Firstly let me congratulate the whole team in conducting a very successful Garden City CW Contest ! It gives me great pleasure to announce the details of prizes and thanks for this great opportunity.
The first Prize goes to VU2NIS , cash award of Rs.2500
the second Prize goes to VU2UR , cash award of Rs.2000
and there are two stations getting third prize, namely VU2JOS and VU2OCY; cash award of Rs.1000. each !
All other participants are being reimbursed the HFI-2009 registration amount , namely all other stations as per the below list are getting a cash award of Rs.450. And please let me know those stations who are unable to make it to HFI2009 and we shall send them their award by post ! Once again thanks to all the stations directly and indirectly involved in this CW event!
1.VU2NIS 35
2.VU2UR 34
3.VU2JOS 25
4 VU2OCY 25
5 VU2JQX 22
6 VU2LX 20
7 VU3ITI 20
8 VU2VWN 19
9 VU2PAL 18
10 VU2LU 16
11 VU2HEG 15
12 VU2CY 15
13 VU2SMS 15
14 4S7NE 14
15 VU2GUR 14
16 VU2VNK 14
17 VU2HMY 10
18 VU2RM 9
19 VU2RJN 8
20 VU3VLF 3
Best regards and see you at the HFI2009
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