Saturday, May 18, 2024

Radio Afghanistan International (Afghanistan International TV) 7600 kHz off air ?

Radio Afghanistan International (Afghanistan International TV) seems to be off air since the new A24 kicked in. Not heard after 1st April'24 during random checks.

Radio Afghanistan International used to broadcast audio feed from Afghanistan International TV run by Volant Media, UK which was launched prematurely on 16/17 August '21 due to events unfolding in Afghanistan & was heard 24x7 on shortwave 7600 kHz.

On May 9, '24, the Ministry of Information and Culture (MoIC) , Afghanistan asked journalists and experts to refrain from participating in the programs of Afghanistan International Radio Television and banned its broadcasting in public places, according to a statement.

Related Links :

Volant Media UK Launches Afghanistan International TV

The Taliban orders boycott of Afghanistan International TV and radio by journalists and citizens

Taliban's Boycott of Afghanistan International Network Violates Media Laws

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