 TWN 600
2200-2300 daily SeA 1503 TWN 600
2200-2400 daily SeA 1422 TWN 100
0300-0400 daily CHN 1422 TWN 50
1000-1100 daily SeA 11520 TWN 250
1000-1100 daily SeA 11550 TWN 250
1200-1300 daily SeA 1422 TWN 100
1400-1500 daily SeA 11875 TWN 250
Code for Tgt Area and Countries
CAm-Central America
NAm-North America
NEm-North East America
ME-Middle East
SAm-South America
SAs-South Asia
SeA- South East Asia
KEBAR AM 1210 kHz, Sacramento CA, USA
Mandarin: 2000-2300, Cantonese: 2300-2400, local time
DRM English stream: 9750kHz, Friday UTC 1500-1600 via Rampisham, UK
Reports to :
Postal Address :RTI,55 Pei- An Rd. TAIPEI, TAIWAN, ROC
RTI Web Site :
Telephone :886-2-2885-6168 ext. 387 or 385
Fax : 886-2-2886-7088
Updates/corrections welcome at :
(Oct 28,2007 - March 30,2008)
UTC Days Tgt Freq Site Pwr
0000-0500 daily CHN 11885 TWN 100
0000-0500 daily CHN 11640 TWN 100
0000-0400 daily CHN 15245 TWN 100
0000-0300 daily CHN 9660 TWN 100
0200-0500 daily CHN 15290 TWN 250
0400-0500 daily CHN 1008 TWN 600
0400-0500 daily SeA 15320 TWN 100
0400-0500 daily NwAm 5950 WYFR 100
0400-0500 daily CAm 9680 WYFR 100
0400-0600 daily CHN 15270 TWN 100
0900-1000 daily SeA 11635,15525,11520 TWN 100
0900-1100 daily CHN 9415 TWN 100
0900-1400 daily CHN 6150 TWN 100
0900-1500 daily CHN 6085 TWN 300
0900-1100 daily CHN 1422 TWN 50
0900-1600 daily CHN 11665 TWN 300
0900-1600 daily CHN 603 TWN 1000
0900-1800 daily CHN 7185 TWN 100
0900-1800 daily CHN 1008 TWN 600
1000-1200 daily CHN 1503 TWN 600
1000-1400 daily CHN 9780 TWN 100
1100-1800 daily CHN 9680 TWN 100
1100-1300 daily CHN 11710 TWN 100
1200-1300 daily SeA 15465 TWN 100
1300-1330 daily CHN 1503 TWN 600
1300-1400 daily SeA 15265 TWN 250
1300-1500 daily SeA 7445 TWN 100
1300-1800 daily CHN 1098 TWN 300
1400-1800 daily CHN 6145/7130 TWN 100
1600-1700 daily CHN 1503 TWN 600
1600-1800 daily CHN 7365 TWN 300
2200-2400 daily CHN 11710 TWN 300
2200-2400 daily CHN 11885 TWN 100
2200-2400 daily CHN 6105 TWN 100
2200-2400 daily SeA 11635 TWN 100
2200-2400 daily NeAm 5950 WYFR 100
2200-2400 daily NwAm 15440 WYFR 100
2200-2400 daily CHN 6150 TWN 100
2200-2300 daily EU 3965 Issoudun 250
2300-2400 daily CHN 15245 TWN 100
0000-0100 daily SeA 11875 TWN 250
0500-0600 daily CHN 1008,1422 TWN 600/50
1100-1200 daily CHN 1206 TWN 100
1200-1300 daily NeA 11715 TWN 100
1300-1400 daily SeA 15465 TWN 100
1300-1400 daily SeA 11635 TWN 100
2100-2200 daily NeAm 5950 WYFR 100
0100-0200 daily SeA 15290 TWN 250
0100-0200 daily NeAm 5950 WYFR 100
0100-0200 daily NwAm 15440 WYFR 100
0200-0300 dialySeA 15610 TWN 100
0500-0600 daily SeA 15320 TWN 100
0500-0600 daily cNAm 9680 WYFR 100
0500-0600 daily NwAm 5950 WYFR 100
1000-1100 daily SeA 15525 TWN 100
1000-1100 daily SeA 11635 TWN 100
1000-1100 daily SeA 15270 TWN 100
1200-1300 daily CHN 1206 TWN 100
1200-1300 daily SeA 11915 TWN 250
1200-1300 daily CHN 6105 TWN 100
0000-0100 daily NeAm 5950 WYFR 100
0200-0300 daily NwAm 15440 WYFR 100
0300-0400 daily SeA 15610 TWN 100
1100-1200 daily CHN 6105 TWN 100
1100-1200 daily SeA 11635 TWN 100
1100-1200 daily SeA 15465 TWN 100
1300-1400 daily SeA 15175 TWN 100
1300-1400 daily SeA 11915 TWN 250
1500-1600 daily SeA 11550 TWN 250
0100-0200 daily SeA 11875 TWN 250
0200-0300 daily cNAm 9680 WYFR 100
0200-0300 daily NeAm 5950 WYFR 100
0300-0400 daily SeA 15320 TWN 100
0300-0400 daily SAm 15215 WYFR 100
0300-0400 daily NwAm 5950 WYFR 100
0700-0800 daily NwAm 5950 WYFR 100
1100-1200 daily SeA 7445 TWN 100
1100-1200 Thurs CHN 747 TWN 250
1100-1200 Thurs CHN 1422 TWN 50
1200-1300 Fri WEU 9750 Rampisham 35 (DRM)
1600-1700 daily SeA ??? Issoudun 500 (details awtd)
1600-1700 daily CHN,SAs 11550 TWN 100
1700-1800 daily Af 15690 Issoudun 500
1800-1900 daily WEU 3965 Issoudun 250
2200-2300 daily EU 9355 WYFR 100
0700-0800 daily Eu 5745 WYFR 100
1900-2000 daily wEu 3985 Skelton 250
2000-2100 daily Eu 11665 WYFR 100
2000-2100 daily NeAm 13695 WYFR 100
1900-2000 daily Af 3965 Issoudun 500
0200-0300 daily SAm 15215,11825 WYFR 100
0400-0500 daily CAm 11740 WYFR 100
0600-0700 daily CAm 5950 WYFR 100
2000-2100 daily Eu 3965 Issoudum 500
2300-2400 daily SAm 9690,11720 WYFR 100
0600-0700 daily Eu 7780 WYFR 100
1900-2000 daily Eu 3955 Skelton 250
2000-2100 daily Eu 11565 WYFR 100
2100-2200 daily WEU 3965 Issoudun 250
1100-1200 daily WRUS 11985 TWN 100
1400-1500 daily CRUS 15225 Issoudan 500
1700-1800 daily WRUS 11705 Issoudan 500
0800-0930 daily NeA 11605 TWN 250
1100-1400 daily NeA 9735 TWN 250
1100-1200 daily NeA 7130 TWN 50
0900-1000 daily SeA 15270 TWN 100
1300-1400 daily CHN 1206/1422 TWN 100
1400-1500 daily SeA 11550 TWN 250
2300-2400 daily SeA 15465 TWN 100
1400-1500 daily CHN 747 TWN 250
1400-1500 daily SeA 11635 TWN 100
1500-1600 daily SeA 7445 TWN 100
1500-1600 daily SeA 1503 TWN 600
2200-2300 daily SeA 1503 TWN 600
2200-2400 daily SeA 1422 TWN 100
0300-0400 daily CHN 1422 TWN 50
1000-1100 daily SeA 11520 TWN 250
1000-1100 daily SeA 11550 TWN 250
1200-1300 daily SeA 1422 TWN 100
1400-1500 daily SeA 11875 TWN 250
Code for Tgt Area and Countries
CAm-Central America
NAm-North America
NEm-North East America
ME-Middle East
SAm-South America
SAs-South Asia
SeA- South East Asia
KEBAR AM 1210 kHz, Sacramento CA, USA
Mandarin: 2000-2300, Cantonese: 2300-2400, local time
DRM English stream: 9750kHz, Friday UTC 1500-1600 via Rampisham, UK
Reports to :
Postal Address :RTI,55 Pei- An Rd. TAIPEI, TAIWAN, ROC
RTI Web Site :
Telephone :886-2-2885-6168 ext. 387 or 385
Fax : 886-2-2886-7088
Updates/corrections welcome at :
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Hungarian Radio B07
HUNGARY Winter B-07 schedule of Hungarian Radio in Hungarian:
0100-0158 on 5980 JBR 250 kW / 306 deg to NoAm Radio Budapest
0200-0258 on 6145 JBR 250 kW / 306 deg to NoAm Radio Budapest
0400-0800 on 3975 JBR 250 kW / non-dir to WeEu "Koshut Radio" Mon-Sat
0400-1100 on 6025 JBR 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu "Koshut Radio" Mon-Sat
0500-0830 on 3975 JBR 250 kW / non-dir to WeEu "Koshut Radio" Sun
0500-0830 on 6145 JBR 250 kW / 288 deg to WeEu "Koshut Radio" Sun
0500-1100 on 6025 JBR 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu "Koshut Radio" Sun
1100-1200 on 3975 JBR 250 kW / non-dir to WeEu "Koshut Radio"
1100-2200 on 6025 JBR 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu "Koshut Radio"
1200-1258 on 17690 JBR 250 kW / 075 deg to AUS Radio Budapest
1500-1800 on 3975 JBR 250 kW / non-dir to WeEu "Koshut Radio"
1900-1958 on 3975 JBR 250 kW / non-dir to WeEu Radio Budapest
1900-1958 on 9845 JBR 250 kW / 075 deg to AUS Radio Budapest
2000-2100 on 3975 JBR 250 kW / non-dir to WeEu "Koshut Radio"
2100-2158 on 3975 JBR 250 kW / non-dir to WeEu Radio Budapest
2100-2158 on 5970 JBR 250 kW / 306 deg to NoAm Radio Budapest
2200-2300 on 3975 JBR 250 kW / non-dir to WeEu "Koshut Radio"
2200-2300 on 5980 JBR 250 kW / non-dir to WeEu "Koshut Radio"
2200-2300 on 6025 JBR 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu "Koshut Radio"
2300-2358 on 9665 JBR 250 kW / 245 deg to SoAm Radio Budapest
2300-2400 on 6025 JBR 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu "Koshut Radio" Sat/Sun
Source : Ivo Ivanov, DX MIX NEWS # 488, 03 October 2007
0100-0158 on 5980 JBR 250 kW / 306 deg to NoAm Radio Budapest
0200-0258 on 6145 JBR 250 kW / 306 deg to NoAm Radio Budapest
0400-0800 on 3975 JBR 250 kW / non-dir to WeEu "Koshut Radio" Mon-Sat
0400-1100 on 6025 JBR 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu "Koshut Radio" Mon-Sat
0500-0830 on 3975 JBR 250 kW / non-dir to WeEu "Koshut Radio" Sun
0500-0830 on 6145 JBR 250 kW / 288 deg to WeEu "Koshut Radio" Sun
0500-1100 on 6025 JBR 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu "Koshut Radio" Sun
1100-1200 on 3975 JBR 250 kW / non-dir to WeEu "Koshut Radio"
1100-2200 on 6025 JBR 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu "Koshut Radio"
1200-1258 on 17690 JBR 250 kW / 075 deg to AUS Radio Budapest
1500-1800 on 3975 JBR 250 kW / non-dir to WeEu "Koshut Radio"
1900-1958 on 3975 JBR 250 kW / non-dir to WeEu Radio Budapest
1900-1958 on 9845 JBR 250 kW / 075 deg to AUS Radio Budapest
2000-2100 on 3975 JBR 250 kW / non-dir to WeEu "Koshut Radio"
2100-2158 on 3975 JBR 250 kW / non-dir to WeEu Radio Budapest
2100-2158 on 5970 JBR 250 kW / 306 deg to NoAm Radio Budapest
2200-2300 on 3975 JBR 250 kW / non-dir to WeEu "Koshut Radio"
2200-2300 on 5980 JBR 250 kW / non-dir to WeEu "Koshut Radio"
2200-2300 on 6025 JBR 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu "Koshut Radio"
2300-2358 on 9665 JBR 250 kW / 245 deg to SoAm Radio Budapest
2300-2400 on 6025 JBR 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu "Koshut Radio" Sat/Sun
Source : Ivo Ivanov, DX MIX NEWS # 488, 03 October 2007
Radio Tirana B07
ALBANIA Winter B-07 schedule of Radio Tirana
0000-0130 on 6110 SHI 100 kW / 300 deg to NoAm
0000-0130 on 7425 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm
0730-0900 on 1458 FLA 500 kW / 338 deg to WeEu
0730-0900 on 7105 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu
0901-1000 on 1395 FLA 500 kW / 033 deg to WeEu
0901-1000 on 7105 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu
1500-1630 on 1458 FLA 500 kW / non-dir to WeEu
2130-2300 on 6005 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu
2130-2300 on 7430 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to WeEu
0245-0300 on 6110 SHI 100 kW / 300 deg to NoAm
0245-0300 on 7425 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm
0330-0400 on 6110 SHI 100 kW / 300 deg to NoAm
0330-0400 on 7425 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm
1500-1530 on 13640 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm
1945-2000 on 6135 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to U.K.
1945-2000 on 7465 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to U.K.
2100-2130 on 7430 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to U.K.
2100-2130 on 9915 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm
1900-1930 on 1458 FLA 500 kW / 338 deg to Germany
2031-2100 on 7465 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to Germany
1645-1700 on 1458 FLA 500 kW / non-dir to Greece
1830-1900 on 7430 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to France
2001-2030 on 7465 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to France
1830-1900 on 7500 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to Italy
2001-2030 on 6035 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to Italy
1900-1915 on 6125 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to Serbia
2115-2130 on 1458 FLA 500 kW / 004 deg to Serbia
1630-1645 on 1458 FLA 500 kW / non-dir to Turkey
Source : Ivo Ivanov,DX MIX NEWS # 488, 03 October 2007
0000-0130 on 6110 SHI 100 kW / 300 deg to NoAm
0000-0130 on 7425 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm
0730-0900 on 1458 FLA 500 kW / 338 deg to WeEu
0730-0900 on 7105 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu
0901-1000 on 1395 FLA 500 kW / 033 deg to WeEu
0901-1000 on 7105 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu
1500-1630 on 1458 FLA 500 kW / non-dir to WeEu
2130-2300 on 6005 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu
2130-2300 on 7430 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to WeEu
0245-0300 on 6110 SHI 100 kW / 300 deg to NoAm
0245-0300 on 7425 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm
0330-0400 on 6110 SHI 100 kW / 300 deg to NoAm
0330-0400 on 7425 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm
1500-1530 on 13640 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm
1945-2000 on 6135 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to U.K.
1945-2000 on 7465 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to U.K.
2100-2130 on 7430 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to U.K.
2100-2130 on 9915 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to NoAm
1900-1930 on 1458 FLA 500 kW / 338 deg to Germany
2031-2100 on 7465 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to Germany
1645-1700 on 1458 FLA 500 kW / non-dir to Greece
1830-1900 on 7430 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to France
2001-2030 on 7465 SHI 100 kW / 310 deg to France
1830-1900 on 7500 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to Italy
2001-2030 on 6035 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to Italy
1900-1915 on 6125 SHI 100 kW / non-dir to Serbia
2115-2130 on 1458 FLA 500 kW / 004 deg to Serbia
1630-1645 on 1458 FLA 500 kW / non-dir to Turkey
Source : Ivo Ivanov,DX MIX NEWS # 488, 03 October 2007
Govt. bans Red FM for seven days
New Delhi, Oct. 3 (PTI): Terming the remarks of Red FM
radio jockey against the Gorkha community as "derogatory",
the Government has banned the radio channel for seven days.
"The remarks indeed hurt the sentiments of the Gorkha
(Nepali) community and the steps taken by them did not
help as the violence continued even after that. So we
decided to impose a ban of seven days on the channel," a
senior Information and Broadcasting ministry official said,
adding the order would be subject to the outcome of Telecom
Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal's hearing.
The ban would be subject to the outcome of the channel's
appeal against the showcause notice by the Ministry in the
TDSAT, which will take up the matter tomorrow.
The alleged derogatory remarks made by a radio jockey of
the channel on the winner of Indian Idol, Prashant Tamang,
had triggered clashes and violence in Siliguri last week.
radio jockey against the Gorkha community as "derogatory",
the Government has banned the radio channel for seven days.
"The remarks indeed hurt the sentiments of the Gorkha
(Nepali) community and the steps taken by them did not
help as the violence continued even after that. So we
decided to impose a ban of seven days on the channel," a
senior Information and Broadcasting ministry official said,
adding the order would be subject to the outcome of Telecom
Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal's hearing.
The ban would be subject to the outcome of the channel's
appeal against the showcause notice by the Ministry in the
TDSAT, which will take up the matter tomorrow.
The alleged derogatory remarks made by a radio jockey of
the channel on the winner of Indian Idol, Prashant Tamang,
had triggered clashes and violence in Siliguri last week.
All India Radio Vividh Bharati Service celebrates Golden Jubilee
All India Radio Vividh Bharati Service
The popular Vividh Bharati Service of All India Radio was
conceptualized to combat 'Radio Ceylon' in 1957. Within no time it
proved to be a popular channel of every household. The service
provides entertainment for nearly 15 to 17 hours a day. It presents a
mix of film music, skits, short plays and interactive programmes, Some
of the old popular programmes of Vividh Bharati are 'SANGEET SARITA',
GEET' ETC., are still distinctly recongnised by the listeners. From
time to time new programmes were introduced like 'BISCOPE KE BATEIN',
All these programmes are produced centrally at Vividh Bharati
Service,Borivili, Mumbai and up-linked to the satellite. 40 Vividh
Bharati stations across the country down-linked these programmes
through captive earth stations provided at each of these AIR stations.
Some local programme windows are also provided at these stations to
give regional flavour to the listeners. These 40 Vividh Bharati
stations are known as Commercial Broadcasting Service Stations and are
located at all major and commercially vibrant cities covering 97% of
the Indian population. In 1999 Vividh Bharati Service proved its
success connecting Indian Soliders posted on remote border areas to
their family members through a special programme entitled "Hello
Kargil", through which not only the family members of the soliders ,
but even a layman including young and old conveyed their best wishes
to the soliders to keep up their morale. Eminent actors, play back
singers, renowned writers, lyricists, directors and music directors
have found way to express their experience and opinion through the
Vividh Bharati Platform . A special programme entitled "Ujaale Unki
Yaadon Ke" takes the listeners into the world of nostalgia dipping
into the memories of the artists of the yester years. With the advent
of new technology the transmission of programmes gradually migrated
from earlier medium wave transmission to high quality digital stereo
FM. Commercials were introduced initially in the Vividh Bharati
Service in the year 1967 on an experimental basis. Realising the role
of advertising in accelerating the social and material progress of the
country, commercials were extended to Primary channels including FM &
Local Radio Stations in a phased manner. Advertsing on Radio is not
only cost effective to the advertisers but also has the potential to
reach far flung areas where no other mass media has succeeded in
making any tangible dent.
Some of the popular programmes of Vividh Bharat can also be heard on
our National Channel from 2300 hrs. to 0600 hrs. This service now
enjoys global listenership through Direct to Home Service (DTH)
besides other 11 channels of All India Radio.
Source : All India Radio
Vividh Bharati: Connecting a nation with music and memories for 50 yrs
Lekha Agarwal
Posted online: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 at 12:00:00
Mumbai, October 2 From the Jaisalmer border, soldiers have written to
us…they brave the scorching sun and hot winds to protect our borders.
In those trying climatic conditions, there is something else they
protect just as fiercely—their transistors. They will bake in the sun,
but keep their transistors in the shade because if that heats up, they
can't tune in to Vividh Bharati," said a proud Assistant Station
Director Mahendra Modi.
That's not surprising—for in 1999, at the peak of the Kargil War, it
was Vividh Bharati that connected soldiers with their families across
the country, through a special programme "Hello Kargil".
And it's a proud moment for Modi—he has been with the All India Radio
for four decades now—and his team at the Vividh Bharati Service in
Borivili as they gear up to celebrate Wednesday, the day this very
popular service of AIR completes 50 years. For, it is from this
building opposite the Gorai bus depot that programmes synonymous with
the radio channel—like 'Bhule Bisre Geet', 'Sangeet Sarita', 'Hawa
Mahal', 'Jaimala' etc—are centrally produced and uplinked to
satellite, to be dished out to 40 Vividh Bharati stations across the
In Mumbai, a team led by Modi has been tirelessly working for the last
two months to ring in the golden jubilee celebrations. A string of
special programmes, each lasting two hours, has been planned through
the day. So, from 6 am on Wednesday, until 11 pm, listeners can get
nostalgic with legends like Sohrab Modi, Meena Kumari, Nargis, Raj
Kapoor, Dev Anand.
"We will be playing recorded excerpts from interviews conducted since
inception. Also, there will be four broad categories—rare film songs,
rare non-film songs, rare singers and legendary music directors," said
Yunus Khan from Modi's team. Congratulatory messages from a number of
celebrities—including Lata Mangeshkar, Javed Akhtar, Sunidhi Chauhan,
Abhijeet, Shaan, etc—will be aired.
"Esteemed veteran broadcasters like Madhup Sharma, Ramsingh Pawar and
Mona Thakur will also be invited," Modi added. Of course, the
festivities wouldn't be complete without Ameen Sayani's britone—he
will be hosting 'Star Jaimala' that day, which is being produced and
written by Lokendra Sharma.
Vividh Bharathi to celebrate golden jubilee
Saturday September 29 2007 07:31 IST
Express News Service
BANGALORE: All listeners of Vividh Bharathi and celebrities will come
under one roof to share their experiences with the radio station at
its golden jubilee celebrations on October 3.
Looking into the history of AIR's entertainment station and the kind
of responses it has received over the years, assistant station
director, Commercial Broadcasting Service, All India Radio, B V Padma
told this paper that Vividh Bharathi has been successful in building a
rapport between both listeners and advertisers.
According to her, this is one of the major milestones that the station
has crossed.
She proudly claims that the channel receives over 300 letters a day
and many SMSs and e-mails too. ''The respondents,'' she says, ''are of
varied age groups.'' Recollecting one incident, she said that an
85-year-old man, who was an ardent listener of Arpana, a devotional
songs' programme aired at 6.30 am, was chosen as the best listener
last year.
He had come with the help of his son to collect his award. He, along
with some others, had brought a large cake to celebrate the
anniversary of Vividh Bharathi and this was a very touching moment she
As a part of the 50th year celebrations, Vividh Bharathi Radio Clubs
will give opportunity to their members to express their views via
telephones. Celebrities like Upendra, Girish Karnad, Chandrashekhar
Khambar, Sudha Murthy, Shailendra Babu, K S L Swamy and even
politicians, who have been listening to Vividh Bharathi since
childhood, will also share their experiences. Padma pointed that
similar programmes aired from the Mumbai station will also be relayed.
Apart from this, various competitions will also be organised and
prizes will be given away to the winning listeners. The programmes
will begin from 8 am. Special importance will be given to Manchahe
Geeth, a relay programme from 12 noon, where listeners can enjoy their
requested programmes. One of them called 'Shopping Mall' will have an
anchor taking requests from public places.
However the highlight will be Suvarna Chitra Bharathi, between 9.15-
9.45 where classics from Karnataka will be played.
+ Started in 1957, the channel intends to create dynamic promotional
concepts, build a rapport between the audience and advertisers and
create dynamic promotional concepts. A recent survey reveals there are
over 52.96 million people tuning in to 102.9 FM every day.
+ Vividh Bharathi now has 40 radio stations across India.
+ Vividh Bharathi, the radio channel was launched in October 3, 1957.
It was in October 18, 1970 that Vividh Bharathi Bangalore came into
being. The Bangalore FM Channel went on air on December 9, 2000.
+ To mark the Golden Jubilee celebrations, All India Radio will sell
music collections of the golden era. These hits will be available in
the archives section. They are popularly heard on Bhoole Bisre Geet,
Chaya Geeth and Aapki Farmaish.
The popular Vividh Bharati Service of All India Radio was
conceptualized to combat 'Radio Ceylon' in 1957. Within no time it
proved to be a popular channel of every household. The service
provides entertainment for nearly 15 to 17 hours a day. It presents a
mix of film music, skits, short plays and interactive programmes, Some
of the old popular programmes of Vividh Bharati are 'SANGEET SARITA',
GEET' ETC., are still distinctly recongnised by the listeners. From
time to time new programmes were introduced like 'BISCOPE KE BATEIN',
All these programmes are produced centrally at Vividh Bharati
Service,Borivili, Mumbai and up-linked to the satellite. 40 Vividh
Bharati stations across the country down-linked these programmes
through captive earth stations provided at each of these AIR stations.
Some local programme windows are also provided at these stations to
give regional flavour to the listeners. These 40 Vividh Bharati
stations are known as Commercial Broadcasting Service Stations and are
located at all major and commercially vibrant cities covering 97% of
the Indian population. In 1999 Vividh Bharati Service proved its
success connecting Indian Soliders posted on remote border areas to
their family members through a special programme entitled "Hello
Kargil", through which not only the family members of the soliders ,
but even a layman including young and old conveyed their best wishes
to the soliders to keep up their morale. Eminent actors, play back
singers, renowned writers, lyricists, directors and music directors
have found way to express their experience and opinion through the
Vividh Bharati Platform . A special programme entitled "Ujaale Unki
Yaadon Ke" takes the listeners into the world of nostalgia dipping
into the memories of the artists of the yester years. With the advent
of new technology the transmission of programmes gradually migrated
from earlier medium wave transmission to high quality digital stereo
FM. Commercials were introduced initially in the Vividh Bharati
Service in the year 1967 on an experimental basis. Realising the role
of advertising in accelerating the social and material progress of the
country, commercials were extended to Primary channels including FM &
Local Radio Stations in a phased manner. Advertsing on Radio is not
only cost effective to the advertisers but also has the potential to
reach far flung areas where no other mass media has succeeded in
making any tangible dent.
Some of the popular programmes of Vividh Bharat can also be heard on
our National Channel from 2300 hrs. to 0600 hrs. This service now
enjoys global listenership through Direct to Home Service (DTH)
besides other 11 channels of All India Radio.
Source : All India Radio
Vividh Bharati: Connecting a nation with music and memories for 50 yrs
Lekha Agarwal
Posted online: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 at 12:00:00
Mumbai, October 2 From the Jaisalmer border, soldiers have written to
us…they brave the scorching sun and hot winds to protect our borders.
In those trying climatic conditions, there is something else they
protect just as fiercely—their transistors. They will bake in the sun,
but keep their transistors in the shade because if that heats up, they
can't tune in to Vividh Bharati," said a proud Assistant Station
Director Mahendra Modi.
That's not surprising—for in 1999, at the peak of the Kargil War, it
was Vividh Bharati that connected soldiers with their families across
the country, through a special programme "Hello Kargil".
And it's a proud moment for Modi—he has been with the All India Radio
for four decades now—and his team at the Vividh Bharati Service in
Borivili as they gear up to celebrate Wednesday, the day this very
popular service of AIR completes 50 years. For, it is from this
building opposite the Gorai bus depot that programmes synonymous with
the radio channel—like 'Bhule Bisre Geet', 'Sangeet Sarita', 'Hawa
Mahal', 'Jaimala' etc—are centrally produced and uplinked to
satellite, to be dished out to 40 Vividh Bharati stations across the
In Mumbai, a team led by Modi has been tirelessly working for the last
two months to ring in the golden jubilee celebrations. A string of
special programmes, each lasting two hours, has been planned through
the day. So, from 6 am on Wednesday, until 11 pm, listeners can get
nostalgic with legends like Sohrab Modi, Meena Kumari, Nargis, Raj
Kapoor, Dev Anand.
"We will be playing recorded excerpts from interviews conducted since
inception. Also, there will be four broad categories—rare film songs,
rare non-film songs, rare singers and legendary music directors," said
Yunus Khan from Modi's team. Congratulatory messages from a number of
celebrities—including Lata Mangeshkar, Javed Akhtar, Sunidhi Chauhan,
Abhijeet, Shaan, etc—will be aired.
"Esteemed veteran broadcasters like Madhup Sharma, Ramsingh Pawar and
Mona Thakur will also be invited," Modi added. Of course, the
festivities wouldn't be complete without Ameen Sayani's britone—he
will be hosting 'Star Jaimala' that day, which is being produced and
written by Lokendra Sharma.
Vividh Bharathi to celebrate golden jubilee
Saturday September 29 2007 07:31 IST
Express News Service
BANGALORE: All listeners of Vividh Bharathi and celebrities will come
under one roof to share their experiences with the radio station at
its golden jubilee celebrations on October 3.
Looking into the history of AIR's entertainment station and the kind
of responses it has received over the years, assistant station
director, Commercial Broadcasting Service, All India Radio, B V Padma
told this paper that Vividh Bharathi has been successful in building a
rapport between both listeners and advertisers.
According to her, this is one of the major milestones that the station
has crossed.
She proudly claims that the channel receives over 300 letters a day
and many SMSs and e-mails too. ''The respondents,'' she says, ''are of
varied age groups.'' Recollecting one incident, she said that an
85-year-old man, who was an ardent listener of Arpana, a devotional
songs' programme aired at 6.30 am, was chosen as the best listener
last year.
He had come with the help of his son to collect his award. He, along
with some others, had brought a large cake to celebrate the
anniversary of Vividh Bharathi and this was a very touching moment she
As a part of the 50th year celebrations, Vividh Bharathi Radio Clubs
will give opportunity to their members to express their views via
telephones. Celebrities like Upendra, Girish Karnad, Chandrashekhar
Khambar, Sudha Murthy, Shailendra Babu, K S L Swamy and even
politicians, who have been listening to Vividh Bharathi since
childhood, will also share their experiences. Padma pointed that
similar programmes aired from the Mumbai station will also be relayed.
Apart from this, various competitions will also be organised and
prizes will be given away to the winning listeners. The programmes
will begin from 8 am. Special importance will be given to Manchahe
Geeth, a relay programme from 12 noon, where listeners can enjoy their
requested programmes. One of them called 'Shopping Mall' will have an
anchor taking requests from public places.
However the highlight will be Suvarna Chitra Bharathi, between 9.15-
9.45 where classics from Karnataka will be played.
+ Started in 1957, the channel intends to create dynamic promotional
concepts, build a rapport between the audience and advertisers and
create dynamic promotional concepts. A recent survey reveals there are
over 52.96 million people tuning in to 102.9 FM every day.
+ Vividh Bharathi now has 40 radio stations across India.
+ Vividh Bharathi, the radio channel was launched in October 3, 1957.
It was in October 18, 1970 that Vividh Bharathi Bangalore came into
being. The Bangalore FM Channel went on air on December 9, 2000.
+ To mark the Golden Jubilee celebrations, All India Radio will sell
music collections of the golden era. These hits will be available in
the archives section. They are popularly heard on Bhoole Bisre Geet,
Chaya Geeth and Aapki Farmaish.
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