The weekly BCDX Net operating on the 40 Meter Amateur Band in South India celebrated its 23rd anniversary yesterday 27 Nov 2011.
As it is the practice on Sundays, the BCDX net was controlled yesterday by Mr.Sanil Deep, VU3SIO on 7085 kHz LSB at 0300-0330 UTC (8.30 to 9.00 am IST.) Several hams checked into the net and conveyed their greetings on the occasion.
This Net was started on Sunday November 27, 1988 by a small group of Amateurs viz. ShanmughasundaramVU2FOT, Victor Goonetilleke 4S7VK, Jose Jacob VU2JOS and some SWL's.
The whole concept of this Net started when these Hams used to meet regularly on the band and exchanged DX news at various times. This later transformed into a regular Net which benefited many people. This Net is conducted on Sunday mornings for the advantage of those who are keenly interested in Broadcast Band Dxing.The unique thing about this Net is that is helped Hams to become SWL Dxers and SWL's to become Hams!
On a typical Sunday morning,the Net control starts the Net by calling in for regular check-ins. After about 10 minutes he gives the latest DX tips that he has gathered and later other stations also takes turn in exchanging their DX information. It has all the ingredients of a live two way DX program and continues for about 30 minutes depending on the traffic. For some time it was known as SWL DX Net.
he Net grew up with VU2KAK Anil, VU3SIO Sanil,VU2ISR Harsha, VU3ITI Varadhan, VU3DJQ Raman, VU2NGB Binu,VU2BNP Prahalad, VU3BGK Neel, VU2ICI Mohan, VU2MUD Madhu etc.joining in.
In 1989 a monthly newsletter was published on behalf of the Net by VU2FOT which was unfortunately discontinued after some issues. In May 1991 a BCDX Net Convention was held at Kozhikode which was a big success & attended by over 85 people including Victor Goonetilleke 4S7VK from Sri Lanka. A Ham station with the special call sign VU2F was also operational at the convention venue. A DX contest sponsored by Radio Netherlands was organized on 29 & 30th January 1994 in collaboration with Union of Asian DXERS, Sri Lanka. Special QSL cards were issued by Radio Netherlands for the occasion. In 1995 a special QSL card was also issued to mark the 7th anniversary of the Net by VU2BNP. In 1989 Adventist World Radio Wavescan broadcasted a special program on the occasion of 10th anniversary of the BCDX Net. Articles on BCDX Net has also appeared in "NIAR Ham News" July 1998 issue, "Hamfest India" 1998 souvenir and other DX publications and was also mentioned in various DX programs several times. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of BCDX NET, Mr.Sanil Deep broadcast a special program in Wavescan program of Adventist World Radio on Sunday 23 Nov 2008. Special QSLs were also issued by BCDX Net for the occasion.
The BCDX Net has been very regular all these long 23 years, thanks to the dedicated Net Controllers. Now a days it is conducted on Sunday mornings at 0830 IST (0300 UTC ) on 7085 kHz USB on 40 meter Amateur Band which covers South India & Sri Lanka. Occasionally it was also conducted on the 20 Meter Band 14150 kHz at 2130 IST ( 1600 UTC). Currently the regular net controller is Sanil Deep VU3SIO and assisted from time to time by VU2JOS etc.
The postal address of BCDX Net is : Box 211, Kozhikode 673001, Kerala , India.
Special thanks to Sanil Deep, VU3SIO for regularily controlling the BCDX Net.
Long Live BC DXing - Long Live Amateur Radio!
Congratulations to BCDX Net on its important anniversary !
(Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, National Institute of Amateur Radio via dx_india list)
As it is the practice on Sundays, the BCDX net was controlled yesterday by Mr.Sanil Deep, VU3SIO on 7085 kHz LSB at 0300-0330 UTC (8.30 to 9.00 am IST.) Several hams checked into the net and conveyed their greetings on the occasion.
This Net was started on Sunday November 27, 1988 by a small group of Amateurs viz. ShanmughasundaramVU2FOT, Victor Goonetilleke 4S7VK, Jose Jacob VU2JOS and some SWL's.
The whole concept of this Net started when these Hams used to meet regularly on the band and exchanged DX news at various times. This later transformed into a regular Net which benefited many people. This Net is conducted on Sunday mornings for the advantage of those who are keenly interested in Broadcast Band Dxing.The unique thing about this Net is that is helped Hams to become SWL Dxers and SWL's to become Hams!
On a typical Sunday morning,the Net control starts the Net by calling in for regular check-ins. After about 10 minutes he gives the latest DX tips that he has gathered and later other stations also takes turn in exchanging their DX information. It has all the ingredients of a live two way DX program and continues for about 30 minutes depending on the traffic. For some time it was known as SWL DX Net.
he Net grew up with VU2KAK Anil, VU3SIO Sanil,VU2ISR Harsha, VU3ITI Varadhan, VU3DJQ Raman, VU2NGB Binu,VU2BNP Prahalad, VU3BGK Neel, VU2ICI Mohan, VU2MUD Madhu etc.joining in.
In 1989 a monthly newsletter was published on behalf of the Net by VU2FOT which was unfortunately discontinued after some issues. In May 1991 a BCDX Net Convention was held at Kozhikode which was a big success & attended by over 85 people including Victor Goonetilleke 4S7VK from Sri Lanka. A Ham station with the special call sign VU2F was also operational at the convention venue. A DX contest sponsored by Radio Netherlands was organized on 29 & 30th January 1994 in collaboration with Union of Asian DXERS, Sri Lanka. Special QSL cards were issued by Radio Netherlands for the occasion. In 1995 a special QSL card was also issued to mark the 7th anniversary of the Net by VU2BNP. In 1989 Adventist World Radio Wavescan broadcasted a special program on the occasion of 10th anniversary of the BCDX Net. Articles on BCDX Net has also appeared in "NIAR Ham News" July 1998 issue, "Hamfest India" 1998 souvenir and other DX publications and was also mentioned in various DX programs several times. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of BCDX NET, Mr.Sanil Deep broadcast a special program in Wavescan program of Adventist World Radio on Sunday 23 Nov 2008. Special QSLs were also issued by BCDX Net for the occasion.
The BCDX Net has been very regular all these long 23 years, thanks to the dedicated Net Controllers. Now a days it is conducted on Sunday mornings at 0830 IST (0300 UTC ) on 7085 kHz USB on 40 meter Amateur Band which covers South India & Sri Lanka. Occasionally it was also conducted on the 20 Meter Band 14150 kHz at 2130 IST ( 1600 UTC). Currently the regular net controller is Sanil Deep VU3SIO and assisted from time to time by VU2JOS etc.
The postal address of BCDX Net is : Box 211, Kozhikode 673001, Kerala , India.
Special thanks to Sanil Deep, VU3SIO for regularily controlling the BCDX Net.
Long Live BC DXing - Long Live Amateur Radio!
Congratulations to BCDX Net on its important anniversary !
(Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, National Institute of Amateur Radio via dx_india list)

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