Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Radio Free Asia ends Shortwave Broadcasts in Cantonese

Radio Free Asia posted on their website that they are dropping shortwave broadcast in Cantonese language.

The Cantonese section of our station will suspend shortwave broadcasting from July 8, and resources will be focused on expanding multimedia communication and increasing content in the future.
The new adjustment will not affect the overall news coverage. Viewers can still receive a lot of our news information on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Podcast.
Thank you for your continued support.

Official website ➡️ rfa.org/cantonese
Facebook ➡️ facebook.com/cantonese.rfa
MeWe ➡️ mewe.com/p/自由亚洲粤语rfacantonese
Major podcast platforms🔎 "RFA", "Key News"

(Alexander Miatlikov via WOR)

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